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November 16, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-16

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tt* Of


Voi,. V. No. 4 2.


PiitCw--TZoHtsi CENTS.

Our Team Is in Good Condition.-'
Oberlin's Eleven Also Strong.-
Special Regulations.
TIhe soon has intrifere'id somewhatio
wOit 'tootall'iracticetis week.tisbhti
shown inl sevra'l lins. The men
showned lie ees of travel andoicok
of sulieent work in the' IKanss gtme
liut, wtithI no oiler tripstintakeefhioiie
tihe C ornell goon. tiey ay be exet-
odi to beini their best phayig condi-
ItinIbytlhat tile. The prtiecwith
lie rsrlecs tas blinihardmiiir'icsla
thistiieek ut swill Ntic'ed ('t ito i-
dlay toe tie' Oberlini gamei.(Pri[cec will
tirobabtly le tieto ply ttotiy.
i' tthcbrliii toini tas nt paed
cny imipoirtnit "aliiis'ilits yiar, btt
is nouiititidlystrong. (n Octeoer 27
icy pihyedi11tie w isiiigtiitiantiileti-
froin (Collige talti a ti gatiei. 'hy
hiave lsoiliefeated C ai Sholtnt.02-i.
Caoe Schoolidefeatedt themiilst yeoir,
titi this score wouldin idiate t consd-
rotle imiilroveiienttover hit yar's
reamo. Thteiittcorfrcni'i'isaid ti hi
a strng poinitt in their ply, ani their
tbteks terIproably btter tiatnitheir
lie s a whole.
ii-oritilg to a contrat:ebeteit(lii
maiingirs of the twoi tetis. 'il'lis con-
trmet stipliates tunitheliicoiatls wii
presiieovet' the gime sill hie si
chosen ato t bi'etintirely tnon-artisani
atnilshall e taccpttedt by unfth timattat-
irs. Before the gimte, the ftll amontt
f the giarntoto hiberlin shall te
titceisi the hanttds if the oticihlo.
atnti they shlt call the gistie and give
liht money to Oberliti if tny othersi
ihan the pmayes coiiiiuponi the fiel.
'Ther' re also a nnter of oiler stil-.
ultionis which biti tat tin Michigatn
mnageettteit'iry strictly tolprivntt
any distrancie. The ditectors of the
Athletic ssociatioti anti others, if ue-
i'ssmary, tsill e stationiei so is to keit
thle row-tibackofthlii'rotes. 'Thle fat-
itty mettiers of the bort of contritl
till also heonithainti to liii a stop to
tny atemptend distrhatnce.
Dents Elect Ofiers.
Th'ie 'J7 dents ldi their class tii't-
tug to elect ofihers yesterday after-
noon. The frternititeis tod a srog
ticket in the field. bit only sccii'tdei
itn electing te tremsrer. The ful
list is is follotws: Prsiscof, F. W.
Joelyn, of Big Rap~iis; fis vice es-
itent, Missoersoi; scon ice ii
pressident, mi.t. C(irnedy; seetrciiy,
Miss Burt; treasurer, t".1=letelor.
fontinitlees st-rclppoited iioslet
te class yell and colors.
Subscribe for the Daily.

Grj2iin Subscribed $25. THESE ARE FAVORITES. NOG DST ET
1111 (IaE~ti n i itr(111g1 .t lust if "'Sweet Marie,'' '"Solomon Levi,'
Ju 'iiColi'y i,.ts tiriitilili bfothelii and "'Yankee Doodle'' Select- TIrys to learn stithitiit books.
'9)5 hiss-cshss hb' Prof'. ghiffin tti stir- ed for the Cornell Came. Some pttople though try tin iste
if thiiy felt li1it16,111.1-t alt. that.it sinigs fur iith iiii'oel in the ii'fiilliiw- ~Say Buy hose Which Have lu
51SothMan st
woud b th mot aprprite W- n(, jodhauyt io pb, lisny ir ti,7"
h1e1t fill ii iii tiiiiiriI t i i l he iii , tveyDaitsytat DygeAArt mkle sv ei e~elta id
stitlias liiHoefttii if s ihe l .to ii~tutg he vy rs tatd i/illtresBUY FIN
hi's- (livd ae ie ian o adpe rth e onclchsiot shakes
itiernie fte o t, chiss tit insibed AV I R- they try MRtIE.i it
tian inc iii 81,'1i'iiuicti'ii tritim liii'Theyes ato ywless nsetis e rt i m-luckD E A R
pl ce el w h b st li ai t a m B idAjo t a y u a patJim m y Baird,
l'ti ret it-"n'lonor to'ii e'i suite"iii vF rthy aita ge rt astokeS is, B ATIN
sihthtellwifaclrty of iu' his h tisihio l Teryve100sh ltt inaitrwith,
tint~ ~ ~~~~Gie siithisniit -h, AhthevCory'sl capsythhks
Cole wsa neuel ad ht veyJimtmy Baird., ELSSHE~TR
imembte'r.)f th e ltich i s huld felit ,a (Wh en-Xthi'e ryou111sesedt o myukF 0 Th W EAitRtis 9 hi I
itl s- i lt" hu o e oneted 'ith'iThy Forwtheyssee , th ant'ple-k
un ors s. Soohomoroes . Jusadu"nyimmaird.d
o o hyntorv eii paFer urSithinbl,Cha Hto CldLnesEhr
slii'eti-ha t ss gma iii'ec i 'tis js'u n T h eno musnto g o igt ilt gtNgtora ot
aunisrhowuii stiiiiirs trillathes'vulyir nd hoirv ictoryust7 the ir ens0 RE.AJL LY&SO .,STatEt
doite n25i'li ttuhl thni-lsis lmifeti o.- 01! iugt'mmys a ir i.m EUEmHyEM F
fhi'iir plns.fiHis frWsviig u tis: Ws ar ta ie rom McdimtdTahrofPao ra n uia
.htiuuus-u's-i. s'ti ; idi' mlii w'vicmedoi d a 'ego fyCmosiwntio tals ite Abotof
'iiiticahits receoirl; ivd ad tihe ii os l the footallparedioB 5 hssot tAiiAroti'i
aretht il wlltun ot s ~ngs. otoheywll ae ouer ftneneRCATTALRN
ii ph'thi'usos rtmit hil'; s ared CH COLATm. 'EnaB epaihNg
Junsos s.immymors.aidmmy. Baird.D 0 . otusgs
Sothuotmure - uinhmi-uu'. cher FoNr bo n to bet tt e bou lud eato H tior CldLum hestim'e
Theintr-hu. g~an bewee e're oudtoetrihtthboudtogLOWNEYDSyCHoCtoLAE
guniorl ds; ophouui m oremu vi itieitilsyir Hobea stthCr Cr he ars p-R.E. JLLYi & CO.ve tat e t
t t letis , mckfi a 1o'cs; ckhum' s aitutB er- A n pwen our bo sJ inem py t ay ET U T T L. EoTh a v s il b i u e
wellyel ik.ol o SedFo teRoa onevaoy
Imumiul ~ ~ ~ w'v cu tuiei tb tuuuk tos oedntha yopstiwerebakinaSSlsteAtEST
uhI'nrtt'; 1111ur ilu h iut ma uan; themootaidpmae them playI theimS.,ann rbo, Aich
Shuicultr mutflletumo, id:lurisiGioinT hereAmid Ferbert, Sithad Boomg- M RHAN TALOR NG
fi'ihey. sumustittuit's.ston i l mu ake our foemenrd SHO OF ACIG
_________de__,_hlf'____ s; Ie And anye way well d y el l in ay d Hur-tlb
Th-Hr adHondCub ofJimmy Baird!f-AG.sCHEes WAmi mLs 2E.sceunedmt atn
I~enzt-i(apu.faitimek.c u'uni.s3 T iTiuu- ii da ohatiin
Ottmoe thnbahr, cntr ere'sue tea from , o unac hat s s Fll EiSH'. I NEsumeeteOeF silii
DiknadHthno rSt , ba oftnefore!sLOWoiNhlEY'Su CesHOsCrAmEr.Ni
der ou nydmtr e.ttebudt
guoods; Faicrshasmci'nt'h-u'iii a 'sor eae gortel'levoerlscoopU'nunRllEIVEIDlT
nlutctens mrrmackges; iii smitd102 NoAnatthenor hos ingae u m ay . + T11UTBOOKSTOE,
hawev erlolice alw sesfa ed L f 4$ S.ST TE ST
0.atiiformlJimmy Bair'[huClasscesrsiw'oitsnhurahifor JecemyeBdird-ano

tolets's:i're'sidtent, .I. iuuhorul: slu-u'
tpresitdent, J. A. L~eroyu; secretamry, F?.
S. Atssoodl;trumusuur.er, ldar Btues;
cap~tain,. tont-P'ausonus. 'liii' 'licituio
of lieuteunantmui as deferreduntumuilteuur
hut thu y('ur. Thuelpreside'mtnt aptedtuu
Newvtoni muid'1Thoumas ho itthwiiththe
sicetpre'sidentil as u'actii-u' t'uuuuuitti''u.
ud still tie printeudutomuorowss.
'Thue cheitrmysdepuartmoemut of Stan-u
formi Unisversity hums impoutrted frutul
Berlin .$1,6000 worth of unewlvy inventedu
cheihcual appharatums.

So tear 'nut up, you Michigan boys;
and bock the tine ike sin,
And if you keep a steady pace, wvhy
snre, we're bound to scmn.
X'ou know thtat all your joy and wvoe,
by all of os is sharetd-
'T'o whoop it up for Michigant and fol-
low Jigtmny Baird!-Otto. H.R.K.
Ata-.-"YANIir].E Doouni.m-."
Well, Michigan, we've come to towvn,
To see you beat Cornell;
Arid wvhile you play, wv're gointg to
You out by song amid yell.
Cro.-Michuigan, Our Michuigami,
Michigan, we yell;
For we've comne downt from
Arbotr town,
To see you dot Cornell.

We offer discount out all
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We buy and sell second-hand books.
Mathuematical Instrumemnts and
Drafting Supplies at special
rates. We offer
Best. Linen P'aper at 20c Per Lb.
'l7WCO S O
Unmivrsty Bookstore. Downt Tows,
ontte Stu. Opp. CoutHIouse.

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