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December 16, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-16

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T estudlents O teill iiersits w"IllIe'
tretedto hlf-ff eewea saeI That wo sell cheoapter than the cheapest in M EN'S SHOES, Jt1TB>
datol ti ally (Sundtays exceptetidtai the Two Sailts tollorrow if,~eeiyeie 12E188. PUMPS, Et-r.: LADI ES' SHOES, RUBBERS,
toi I pis tioly Mr. Mitte. ~tSIT I0E PRS, E'rr.

t- ~citin-rc Ct.:tllper year, itis-aeably
tiools may be left at Itittfieat the Dtart,
at itattler's, aith asy of the ediit-t ao
Co a niai rssoldi -eah the otibia by
o'clockeP. a.ttfthey are to appleare the nstt
,ri. Addtresall sttoe is neaded ftoe pablirtt-
*ito the MantagintgtEdtoia. All buinlless
communict attaots thoult he sen-t to athe 1Itasi-
THE U. of Mt. DAILY,
Antn Arboar, Miah.
i 1. 1,,Iito s .tt iii 1t .>, etc ta tt.
S. . tt st-P.l. tt. t1 lstis. ngr
lip , W totl a.t11t. t *5r-t Asttl.

Tlittttpstti t S.,is Itrepatretdli ti atrda ! OF COURSE.
c(Ittortfttterntity attsealoritlates. Juitt
totte dic(k tront ctatpuls. ) ).t .i3. it. -.L/-I TI-=
at J.I. t. Ilt-tatisli&, Cot's. 48 s~iuHr MAIN sIR ET.

A. very It stisile suite tofiittitis.isvithi
tat~ hkaI 01 itltottettr. Sttttitt-
Enqu~tire at It it. lDivision-st. -it-ta
This otne-hatlf tillstile at theTto o
tpetns totrttror, Sturiday.
tVA r tl-l- -Atequalii ~ltnu ' r ittlatier
tttdtlgenttlemteni it fiotrm ttboartding
ruli it arentrttlloction a ftiter hhl-
titys. hhttirti$811 l et' AveN:. If tilt
tesite a sittitng. Send moor 11111 ad-
idress it l1's.. 1 . ',-theiierger. Annit
arbior. t f
Nieety-five's Oracle.

. I 1); r°t +t s l(rC ili'-ei l NNi 11111 e ttl l lila 51151tj
. 11.1111 }t-t's)3lilt 1 iii t luu is1itti
Is. tti%,' I} 1 1 riu -;il' gtze~ ldi;tt-ut su uti l te-Ittieo It( t)al 'II1
55 i.( . .ai a i 11, 51,5 It ..et1 ,1. tie het quit y.I rtcer-ott ie is l Iit'lstl
No1"m~lll lm ci "!{i. ,t(IW~l We!ll itases211 I l lt-. 21 'iti.he 15 itetttl
( i. ttt.is- t u I.iatul ,'}£ ll} ai- 2rt-icri a it . . -l' io I r
r ig iirtl~t it liicrl gitt olidhoweer Toe to Canda.olii
itticrestalill tilited b hclaflairs atid
Fohfrgtthea'i io, stof rit e te fo urs t 1 it 11wiltig(,at. t leitrt ill elloids.
iatie ttr, less riii i ICit) the'I'll a tttl tatss ee.o 0;2, 22.rtds it-nd iIll1 i-tisit
itatt 11otttl~ h eitt ft, ali .Tttl et lters rt-t o ite-
rolicgc o n ts in oue Cie lth tr. e Trclt est- ti ti sale
Wedetay Dleslci-.t ttati ocysioti ci 111Ioisa 1.1 di ,;s :;
25rt crcnaits.li te 111claitl
Ittl-C s p iit os-Ionk saItud110ntt ted Holiday acu rsiot-unad.
oraizi onIlsstsriesite lt wi Te AMirigttt entrl wsill sell erintcest tclpil~ l ~-
moreotrllist ut hfsuttl vtign attI'ls atdtloItalt . 2st2ti,tiit me liitedto t
st-il - so- l~t Cct5Ottillc 1ci al tlt ie 1<i tI. t183, till lu ,t thllisi faii foti hei
Cio l fe man r1 Ith() ihauii ltsiitiubliitlcit~tl
ois. -roun tip. I sliesetic tesiii re11 no tt
spirt w ilein cho l vry eld hueod iltris ut . 1, t . 1
aocquars li ritetilusthe oher a nd Is
iithet re t ho taesaliv ilt-iter 3 _
ltesti acass111spiar isritIiec ol h aiim ettlw l sl x
hi-reilpubicisst ndi - 1115Iztinot d ontcetD c.5d, Ai 1t
0~~~~~~ andll Jan.lii ttcri ato OO 1s~tOZd 1, ie.liiteJt
gcilci th lcrea sabl certianty, e Jm 3dltaltoa pito teri
ites ili ir politial, 11111altendr all t IllaorlUnited Syottr soxti
the'ol rtordivision.iuRaie, itlleoandl sccii
hiat ecrlif e et le le s-otlivitthirdgtrs tt ing1,:ire esfor -Iound t
rs-i i i lss ol b ti tit i- s-5 tic1111s tint h o ea onISilli
oilIil orraititlie..i"),ecrytoider of
a ,i " ick t""seeithat itiS.tLsicsA rc re- ------td --- ir---. t ilti- ----h- tit
tietart informedlielthf ortaredatis tr
Saevtcierd ttotparedlili e porss 11numt-O ilMihilttft
bof t ktsWorldlair, is attans ~ b ok
tsholetes. Thlaeisbtfrdtnate Nf- . MITHESNS YESO
forec theUastursts oportuitys ol
liexadeostegirthlteswill otel
in tainilg een iere hey n a osi D e leti- - orMsctyN
liondeto attend. fothisworkandw

.Z S~AlEE0 L .OT' Os
For tLc
Tailors and Furnishers.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North,
" ~ l~PES Michigan Railway.
JIOimc 1C1rd il l ts it Stttt . ti i
z i r~gtr i~ ~fl '1 ( lkpa t ttt d'I1itiur 1'ltA lsl Iit
p i )/ bSAOiO 1noooo. na.saS. ii rio-at 1 I 0rI '5
til~lillOC 1111- Attn -tttoat Aseiislttri1tl0eltoolil
room; da lily i-e~liret; Saiturday evetitngarece-ptions; ltt~l
opt heltll tirtttyear;eatcoercialradate-s ingreat Nuo. %Sllantidac-tI-,uii-u,....
tirtirtittst orlthndograaduates ail seurepositios; 'itI M1-il alt pls
-' Ag texpenses $2I-alit2.75spere k i ntap1rivattte amit- \ U - --.......t--4- 0 i1ill
l c a aitiaaitealassrhtoiwek, addres Na. Ililt,. itcct0- oi011 i t il it - . p.ii
P. R. CEtARYs, Prea. + IC-trlstanad 1 t-ut
j -$ .00 $5 laity excptSt-lin .
$2.00, $3.00® $ , j iN"rias I10 11ad12-ri ti- me To-Ii ilato1W
E_ Doty & Feiner. .1 < 1_,, .Gt;;N(0)
tutuPssit-.- ittt. tLocatAget
And reader of "The Daily" is cordially invited to attend
We have I-tilt Niesit ootds for lii-letat l Mitits.

The University Booksellers,

State Street.

Holiday- Rates for Studensts. N.EN TSCH LER,
s Statle -Normautl Si'lltul 0thslnti, pe- h o r PG heP,
se~iu'ppe criiae.teI.A.IP. A- ~N 'NI. - i ll Isell eeutrlaitult
tiktssoi:till points ini Michligant, andth itORNI-ROINA1 D .51) itluN0es
toi all polints ion the litues ofiourTol edo
Coettuteel tis. exeptoheitLuke ishure G AT PE A R '
trditu l .5 iu-tgiit Sitithicilt utilw t t d o '.11N 0
Tict- es tothut-soltdlDe. 2.2, 2:), 24. ttndh
hilitleulht etutrni tttil .1 ti. 1(th, fer Saturday- December 17th.
V. of IN.Lastuents.atuttil 1-Lti. 2dh.
inclhusive, lull-Nuottalitui itdetts.-icts l
still nio t- esutluloutusiule ithrtellrtort)'u(fID TT 0
the (',etuttal Tratic ic soutta.t WC
sell ta 1.00011itile tuottA, gttott on141 rado 2.asaf amilyB1,00ANmCORTLANP
( ;-- t. S. Gtt:tttt tutu Algeli t. es
j Te - Devil's - Web!
1Ch-eata Excursion to Canada. via thse
T. A. A. and N. M. FRy. 't'ttiiiitt eeltltes. tititig tlituass. Nets
O. Deebr2) 1 n 2teT ol"sac cs., tuitulan N. AlI. 111.n-ill sell e-xc-ursiona Prices,- - - - 35, 50 and T5c.
lickessttoite fare four te routdu trip
lt all lrtnitient points itt ('ltdttta. 1 17~
Tickets still he 'godgtiltgbtott regulatr . <JL
trains 11n above dtrtes, andtlfot tetturttn
nttil Itanualry 10tt, 11 iclusive.V I'II~K IH 4
Far ittltrnitll calletti oticket agets-.
51 lee 2, NO. 12 W. HURON ST

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