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VOL. IV.-NO. 163.
THE COMING FESTIVAL. digied seniors, arrayed in cups S Republican Club Meeting. CfWT/D TrlT1
Gretet usca TratEvr f-and gowns, began to pour in he A etn f h eulia UlbCLUVLIkL .ICYOIb.U
GreateMuicalteater ( wofldspeedily hveunderstood the Ameigo h eulcncu
faedicheateooud.v was held in tise law lecture room FOR SALE.
Mcga.cause of the great turnsout. Laws, last evening. 'P. IV. .Day, '94 law,
On Friday and Saturday of titis lets, medics and tpharmics were there dl i ,mdii New-pnenimatic 'ivvis-tii: todet-
wekocryiegets uia anxious to gave on the upper class was elected delegate to the Nattonal O ever iiddent-Tahen otnea debt.
treat in the history of Anns Arbor, mien. About 75 were dressed inlegecnnto tobhlda
th hpl..cow i h atDetnver, June 26i. Speeches were Price, 31a. i5th, 4,90.0«.
or of the state. No persotn who gtaehyeys araSnstgerns 51.5 LESS EACH DAY.
maas by fl...,~ nnC aris, ontuitte wagr r
},mo tn ri o ar1rriccnn r iin1 A t c apelthate c o ld te hlbow ,M.-
borrow, it, should fail to see the t wanedt cllso axtolayoffh'li li
musical event. It is the oppaortunity his vay nil with udifficuiity. No pone, ocletatxt a M 5 Seeth M4ain St.
I1 y;demonstrations were mac. Pres.Ioldetanaso neo n1
of a life timie. # , Eveihaiso the constituitioni and mvake it con -
Readt what a Detroit nmusical locrs to thvat of thi -Nationaul coliege
critic says ini the Detroit 1Free 'ciPirses cldestucts v vss ecatue.
about the comsing festival: quiisted that the '' ProfesioinalI , _
''Ann Arbor is ois the thiceshioilSiingout'' should nsot take place, it Rumors Cotsiceci.
of a great miiusical event. Thve first is likieiy that the on e set for tonightI The '"Contradictor of Ruimors,
May festival is fixed for the ifithllvi be indiefinitely postivosedl a newv official of the University
and i19th itant, aiid the gvviaxy of 104 Musical society, and at piresent an !
vocal stars enaged, the presensce of U. of M.-D. A, C. Game Today. individusal wvhose life is rendered When you wante e st Jtr n ist~seyles
apianist whose playing is tmarked n ilserable by livenmultiplicity of the of ' d a e{r ihoes at ii- to I a pin evi
by much iivdividuality as xvell as? Today's ganme with the I). A. C. duties rendered necessary in live
wi be called at four o'clock. The a
great finish, the services of the Los - i position of chief contradictor, sends
ton festival orchestra as acconmpans- folloiving wiii be the batting order us the followving contradictionss: 1. a a m 'FE
fists, added to the fine singinegf of the U fM eu:Ien,~ MisJuch has not xithdraxvn fromi lt s-a cssyvi v.
coa edaSpitzer, 2 b; Shields, c f; lHollister, the Festivalatnd swili appear at live DETROIT, . - MICHIGAN.
Chorl uion led asignificance toa'Setr cIidssDr-
thve occasioin that caninot fail to be isl uetec licss ig Saturday exening concert, singing TH W VRL HE
widely andI generously appreciated. main, r f; Watermatn, 1 f; hart, i b;TH the soprano solos in the Reiieni. E WAVERLYciWeEEL
Verdi's requiemis- his great niaster- Rselsbsiut.'iv ).A . There v/ill not be a conmmittee 0 i:iionOiii i-~isii i
itece-wvill be givetn at this festival, team ilxi be a s Sttedinitseste'rilay's hand to inisect the audieince as }lu. Seeiiliihe v isv ii vf
adthtie rehearsal at;lvciI pa aper.! the T enter, isricdto object to B OT ' R GS O E
lresent last eveninvg it wvas luhire- axty xvho do not pireseint tivemvselves_______________________
ing how aduirably it has beentre-i TeSotes Ptsess in proper evening dress . '.Thesre
pared. This great work abounids its TefionigaetelatocsIvwill be seats, as the number of
pasgsof the sublimest chara'cter' tickets xiil be restricted to theI
pasgefor the Strollers wvho appear at theC
dramatic and inspiring to a rcmarke-oer house tomiorrowv nigtvt. i capvacity- of Unveraity hall. =I.
able degree, and the xvay in wyhichsoer Choral Unilon tickets n-ill be good'
Mr. A. A. Stanley has brought to ,vedne ae i.Agli~ k for all thve concerts. 5. Everyihing ihtii .iii Pit'visivalsser tsr tuweE iti ass
tesraeistasednbeuisde Pont, C. E. Greenie, Alt. L. U. tidAl., "ii.itesnie- enfthe ciiassae res-
ts avces or ss onbeatns- DOoge. Wms. H. P.ettee, S. N. Dem- ficeprsofesismolynind sp ,ea iy e tttt ae ttt sso
tpakng eorimsandrthissidouxnans- nion, r. C. Vaughn, H. S. Car-ofcrofteCoaUnnspkasosil.aigefrsadthasdoumn- to each other when they meet. FRESH ASSORTMENT
nciwhc thchrluinhshart, IH. C. Adanis, C. Thonmas, B. These rumors are samples of those -or-
directed itself to than study of this M.Towsn .A.Saly ,xe hear every day. Everythiing L VW \ 1Y&. s
sublime creation. W. Kese, . C.rotoP.,C. rerabout live Festival pit oa a 1Q.{QI.~J
University ihalwill accousmoda acrd, .Carx,,.C.Feewonderfully successful outconse of --actu RCEiIVED As-
over 3,000 peH.rsColen.s,',Patesos, steecriatlr'rrLE s, - 48 S. State St.
perons ad sieial C.Trueblood, I,. D. Campbell, C. ,.5 hl nte!'ieBso
road rates and the fact that Verti-' HC. Cooley, A. H. Lloyd. 1)Stiva l rchetr.viieslaRatthn in n it a
requiem will receive its initial per sr.Jon DevyS Fsivl Ofe r illiplaReqtnov
foraise n tis tan a ths est -Beakes, Junius henl, A. J. Saxvyer,
vat conspire to create an itrs Saturday evening.____ ___
tha cnno fil o rin agoo inrs P. Bach, 0. 11. Hall, L. P. Hath,
tha antfi obigago ay Evart Scott, A. L. Noble, 5. W. untClb BASE BALL GOODS
music-loving Detroiters to the Uni- Clarkson, J. H-. Wade, Harrison h~v .J a-gteeinn
vesiytodrn i tesxee elghsSoule, J. Pattengill, L. D. Wines, Boston preachxer and lecturer, xill Suits find Gymnasitumi Sup-
of a festival at once so attractive andp H. S. Dean, W. G. Doty, R. S. deliver the last lecture in thenpis
varied in the good things offered its Dunster, G. S. Morris, 0. Eber-)Uitlluiouseeexsuna
voais"bach, XV . S. Perry, L. Clement. evening. His subject is "Evotution sou are iaviseitexineisetsipies
The Senior Swingout. and Religion.' The lecture will
Prof. Dewey will quiz his class begint at 7:30. Seats will be in-
A stranger stepping into the Thursday on Anthropological Eth- served until 7:15 for persons hold- W ATTWfS
chapl tis ornng hul hae is. Te qiz illbe n te frsting Unity club season tickets. All
cha ipreshsendoring hag u m-dthav ecrs. The quiz ilb cn the first holders of such tickets should be T
bee imresedwit th lrgenum tn lctues Th quz n te nxtsure to come before that time for at UN'1IT7IRSITYBOOASTORE
her of students who turn out to de- ten lectures will be given neat 1Tues- 7:15 the doors will be opened to
votional exercises. But when the day. the general public. STATE STREET, ANN ARnOR.