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March 16, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-16

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VOL..Y I. N O. 11P).



TW1NT OFF SMO O0TIIY. fVN (li b 13 1,'w-od ole 9 8atlL; ~ SCIIOLMATitS' CLUB.
BICYCLE . 1 !licezt > se"'. 1ifil. wee by lerter, '9S
lil BIY L S THE FIFTH ANNUAL INDOOR M, ce-_tal. SMaliletec , 'IS 1; tlte 1-f5: TWENTY--SIXTH MEETING TO BE
prpoeton feit intd "1we91 MEET A GREAT SUCCESS. . Si' wilet'o by .Aleillitta '98pI HELD MARCH 27 AND 28.
I] vP c~ecet tw ac-o-yf.tIieof Fast Time Made - Competition itetefli, Duify, '910,1 Itie 44 -),-o,. Interesting Papers to Be Read-
till rf N 41Sharp-'93 Again Wins .on Points ;S fE1Ietit. AN-o1 by eli,.''1), ieee ml, M-General Discussions a Feature-
4444 li te tiI ie etsta~ No Hitch in the Program., ltlt. yS;I i 515a-- i;lit h Cneec ilB elA-
tilttilail-)F, . trf t a Lf:aiei 14iin-l, .S-1;111v 1.-0e I t t Teded r nc.il e el t
y) lii t ei-eat io-IttatIstn"tofIc wc 11
N ht ~K l ti i I a s it ii atS at 0) ettitrill.1V00.teecut99a 111111 it y z E l ' 99, e stott l nd.I e iiitc.'11 bttended.11'itI t- tia 111 ttci
A TH9N O R A 0 aitItk li 'iitl titp ll-~-- i i a't-tital.1-.", lit. '11) . tte3 ct'. i i tt ttl t il t t-it i t f tli't
44 t -. l l9 ttilt i ~tr~yoeigwsa
,cfie":I_________________________ iitl t i)Ittiittis Il it' - tt' Se thli i ii. 1) t cutt t l, y e ti 111, A It cit l ttst t-li- 'itil t llt


@] evier~e
q 1


iorily, Avillztil!". 1il-4 i;lac } oil jmiiti-,

I I'ut l'in 76 potzild Eliot--Woll by


t scored. Ieiuinr , )S L. ft. 1'1 Ili.; wroml ' 7tD..'itt t m. .. A Plea I'oc I lw '1 en(-li
'I'r}'on t)t) ,,-l ft. 4 ill.; thin,. l mkor, inti otl° ia"tnitary Science ill our
'I"he trials for the lofty yarcls d<tsIi
were et r close and eLCiLilh, Caulkinr, Li llt t ei 5ht Avrestlin"-Wool by U. St11oa1s,'' Prof. Delos F"Ill. of Albion
II. Ilalls '98, two bouts. Collc>: ( Disc!tssioll, Dr. V. ( .
wlnnlii? t lle fillttl 121 ;{)oil fJl"111 alld
ILunnin; high jump. I). K. E. ptrize am, -1 11. I'lliversiIy of Michip ate; Dr,
fast: tlnli .
can--Won h.v 'Stuart, 'tau, liei-ilt <i I'l. If, IBaker. Serretitry Micl i,--am Si;lfe
lftrtcll.inson pro -ed his superiority
ov ilr leis competitors ill the pole atilt 5vt in.; second, Smith 99. Bortrd oil, Ilealtl.; Boil, Id. 1..+ l'ath,11-
anal «-on ea.sily. '_fen yards h'11111 race--Wolf Oy Dtlf- gill, :Mate Superintendent of Public
1 lle Ii hl; 'ci llt «ri;stlin rot:te, l f , '98 D. second, Richardson, 't),4; lnstruc."tioll; 5111)1. Al. S. 11'ili.lne; . long-
tlnle 81fa SeC, rues-T' E. S. (iellCrfl I)l i'u;s7on.
NC. very interesting, 1eIlirn.
I l 'orl - yards lialidle First, Nvon by At '?:00 1). ni.-Conferences NN111 be
booty to de terlnizle the S- rtor. Ill tlic;!
' firs t-, bout: II<rlls did all the ork, lI< r-jj I3ry'lllt, '96, ,eroded, >Sto«-e, '(1'8 L; time, lucid in Iselin and Greok at t'niver-
tilldaIc pla;) iu far- his opponents' 4 ', 4-5 sec Second. moil by Duffy, '98 site- 11.111, Room 24. tPallers are
grind. «'llile in the seciltlcl the fattt=l I), second, AN%-enn. timo 62-5 s,% Iilidtod. Strlclly to twenty nlinules).
Third won by St-. Clair. 't)G 'wcol 1, The followin.>. will N, read.: 4,Vii'gil'e
took the ofensive until the last sec-
anc1. NA hell by l clever tic ist halls had,
him on his back and was declared the 1 Yves, 'S).); time i ''-5 see. Fame,- MI, Edwin L. _Miller, EIlgle-
Llnal-AVon by DuI1 '98 D, second., wood IIi"ll 5rizooI; 'I'lle t u.1n til of
. I '
C1- !_,.,;,. '00" +.,.,,. > ' - - i 1 .,,1;,, 't 1..,.,171.., 1 )- 1V s ~ 1 b ,., i" .

111111P t a till'tilt 111' il-i ati v,'s . "'nt.ti ii ititn i t li- . I 1 i %i'
cu,. lil, w t 1oi,,.u n go stuendIli-yailt '111; tilile'41 2-5 sc'.i ' E tittie IC.-Fiece, Stidlitat, 1". S.,
G . H . p 11o~~~~~~it it ofitthefeitil allu ee ilItttul -el aebtv-,i et n lc lI °oi Sne(ali iae,
The Leading Tailor, 80,1thd01"salhi tn\ay i-Itween 11t'950 1-a-I--' 98 11T.iitoiliitbtyiin et cols:11111 hutly
tDufty, '9S5iD, cetathe asitprise-oiti ilt '9 . - - <81isc k t 1111(I ~c cI1Ict' H w Ii(
atid only direct Importer ini the city, ewe 9 ad-9Wnby Nebs bai t? rf' 1-ito
has juflt received lisa entirleestock of iiing hitrgPtt iitil geia att,57- e lSatl 8 B)1 a i;ill' biaIt aidtl 111 It Iltill-e
Fioreign and Domestia Wooenis for hi'td iit titt t hltnytardsablined ethe, ltl s - ci.Wht 11hI ilig' it11 nt
Spring stir)Summee 598,at ah it)eltuily ti' r(Ia7 racebtee ttia-Theofcaswr sflos dei ftems alci h e
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, liii( dt-ittntitid ill tlit uitticby lisla 1i Refeee, tie I.II. hilztoittiii ;ate In inuir"4 Work iniGeet," IPrit. ". '.
FulDesrut. peBey ttdii ~lt ldll)S einte)iFittricki; iiul;c .. AWtittotit, De tilt. Schoottl tferBoy,";
Ful resSutsaSpcily. oflieinll the tur wrec11). ee li)Lelhoy,1I. St. St-ttetitand O . H "81 ret-k initihut-'li111 tiraet-Alln x-
I~he l~Wi-ighti l jedg i lit wet-atliet-, Sit'.r
at ttiit lit('ll tie of tiiiit-iteu'f'. pni i l'I,"Stilt A. NIS ''irucaslut, huh-
WA RKT L itt 11111 -.1thy e-u'ted.ilintt ctoriua iesKe 'hItziptlct-k 1 huntoitturstiia' 1>routu; 15111anet w Nic- hittutia i l i-
Itt thut- ll-it, '(8Ls I.tnt)8hidtetm:i,, flit'C.' Sluiulula; ua tmllts, W. 1.II ttituhIi hu t i n," Il 'ot.13.I. tI'(tutu', S~-i
Ifitias c-ill bl ut-tta oftillhu -t iga i in tl In i -tutur; tiluli, 1Str.I.1.II iilt Sittei- Nurttl St-i tutu; I
S tatijoner 1
Sieyttiaatu-t ial h F~tt~ itzag ditt.tiIS. Finin n d AV.' NA li-iltreek tt u hIlleutic i-ntl C1'Itsiac-
XWe can show youn all tte latest l terthitultatoaProut Trti'ueoo, Dr W,1t a;announciier',Pitt. T.(. 'lre aale-i-it'Pritn. It U.(ittia, lFtCus-
tints, in tll the popular sizes, Fl-zealAl.Icu tzptr1c gdblo;sre,1"K.Hahnd.hike-
wvitht envelopes Io match, for 'tu t-Ittl'tlttieebtuitialcattaIItIttttl)ifillat
Ladies' and Gentlenten's Polite Altllhtter c-le iacsirtud tFllit lak- nItui'tt-th.iIet-- i-uS itii'andtilt 7.f' An ll iahl11,i uiactauit ctill bei'hilt) i-i
iorres-uondeince. We give special - SF ALhllliii'F lil-l Ihu ofteUat ersuiiy litt11
atti-ititien lo engravitig tf iwed- ng tetierta . sic-au-ac t____________________r_ set
ding inivituations, receptionl and She itetult of the u-tutt e ia-is tfholiii-Th tltl ultar, lilty oitthle'll- u tll-t u ahictgtuiiatl-a-
visiting 'ards, ahnd maltitig 0 leci giet-maat-il Pt"gum-it 1111)IteiIM atutu11 uhi(i izIitii °" 'lilt-shorl
og;ra ins anti address dies. Plate la'at I - Citi(.lv~l nxt
li ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ctFia rintinig. We take pleasure in 'Teluil hIiath-touuey tirds a u1ach-fires, i'd-t<g2t. Niahuehsa ll.til~uctu~ titit ti~' l~hi
shocying you ceciayonuy Forerha'8IDaeeond ileul- The ceder of spatue~ith le' Praiser- i-t(icty h itaai iou t
~j , - soit 198 L; tee i5see. Seetondcc-ill tyicAlcontesS-on net iFriitay tnightfwill ntca 'lte i'T Tei1itaitleofmeittod Get-
9 Mat in '96 L, sacoend Flie; tingt- y Pt as folloccs: ilcuux '95Daclil hdui--eget'9)6i1-eupuhtatccuet
I"IU mN -k ill Chicboos a aigneitulori
UPTowns ' DatwsTawn sec.Tt irtiIccciiby- ('tthlkintst'98 1.,IBerktilet-98 L, Alies, 7-Il~gtu- retatlbulutehanllue ?itt) btuhlit-teut-t
9s1 a ity tBookstore, dppit'Aout i-Fe
20 S. State St, 4 X.tMaat St. second, heald. '98; Stite 5 see. Four-i, Patti, 9(1 L, iioiuIta'18, Metuz, ')5 (Gontinuett en Second Page.)

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