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December 16, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-16

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ti Of

, t. ii'

VOL. III. -1V c). :: +.


PI-RItonTressmi.: (%ENaSĀ±.

THE DECEMBER INLANDER, lovser of a blue-eyed white maiden.
_____ Toe story contains more or less
,a Number Full of Excellent Produc itr uth and came to the writer. ff. i
tions in Prose and Verse. I
On Sale Today. P orter, froni those whlt(eiad it fromi
-- tile actors, by word of miouti.

A Manual Training School for
Young Men and Women in
Chicago. IL

.s - - . -Iieai ailoori ciiisceicui is iet f i lip ID. _ci our las startedonl iii xJ1AfIFjJILEC F
for tii ror ispit ti sal toas.Monitni anl Itc Sa,' by tosarthis trip to Euirope, leav ing a gitt of DETROIT, IH
It maiiitalistwoll the high istanrdairdI;, Vtite, in ishici n ()n o -I monire iian a niill ion scitdia half 11ol-
its edi'tor s liye detctminemd, iiid I innedl struggle the sea ii it ror oP its Lars to t ie cityo irg or the
sworkeditto attaon. I Isliterasri stir ilitItiIa~ii~iiP O~ t liiii s i lr-tr
ccii is rure for, at leasitlec(resist 'o i nc<<ii ii t ctl i"\iii~
sear 1 h hur IAcad ea mnic Life,"' 1iis n lnioI '01it IInt i tite. liii.inst i triswill bh oti
radii 1a ice soil luld Itle 1 oaticle. It is thioiushtfiuI1 nios ci i I (Ciica'o iiwhat tire Ii Oc.In11ustitute is
arirc- 11 iislti is illrls i i nsg the perusal o te itI r it to IPlillatdelpiiIa, utiii Ihe i-itt I sti- I
aiin ircrenasidi sposltiitionin ithelirsitu- 11 nrtoliok i Xi hi ioo,.
dent soil Osiis Iiit~i i tirirlii Ii reso tucroiii and 1 iii -i io il eIl oniiictowcard SWhen younentlie Lares Meropioielia Stimo
tion.ul. at hian Verse1. halss110orn iai.of lii, iiorilShoies atiic to It ii pir lois thn
rcsttaioi liitiiaks ii iilc t praiouctiaisa Pethat o atis ore maii nagths iimin"griaei s i u firt An rb prices, seed Sir Caitalogue lto
-stacecs-. 01 its 1)1111ibiutors. i AMhr
1 ill ''ou VGise fur a Ihis?" tewirtiscuty
articles arecrinush juriciouislycsohsecunr !1 F!F
I Fklu I.Wite o rntribustes ''Ilue lRain- li umrii 111ti rnl o t 15-SWruwssue.
locterd aiirltestify to the srisidiiilom v'safdrasise' ''111111buiill i isrIingatefnssf r t s 101'llit, -3-185 tI~m ti hA.,
car n iircrits 'heMosth"''fiurssishes a coise boarrd of d111ectors. It us exlpected
nl ishtl( in'i )' iaomsa if ti oornitl f hethat the selhool crill br oipcnsoia the ( ie hmon01G{ S Taight Qt .
ailc heuali ri- Isti niiti tussenst boidy fos tihr last thirty first of noxt Septcmber. Dlin t he o
li sTsnsste Slesco b ly ext fewir iosatlis theniost coililcte I , ~ CIGARETTES.
State, takingi up1 thiti theriis of se~ i
ini:/ithtiissiftiil Professor Tlsomposcia itonioa apparatus obtaunable frliii n teSmkes h
trlii mo iiismi' rlii sbran Is sch, sanda lilirary bhraringiu'o111)15s5ore tha tie r er
th IriiIlcp nectvei I ico rry Isranels ofistdy isill b eh rd raide hssIii s, ill ind
he iii Iarid iii isffect tae noc 1f1111Ihei tlliioi.t ti lsilisupieriorsel liiteo
on tonapaci-'i as,ieterday,'m risi s s r Il i Iii I ii"adition atos the u rialed'ir uit l I O N- c*- ri- li {I~t s rr i c c li'lii
rriumli cumI Im H5i i m f1stig 511
the nlnil five 0 I'lii l iio sttii ol'ati ntinr salir-l le toiia 1 tIws - scli o rI r t h sil"iesr
S ! 'liitm o l i i-isisist lcumty ii idlii ii llc iii i N.1r ii h E r tilisl s tat nicsilro ohr igliii
ract inaeid ', 11111 ir ii lich1lriandeairateio)u irdifrfor I;f m s elnyfore iidIIlc~ rs
pap r p raga )t eilctilt,.furp trthe I t 1iss t lbs il icni hI iiiGinldsoLeaa fg rnis cirii. 'i ytle
th Ii iilrc1 1111 Xstl lii i iio f fl i fte pbrtui - c rmtm oa o ite 1lo ierfei t i (enstas sl Bdo iti itsssn 1P ~ i
laiuiia (l5111511lii il lll I e li i I rlsi o lle Jirs 'pI furlai n isisa tr riiir lns tc t. ei s uhto i ci s sisisiea U75
scol pstrottii si siIi . li cto heiir lcstrIituad iin t)r ( sioith e Be qua e s tioad iiably tatth
rItrisi s s o ltas is siil si a iir l ir ;The s o so r ac isto cr i ire trthliscsism acpio ofa eerIpckge
51055 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ins libfrreaarieattcofIh ii si it i. lst tsrc tfrisseass hh leseisAsLLslNt.Iir'esliosaiiioi
leg1 fIs r ip Aroad"tic i s iof thesoucliationancncr slued Of the-- --- - t otr'r oo s
sasasanet.onflueanraiclolislcsi"etfiithutassfaofuteeslir clopas ttsiont scitti th
foamiirdiscii nooastrsg i is criers s ofl\rows:'sIfsihistawl rprtosfrMihgnsAtv O
frosith tis f -raikIiItoh u- ' os ii"asd i I Ioircms ;ar if nPteipaio( ndthEe AnorU11~e$o
'90, younIest Coloevii liiitwer soabeirep etaorewithato e ofpsip itr___IismiiIli ii
ti-ilksotssil th lsss lsli I dpataon ia he 555cssis I is Isaozrrisr t o fiblas a o liletsriHEcllc IGHEST GRADIiI() i
11r backucoosarsilandctraste sll e prtui esonacciant frerj influer ncei o sf ro uoV(f .ii lu Irnr
Lionuitls ofdel athso r t an of r s tik-f larstatreielor ico th er slutcl a uosse cat o satetAanth asssual oticaionI PeJ*KrtJC ne o
'f'ianem Icisg'' ais leni e tby ,M bult ai(-,olhloawt isep ar stits' t fhe eMicAlgE SatMlDolilitos

Coltons, 'l* Iti5s stirical thrrustj
ast the theorist. Thle dialect is ex-
Monsuisents,"' ' hr Alfrerd HI.
Lloyd, is an attractive-piece. 'flue
awriter reduces all things,-ssun-sets,
color, theories, creeds, luypotlsoses,
revelation,-to monuments.
"The Loving of Uincas,'' is a Ira-
dition of love, handed dosvu front
ye olden times when in Newv Eng-
land there lisedl the tribe of thse
'Tnxis, whose chief was Uncas, the

1Dr.IHesnry- I. 'Thomrsti, refpresens-
tatise-elect to congress froni the
fourth IMiebigasa district xrisiterl the
regsslar hospital yesterday. Dr.
Thomas graduated at the U. of 1\.
in '68, and is located at Allegan.
Hie has not only proved himself a
successful practicioner, huttlise
denmonstrated in the recent cans-
paign that he is popular in political
circles as he defeateud Yaple by a
good majority.t

itnter-Collegiate Associationi to be M R H N
held at Albion in May, u13-, a ipre-
linitsary constest ciliso held lsere.c
The innler at Albiotn will reprtesenst TFAI


the state oufNtichi-an at the national-
convention of college prohsibition
cluths in Chicago next Juine. At botlh ~ I MCIrEi u
contests prizes will he offered.
All persons who thsink of entering ~I T
thte preliminary contest shsould send
their names at once to D.I' XWilcox, 55 V- FORT W>
secretary of the UI. of M. Prohsbition
club, 54 S. State street, Ann Arbor. Detroit, Xiohigan,

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