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October 16, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-16

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THE U. 01? M. DAILY.
Time Table (Revised) luly 1, l894. Agaift Isffiit numberll Tof ]liie' H. F. Frdi(rTiclson, l-Ilit, i 11t511- [No iiS .i'Ard i i. ii 1111, li.te ra t
of,etsp .r ilie. Oliti1 a teDl. beor o ger
EAST. WEST. mie faild to appear ~for pracStic ys11151 Latinsin lhe WtlDivisso Iighiimes~, lnid ecr.linofunshIeed by il ly (li
p. 5M. A. 5M. t lte ALY oi.ID
Sail and Es . 4 05 Mil -------8 43 t(rily, oaln t thebt work ws not0 School, Chliag.0.ll ittIu fN'kia t5
N.Y.Special.. 5 10 N.Speial 7 05 -Tefns ieo et.'a'a )
Easers Es---1 25 N. 5.kii]trtd. -9 125 gottin Slt of te taon l111f o- Mmibrs of 11he Choral 1111o111 5ill (11110aof:Nol's.
A.5M. Paciic E-----121;
Atlasfit Es-._7 47 p. M. tounlt. F1-ti, whoiireturnd tiI ulll- fidl 11all i iiicend llllnlOultlsSh tilsl ~ i lt(iln
J.N SEipress.__5490 wetern E_ 1 55ielwl t h trCohn
. t. Express 1.1. 5 Cli. Nt.l eS-10 5ay, was ot fr lt hi t1110 fiDirstf wtlndconerigftheIrk o lt lillilillil ItHous Ihis wetsk.VW hit IDresShirs
0. IV. R1GLilEs, 11. IV. hAYEs, bsiowedilsomeltof hils iilo ld iiilldodgin iiboardatfbie Sihool of llsiss worth $.55toi$2 at 75i-tils, sligtly
G. P. 3T. ot,Cicgo. At, AsnAbor old eb Iiswrtr2t ;
_________________________________ and_ 11gr1o1m11.fit (llt. d i t is getinlg Tlit prtiyer Illtiligat tf lS. b i.l. ~ ly lis wirl 02 li
at 115ttatt4
RA LIN HOLi .'.. ill iliitost Illss 5ei -l le lsuf bishlotnad it o11irtto al11elgy Mtin of te . L. ,a d lt, e beryhll sdi.0-
DETROIT, M IC H. 11111 1111111 lts-tl1111,1.is as.how- teo Sudelnts Lectufncrse~lb. ('1111 Dollliol On (ill sItiebtssold,
Itis well beoresleaig he, wheher i 1pell tt11atkl. MSilliilsitoS.: lMs Agns (G.1111. tavesling 5seei-Aly oelishing111 to sll liay btain
for bsness ir peasre, ts dcide uopsas
hotel sod theeeby aoidcosfusi. fuet I ihlulll-inllslllll-iili's g0(51111.l La fry- for Illi-Ssu-nts ' Ohloieii tits frmio ibt t llllips f lie-
When you visit Detroits-ses-old bedaeSvigBrk
pleased is hass ysu stop at tho old 1tpLmoto ei, o tw kMvmn, -ildlvriladesi rnlnHue cr ae
adBates St., iwhere you swil hve agod uet . Dygrt 'will be Olabsentfr liii t wlurry 1h111tiiiig.it lat 7:0. M\isoHeath~ly onl sblstnltilllda1y7boalsri
meal ada clean bed atosderate rates. i 5Pckr.t, t$.0. 1-1
The hoiseashas eesreaoated frotop tIs rest coahingthethl-15\'PIc~i-klHll i itsladtte$o2511.oisli-illr
bttom, ad is winlfrst-clssscoadition. .If you lf lii1)11. ik5171Cig111ars1, buy thie f 111100 Tiiir
respetfully, 11W1-e1 ciy te. Si1t-y1111 it550111111of spertior tadlet.If SCON si[k.-(ING11. Us y tilein.
H. H. JAMES., IhE O I117i b litll
mtols, 3ye Lodgings, s.. 50r nw2 - irt ra lDoitfattbha er vryoyis 11, aSi-hool Suit t Nublue's. Ontly
Pr Day, Ieas. J abe. Thouse akiEast-Dif 5( ivitd. 12. Nohing lit it.
Dyer_________________________ , ReynioldsIandliFerbeiri(. NOTICES. lPor Sl.-Fotbaiilll outf1t,.perfict
]VI7USIC.A..L GOODS 198 -Football Prospects. MAS'1.2Y~TRMSONS. -iiiiiisi1 oltop 11 .S~t
AT THlE_____e(io TO pIN.Alea~isnlt sit, flr-,
STAE SREE MUIC TOR Iheialiuuasr o ,h Cr 'ilit its lis olfcin ll( istii'emleliWseek. It S. Stae St. 1:
STAT STRET MSICSTOR IllIi 11100011 of ii' ialhI I - 111Oiirsdy, Ot. 1, t :301 sharp, OINESCASSI
Cheaper than anywhere else ilba111 ll(nd ie. O)n1Saturday lafter- I1Iifstad fl Ie-siiay eveingsiAlE'SCLSSS N110IN
thse Counltry. 1u11 117 li~tt-l('111uf01111 lDtiiiiaioll-l l lsi-If y0o1 sisi to 11e11n1to d1an1e0 j(hn1
1'z__________________________be__the___lrass it (aanges Aademily, ti
U ANflTFRFR iCTERob lee.liuthe111aDnil. Ysierdaby afteron weelS11i~iiiiir17liiD~isilsik, 11e-t zsstck of t 11117 011(1-.most
ton. clIU~ILI (1 5 abot2 111111 retut aind two111onvenii11~il.1010intt 1 oirslf. Stictya
iittiiis 1(c11'loi up111a1n111givenipr ac-li t 111003 ,NEHI s. hohel. NoAubllit1h(11s5alowed. Mu.
_ Pihi ig~ls fur0111iuioir iilosophy 5.According to the 101final rs hs Oogc isrltt11
00 0- arr.DiilllgOmeltiof ihors te class inROS (ebtosistrcta.
1111-lilii lilil Si~i~~ill. lid ~ 5 - Unlets yol Isat lto be aIgrid lsel-
Ff7AD" th balland printnglnd Wenesdys a.5 oiloc,oom1011. -scribe to teiily1.
:A meetinig isto beihli-ilthis lit lr-A.i...YD
M/R<qfSMr. Liin-igstoniof 1.1f. lyt&
1111111 it -4 11110k toi ufiti ir aiza-li TIERA(' 1i O . Co., Dtrii, sill Ut in AiiiiArbor,
®O 0 E huh.Fi-il-ilidratice swill followu. A. All iiiuiihsf1115 t ttho anythig at itht CookfHousi, Alodaby,'Tesday
ANEWTVLINK CIbE 0711111is eiphlcid( ullth Ihih1111Shol ihcomeloiut for practice t tie athletif1ani Wudnsdy, Oc- ii, 115111117,
r tculi or Iri~ly or1111(1 iand ilb leaihsdi to showt U. of S.
- - iuufr1111 DSi Id1. hldot~atiuou ~.titttlkDaiy 1re(111ts 10full limi- ofsmlellts of
siill Ut on 1111n11froiuu4 to 01111.7sd ihwi l I tt lttt 111Utt ii-rtoiau
Cae nStra. reiier 5wht assistante1he-crnlin i 11-slyes f IBoos, SoisiSippers, thub-
Big Four Routefe oi l Saturdayl i7- 11011 toainllg cret of hi ofsotbal esadOerhc o aladw
I0(511i L1Nil TOiWanittrT1115f1lli-1-Dhld dauy fall1111.esHehd
0011111. flit i1(11,110111 don si0ill bt iirilefr Ii. Alsialtecle-bratdl Fy00.
hOST AP LINE O 'lioll lI i.fuugibni;1;-ineaouttrtteswte-ks. Ioot-orui' shoots. E-y Aiiii 1+Ortlot- C0;BrwnUl
IN INeOIst oit4, li-ilugi- , 10.11,lri0ii ii.1.A. LIIOY, Cpit. lte shouldilsit thutst goods.
141111 11151N'fS 1FO10 1GRAUA.TION. tFol- Slo .1I ni111ic1-tirdflColul-
and CINCINN~ATI. DarIlouthll12 'lets11 (; IXiiniu .20,. All StdtsOexetig to grauiat in :l7i. cgit51i~ii15..
ELEGANT 11111111 n0); AmlherIt;, TiI-roy lTech. i011any 1gtven ear111ust0roort to teodfitlio.lhst iffer octr$501tlaks
ELEANuBston A. A. , SBisuhudoi 0;Chictagiorgistrar ah t hitoeinig of it 15 t lots-heafii111.huo
1Chdi ;l~ liui2.Nrhigo ocran tl~fpocibo ii it.ll]inst. 1111(0 by N.Tuesah.ra
Througli Sleeping Cars l.1,loit0 ae oet2,Nrh n seti htpecrbdwri agh.cila .I al t
~~dereNsitoefrh f D-1aaals.s, IiianaL.. 10;ay, 1s still lcinhlg 001oitedg-eeTolsuIui. t-11a11t sut ls11 o a-
Cincinnati. IHilsdale110,SMiIn-sotfUiu 511. l h:;) P It.dPOT.intoSt,1 .T~lc-,11foftll
ASK 1011 TCKEII VIA Iua 1-7.111, 1'oreu]h(i lei-,-ii0Kansais he class football,;aeOlSSswillibeopSUITE, $1:)isS-khayortust o501frcom-
AS O TCES I ,Doan ll oigi- ,12; Ohihu ,lie. u-n playedlearly this year. Mahnagers in1(1 rI-NrO.Sotlhiir yl
B G+ FOUR + RtOUTE.sil1 (outlg A 1,Iaiiti. oergotbto cfia1etcrsliot~o Dtroi Saturday,
INTER-COLLEGIATE. CHIARLTESIRD, Mgr.0 Ot'20. Traiii ltves1AnnAroit
E. o. McCOMICK ID. IB. SARTIN 7:301 . In. sa~rp. Ilcturlg lis-c
la.aognEITraffic 0Mg1. bul. IP. & T. bt.Thuo1Latin sal10utato 11y1ha011111 11111 U. Oh S. CALENDAR. Detroit :1-, p. 11. hRofud tripu tickt,
WM_ R_ FTLDE, ihofiuullXhlilluo- h5 Icents.
'Jlls. I~i 11.-Frs:hluber of Dnt f orgt to subscribe for the
FIRST LASS USTOM AILORNG hflss clbs ii Yalt, fla ariS andi Wriniklethe urinii0D5117hiuorousi0Daily.
or el tStafo aod illiom cAs., IllPDrinceonhaviiuaIieidv n 11(11hi lrlii.,--fiuungly ot. Piceiu 01ce-t~ls. hin101ihfI goiigtw:
iiliom c. Otroc. Welyua i tgo igra
KRC-AR' nilults hfui it fall tiuii.111Ii.Wico dox , slay Ot. 7, - i(1adu t 01 v hu-RfSthe uhl2 I.COh NfI A
BILLIARDS AND POOL. 1f teline llcau~nidaiuitesucs'sfuinOlisct aiAthletic fieli-I.
Chooiest Line of Cigars and Tobaecos. thi- lat- ixmiiiriio inthialto, theioiry We~d., Oct. i.- Iioiu T. I . ld For blur0110chatfrla sh 111, pinmati
NeSS Slisi ertl. 1111 ihiiot (ifI~hihilig 5~ u op011s10S. L. A. couure t hunI srils firdl Colihibil bcyc. fod coui-
__._sN._Maiostreet. andhistoryofteachngattheLod 111h1. -to. Cl f trnoons, -01 N.Igalls of.
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK lunihtslsiy ight a11estwlilhi Thurs., Oct-. 15.-Fiatinumbeiuir f Ifyou iishi to hatt your rooms teit-
Ann Asrbr,1Mh. Olpital 510(11 50000 15uPreidet:ifH1rpeigiveuIs hel(aviragelInlnderl, 0t10 university-liherry ci-o, adsrise 'tieniin flitDaily. 1-7
rouedsduthu lueral . suu as .auryof thut colleugu lpres1itis $3,-uIoihiuy, 0111. Priceu 15 tuis. The DailyhsOrld- uresb
lithfils stait. IlRei~xsedpoitsbuys uuuanduusorD0(15Fri., fl-f.1t. I)_(,yiuliumoiuioc-h;;o scsribrs among the coeds than ever
sello eetl ange os(liD prinipaiIIIcitiecuof the 017; uf this olegeI rfesr-$205
tinitud Sates. Drafts cashedru ponlipiiper satl hleiattIesuIr'soffie iceInt 02phr before ill its history Coeds, sub-
idetifit atiuui. Safuty d iot b ios itoret.- andlof the ils I'l iDoiDasl .1,-171.
tOeeuceius hriofiai 4Il kt Irus;W. D,__________ ear. scribou7ccre r hicsntod on the
tfoohier; I. .ritz, AossifaCsier. T Esie tie "Bst 011 Earth" is lte i lD; 0.0.A -s luiybor
mo Istfo of WAittrs' Paliac-Laudry, t Ahletic fitl. Do yeu want bardrs? If so, od-
91NT AR OR ich leases nting undone 0110t n St. (lt. 2(.-OrhalrduLa~ke vs. verfise in the Daily. 1¢
STEAM LAUNDRY CO. be done to give perfect ssork. We ol- lartsihy t Ahlietic- 41111.Thbetiovryhnastysgys
Flil gIsGlss and Domestc Finlsh. lot Mondays and dliver Thursday. StOt.2-01.FedDy Atii- he greatst satisfaction. The ItOSCOE
Leave orders at Fulde's Tailor Shop, le gronnds. CONKiLING Cigrsar the best al
E. S. SERVISS, Manager, co. of State and Wiliamn sts., or ad- Willliauus has oganlizd a tress cost no mre than inferior brands..
2:S SOUTyrI FOURTH AVENUE. drss card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State t flub. Try then.

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