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March 16, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-16

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' (.o f 1 f. D aiI
Publlshed D 0 811ti xetd uii
uStihent'- eel INYost l-ie w- f-fei el w
Ift It te ( i le k 21th ) ttl ttc"t}h IS:
-lurk, tit Si 1ff life-.:i s fll-I 51111 ith tity
Addrfess all ftei- ce 1for ub lic-aionflto
THE U. of M~. DAILY,
Ann Arbor, Miche.
Aristotle's Treatise on the Consti-
tution of Athens.
But it 1fell tmonltis lS151to fte ffwas
bfroufght to lightin fEgypI t Ialmost
vaflfflIfe manuscrfffifp t It wsnohg
iess than11 Arstolfie'steaieoih
isfn p 1-f fus rnl cannfot ff11mucf
pinted ff iMf is ftee
reach(A lanrd alIfelw 11a1s 11gf.
Prof. I)'1f ff1ha ff1111ffou1bt.alreadiy
Ma fe1arfan 1ffneltsfor5l f fecfriffga
fOy er oIrfleifirary-.
le flalfffffriff lirffwsf 1111c1
Oflfer f 111ivete f paier 1ff aiikindis If)be siiiiiIcith ie p{ffftd at regulr
Milli rates. lTyour (Cf1thu 111periiaLinfeln ai25 rellts per
ipoundei. liondli Pap~er, lihesis, adiiTypew~riterle r alitft
frept iBarga-ins15 .fEnveilepestmacllapr
11 gre-atly rediucedlirates.
S E -72M2T <& 00,_
EDITORS. iliif f1 ~li iS ff le jl
lid lit 11pflqecertaneparfs oe Circffffi
. c. 111Ml angA-llI iiffffe511ff dlEdior hstrvwich ithe Illre 11tNe
.1.I. C. ffRAVIS fe'sit, i A ;c-fl aie. ndrtlefOdf- ilo gr elfftflf 1theii
'q. ll,11f I lffee T ,Ifa1
i. I ..1 11 If+1f ' e\xlilfffai If and 1fr1ff po ints labo t
fI. 111ff ~ i i.i.t'ct~ 9
E. .11 il u '.; .1.IA KA,9 lcn cea e p h lg t o
tr. I. ( 1t'S :1\ : ., I;. If f-f+ c\,1;'3.1
If1 i"'o Isa dth e id lli t
THEAIRUS UHLIS IN HO SE. { w~ic 1 stj I fe l s ildUtEr r
AND 'T'llE
Ill fffffifteche. 1B11rd51with11 51ffil -111,
IloomffI:!.:!5 fer -flek. C ilf-ullll upolt- i
j P. R. CLEARY, President.
rtlr --
4L V
(j~OJ O0
ff11 111 t t c'1fff5 11 e f-
churchelflls, 1111c It 1 1;'ill- I Ill Sf r c
fciy flf nes 11111 1 1 hI lilleef
Ic itisil the fcfi I lltNffa ee titlrf111-
poiii fo l fa- I in e emo
fffllt urlie seithan 111i leeflei AlIt 1-
lut rte. a~storlsfoft he i Sffern
hirclife i en I f 111 fil tliffflffability
lbft 1ff1 111 eSimiifl om fthemost
a litmen IIIhe-ilf i flflfefffdef 1 i-
fare.T i s onfe IIfeue offlifi A r- I
b lifetfislof1111elf i mp rantif ifalc-
Th basei-balfl. managemefnt is
orf ffatt le Ill till ti , (In th
par of f omle f 111cani1ats fo
the tflem tffwhoIfil i tif y f afe 1ff
sur chanctie hof11etie ll", fIll(.tea. r
(flrce 11111ff redforii teffffe Illurtil e f
iff tes111f1riiien a flill 1t -c tiltr
fhaifl t theies a r liis sle ibleehmo-
fllfwi l e lw offihil teI s lifi-. ii tlif
ti k Ill atff the k vw ii, life iavcfliien
lifaiS cit is lardsforl a11 lth trngest
haf, ill b e cili), 11(1 in andt ID o
WilD jdcx iiilithesalthir e fllD~if
rther is o ithdtheirtmemstoes
inf - -t 151ad tia u fit iscov11elfed
f)1 - I II I Fear 11 l1 5c cIft
Ff1 n t seilrtc111111 a1 I If
Sf11irffes l-ei(rcfinti s ((If-f-Inff atlll Ifil ra(1
of11)ffvf-f-fl e r If-l cf. SpiaIl le ilrIfo lnger
1111anle1-ftifllfleflrf-f11 furihdytplifllltf TEPICHE3S ARIE INITRODUCEDI
Iliiaths 10ce it 1'. 0. 1Ba11erShop.
(oect 11111rate o ior tIadl'.{t oladw c t .1illsifil StSate St. ( XVL. % '#i11;L .
+pieelil i frailifls (If sjelf intere111 st N 70o OSROON ST. Chicago.
Ill 111f f. 11le ll i'fCanis. Lliffs liltz. ______________
'1ll)itfN-Nf 1 III i lleif 1iI stlifte 01'll
hiate 1 1 tis. fse l , bath.11 I lnijtirelIN
_l1;111We 15thihit of1 ilifso 's f ho~
ff111 11 fft~i cryt111 1ff l 1111 seed
tliflfinf5 1tfise Itfeteill tiff new II Il onff1
G.I. C. f111 .ll C. 15me 1 Iec he 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mich.
111ff-If h c()~'tif ffl l fff11 1 Ili tull
to1 tilcff af1.111 s 1and114 S ill i i S bait
- Ifll I 'i I till i frewaft.I
pro1111 111111wifc111115 I'llast fllit I
this 111t foS1 11 ln lielhou ewll r_______
I-ift Ii 'sit 1 ii I c1 )(ftl S Djf111 Plwxt ~ pec I S
11111~l tIflS, lul ati lhe iOp ra os. ((jNE.LUIEST
(ipllie I~c-iii, IiiYSlat. Jrfifo OGLL 1 Air.OIII.I DOLIIT
WlfIndi(l 11letland boiers. (icnfi-
to teachilighf'. lt hdeavy caulicrheniii-
Flistcous. gnses ay, l Il 10,l ThurisI)ay, April ,14,1
110 s1). m. T er y he1ot tin gsvac, fr aiid Ii I F. S T
10n esson~s. ( alloilooroaddreIs
ieSe a lvinay Wteianseyoenuopine ENITT.
WasbunSouy thte, ann hor l- TT;1 PI 4
The Xafigara Fals Route."
" a ,^y"o ..e . , 1 -o
to -
"____ -f- -fr. I .
G. P. & T. Agen01tlChao.uAg't IAfnn
Toledo, Ann Arbor and -North
Michigan Railway.
Time Tabhlegofno noefc,;<odY o.i g Nrt. STloATOSi ing South.I
1 4
4 ( f 1 6 Sf...... undee 11 ff r 5101
, lllfflfd
1 I A lS i hilfI eIf 5r
6 1S 5 .if ow l ..11 11 -
7l6fli 5 ... ora a I, ig0...
.11fl 0f 51 11010 f-
9hi_ll i 3) It ac r4 I5 I
11112711 51 S.Iou 18 4l5afi .f4
1''1(ff 2 ~j t1 -t... 6 4"'! 11
S1 4 ff t... la c.. . f ' 1 3 8 0
50 5 .ur IF.. 2
9i . "- l _ 3 f35 f.. ffCad lla...... r
Saginraw Dim ISoir
Going North STTON. Goinguel
Pas8 6 as '"
5107-...7 40 LAnn Ar. 1A0
-ii1.... 1 5l .EaelginaW Si 1
SsserinfenderiL Gen. P&'
It.S. GREENWOOD, Locai Aent.

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