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October 16, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-16

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U AdL ot


YOE. IV.-No. 14.
By a Score of 26 to O the Michigan
Team wins Easily from the
D, A. C. Saturday.
It was rainy and disagreeable,
muddy and windy, but success was
with us for all that. The U. of M.
Football team returned in triumph
Saturday night from its trip to De
troit. The D. A. C. had been
easily disposed of by a score of
26-o. This demonstrates that our
team was only playing with the D
A. C. in the first game, and gives
good reason for expecting the U. of
M. colors to go to the front again
this fall.
Although there were ew specta-
tors, the enthusiasm of those who
did attend made us in quality wha
was lacking in quantity. From be-
ginning to end, Michigan was clear
ly the master of the game. No
once did the ball get nearer our goa
than the twenty-five yard line, and
every time our men got the ball,a
touchdown' was the result. Ou
lhne wasstrong, our interference no
ticeably good, and our team-work
vastly improved The men hav
begun to play football in a way tha
justifies high hopes for a successfu
At 4 o'clock, Dygert chose th
goal and the D. A. C. took th
ball for the first twenty-minute half
After several insignificant gains
Detroit began losing ground, ani
Baird soon got the ball on a fum
ble. Michigan than began carryin(
the ball up the field, and Leonari
soon touched it down, 8 minute
from the beginning of the game
No goal was kicked, and Detroi
again started down with the ball
making several good gains befor
she lost it. Then, with good, har
play, it took just ii minutes befor
Griffin took the ball over for th
second touchdown, from which
goal was kicked.
It took only 7 minutes to get th
next touchdown. The D. A. C
lost the ball without making an
gain with their V. Michigan kep
moving up the field, and Leonar
took the ball over Detroit's line b
a twenty yard run.
In the 4 minutes that were lef
of the half, Michigan got anothe
touchdown, from which no goa
was kicked, leaving the score 18-o
For the second half, Michiga




took the ball, and with but a half- CHORAL UNIONiSERIES.
dozen downs got a touchdown in 4 The Usuai Fine Course Offered.-!
minutes No goal was kicked, and Boston Symphony Orchestra,
saMax Heinrich and Others. h
Detroit, strengthening, gained o'
yards before the ball was lost. It The Choral Union series of con-
- certs is about to enter on its fifth
rapidly traveled back up the field crsi bu oetro t it
a season. During the four successful
and Leonard got a touchdown in h h dd trbor 1O an C
so minutes., No goal was kicked, seasons that have preceded the one al S. MAIN Si., Sole Agents.
about to open every concert t sven
and the score was 26-o. After some g We sell everything musical and nail our faith
-further skiriisiing, Macleot called in the course has been recognized as to "Quality and Square Dealing."
in - an event in University life. It is Chickerin ros.
in his men, leaving the U. of 1It. tehlin PiANOS Erie
eas needless to mention the names of Braumuler.
those performers who have appeared N©OT C
Fuibert......i...Left End...............Beath n i its programmes for it is well w are here to stay. we are prepared to
S Sonter....-_.-Left TasL;ie..--Lawrence known that only the best artists and ive aclass of work to the rduse ei rtise
Gri hn. ......._Left sGuard...- .---- Hu ter suneiad isy avy Oiiers ever lsatnC i neii
f sit.......sir..etr.-v.wiittiii irchsestras line been insvited to up- i (esse1aia isidh eyd i'iTaiir ii
Amrcainda riies ssvrs-d biv odese-
liennisiin-e..Right Guard......-----ealdwi" par in University Hall. ded. suits from .O0lthirty dolaarsto any
Aldrich.- it....-. ight T ss-le. ......--- Geiriinpricedesired.inn CustomTailoringbY
Iiaye-s........-...Light End.. s.tyan The expectations of music-lovers,. ,
Baird. .Quarter-Bick.Csaptla o have been k forsard to
Leoivard...---Left Half .. Goodrich haAbenlooking-s. 7 ANNSTREET.
Freund.-. t....-....igh Halft ......-.....Chope another musical treat this year, will
t Capt. Dyert,_.-Full Back..Spier and ills not be disappointed in the announce-
- tmpire, Rathbun; Referee.Woodrui. uset of those already secured for
Niney-Fours Castalian. the coming season. The first con-/
t cert will be on Nov. 16. Lillian
l In spite of the inclement weather Nordica, America's most gifted so-
a number of senior independents prano,Maudvowell,"thegreatestliv- Artstc Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
a met in Room A, Saturday, for the ingviolinist,''and J. Erich Schnmal,
r purpose of discussing the advisabil- well known to Ann Arbor audiences, HOTr LUNCHES,
- ity of publishing a Castalian this may be heard in one evening. Han- ' Lowney's hocolate ,
year. D. B. Luten, presided, and del's Mtlessiah, which was given last ___ -
e W. P. Martindale acted as secretary. year just before the Christmas holi- TUTTLE'S
t All were agreed that the senior an- days, will be repeated by the Choral ' 48 S. STATE St.
l nual should be gotten out, but there Union this year. The date will
uwas considerable discussion regard- probably be Dec. 19. The fact that FIRST NATIONAL BANK
e 'nrthe plan of consolidating with Max Heinrich has been heard here OF ANN AiRBOR.
e the fraternities and issuing a joint for the past two seasons, will only tCapitalF50,000. SurplusandProfits, a30,000.
pubicaio. Acomitee asfin i'Is-ass-sets ss gessersiissikisiglsiniss. For-
. A com ittee was fin- icrease the desire to listen to him I aignexchsangebgt sin sold. Lessees of
publication.ocured-fotravelerssabroa 1.
ally apointed consisting of Messrs. again, when lie appears here on Feb. P.iACIi, Pres. f..CLARKSON, cashier.
d Luten, Lyons, and Ottaway for the 16. He will be assisted by Hermann
- purpose of conferring with the Pal- A. Zeitz, violinist, instructor in the I GRANGER'S.-
a latium board, and, if possible, of School of Muslc. No Choral Union CLASSES IN DANCING wil meet as
d arriving at some decision as to con- course would be complete without follows: Gentlemen, Saturday mornin-s 0ii
g corsewoul becomletewitoutand Thursday evenings 7:30; Ladies, Saturday
s solidation. It was found that those the Boston Symphony Orchestra and afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad-
vanced class, Tuesdav evenings 8. Ground
present were willing to give their this great orchestra will be heard as floor Maynar s treet.Tuition. one term
s(twelve weeks) $. Pupils received at any
t financial support to an independent usual sonetime in tay. The fifth time.
Spublication if it is found necessary concert will be by the Choral Union,
e to publish one. A committee con- assisted by a full orchestra and dis- STU DEN TS!
d sisting of hiss Strong, Mltessrs. tingised soloists. Ths lanzoni
e Overton, Quinn, Shields, and Fried- Requiem, one of the greatest pro- Trade at WAHR'S BOOKSTORE and
e man, was appointed to canvass the ductions of the famous composer save money, A full line of Law, Medi-
a independents not present and as- Verdi, is the work selected, and the caland all University 1ext-Book-s
concert will undoubtedly be one of
certain what aid might be expected the finest ever given by the Choral 5,0cc Blank Pooks at 25c each.
e of them. The meeting then ad- Union.
. journed until next Saturday when One date has been left vacant Linen Paper, per pound 25c.
y the report of the committee will be and will be filled later. Each year, Buy the IDEAL WATERMAN FouNTAI-t PEN.
t received and a board of editors will after the course has been made out,
d beced to serve eitr o ill opportunities to secure distinguish- Bear is the wsrl Every one guarasteed
ed performers have presented them. for five years.
y Castalian or on the joint publication, selves, and of necessity have been
as the matter may be settled during allowed to pass by. This year it is GEORGE WAHR,
t the week. hoped that any unusual attraction
t te eof the kind may be secured without LEADING BOOKSTORES.
gam . nextra expense. Course tickets are
l Cornell plays its first big game in placed at the low price of two dol- U E 0BO STORE,
. New York, next Saturday, with lars, and no one at all interested in
n Princeton. music should fail to buy one. 4N. Main, ppC.ort housa.

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