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June 16, 1898 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-06-16

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Buitings, Trouserings,
The kind that wears well
and gives satisfaction. A
new line just received of
all sizes and prices from
five cents up.
Wilde's Pharmacy
Keep Cool..
PHATES, FLOPS, and all
Summer Beveragesat
30 South State Street.
9th summer. Jlyto spi 1&.Hae' roved
especially profitable to beginners to can dates
fr admissnt the bar; Io yung pratitiner
lakingystenati iastrio; an to o edr pnrs-
titinere desig to combie resaon teh a
drss R.O INR ereay Carott li9 a .
Athens Theatre
These are some of the attrac-
tions we have booked for next
Wilbur Opera Co.
d Eletricia.
Prisoner of Zenda.
Under the Red Robe.
Sol Smith Russel.
Heart of Maryland.
And many others equally as
if so, have you a correct style of
Visiting Card
to inclose with your invitations?
An engraved copper plate with
100 cards will cost you but $1.50.
If you have the plate 100 cards will
cost you only 90 cents. All work
Up Town Down Town
9. stae st. Opposite Courtouse
An Arbor, Main et.

Should Have It to the Regents
To the Editor of the Daily:-
In considering the athletic situation
here in the University of Michigan, it
has seemed to me for some time that
one of the most important factors in
the problem has hitherto escaped the
attention it deserves. I mean the pres-
ent inaccessibility of the athletic field
both to students and towrspeople.
If one considers carefully the various
ccmplaints made here in regard to ath-
letics he will find that they can be re-
solved almost entirely into a question
of attendarce at games. If he seeks
reasons for this lack of attendance it

that hope. In this connection I may
be permitted to offer the following con-
As matters stand now it is safe to
say that the number of persons living
or doing business down town who at-
tend athletic contests at Regents Field
is very small indeed. For this they are
not to be blamed. Besides the loss of
time involved in going to a game, it is
a long and exhausting walk to and
from Main street, which few men are
inclined to take. Further, thore is no
doubt that many students are deterred
from attending games by the same rea-
sons, lack of time and energy. It
seems hardly necessary to argue so
simple a proposition as that given con-
venient street car service, attendance
on games would increase very greatly,

will occur to 'him at once that in all I to the benefit of both athletic and street

his experience he has probably never
seen an athletic field, amateur or pro-
fessional, which had absolutely no
means of rapid transit to and from
some center of population, as is the
case here in Ann Arbor, where for con-
venience of access at. present Regents

car management.
It is urged against this that the stu-
dents do not patronize the cars as it
is, but one may be permitted to ob-
serve that if University patronage were
removed from the street car service it
is hardly probable the street railway

Commencement Wrinkle.
The Commencement number of the
Wrinkle made its appearance today.
As usual it has several new features,
some of which are especially note-
worthy. The cover is by Bardin and
is fully up to his high standard of work.
The main figure is that of an athlete
vaulting, with a background of on-
lookers reminding one of the recent field
The center page by Whitehead is ap-
propriate to the events of the day. To
the left are a group of seniors in their
characteristic garb of cap and gown,
each with a lasso endeavoring to cap-
ture "the world."
The Wrinkle has responded in its
characteristic way to the article on the
University of Michigan which recently
appeared in the New York Voice. The
other editorials are welt written and to
the point.
There are the usual number of draw-
ings by McGeorge, Bowman, White-
head, Bardin and Benson :cattered
through the pages and a plentiful sup-
ply of jokes.
The Wrinkle management promise
some decided changes next year. Sev-
eral new features are being considered,
but none as yet have been decided upon.
The managenent also reports a very
favorable year in spite of the disadvan-
tage which they had to encounter at the
beginning. Altogether the Wrinkle is
to be complimented on .the showing it
has made in keeping up its standard
as it has, and it is to be hoped that the
promises it makes may be realized.
It is understood that the same man-
agement will continue next year. .
U. of M. Masonic Club.
The first meeting of the board of
directors of the U. of M. Masonic Club
was held for the purpose of perfecting

Field might much better be in Ypsilanti company would find it profitable to

than where it is.
As athletics in general, and Universi-
ty athletics in particular, are so rapidly
increasing in importance, as the Uni-
versity of Michigan in particrlar is so
rapidly improving her athletic position,
as students and graduates alike are
showing more and more interest, and
as greater and greater efforts are be-
ing made by successive managers to
provide good home games, the evil is
becoming more and more apparent until
it seems high time that some action
should be taken in the matter.
The remedy I have to suggest has the
advantage of being cheap and simple,
and remunerative to those most inter-
ested. It is thle extension of the present
railway system by a spur running from
the corner of State and Monroe streets
to Regents Field, a plan the adoption
of which I believe will prove not only
of inestimable value to athletics here
but will also be of the greatest profit
to the street railway company. I am
not unaware that this plan has been
presented to the management of the
company and has been frowned down
for what seem to me to be entirely in-
adequate reasons, but I kave the hope
that in the future a more liberal man-
agement'may'see its advantage in such
a course more clearly than that in the'
past. I submit this plan to them as
well as to the University students in

Imaintain that ato h ie Is-


dents must and do therefore patronize
the cars. Further, that they do not
patronize them more is due, no doubt,
to three reasons: 1. The fact that the
great body of students go down town
rarely save in the evenings or on Sun-.
day morning for the mail when they
want a walk. 2. The use of bicycles.
3. The lack of frequent enough service
to make the street car a real conveni-
The Regents Field question is quite
different and may be illustrated by the
business done on circus day by the
street cars. There is certainly no com-
plaint on those occasions, and there
would be no complaint if such service
were given to Regents Field on base-

ball and football days. The idea ad- an organization.
vanced in some quarters that Regents R. A. Smith, '99 L, was elected pres-
Field, being inaccessible, should be giv- ident, and S. H. Van Horne, '00 L, vice-
en up and the fair grounds leased or president. Secretary Kinietz, of the
bought, as being already accessible by club, was elected secretary ex-officio,
car, is absurd. It is as impossible as Rules and bylaws for the government
it is undesirable that Regents Field of the club were adopted. The board
should 'be abandoned rather than the contracted for rooms in the Nickels
railway company should build a slight block on State st., for club roons.
and inexpensive addition for their own These will be fitted up in an elegant
good. It is a condition and not a theory manner and will be c'hrown open to the
which enfronts, us and must be met as members with the- beginning of the
such.. To consider a moment the ques- school year. Much enthusiasm was
tion of probable income and expendi- manifested, and from the subscriptions
ture. The company has already enough so far received the club is sure to be
(Continued on Second page). placed on a sound financial basis.

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