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March 16, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-16

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\ONI)DAY, M A RCII 11N 1. iilz 1(:, Tliii ( CENTS
N. A
tture by Rev. Dowling, President MR. WRIGHT'S LECTURE.
ot Detroit College.
lA ligr "Rcx is ilcl aleligion in Polities.'' a
light at lillyl olIXHill to listenl tx l t o 1rigit deli next religiioiias
the IRe-.:tl . P1'. lowling, p]resident Iclyefin the beinlgand perfection of
ofS totl xid1 0111{ "lk 0 xx d, nIthe practice (of moral dluty
c i~llelnglt ll u onc"I cte iree t (I(,xIxirim lovie t (;I(,)( 10Ilan lH s lair.
'ii (o lit liy Ill Po1 ilti he(leli nedl as the govuernl-I
against ( liiistia ls rieIt- i~ i i 111i xris sdl- ol
dent o t he sub'i t wac Ir Iil 111 hm Ilxitix l
111111er l.r «'c 1a)0
I fly llresentof the Inclit ( a i rncll of00lpow cr.leis 1
Ii i l c 1 1 0 1 k d l x x I l e s a E
aireO 1 ite oi
ltlaicr aefevfxhohaePtiybli lv (fcodn arc ioc.ld i oe lital pa-
k01 O rles re. ainowr tewrefcos o ox1:olbt
leor a lit cf lnil ardy lage mctveo tloeiio rex c e i-i i cois
e prehtoservcasdationryiixaeA oa uy bln i at
thekiledySoiaiu mier aiiletoialmaenr partypoure.
n anbo loglldo b everdct
y1" taainst (lie re. w t eaknyotess naotincis lainotxiSr
Old Olloig to ook orwar nto, ie borioc eio d , orlic'ie slaearn
' a rc f od irsused ill Inst niael ta illt c lxl oiiid
( ifethl l oitt orilno revllee iislleceooero
ande re ar e h aea .h Y aiiyt int. e oxo. ty n
b trtle biioreradoaii veet ofo iiixoe.o o liiticpa-
olly esie.t, ationl t ar x lr
e'ert1 iiig boilfactors foraiodd; ionflict
a~ ft ait fln arl ag
al'lithisilaborcrqad emtl oisedsrineth e du atinirtry.
thy soevirywierof Th oorn f h nte tts
Iay rhexnityiofthe1natonrisinononvst
d nothiaingto lx k car walrdsetod, Irl Iiniae hslxcirx
and l u oloaeeluly I ilexia blc t x inleGof, 50 ncIlarni
10 'IeopprsselLstatind Arno atiitdcr I elosiny te ducaioala1nlsor
la mustgo wr moecyti Ixae iisiedfoonsoigvlesrn-
l' iis;nt th e o autioii i lnie l e ccrekiw s'tle Ciir
If lahese lolirequenalitesothe tiv ue.'uyfEuaioases'
Ord ter anoter ndcio tliout, oisi h dctoa itr
lrlty arthe esun fts o goignalic atofaleand itSto atues.
serida olspiriTuahad orlcotansthuvewnfioctoesdt
fingmdymus bthr eqatende-oiialatoabl Naplti olaniesity,
ft 'h Sa tionery rotsof dprs etraics fin oienuationalle istony
m1e la es i f Ge ea o t , on thec Unie tts " t w sp e
ylaseustheasolortinlity innnethe cureenofndas Theioitbuar
othlse The iealitlaw of prhesateetsdsow di heland grants
gie oradefriinntbbo, ted outintIsnoadeibytergoverndoalentfoaledc-
givteyaetpeacesutsof oeinolriictio ndstrcalprpse, tnddocnents. rt-
Velden ms latb atnedtinlton education assaUnisetts,
-----'yaret -ever roos o- pr w-lxtrcts from eaile slat one
Peiy uions'Cenierancey m eetin thesop ecaio educationytabularh
rsI ah nitaefrianschucst nerdaymoseythoeretigvrneteorMican
waslagey ttede. ociit reatiiigintoaeducationtin
Smeeting was addressed by Rev. this state and the constitutional pro-
SurMerland, Lawyer Sessions, j'. visions for the University. Some
. Childs and the Rev. Bradshaw. valuable bibliographical references
Th speakers favored placing a complete the Ipamphlet. It is for
tzns) ticket in the field at the sale at all book stores for twenty-
AulArbor spring election. The five cents.
t next Sunday will be hoeld at -"-
ebyterian church. The "~dummy" got stuck in Iloe
vi t. L.M anon, lit '93, has beeio snow between here and XYpsilanti,
Asilingwat lhis honme in Corunna, the Saturday, and consequently noade
lit1wdays. no runs yesterday.
Life Story and Life Work of Dante.
'I'le lctur beorethe"Tapxpanl
(Gnild lstevnig ly r.IHooxardl
IDufielidxoiIDctxoilt,-as a xvery-elo-
cix I ixxlandIorc iene.Ills snuject
wsas, 'TheIife IcStory 111n11Life Woxrk
uof IDantic" ITIc speaker chiaracter-
izexlDanteistcheOlyoxrlcl 's greatest
re-ligioxiis poet.1 Lowell ins declaredl
the 11 esliyofhs ilixlliinxcetin-
ciltialleil sxve lx\liliakspcarc'. 1Ic
ovwas boxrin iin Iloiwelx.tile cradlleof
sc1lince anl iiiltiire foxr all Ellitloie.
ini a imostcviintfuiihcentuliry, ai i age xof
fierce, IhardI coinlict, owhen brotalito
oxas the xorder of 11he dayx.00ltcni
iie i-ars ohd, lie miiet a yoxi irl''I
at ao Ino- 1 lxxfestiraltoed herixua',e
follooxedim iioithrough lily as lhlyecx
oece cii Iurity. At icr Icatliei
pxlunigedl into schoolastic poursuits anil
politics, aioi became a subtley liiloso-
p110r and eminent statesnoan. 1I
iocuirred the owrathi of the gox-erii
mtooilaixilwas obligeil too 101ex-
ile. After many years of xiandelring
in loiieliiiess anid seekingx after lieace
the visionx camoo, andtlbe saxw clearly
the wvill xxi the Eternal Ilciiig.
is Diviiia Conoedia is aisniutobi-
ographly of the soul. It is nix easy
readliig. At first glaince it seems an
enocycvlopeicla of noiscellaneoils suli-
jects, but ini readling furtloer a feel-
ing of awce takes plossession of the
reader, aiod we see gleanois of rarest
beauty. ho re-reavdingore find wre
arc in conotact witho a Titanic
giant of the human intellect, aiod
sonoehoxrxe feel thoe divine woioder
of the conmmon-pllace. is style is
most inenise, bill the mechanical
structure of the pioeni is rigid. ho
his Divina Conoedia. Daiite first
shows us the hideous deformity of
the soul in Itoe clutchoes of evil, thoen
how the soul noay be purified, andl
lastly leads us to thoe preseiice of
God. _
The Dennison Murder Trial.
P'rofessor 'T'hompson says tloat tloeI
prosecuting attorney has informed
loinm Ilat Ilhe Dennisoonomurder trial
will surely be hoeld at tloe M-ay term
of thoe circuit court. TIhe professor
did not know wloy it was not placed
uipon the (locket for thoe present
term. 'The prosecuting attorney
load the power to bring it to trial
hinoediately, as murder cases hare
thoe precedence of all others. "How-
ever," said the professor, "the wit-
neoses will all be here in May and
the case can he tried then. Court
commences the first Monday in
bAVINGI the experience if College
Mei n oknowx uindl apphreiate
hex caeu sicrutxiniliy of Coxllege Stu-
hunts, havoingx a large coxrps of skilledl
IDeisigxners m-idilJewelers spoecially
trinied foirbaidge andl othier jewxelled
00o11k. Imriinihg, as xe oe li, directly
11r11m Paris, Lonnnxadii uiui nslervlain
ourili iDians anil xtheiripreciouls
lduci the in'liest la11115andixjewielled
S'oc-iety-bIdges-of all kindxis oxhichiliare
miiiiuxfav'turdiu-l ti hisc tr y 01.
Wrighfc, Kay & Co.
IN 1)
Detroit, Miohigan.
Chas. Speller & @.
Univ ersity Outfitters.
20.1 SOUixvmSrArc ST.
Finoost and Lar Poh
Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry,
qluick delivery and best work.
q5A. PELLC1R & qO.

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