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March 16, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-16

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XVuur, IV.-No. 120.,
Profs. Demmnn and Stanley Enter-
tain a Large Audience at Frieze
Memorial Hail.
Those Who were fortunate enough
-o h Iprsetat atFrieze AMemorial
hall last erenine4 were treatedl to ani
entertainaoicnt 1)oth instractive ansi
nteresti a"g
Prof. lecnioonilesvotedi a sh are
is the time tis an assc(155t of ~li a-
o)eh'sregnwhc soaie of the
s reates' posluctios o f isongsanu
dramaiad-se their app eairancre. It
as righitls heeniitermiedi the gotleo
yeof lis.eratare. tie raases which
stimulated this ou tboirst of artistic
c opositioin may ie attibuted to
the revivali ofclassiecIlearni ng, ansi
she rise 'if iatioa saipirit. The
Naional taste was not whioll - occa-
,)iediwith uranmatbit the songplaiyedl
ninmportantI part.
Special sststents uof this age are
iziahta to inderstansd onuah of the
geiuis of each song swriter, as only
afew sit the auithos and their com-i
positions aire definitely 1knowen.
The iaifsorii excellence of the diii-
erent psrodiuatioins malnes it diflicuilt
"-(, itudg'of their reltilse value, as
:;emsosf literary ansd traumatic art.
Pirof. Ienimon read a nunmber iii
aelcti songs sif ttie age swhichm have
beencol lected by A. ItI. llter froii
lI a '; at sors oandI are conlaiisnd
is hifs boosk 1tries ofElizabiethi's
Silas it. M\ills sang''Cone icvie
With Me,'' the swrds of which were
comiposed hy Marlowe lit 1602; also
'lIn Sherwood Forest" and "To
Sleep,'' the authors of which are
"Cherry Ripe, '"'"The Sea lint1.
Many 'T'iousaoed Sands,''''og isE
T'ty Hope'' aindl 'The Fsaliie
D ance'' sere song us a trnely de-
lightful pmanner by Miss Bailey.
Prof. Stanley combosed lthe cusic
for these different selections and
renderedi them in his usual pleasing
style. __
'Battle of Orators."
Tonight occurs the crowning ora-
torical event of the year. The con-
testants have trained as never before
and it promises to be a memorable
event in oratory. Class pride is
running high and each speaker will
be encouraged to do his best. Sc
evenly are the men matched that in

try to foretcil thoc winner is meirely THE FUNDS ABE SAFE.
~nes wrk.Reports to ice Contrary Notwith-
At the content at Chicag~ou'iiser- stand ig.--An Investigation
sily-. on Wednesday night. standing Made.
roomsiwsas at a premsium.l i such Ma1suIscoslaehei"i
wns the case at Chicago, a cciw uni-
0ing lihn rounds of the state press in
rersity-, all the noore should it he garel to floe crookednsess conneetesij
i ere, whlere see base so iiochl reasomo with the reccent failure of the .'sici
to lie prouidIof ithe shoionlg cmade ty gals M ortgage Complanyof 1 sliel
the our (seniors lieretofore. - With
Samuel S. Walker is cisairmsan. 'lie.
thie iropoer encoutragemnsot see may (Walkcer reqfuestedt that hsnasccouns
colectliisew a ainl~ss yssr ias treasuireof the Alumni i ssoca
'04 Wii Gie a Scial. tiuus be audiiteil hi a commiottee fini
t____ the lI ci' emit1-. AceocilindvSI, ec-
ILast esveiing a mseeting wsoheld retaryv(Geiirge HemlofndiisiIcc-
o1 the csimmitee of arcanogemoent s l'residleiot Stewart sisitesl St. J ohni's
for the niniiets'-fosir socsil. Itseas jyesterday, aiid after scarefill y inves-
iecidied that hbter results c ouldh le 'ligatisig thc coneditioin of the lfuiiss,
sohtaineilby hr iargiisg assadiriission repsort everytinmg eiitirely- natisfac-
fee of tssenty-fivc cents lhon toy raists- r5-. 'Tle moneic 5sinvstsed i
in lohue ncessary fundss by seslscrits- mortgages, e'scelt si smsalhalasice
l ion. D asocing soill he miade a on deiposit.
prsomnent feature of the evensing, Msr. Walker tinssalwayassprovenso
hn bt extenosive Ipreparatiosssswsill belicseslf a truec friendstof sil t nts-er-
osase for suitialeecntertaicnment for sity work, ansI it is to lis regrettedi
'those not wisinlg to dance. Light that icy such sil~d conijecitres wereI
refreshnmelon t11he sersvedlthrough- cirscutlated by thelress.
I ciiithelioncing. 'ickets 01 asmlnoT" '--
io w oill 'he isretoaresd ansdlcan515Social Life In Bulgairia.
tohtainesd fromosanoy Iseisi rcof the IThere will he a lecture inthte
comititee. ! Methodist church this eveninii. It'
~~ 1is sy Ella-S'5Vootcet of Blsga-
Fired a Revolve-r. Isa00Siis ie 's tspiis
About cieen - ITle history- ci iiiis isansreas
I bu lvno'clock last nighI lk oisne lleiIiisen i
I.lik students amuisedem stsselseson arm ceWhnietne
tilhe camipus by firling a revolver. canoe to thsis coryiac ans ini a feso
Dcc uild crahed isragiatheyearn graduated at Hianoiltosncoil-
thick glass of the front door of lion lege, after which toe returned to Iis
residensce of Mrs. Coosins, at No. native land, whlere he rose to a
poito . Univ. Ave., narroslysir ssing psto of honor and trust. lie
a senior roonming thscre, and lodging was a leading statcenlan anod jounr-
10 the caseenet. nalist, but by taking too radical a
stand against tse govrnmnt lie nas
Baseball Practice. ' bainisheld and Iis property 5051515-
Yesterday's dirty sweatlher rallier 'Ponsightl,lie ssill apptear is cos-
'reduced the nniber of baschall tome, ansi his lecture sril1libetins-
-c acdidates out at practice. as less trated. ThIe ipress stocaks very highz-
than thirty men appeared. The ly of inir. Adnmissiois ten cents.
'daily run ban been still fnrtiher short- M~la norCnet

riiuIs LI sop -isiof
D)is 1- i (.rc idi(iangeri.
is mice n i t isif tsi ,/I t
j l s i .0( tlluul f t 'is .'Errnr i Ihsh
51 South Mini St.
a .3
I 'o-m.su. emit ei" las's-- i l-isislis's Oyir'
ofil. $:. $4orSo slss r i "i i mm to-$ a paic less
than iAnnmA's isis x ii s-i eindiforiCaiaismi.s sto
l 1t, 1na-in S W oiuilmAsin..
ti-Ei1leaf - - - - OlidIIP.AN.
ArtisticePhiotographer, 6 E, HURON ST.
J..OVsNY'5 Je
,U7 I'r Srrt, i:,, 48 S. Slate St.


ented and quickened. 'Ponmorrow
afternoon lime first practice game of
the season will be played on the
j Williams Glee Club.
The tWIlliams Glee, Banjo and
Mandolin clubs, consisting of thirty
members, will give a concert for the
benefit of our own Glee club, Tues-
day evening, April 3. The club will
make uts western trip at that time,
and come here from Chicago.

'Tonmorrow afterionon, at4 o'clock,_Vy
the members of lM~itan gymna-- Stuits 1andfGvmnasiuiSp
slum will hold tiheir third inidoor 111Sp
contest. Tlhe folloowing is the pro- pis
gram:-Runsning high kick; stand-
ing hop, step and jump; pull up jYn ieiaiuiicsmss te.mdpid
(horizontal bar) ; standing lonog
jump.W H 9
Two nlans were picked out of 1A II S
Wisconsin's twenty-five candidates UNIJ7ER SITYBOKS''TORE
on Tuesday, and the first ganme of
the season played.I STATE STREEl'. ANN ARBOR.

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