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October 16, 1894 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-16

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211'~ 2±1 ~ +j,.~, to the nature of the Unoiversity, large-
: O'p f 1+ + 1 5L~t.+ ltole to the articles whichlinhd their
t'wyinito the staie press, aiid it is
PulO'to iltiy (Sundatis te'c-pied) (luring alsoi for the tpurptose of eolliileratitg
the College year, by thetse oftein highly ooe1ielsii
THE U, Of M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, giving e p ilstlle pitlain, ivurishrdl
OFriir:imes irobuild ing- N. Matin St., oppositeis t
postalice. fiets that the IDailyis trying togain
ai foothold tiroughiout the tate.

Attendance to Date.
The followinig instthetattendlanee: in
lie carionstdepiartmienits op telate:
Literary 1,416, lain1166; tiedticat 141;
de'ntalh 174, tpharmaceuitical 71, homoe-
optiil18; total 2.586. 'This is a coo-
sidterale('inicreaese omci.the attendalnlce
last year at this tinee1and at the rapitd
elite of registratlion whiceh is goili on,
lhe total tittti at'for the )'ear will be

J. T. JAtO.t C HAS. n.ALLMA\D.
+ s-fJOE8F. ++
()ME AND S~iS.F E l~

SubscripinttprIlice $V.50per yealr, invrciabtly
in adlvatee. S itcpe:ens u rp
tionismamy blefteat teofttice o ileit'i iiY,
at Stlltilt's, ate'State St. tie 'lattl, -8011h any
ofthec editors tr autholrizedtsolicitors'.
t'ommunicaltiont'.sihonld reach tile ofiier ty
caitionto . the Mllinil Edlitor. Alt busitttss
nress iltitller.
AtnnlAt-tire, Mihl.
J. L. LOMEit, Lit. 'to, -latoiging Editore.
F. 1'. SAitic, iti. 'tti, ASSisttit.
Ii. ClIiAN, Litt. '97, Assi'tant.
J. A. LmotY, Lit. il6, Athlietie Editolr.
J. S. tPEAIM, Lwn't5, Bulsinless laiante.
-- Assistanit.
Mini lTthomilnlsoll,'i7 E. L. Evans, 'i5.
Carrie V. Smlith, '96. _________
DENrAL.. E. S. Nllil'll, 'tO.
it1. 0. tGammuon, '98.

Tennis Tournament.

'1111'rtstltsofl thlei ltenis llltlrilill't greatly ini txcesso tf last year. I11is The VWashngton Block.
to late are its folitists: .lannouncedll'l that if the satti' tntmier FLOW~VERS, FLOWERS
lhirst claiss sitigts register after todhay thoat registteredsl orIetry11itin iandEvrybttdy.
IT. Prescot t lt'fet'dtlaims.i, -,7-:.ifter the sitmle dalte tast d'ear the totlal COUSINS &}ULL' Eltttt on6l'.itnivittt te
Jtoci'lyn tlefeled \W ilht't, G--, 6-'. ittiitt'Teileeetttiilee sil11i'a>.t
Siahoty tdtft'atedtlei~, 7-5, l6-1, 7-5. EXCELSIOR +, LAUNDRY!
1I. Prot,s..e t..f(e..t.t '..,..... ,-:Z . ~ '96 Pharmics. 10 EAST litRON STREET.

;1t i,-t .
~it ilg It-" e lcxudr G
Si'c'tndt class siltglt's.
It. IDanforth tdtfeateid Wrig ht.,(6-4,
Ntt tttublt's hasvc as yet beten tiyt'tt.

imptortant ilectitig ye'ste'rtday and
t'let'ed't tht' ftllossiing- otticers: t'resi-
denett. Mr.Ptarke'r; 5vicetpre'sidettrt.1.
Mt. Dt'e'ss-; secrttary, tieorge A1.tHethil,
ttf a fttotbltl t-alitstasidist'tsst'tt.antI
it is e'xpelctedt that ae ntuimhtr of call-

anttideleed.i A . ~'tIEKTi Fep.
Mbikfor Ihe U. of M.Baily.
The DIAIY contains official notices
from thte tactilty, andI notices from
the athletic founts aod other stoudent
It ctontains comptlete reports of all
University events of interest.
It keeps you posted on your owvn
and esevev therdprtmo.en.

- '~~hut otiotests stittlhte t'ltse'r frothno th5 fi nitlhrlngo h'htr
All ctopy imitstlit- ttthe toticibtfre 8:ts a. oiland todayhlS's a'duh nor htt'tplay-'ollegiatt' ItttthalAssoiciatioo wa SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEPA FILE
M. aftite lay itt publicationi'tgsti iilttht'th-hi-etl'001 l-l-ttitt Nt-stYork lhtlSaturtday.
Th pill-_will_-undoubtedlyincludesomein- $2.50 IN ADVANCE.
STir editort-s.dontldiiti'timstlses rispite-_______________________________
sitile fo heir1o'tpinionts tie statt'ntsof-tcoriest-trishtig touits.r
ptttitettto. tiptaritt it u t' iAIlic. L I I '(' ^C
- - --- -- - Choral Union Social Cluh. lPThthiie IIS[ Suhscriptions received at the
'rhe plalcing of lotckers ott sale Fri- '_____IttiDAILY ofiie, Timehs hoildintg. Sloth-
tay mitrtiitg lookls enottoragittg frT 11 he itetoris ofttIhiet'htoralhion11will hrttadeni your shou-tlders andthakhe lets anid hy all authoied solicitors.
ut nitar oe'llig of t1111' - si.sociaul chubh ilthat t'e schioot f Musie lthe stoop frolicyouirbachk. Willi
gy~ilhusuhui. - develop at ntuscle on set ohfinuce
hfli o f tt $2 is motst Irealsonale' es- Saturda~y aftiteoto10cons5i1 iltshow ittthur boty. All parts gutaranteed -
lttci0113 sicethetrl-e is the tpriv-ilte thur socialh interests ttf thit'uutonoti a f ortwto voats. ('liltbeeputt tpltany -
helswhouoct I h~ih'h ' oee swithcout taking tp any
itt reeivinugreb-ht-eial this-d I-till es prmoeiiIt«111ecie'to roots todi s uoiseless, self-adjust-
first st-litstnr. Thut fact tat onihy reuetutIhte ieibhlip tee fromti50 tng and adatpted to any ate ttr sex. -
Inoursed bty thur leaditue athletes of . /
125~Cet tohen ie o sih t~ io ut -Il . 25o cetls.'hi'- tundt-lhius thie ay. (all itor catlogtuts atl -
of tht'ettoeds, shosss tha~t thotse iunuraisedt ssill he oused to dei-ruly expetuses insect it. Price onlhy $5. Fotr sale - t
ehauge hilts-cnot utuuchlfi tin lit l-nof the sociails, sshlehu silhlie hiel ev'ery t stglss.At noMgt
atfdtc.Tu-ei t esuhoe ive ttr six seecks turntg thur yeiar. It _________________ In the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINES antd SHORT-
HAD hr i oraon \' HAD.Magnificent building; teoucreso; ltg
eser, sshy~ thur s'on t-usluouthttnot use is the planut of thue commuittee outar-ao tondance; gnud disipline; superior nook; tell
Elf suppiedoreading room; daihp lecture;oatuda
thur gy-mnasitumin rpotonlyas nruut.. leuts to poiea short tonSiCat eenicngcreceptinn; open the entiryar. EScog-
greatnumbuders as ~toen.rlheiet~ireprgadni, and lighturefis-noh KAtiorand rooml$2itlaphol$2.75tperaweek inpiate
OR* EZ1 InoOA F ailtos. Thieserates reduoed Ic $t.5a Pp sol-
n11lighuas bet-utset aside ftrtrheiucilulonts. 14: S L h baroding. Par Catalogue addoeno A. Pe
YAS:u l.sC10 t.It, 'ione o.51.
WA'lihe thur cot-t is wsaitinug for lien cluth, andt it is hohpedt thaut every ieni- ______________
"atunex" she shulttd asvailhehresehf of her-nftiffle society- still etotsit. 'heu
Ile httenttuit ot-u-i, ttUthesefnet'tttti tt tu tssult-luen ti A. (G-SPALDING & BROS7.
the ppotuniy ofere, t fitherelfFOOTBALL SUPPLIES.
for at gyumnausioum of her ott-it, Asenrtbe giveutout thur last Fridhay eening Every Risitkle far t'e This space is reserved.
oOcoe.am.it does comeit. Everyonue of these 125 -A~~hr Spaulding's
lockers, at lily raiii'shuouldetken , O.lilet Tomro. Official for the Grand Opera
antu e 11w5omant swhlo got-s ito thue , Intercollegiate
,f, ,..111,hehns _ll ~3gal~, IFootball. House.
Clatsssswill findithorselhf repaidh iln tit- ~o- - AIIthefirstII'd at-l Adayliy the ;
ter' hetalh, atunmoe giact-fuh tanniui'. ttti'titil11'e uhssii 1Intecolhngte PAestOeu-
tht-Oliset (;I til t ealli. I -'e"u' lte -- - _ In allnoatichi tites.
'Thue Daily is mak~ingu lulleffort ho is kitissuofttfh0111'hhtterc '' ettt10111 Stihint eiuh-PtIiititltotog5t
ge-f us subtsritberitt es-er-ytlHihiitiththat thety aut- saidto let iliccru-eaiseed scuIentt.'. patitilnt'sOfficeial Pitotball ud o 54dtd yNat 'np oanidg
it 'iei-nan tuseticeoti,edituead t Vluablet, coa u
a iviglt n th lie. hey avehad 011, hby mnil, upriceo10 citto. Spaldiotg's
ilostei' botndof uniintivu ht'tss e litally amn h'spticeant' o tt t tito gotods <t t' hio test.yi h urne
versity' and11schotols ttf sittotutarysouutthie Nou'uiah ilon Ithe t y hoere of Ne_",.rk. Chuiu-ago. Phit- ladelpila.
cationthanlutunowlssexists.'ITe Datily 10 to 0. 'fTlueriamue still tie called MM l l ni~1
belieses thiatsuch uo slthlhh ited tot'ly a3'ut :15. lviR111AN11NIE IL ARDII V Sl LIJ
to give those inlteret'oed it edtuc-Itionaul -- StIIOOL1 OP
moatters a greater futiliaitiy ssithu the '97 Class Canen. Dancing and Delsarte.
Thirdtseaisoniopensuist ret ek iiN usontter
wtorkings of tiIthe1isesly uanit a 'Theosopthomiore's wilhouse'cae-~s. toehatcu'ao euir-etete ti d Oil. iI
atIthue schtool,
truter lappreciattiont of its grestttiss P'residtheulIRliuiutus anunc~thIe's the toll ~ fiat '72S~
atud thiat suhlufamiliiaity ailt iappre'- loss-ng his at etiittlioo tirocer ssHati L ng
elation hyyItuosehavsitg eiretitoutof sMisslhe I enailetsoict Longr:
thur schools still act as a stimtuultus uptitntC. Lyster, chuairmuuan; Ploy 11. Wiley. Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo CTEL&LOAD
thur piutpilsueer thenut, restultitug ini a hE. J. Bemueult, E'. H. Boyt3ntounind 169 Miler tee., Ann Arbor, Mict. CTEL&LOAD
ALBANY, N. Y., 472 AeND 544SBtOAnWAY
larger attendlance froun each school. Evauns Holhrook. Thur coutmnitee still MERCHANT TAILORING I Makers at CAP'S and GOWNS to the
Again, parentts througgut thur dtate he prepared to reltert at thue next clans Cletning, P'rsing and Repairingt Amorican U'niversities. Illustrated
doe neatly by troatiso, etc.,apan requestw
have greatly varying idean in re'gard mneeting. AUG. SCHOENEWALD, 26 E. Washington V. A. MURRELL, A gt. 44 RMuAe Streat.


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