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June 16, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-16

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VOL. V1. No. 101. ANN ARBOR, MICH[GAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 196. Fouit PAo~s-3 CETS.
'G tZZIEM MN&-1 a ftz 'lS UART FOR TRACK CAPTA IN Address of Henry C, Adams. FUNERAL OF EX-GO. FELCil
W e Must Move I The ITit of Iowa College gives the-
The store we now occupybahoI' Br;igt Outlook for the Track following synopsis of the addres of To Occur This Afternoon at the
quartese. ut, et 0 Team Next Year. PoesrHnyC.Aaso h Family Residence.
I We Must lose Out niicI.tar, ,oferiIlststution: eerisoftain
4 Fr Dune I. Suar, '16, f Dtroi, lns, "The rles of condct of he i17th The fneral of ex-l.oc' Felh Nill
or stoc of masic goods and heem chosen aso captain of the lniver- centry cannot now loli. Tie lin- cne this afternoon at il o'clock sld
Bicycles. IWeotlee rices whichI
will sell goods if low prices ity track team for lS9l-IT. A11% trinle of ise faire, gives An1111'wL be il4l at tie house les. Henry
mos sytio t nrthasbenIn iI lisersty for social eliies. Tie imoral mov-- hlok, of St. Andrio Epsiseopal
THIS MEANS BUSINESS track teamn for the past two years iiandleulit (f or ilies is so to reonsr(ct clisre, anites.J-. I. . Gelso, of tle
p If yoa wat''oytlinn, tothe 0cmn oAi ro.I , ha eeoe no naheesne hscd-felie htsv itr st, ries 'ri body rhwilllieonuct te
ossic lhoe gee or prices this ciigtcAisAbr lscrer iii will 1101 be' iguilel. Palst cllliilill,ll ics ', h oy ille-ni
week. the track has hieli short, bt tbrilliant. ar.ciI -d. It is not the use of ina- froiii 10 lt. in. to IIli.iisser11C
STHE ANN ARBR ORGAN CO In is liiohomiiore year lie-,did a litle inerl' in lprduictiolnibut iii lr~,iiilla frisnds iiia view the rmans Til'le
of Ili a te qarer and ast yea aion that ulilrks le -change. It is floig111taesnilat
IU S. MAIN ST. ri -lii tated in at the high jtuimp IVID cloe i ytrlil i t h 1) t-,ooar 'rsii-t..B. n-
BUY BEN-HUR, BICYCLES. 111111this D. K. E. cell foi thi h iii sieon of iationalisim for bteilsuil gell, ldge Tloiiils M. Cooley, ex-Gos-
Ijenip iii doors. Iii the siing lie de- ioli liiity eoligiili n-fnrCrsU.Litble'Ciiipi0
i-sed hiimself to the high a1n111 111 creased complexity of life. Prof. B1.I. Thompson, Governor Johi
husrdles and ill both of these sevets. "We lbust have iewvrsles of eo-Ttl'. Ri, Prof. Ten Brook, Jndge . B.
-~~ lie secceeted in establishing Ilic lii tisict tiv, ewico'ceptiol of lierty and1011 od, Judege illec adliProf. tRay-
A Gu ood versiy reords. hIs recordl siithe a lillitI,(,lr iils lli io11011Davis; activ-lodge B.D
hurdllles are as folloss: 1211 ylrds, 'iTheo r 1lu ineedisot 1a iisw ooral c~tleKinne, Prof. M. L. ItOoge..Juiig' Iar-
seiliis;221) yaids, 24- dll~l 0 1',iiit~-b a ,,ssftilndailrd f riiiiai, r. IV,.J,1 Irdi.n.i.i,1,liiiF.
lis spisrigle' l)s blen 'scilkilg titcollm I Froiiifile iiwI'l of CI lrsii iNA- cliee11i 1 Ais .V. (larkson. After
B a h S on e tespilils anti lilsu rprised ll-,iiil' 110 1111grIss lias lriseni ecet filIll le'ceremonily the tindy swill be plaleed
silediist shit hlicuie mllillit tltill. and iii-trilofsiel''T Jhe tbulilness 1men11of the cil' havei
-FOR A- 1iii' I isilt'scililiig tle' ll~lyard-; it 'dWe enjoy fit(' aclalliiiilteden askiel ty Mayor -las 'ikirto cs--
da shiniii10 2- seonds 5a(d itie220 s igts of iiili,'- ti'ilres. ts lliiledlliiess lbetwee tie' hours of 2
-3rselil l 2 ess . ciiilll' '5as we hi~vetbeglliwihli and ti4 1). 10.
IN J lMr. Start -will return to te (ii-
versily nexts-ar for graduai~ti' vol. on1rhso i in dustIrial afair.riloper- UNIVERSITY NOTES.
adwith hiniiat lteheae~d, rack tillstruieirle I ouciit 1isfor every oiieIMist'Arri I. Siiiithex-If, will be
Better ones if you want ls'ic oghibil i lliito llri--iicliii to'eisionuctiiiiself isto rialie te' iionrii-ilto Mri. lisui-e Sibiis, of
litst Of als-lltin. i."Siuarts ' t oClrisiandelioteinay." Oneia, N. Y., at Bluhe Monol. , llioisi.
them at ye-ars oiifilu' tealh ae given hiiiii1 a t3lls' 2.
f-liillfeto hseonlitollliedivitc t h ellit'Schonot 1f1MUSIC Commencement. 'isc 'shiry S. hhusith illoihiitof
no eio scillbehlire nxt yiarii hteuh lSi lhnd, 1Int., iI hellSchool,
lasesashottiled him to lassumeht' fi'l' he ie ,'ist IhllCommeiilnce"('lOii l ui b hlsreurnetloittsed itie siiiir
Mumm q's Dru Stre "slinsiil.iesof es-ptaiiiig our "10 ti~kleii' ierisi-iy Sehoist of Msic 1st11i sehilihr pr tsasil.
athltte, to furlil ict ieories extItlear. ocrt'it 1Iris-e- Mmioriahhal loighu hfinlals of Ithe irt cshs dush'
17 E. Washington St., CO. Alumni Elect Oficers. - a els-he Ii fshsig lvi' Ihein e innis wsil e lplaydi sft I in-i-.i
htcntr of bein-lg the firs to grlilllte; ts-tsveiihRuscell hnd Ilarve's-anld Sil-
Fourth Ave. The i'maierily of -tichiiganiua Aonni At, .Nlay -lieac, iiiilane a bury and Hrrck
Assoilitinl of le Sothiwsst elecedi list-her, 1Edtill lily Kelley, Jb0n1'1'lis race bhtt''-t'lii Vt'wiscontisiinani
~ff~fV~r1 A~~u1 1~flP fil~ te folowsing oficers for tle enmin J-asitr liit'hi'ai, Jr., Louise' t'l V~ss ale frfsillhtll fe-ss- ''ill takeplice
IM O T N NOTICE.f.±1L year at the anual banquiet: 0. 11. 'Vsta Iills, tLlewelsly'sn tarhissay Rn hel-''ursdy The NWisonihi ies's'ar-
tDean, ', andh '70 L, treidtnt;ir. 's'ich, EBimimisi t'rliiiiMIerrill Whiff'. ri's-Neel 'v laven 'eshri, li.'s
er0o- Dibble, ned General plrluigne Cu 's-sVtonirumff. -Miss111111' Il-tlirsti, softhis 1lii-
G .- IH .I WAlIIL..D. Askew's,'5, 's-iepresitent,;AV.',(C.The siuilhity of the pas'ork of the 'stsl's, 'Nvill hi' uiitdsiniiiirriige to
The Leading Tailor, Iiciiachs, '93 L, secretarys. grldiuats is us 'seilec to thle elineY, D. AfrediShal, of h1arvard, t-
'Those present at the banuet'ss-ri''and suctess f the School Of ltiu, lisrros's evenig at 8:0 o'lock ii liie
and only direct Importer in the city, juige Albert 1-. forton, 0. 11. tDean, ati it is hopd Unt a largfr 1-11 s il FiSt I\.B.,fIoci
has just received his entire stock ohlProfesor . L. Walter, Anli Arbor, gradusuat next year. The order of ex- this Sienh'i sld Alhiia Del-ta t'1iI
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for hfenry Wolhmuii, Dr. I. IDl'fhsgesiricsesAN-ill be ms follows;o fraterntit's played off ole of fle ri-
Spring and Summer '96, at Anin Artbor; Ma~jfor Vtilami Warner Volunta~lry. ilillii gaies ill the ntr-fu'utirnity
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. Dr. J. B. Connell, D. J. Hlf, A. B. Pmayr-teiv. I. Vt'. traslsh1a'. legue. Alphail Delta Pilli 'won ty a
lulDrs Sisa Specialty. Demntoi, St. Loui, Solfousi B. tLadd, tOpeminmg eiaris-tFraucis Vi. Kf'- sene of 7 to 2.
}-ul Dres Suts ho'svurd I. Kimbiall, ILI. 1 Buter, I.1dy president of the University Itu- hir Masonii Club ha,"sec'turedcta
Vts]akrl. thoe, siu isil ouse on N. State st. for nx yarl,
mn ng ilitli IIank Ahss,,,C Alie' vifScott, chairmanau ,, W'hicln svlbe oesuae s
IUU i ~ I II~ Ii.~ P'iixergr, ii'-il. WellhFrankleC. this School Borf, City of Ann Arbor. Of nruashers of the cleb This cui's
SadnB. hF. Vtollmaan, 1Bogeme DB) Asitress reseric It. Pesase, iettor il mt flourihing conuition anti hilsm
adu ti l lavia, Johnm. N Davis, John G. tPark, Nonith C onservatoy, psianti, Mith.hmemlberhip of seventy seven. ,c
B O J~S J. Vt. Kimberlin, hlugh C. smith. Troll Addess I nies B. Angell, president Cards art' out nnounig tl iiiai~r-
B0 0 X . ton, Mo.; Wiliai C. Ifichaels, I-l of thin University of Mithigan. rlge of Iiss Bertha . hose, dilaugter
All the latest publications now on hamil P. Borland, K,.IM. Willhaismtoma Pesentation of Dihlona-Alhert A. of hr. and 'Mrs, ' B. Rose, of this
sale at our stores. Fine illustrated A, S. Van Y'alkebrgli, Vt. tLitle Stanle's dnrector of the Iniverify city, to Cassius K. Wakeild, off hk, lutae Pes r oc-
GiBooks, Illutratedo o emsn Artsfield, Homner Ieed, tHenry Lamib, 's School of Music.rn, IMich. Miss iRose 's'as a oeuher
Books in, Morocco, Levant and Calf P. Spalding, Vt'ilianm T. anson, S Doxoogy.oftectsof'1.V'kiihgrd
Bindings. A. Goodman, Dr. Leroy Dibble, Silas u thedcain f'9 . Waeil rd
R. il-, . . Frrr, . 1'.Mceil e TYale Athletic Association has _______in__105.
Discount Prices to All. B.hls, . Loi, ar ar, . i.Ienei, elected thin followling officers for the The proposal to place te statue of
E P. Lyle, Jr., George F. Sevier, Vt's ensuing year: President, Curtenius the late President Woolsey in front of
9,S L Lebeter, aulThlenat, GergeGillette, of lNes York City; vice prei- ale ence, near Durfee 1all, las
W A aH.Leader and Frank A, Marshall. dent, Bss A. Hicekok. '97 S Penin- aroused muc feeling among the un-
P ~sylvanli; assistant manager, Isaac N dergraduates, of the selection of that
Up Tow, Dows Taw, The total enrollment at Wisconsin S'sift, '98, of Michigan; secretary, Dal- site would practically abolih the old
UnIversItyBookstore, Oppite,0ort House
20 S. tate St. 4 N.S.5 this year Is 159. ls C. Byes, '98, of Pennsylvania. ' eampts meeting ground.

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