TE U. 01? M. DAILY.
!r% fold ha tegnealexenesofPrize Essays.C ld W a o.r I
.6 Of n f ca t l 7C~a f t iiersity of tiLii'ligoii ore much o di
Fuinishedtii01iy {Sundays eceteiiitiioht it titiitins of learniilt i'g The it' elttes a fist 1r11/cotfS4+SO:>d at.sec't- iVYY OUR
the CoiIii'gb year, iiy ppl iLofMiti;ll 4"111iiiilt. i c1 rizel t'of ti151) for It o eiiysonO Arctics
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stay. Addressx tll matter initended forliuttli- 'tumiderei't. (aclitral ct iltliio t'i1 2.Thei'bief i tt' thl o fi' gratinig
'ation to the Miasaginig Editor. All bouiiesis i d coiitro'iilip'ltit c fanchtti's it
commoicltiiossold b ilroteaBieofice tty oli te clabtll o i5vltietit t txo
situ Itlotoger.tiiitt'tii't'iits in iitll lileof'x itht ltrcy
THE U. OF M. DAILY, bte ~ o h .Tebs ltido IAn u hssaei eev
AiiiiArbonich itl. ,besiinotrui tte u frSit littt tcitnut il 'iot bytic-itilrotecoonThis space is reservedarc
EDITORS.e t e.ltdtunot'utiit'iite
A. iIitonwo, Lii.'Ott. Atunistant. <'flit'n t'nhttoyhelriltini titil lit'Hous
Ii 5. COLEMN, Las '1057Bo nss is ii t. t i tliin iisholi li'eiit city n l' itit~ e titil o tn iInto l ittt
A.i. 3 0 K , Lit , 'Wtn ,lf. A ssi'iat nt. .h es y nlst no he 2o e h n
liTRR.Iil o upr t 1 . (11'il s t IIo51CATERER,
s. B. Shiley. 'lii. 0 .Etui t. It ltit'lixtt tx'. 'ei t ti.ilI'tnlt'. - ttccttiry fttt eiti 1t T Waohls..
iarse it.Smith, 'it. 1itte m ilde ito 1ot tititem]. ottiot 'ls, t'cltlcttio. IC'Ilicrtigo. lull laiirlthan
Minnie Thonipsns,'97t+ A
i.. i Farrell, ll i~t 'so9UL7L IWI ur
E. It. Sooderluunu, '50. II.. iit oin, ' le tint;roari nshotns iti I nisttllet' .IpIll. 'e i l tiiiit'od na e,.Int h e li' itti lljii l I(MONTHLY)
'The tditors o it:i itihloldt lli'reropon- l iitiolnn tt~ltil i Cesl't euily tdlticil by It'e.tit' I11"t ' t tit' ait~itli i iii ! SERMONS OF REV. J, T. SUNDERLANO,
Atim'nvemeitlisluftioti t itg'1t"'li
farme'sttiSsl oifti in thtli t .hotthe
statif)havtiheinlam- thin i'tfi ini
hgnul tax tott'he l ivrscittltplre tl
.1'i'obidci'ol. 1ui'r ticr So hin lstitt
lioen miranhethetyilai'iorti'i'a'vtin)ic11
ntlppbattdtiidnhgOti ioito hst tea 'nAi-
linerdreanttslygtoetiita tiothyofily
tt theie inltliconait' teuiilig -
titeithprlpntioal tiiof tem'i'en tilit
tiog 011iPetittioiitoft'hinfe t rhme
ine irs hit'oilto thei'gton tu lu lt
conpsiered. large peteti nti t u-
payer wsrealils11101thereY hatsibeeni
otfia ill tapopaitiolitatdesfor fits'
sunipornt, ndtf1113'oliltin I is ton-i.j
fnease entirelyinrufliticarktiomniy
gof the ilan ftwi'li if ing st1~t
i'tgien'ionenis eti o n. 'iilrsollii
miopuaioment aliii'pnstittoft 'ciit'n'u'-
in attinstlitiorbor ttolsizto'iltihis13
one buis consabichotint'htoflitet
ofi'ntttlnofwaarid itheisupporoftiloe,
'ausves luchbprthest.reint'atos 1 oist
ofses entirelmysi itifi'rtuoas le-
gaith thesles twiaid i ther unpt-
potution ofsimilarsmagtudeae 'Ihese
ideasittsoldtbe cnsideread seriosl
by all tappyern~s. vifewill tohi'
agtc laffoded .0 preent. redutioni
o'fithe tit'ntnttnlx n sitpoit'te ii-
I Slituets iitnding it ilecitie
'outrse iiine - Lainu Textn of thit
IRomuan JLaw" (fLatin Sa), uire reqtuested I
1o givet their namesois oonuatopossi-"
lo to Prof. Kelsey onrmyse'lf, no ftiuf
a stlieiellt ntumbei' of books mauy bi'
scured for fte use of the cltass. The
laim of the course in to mtakethSltsu-
deiits famniliarnithf11the history' and1
flit stibject 11atterof l te RotlainLawnt
and to gine hiiiiai noieibttlunof itt
ttechnical tenmn. Wuhile attentiion will
be directed ehiefly tofteotubjetf ltf'
ter, opuportntiity gililibe' gin tolstli-
dents wh-o0 nay sotdtsire', itotakc a
spoetial stu~dy of utie Latitnity of tlit
Intitttsnof Gaills andthof Justinianti.
< <'. .If. ODIl.
't'e juniotti'ltgiswill llitrav u'utitt
bipedl writfteni les'nianit qutillo
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