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January 16, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-01-16

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Time Table (Revised) Nov. 1, 1894. Liglil High School pupils hasve lb-ell THE WVABASH RAILROAD. Wed., Jan. 16.-Itegents Int'o'.
MAST. WEST. snsplild by Prill. J1. (i. Vatteligill Iin connection with tbc St. Louis5, Thurs., Jan. 17.-Senior social, at
''lai Mx . A. 508. 43 10 -u~tlgli-rl fil uh~oIron Mountain & Southern Railway, Granger's Academy.ladF :315 1a1---...7 o iltn herl hc obd
N. Y. Special. - 15 N. Y. Special... 730 Texas & Pacific Railway, lntersinition- Thurs., Jais. 17..-Political Equality
Eastrn E .1525 N S.lied.-.. y 25 l.11g Sichool pupi1s froll )lol gil to)
is . Pacilie Es-. 12 15 at & Great Northern Railroad, snd club uteets at tic-illas hall, :1 p. lin.
Atlantic Ex ---- 7 47 P. Msecret schooSl soeieies. Thie 'youngi Southierni Pacific Railway, koi s Fitn 5-Xl~.tuslu
0. N. Express.--:540 WesternEs.... 21. ..kons IiiJn21.E~v usl,-1
G. It. Express _1 0W Cbi. Nt. Es~i 101 m1 J"o- lgel to tile 11(015 S~ima Nu thu "Only True Soutihern Rtoute,' bat Mass., lecisgres before the S. L. A.
0. so. Roses, Hi. W. hoseIs, fraternity. t1he faculty liss dlite-r- placed In sets-ice a through lurst class Fri. Jan. 18.-\teeling ill i-oom 21 1to
0. . &1T AgSt.bicago. Agt., Anni Arbor.Sigaradtustlepn-,reeusaClgeon.
_____________________________________ miined 501 a stin)-) enl'olelicli Of Ihe sleeping ea ldtuitsc~Iiinn; ,resas oleesus
T.ni . & N M Y.rl, al( uxuesta.eeypplleaving Chicago daily at 10:50 it. 1l), Fri., Jaii. I.S.-Choral talco social at)
visa St. Louis to Little Rock, Malnersi Ficezu -Menorial hal.
faking e~t Sisday, Ausg. i,1694t. wilo patrsis ini lliahe Ailui-~lie rule FiJl.I -etn fttceu
feisis tle- Ass Arborson Central Sa- (hot Sprissgs), Abitini, Sa AilttIlilo, Fils.1 --teis I lsi~-
rdie il1asbett h aa >~ L ared tine bsoard of lt lll-sslllieat as issa-
si- lie iilil-slsslIltilsiill L aredo (where at direct cossnesctions is
sisoni 555575 whesn his 5lnl-5ll)-cclip i' g551 se1-5-I inade wsithi thsrouh slecisiss' er los- tishn, 1-ons 21, 4 p. iii.
7:18 si,5. ms. 7:15as. in. la._ a .10 - lh u lioat o
2:5p. ns. 11:305 a. mIl. socielty is dsov o-eed. thse City of Mexico), El 'Paso, Lss St a i lss s l-- s
4: 15p~ 9:00p.11.cey rlmnr eae
"Irairs rsss betwceis Asiss As-hoe md Toledo) This sss-sl il-s is-lise -xlsfel-5lin Angeles antd Sans Frasscisco. This jssisl-,trissirydtt.il
only,5 the oisly lite frmChicago wichl~ Sttin tal ,)-le. .Iass
Alt tralis daily excepst 5115015. threatenedl 1111 1111 Desllas tig5 \n. fris-It. E. chitreli at 12 ni. sol "thse Prols-
R0i .. olEsNlO it Agent T s offsgl Zushs. it ler thsis excellent sets-ice. t;i't eiss~Tlllisil 5 -i:s ll crit
w.Ap~s srite to sisy ticket agenl t f ' es-alisos- siilsn se iiil reslferences 15o
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Is 11s and 05- (l , Leaf, is last lts-.- hash or cossnecting lines for prishted Mslt chbet. h
b ___m h-sgtnls' ssso is-Ohs. Iss n11 tlis ssiss msatter shsowing timse, roiste-. Ill)s, cI- I Mon. Jass 21.-Reii. Rteed Stuart, of'
Time Table, October 7, 1894. so111 S)1 Ilimltiets. criptions of ears, etc., or Detroit, will letes ill Usity C.lisPu
Le-ave Ypssilanti from Constress stx., 7:.00 0 :W1 iisllc-lci sf11-ssss-sis C. S. ('UNE. G. P~. & T.' Coueso.
assnd 11a00 a. in. 124 2:15m iCin 5,100 6: sssO ad 1111.1 eito teatp~sio !- }
10:315 m Stsois.o 1 F i. a .25--u io ls oils
:Lease Assi Arbsos Jusseiss, 7:30. 1:30 11111 sreaess const~ltentlion siisssg 151', 511 t oiSo -ils. 5 hssse-isssii
11:50:i~~~~~~ss.:l:stn E524.707t .0111:515.hit.sss isI'. ,. PAIsM.i. .bsst. (,. P'. A. IIGys.
OtI~flAYTIME. hltelilsif lisspisisil 201 S. Clark st., Clissgss, ill. Tiss.-il.2.h-s-ii -si--s
hsoYp"iimt trs llirls ..):1 ::01 : lll Current Topics in the Schools. '-ileze Stall. S p. is
. slilt~ssdx:00p. m. 20 4 I-- tu Iss- sill 1 (1
heave Ann Arbsor tsistiisi,2: 4:00, 5s..30, tat the wilapel )o1h5cho
7:00 sssd 9:3o sp. m. is-isrd lsh s-i i 1isellts-s i-gti proc---- I ho slisgg)stioii thsst eveiy 15cit1155, All tlhe, heliig papers slid imaga-
C(srnons i city tisse. -ire: singcle tipi 15 e i Netiher ill city, villaigs osr dstrsic zis-as (ssis he had st F. Stollet's. Thess-
Lents rsound trip ticetes 2.:e edits. itsT11fauyrfseo iI(,11.
Wu.s I. Psssmosss iSupt. 5,s hs-fssiiyifl: i)7111 i schls, shosssld slrives tsi issntest iis yoss asis surte to flus ha-lt yos t :-
arc illisgtois tills) sisy if Iiisu hasisk Puphils iss tse stssyf- siurs-nt toicis. -_____
FLO.4WERS, FLOWER5S oft~blll ,g i ashite to sesse this co is a11 s-xi-ele-si one. The 111lIntl. tPsof. Mucellss siill -osncludse his;isc-
1o 01ver ytinss ssd Ev.rybisdy. i siisn siill ills soci-eties' sotject ift ss-lst iuss cit is nost tst)- 10 tse junior bessison theOili stil-
te~N AL [hit m ~ r ______________ soerely 10 carty lihe ililtllOi tllnllilgl me i gesyiloisiurse, ue
1 Requests and Petitions. so itany icxt-itouls 011 55) 111a111 tis- Lesose your Ordiers fsr delivtey 'f
fess st sssbjects, hiss shs to guside their Chicgo tapers at F. Stssll--ls. sills
The hisu fosllssings sehlus-i sinds pettiosil grusisig mindsos as to (developltw the ist steent.
11111sfse, inttd thin Daooh
Clover Leaf liii factyh: ~ isslsi iss .cusnilisi thseo results, Ills teacher Aitts iltieOsiy
Ro te(,u1it life iinto iis leis- , 1r and s THE1 WABnASH nnUTE
1tkeue oanediliiss . llilil 1
.aleks-teaaaa. and t tl1ult uf tim She sssols1 1 110if H V IIIIH 1IyI
hissre 1t : egistrsar J1iss R'imslins. Sims broader thouughst of tim-- great cult- - - I t
AtPease keep is miisd the I'oledho, ide Avorltd as yet bust littls hesosisso
St. Louis & Kansas City ISBt, 51 USINESS LOCALS. th piisusheslos.'isi- H T S R N ,A K,
The Glovr Leaf oute, "ast Cofi'cets Inuseertied in thsis columm sit time rats
'fls Clver eafRout, Fst ils emits pr lme.Special ratles tom- singer 7cetsite fur time Sulccessfssl studsy of
Line" for St. Louisoauhle tismesaid extra lilie SPRINGlhiysppys ucittlsc mtieshoss saT X S,AR .
s., the the i lresif rnsi dbyaelyn
'a h AL fie]ca(n ou h ~o~ saWest and Southwest lesaves '1'o- t escer swhm is himsself illn smpatyL OSiNG'E
ledo Unhon Depot at 5 p. ii. 1-on sisoriing stnt e-ehinig D~etroit sund is cosnact siill lime best thoughit
dhaily, arrives Ness U'nions Statiois psaper} go to 1-' Stolhet's, 12' N. -tMain of thes day. Time lext reqluisite is sa -AND--
thso largest in the world), St. 1 . sun Pauil' 1Meyers, 26 5. Stiltes. Jouirnalh thast 5511 lie usetd as at text- SAN FRANCISCO.
Lsouis early inext moning. STAt\tt t'OtLh2("fIONS. bsuok; ones thast ssilh furinish ihe nsec-
CONNCTIO WTANARO-te sisnt tosbu hs tamts coilectiusi essiry seessni eit s-ssts 1111d coils- Ness 'Texas sand California Sleeping
CONECIO WIH ANABR tswiill tosy cshi for th me souli ilelit ths)ron, wsith sin gouud matsge andss ('at Line.
ansd Michmigans Ceistral lines att receilpt if psrice askedl isstisfatctory. sariely of reaodinig. smiths stuch a joun- -___________
'roledo. Collectionss shouil he senit bsy regis- nalt, time teatchier cani miake this studst
Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats FreeI tereti mail on expsress stletter ntam- of currient tolpies of greait benieit'. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS.
aind Vestihuled Sleepers ssiths- j insg price lhls(cs Separsate cots-c. fWc not) ontly So time Schsolas b)ut to hillss- lhsco-inaugurated a snelw Daly Linme sit
Isend speriur approvsalihest si--I self. A weekly journal that fairly FIRISTCLSSEPRSfo
sut eisaige" sponslile pasrties. (presentts all sies ot Cev01y impors~tanstCHAG TO LRD, EXS
C JE N iN A. 3. f~LlshtlNChi & C'O., p tublic siuosthois. aid that asmirsiablyCH AG TO LRD, EXS
GenralPasener gt. Tled, O IKalhlnacuss, Mich. meets time requnirementss for Ohie stusdy I ia aittle Rose. Malverns, Tesarkansa, al-
General Pasne gtTld,0. 51 5O\4 CIIL.P 5ft: of cuitrent topic's fi thi schol is ctineAustia and San~ Antonio Passengers
DIETAS & SCHIAN~Z A1 trip to Flus-dl~susot suosw ioumih Public Opinions, pubhlished at -Wash- tar Hot Sprints have ashy one chanige at ears
at Ma-ems, 9:50 a. as. next dsy), arrivint
hit ose sif ti msut plesasnt tiings ington, D. C.. at $2.50 per year. A at Stt Sprints at 11stS a. as. Sis hoars ike
V. OF' M1. T aLORS of its. tf party of 1S canm ho, cc- cuntrihutions Of less cents apiece frost quickest through sleeping ca r line betweens
1Laudit and best styles at I aisn mmmd flu cliii il Miessrs tGreenwscoth & G2ilmsore 25 pupils wvihl pay fur Pubhlic Opinion Chicago and Mavernu. Alco daily line of
mestic Sooenss Iii iciass 1st rnlfimrsis will arraange for 15 days trips in their for 000 yean, or ivs cenits aieice still Taurist leepers, leaving Cicao ass same-
iwok guaranteed. Cleaning, pressngn train, timoutShhis Sani Francisso .lm Los
repairinug neatly done. mmm rivte coin. $62.50 still payi entire pay for- it fur six imointhso. 'The seekhly AngeesiaL
48 S. State nt., SecnudiFloonr, Ann Arbor. cost ot journey inchudig mseals, bierthus issues can he ussed 1a5 text-hooks in
host trnisportaion. Wihy smut go? ite readting chassec, aind if preservett For masis tickts aad tail intor-mionIs,
22 Years in tan Bsiess ~ 1-rhoFeb 5th Is date- sil. iSsndlit yourseis anst bouniss they miake ialula d oi- spphy ho
BT I V smaisitnam. dition to or nucleus fur .1 schlc libi- H. GREEN J. HALDERMAN,
HSYGtIENIC BOARING HtOUSE rcn Sends for specimni solo- I 1csas55~5~ t.vC55A
esrefully iSl e ts its ill of fsare to Acia sAt rvPs.e
NC. MC. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. mseet time si-ants ssf time Sttudenst Life. NOTICES. -Ol-
MERCHANT TAILORING+ !Its dietsary is huesielhte ie is mlsshiu lleii f5u -t-lhs ltE rtE 0-hn- t.tidAI
Olesuig, reuin an Rpaiing errsims f i Ssecall TrinsS ool boarsd sf she Oratorcal associattion F. H. Tristram, P. E. Doambaugh,
done neatly by and is alitays fresh, Whmolesoime antI Fridtay, iJan. 1:5, at- 4p. in., ill room~ 21. Sen. Pass. Agt. Iass. & Ticket Att..
AUGs. SCHOENEWALD,. 26.E. Waln l' peizin, swhile free, Stuns titer- All ineinbhers of this bouars ars- expsectedt til- 7ths ave. and Smith- W7 Bsadiion st.,
to_________________ Appetizing, Sfeld St., Pittsburg, Pa. Tledo, 0.
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! stiulating foodts antt irritatinlg coil-li slmsit
20ES hltNSRE issents. A5 thorough Iriah of She var- "1. 1 tjtARI ES, Pre-s. K I X D M R C3.A. ~ R
ion EteSTl Foods STRiEET. arAnlue 1-hoist siourse lin beginning Itmrtu- Std tsRce io a-
Food Worko Gunarainteed. Foods called tor tosHat- od hc r nlue tdnsRC8t~i ~d
mmmd delivered. A. F. COVERT, P'rop. in its nmenus stiltlrv hi nsrits g oes n stoeithllose -whso hase had(
for brain sworkers. Both Ladies and Spns?,s'" h fee n~ o. 3N. Min Street.
ANN ARBOR (Gentlein are cordially received. NO. ond sensester. Students desiring ts
STEAM DYE WORKS. 11 Maynard St.. next ho School of Sake the couirse are requnested to cons- WM. R. FtTI=,Z7E
Lo~m and iens' Cothng dmme Msiic.munheats- wills time undtersigntedlt FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORINIG
or Dyed. once. Corner of State- and William nt.,
3 W. HURON ST., AN~N ARBOR. Subscribe for the Daily. T an. 15. B. P. SIOUJIILAND. I W5'iliam S. entrnncn.

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