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January 16, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-16

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IjC. U.of

Al'. Wa1l.

VOL. V. No. 74.



By-Laws Adopted by the Presi-
dents'of the Various Col-
leges at Their Meet-
'iE in Chiago.
in anslwir to reuetsts it'eIDaily
pubillishies ini[fill the rules whicli were
atlopted iby thet'reidoletsof Wsot-
si,(Chictigo. Pidue. Illiiois.Mill-
oeootti. iod orlivsei'iuiiversitiis
at ltheir meeting iica'iitgo lstt ri
lay. Tley arc as follows:
1. TIhat aili tcolleit' and university
hat hasnot already d1o11 so iappoit
a, ('olti~tI'I' (Ii college atlllits who
shall ake geeral supetrisun or ai.
ttilltie' tittrs'ill ilt irepetirt'
loll<ets or' ltivesiicsu, til who Kshall
have tll respotasiililty of Ieforcilg
to college or univerity rules regard-
tng ttldetk-. and 1allltrtllgiatc
1)011:) fil(,lltudett toig full work
in1 at rglarllor 1'specal turs' as d-
fiued ill the crrictlum (f his college;
antd 1111person twho 1h11, lptrtiilatetIl
ber' f anothierc ollege te tilt~il lit
ttas lbelin1a matriculant illsait colltgt
itttl tf six mlloths. Tils rule satll
ntitapplly tol studeuts wo. having
gfrtettd lt ole' ollug,' shall enttr
another College for lProessinls or01
gratse study.
3. Thsat 00 parson0 shall tie admtiittdt
to ally inteollegiate contes who re-
civs aoy gifts, rmuinertion or lpy
for his services oo a colge teta.
4. Any studet of so lnstiution 'Who
shall be pursung sy regular, lre'
serlbed, resident or graduate course
withio such istituton, whether for
an advanced degree in professinal or
graduate schools, inany be -peroitted
to play for a prod of milnlolut
nluber of yars reqdaied for seurig
the graduate o professional degree
for which e isa Candiate. .
5. No p rson hohas b enplyed
in training a college tam for Inter-
collegiate contes ill lie allowed 1o
Participate in any in clolto con-
test as a meuubter of any team which
hoe has tralne, and no prfessonl
athlete andi no person who has ever
been a member of any professional
team shall ever play in any Inred.
legiate contest.
. No tudest hall play in Jaly
game under a sat eelname.
7. No student wtillxb pemintted ill
participate in any ill oegae on.
test who Is found by the faclty to be
deficient in any of hisa studes.
8. All1 games shall be played n

grotinds elitlileIl Ownedt orl~l tilrt'e WILL NOT COME TO ANN ARBOR.
itontdiit 1ottrl f 10 II'tittt ~tEs-President Harrison Writes ThatNOG DST ET
thle colleges patrticipoatitng intihIecoti- It Is Impossible for Him to Trys to learn without books.
test, sod till esatnes shall be latyedi~ Appear Before the Some people though try to use
titler strideni tmanagemttltntdit nt S. L. A. mutsical instruaments with little
tiderthet roa age or totro~ll of ay iti4psiiey etldtate- or 110 tone.
Ireidet Hrrionwill ttitilappear We Say Buy Those Which Have Tlane
Itte11 id iv~ i u l. b fe ti'- ltft it' s l lllt s a. Ats100 _____ j';r___________sell________
li. The ge clls uhl1lecinof'tnge, nl catp 1--I httYht-etlsiwell hl)t:51St h Main at
ttitso f ht itteams ttr tth tolleg e rtl b fy- the-atstt ciattiIll hiafl rt at i .tt -hittt'.- W
hogec thaoalthitpprti lfthiesincIotit- beIsoholettersICHskLnOF BtlN toaddtiver
teiahetthton athlIitigitetics.tt 555 Manilos 51iidSg outh inth t.g
to hsS' tutlt' ht' clts ltli i'tl~t~ l ecuebfrete li(ns n a ita t;gs iopihi aoiosr;ei
10 C letleals hll nti'ag ittglly rcit- eiititthe. flting rep lt tOi odti oa al rooo;Sir
suit-li hoe iii in ?;-aled . .Wa it-itiitst . ,ut ecrtary'11. 1(. Irtill ht ni rdrd I .0b el
1.halphaeoeby itrolate l(ibhl-iiit orlhti tte t i-~~T2jC'TF~
'lit hr~thttcls fir it'A1111l Ntttir_ I t- ctr i--i ave w our oi lt'ter l oOCIfT
lil t-rtty soety nprit olidt-tI lay Sayttttrt- 005 orry11 'CtIO'OO AT . -
hi'toll ill th lt- a11 d"hcol ltththts" a tt;go iciph sprot oswl
I'Xl'I'teslnlllY ffallolit~re suplelradngromldilylcirs;Stura

idebatig contotst, tto chose a replrelsent-
titvei lfir lltthe l'ihtigal-Northwcst-t-t
somie itit- tlutsii' will hit ril-
il-elId anilno et o trs hasv' beent
spa~red on thie partt of the cotititees
ttoomkte this iaexceed-tingly intterest-
hog tietetig. Itis Itopleldthadtialarge
onttmbiir, both ladies anti getlemeiai,
wxilllbe' presett.andihl-p tmake' Chil
untllig itaOsuccess.
Foul Play Feared.
Johtn S. lDairy, '95 tiwo'.leflt i e-
c~lete foir his hsotme in Logtansptort,
Ind., to spentdl the hoidatystittid as
nothitng hiss been hietard frothlimti, foul
'play is feared. Muany letters ftrottohis
htome htive beeti received by his roomo-
mate, anld asthtey store not ansowereid,
a search is toeing lildt for hiom.hairy
devoted msost of his inte during the
holidays to selling charts of htis owvlt
invention, for wvhicht lie received cots-
siderable money sod it is feared lie
has been robbed or killed. His broth-
or, a pretainent lawyer ill Indiana, is
niowvhooking for him.
The next faculty concert in Ctle
School of Mutsic series wvill be held
Thaursday night, Jan. 2-4. The dste, of
the concert wvas postponted to avoid a
conflict with 'toe organ concert.
Subiseribe for the Daily.

studetnts aitO 'tiot t o n A iti.~'lst'
hut the boaurd is hiti t-i Iwoork eit-I
ideavoritig to settre i' tithiit Iltatn
The Webster Society.
The followsitng programitosill lit're-
dlieedlit tonight's tmteting of thtt'Web-
stir society:
D~eclttmatiotn, ..L. Truesdalt'; t-ado
itig, Gr. A. Salisbutry; oratioti, It. \M.
MeKaskiti; illbate, "Rtesolved-l, that fle
A. fR. I. swis jutstified in orderintih11
Pullmatitistrike,'"till., Messrs. IBig-
huta inindO'Leary; tte..,Messrs. lee
tutllt Covert.
11111folloosing s-will tilso bei'ntlledt
tot' the ensuting tern: Presidet, (G. J.
Arbeiter; vice prsidetnt, W. S. Flintt;
se-cretary, HI. I. Norhirutili; treastarer,
W1. A. Spill; critic, (Ix. N. Kitmball;
tiiat'shtal, 1. IE. Mahatnt.
The Junior Social.
TPicets for the jutnior social iiitte
(Gymnaiuati tay be obtaitned at
Wabr's or Shteehtans on State of., or of
Jatnes Prentiss. L. A. Pratt, F. P.
Sadler, W. Decker, IL. D. E~wing attd
.'P. Hickey. Itidications point to 00':
of the tinest parties of te year, with a'
probable 200 couples in attenadance.
Several frobn Detroit, Gl'rnd Rapids
sod Jackson will attend.

Ann Arbor, Mich.
Latest Improved Barber Shop
Ini the city. E. Washington st., 1ot dear
east of Mats st., Ass Arbor.
It SOUTH STATE ST. Don't fall to coar.
Met andtlCsldh Lunches at All Hours.
OLD ACE, And'Other Poems,
Complete is one volume. Hand
somely bounda in extra cloth.
Price $1.00. Postage pre-
paid to any part of
the world,

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