Ije .o
, . ail,,.
\'OL. V. No. -14.
Sketch of the Ex-Speaker Whe Oin Friday morning the gylolossinin Rev. Minot J. Savage, ef Beaten,
Appears Here Teomorrew leckers will be llacedloil sale in the Asks "What O'clock is it
Evening, treasurers othier. One litutired sod
Thliefist ititllici'of the Studenits'twenty-fire of themnwiltl be reoevedj
Lecture association w~-il l be civil to- for womedn for thre days, aind, if any
Morow vein y e 5c ae1of this nutmiber'tale lilt it the 'titi if
Thomas B. Reed, of Mlaitic. This bril- that tin', they will te o'ltd to any
liact h'piiiieaiiicailrapp'ldsclitle . The locker fee will be $42
liitiii-etion to the stlitto if d
inistitutioni. as lie has alreadiyvbt'en
-ielcoeoily received'il o a formter occa-
sonot, beitdies litiing lbeiniconstantly
betfoie the'l'ir rs frci'ittliy years as
the strongest: Elmbutlicait factor ill
coiigr'ss. That till maitacin atiknowl-
'eigi' ofthis sucecessfl i'career we tile
'Tottas RrtackettCecilesasbhuim in
'art' age lie totok ttlvaliiai-cof thteotp-
atnd tcquirled lot himlftheflio iinori'oit
being; the tbest settlar'iliilhilaclass.
lie e'nte're'dI Botvdoin uttliege. iwherihe
tiasittadei a gtstd record . grtlltiiig
ill 186t0. Wihile in tub u-tll ege lie
-stuielawits, hut lod leav iig the ill-
stittilili instead iot eigaginig in atte
prciceItheilw'sicaypit'll ill 1 ay-
I fai' ll st'heii ht iliiti'ili9.'1ills'
-liar-ed -Nov. 4. 18G..
Ilisachosen iit'ofe'-sioni it 'ortlaind.
is 5 carleraa lawryr was trou thlie
firstv'ry suiccessful, tiaillih' sas Soolli
liiiki'il itpsiiis a goodicaniduate' foir
pticl ioiiot's. Ililafhest utllluiailust'
idly ott' turim,hbig chosen as a
iMiiitier of liii'statllsetiti' in 15t0.,
Frot theIla ttter Kilt' until 1872 lis' was
sttitrnley geineial, antifi'oit 1840 lii
1877. sirved as solicitor fur tie city if
'iii. Ied's brilliaint recorid brioughit
abtout his noiniatiointl subse'quent
lecton to) the lisser house of conigress
ill 1871). This potsition liei has htelid
since lihat time. As spteaker of the
housetaMr. Reed initrodluci'il manyneiv
idleas it regard to eider. tils 'ulings
lien yi'art, aiiilani-oini' 5liii vshles to
title liiihislaoh-heat tliii' 'iii sthtii
frest sieiester swill rei-i' tt'tscte.$1.
To' tcii'rict a generail iniiuniiersiaiti
iing, stec'As-ill statetihlit Ithis tocit er fit'
Comiplrises tti' whlef'rte. 'iheri'ssi
be ito chatrgei'oiiinisti'iiilioi, phyiali
Aks ieftiri'slttil, liii'hlirs tii' sli
itteitstill be frunt IJlto 12 'very ittirtn
takiiig iltiast-ittrk it Ilii!Ni' c tiiiiitiiii.
andil tll otheir-ast-ill lie stric-tly- i-
fT'etplacingicfltcikeirs liii8silt' tats
extiectetdtuu thatiok ill it ii ill liegiti
lugt weeki Th ilitytuu i t in' att'connectioini
Thv b e inmlndLeaguetha
bteent''ure I ilaTelitit'. willi
ttiuebystl ii'ygiti t he tu the-t-
ofn'i1gfuraliii'wfll cprobiable'Vatlosv-
fii.hduy C.ha u'ie.iWhattoisicns-Ii
Veb-od. iiif. Ditletill.D., thrt
R. . histte.He .0 rllit on.tfiiiig
in Religion?"
'liiei' lity i-ubt iittei t scoutst'
last ugliht, to a largit anid attetivei
tuitiheince wiitt ininteresting asitu li-
ISavtage, iot IBostoin, svhoitook fur his
subtject, "What O'clock is it i l i
ligi l"' Thei'siuctiirshtowvedti-iiii't
stoit ittlil a oittliethaid t.ks tltit
Mrl. Stitagi' statedtithtlisist 11W
1 ilikitig uitiliis till ationliti every'
Ti y"toiliarniiisthuat bos.
Someut petiple tliouiglh ti'yto ulse
muial in ustruentis witht little
ori illstone.
WIe Say Buy 1hise Which Have Tone
Wre sill tha t kindil
51 South Main st.
- -- TI1D I TS
liii result iri htt iissi'hiiitt 5 yi i < lt.ikethBEA L'S SHOE STORE
ih' presu'eint. liiiy ti tiwsate cti outs
ofthe fii'atct thttttwe'arte passing ,S'1BiDNIS' --
tlhrughitlteei'hiua iitios tiltt u oo~dadserIious liByiiuuinii your
iu'vuutlit itt ofreligiontandh ethiclu'ah 0 ./\.."lr'iIl di CD/\.11j
thotughtit hIlit Viii' sorllld ois 'sit' ii
kitiis\vut. thil. 111tt11, duty.,ihi'stti.till,.1 G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron. Street.
doiii t expect;tilt'(,1'1'i'nuaiis hi itt II lest s t i vttt'tiuaiueiiyuu
hut to stir youillttutu1(Iid tutN-1.1 y
tim it, Iis l in st u'orl's gkit it athu
Thegratai ad uros o al e- boarding House,
lictitl, itntill coutntries.,tutidlall a-'s, 11 Maynard St. (ntext tio Schouol
hits tluutus belimt hit'stame. 'Thege t'of music).
ltrusul itf corutiiiuritose a1i11utc- 2.50 IZmIiiIR,'VW'uE iElIu
itt;tit aimuthats runitthroutih emhit11il, ForLaulies tutu Genitlemnu.
attdlthits shittiul iii' is tte'r,iitle
rrct flit ar-taric -uligion. ZUNCH;O~i8
Rel'igtin is itothing 'lie thu tim s LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
('te'rnatl settuitoluteco''uciliaition ith JUSt ltIVEDAT
God an uomaterwha te erlist+ TUTTLE'S,
nl~nlesato o rliio wre oe" + 4 S. STATE ST.
thtitg is ctutu, it wstseliii' iu'-tiuu -
ittf i, hpowetr ofimautiponhimlfl. fit C 10 C E ER.s
its wa-ki' ilupciause-u'heire' sti tutu. SCHOOL OF DANCING,
11th' rehli in itmust ft-u-u'itself fromtuit tti la--c iiirowliopeit i'apilssrs'e id tainty
ihrit'ant'i'oittthe tol, titd thielite tithe W i m. unt sitittultuit dteo' ais l-
Sint. All cttasses tint'tutuder the piersoaut l it-
nunivehtsrse in whiitch sei'art'livitig. stmeimii, andAis.Ros ranget~r.1No
Illis thu ri'uitisatti' itt religiton,tutud t-u'e ito gron(utloor i, 651 uyuuriuuiSt.
Viieltctuto t opre'i'etfrt'hu e~'~AA~lP ffll/~ ll
uex.Nutsurvival ofh ittduidehtas tautY fl1 D UN Ifl
trnt batck thu .uvulttiig shadowon luusv tutuUBE
tile ditalittfttime. The wttorlhas puttig
sn ereitt such a charaucter that hue be- .i ittiai teln -ie -'I r Nli
Quhatit \'tcuh Iecitl b 'iitt offie lehe olgtarmen'tt freligion anutdul We otter dhseount on ahh
cant owisn amnug thue Denmocratie n nvrit etBos
"Ca. . 11111s, iMusuical Leuctuure' by ' isschothtig heurse'lf withi nue ite niestyTx-Bos
mtenmbers of the hester house as 'Ca. Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
Juy . ol'granider concti'htons of thei chturch. adSiniBos
fibsltow-erfuh influence as speaker is LuyK oe- hcuc hud ete, n cetfcBos
'to'htnendabll nbeefonet ofiqueu uri ttuulIeWe bay anud sell second-hand books.
commendablettonuatioentiofigheluuts Clodl it curtuting life; it shuouhhlae Mathuenmatical Instrumensts arid
sanees whlicelore doune awvay tithi socitunsofor iidutominhood,-'Il dtldlW Drafting Supplies at special
uuiu hi sekehi. Anoghushats-i'beenutaerautgu,,of tt -it tuu rates. We oiler
nsuuueehs pekeuueuuAonth s tilh'uiih.fuuitt'shtouhl lokuptuto hur. Onuce' aguain
tat ei oke pna h oune. nutty b ad fo tmey Best Linen paper at 20C Per Lb.
tayhuishoeupiastegreat-t iuemysite siy to all nuon: t"('uun uto
eot poswer iii congress, and hubs popu- __________'ieat siittciyutt'taso BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
laxity is shotsn by hits continuna l ee- prof. Trueblood tsill beginu a coursi' God. Come to use and tItwill gui'e youi SOLE AGENTS hiOH
tlout since '70.Flue great abilit' of lectures on "Great Leadero of Chris- bleky ,oetra upino, aERASIELFONDNPN+
shotwn by Reed luaussade himt a possi- thVestieenlhppns.snitEMNS DA ONTI E.+
b hle caodidate for president in 1876. t iy" at Ohio M. E. church next Sit _________ ________
Mr.' Reed's subject is yet to be aIn- day. 'These leetiures -itill lunundiatehy tDygert swthllbe away for V-incveeks, 'T"W'O S'T'ORES.
uoueflo-temorning sro. coachinug OioWesleyan Cuulversity. nout StateoIf. e, Ojp. Court Russo