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March 16, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-16

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4 c

VOL. VII. No. 127.
Received a ftil line
ties for Spring
and Trousering
a Vselliec!0
In collapsible tut(
cents is one of th
toilet pr'eparatioes
0 We tare avery
w ra3pu i ay for fifteen cen
46 S. STATf S,

GREK .F'l'R IITATE.Dativ! . I". Lotis Wticzbocg, Arthure Is. Professor Fulton to Speak.
Attilessa.Ott Iclilay at 11 a. itl., Prof. Rlobert
11111 List of New Members olI etaLioltIhla least'r t oas.wtto is to act aatte of thte
of .Novel. ,I ,* iitn il. ('-lassde I',. Iittttvtwtt, 111io
Secret So(cieties. Jittilg;S itt tteti tatt l lcantest, will
SuitsIt. 'ttt ig. it tit F.('Ittac, t ellsccaIi'ittce le ttelittg Wit sm
I, Altitisi Ittic C. lassieBoit attit
r'S It ii o~itt it'withli I 'ts stt I tt' tItIast'()i'the stutils'oateloeittiattlleoe
':01its tt coct I ilist iotf'tcts 2,s ct I. 'tt'. sttthe ;l-te classes tti alcittielt tandl tteir
ti~itc this car of Ill th-, frAt it atc iiiicuditll Ntoactitttt Ott. in.Prot'
')nIisortoirities,,<tis gis'i'tt b lt: Vit1tls will gist' t.I ti tlittg before tti
C' ~i 'si Lail ( tc Ia~n :,. II~~a t i 'csraitrIcilt Nesia Iariteitnitie*'tiilcc-
we ,ts'.- l 11I i IX 4.1'rulttigit,A.tl I i li t t Jtt Ailaits. :cs' I . n ',ii'li's-I itt'sitt e t tittl it' -
"t~il t' t. B l'(111, t~oi 'Ollfovnit ;ig,.rIe u ons.e Alsol at tttofte1tt
F.lleL Da b l11c

Havtsitng iarelitssil the Jacobts A
Allitntatd atack. I shatll, for thu; n<ix I
10i days.,tiller soitti of the ticeate-t
:shot' Bargaitts theIteopile of Atit
Arboir have ever kntossn.
®0mammmm~mm~~mmm ®am 0
a 0l
y 0
N~~~s Sundawl"e o
0 a1
D 0I
01 10v, Ir , r

Bo llsoil, jr., Frotl II. Give"].
si-In'L'lli--Edwill C. Cooley, A8 ;i-
I li.e 2li \. '1'., liii.. i .1 ,. i 1 t-i>i : "r.r,

;cell rl c ? "iatod ivit:l Prof- T ijohlno 3

U kPI Lit 1 IV1. 11'11rK 1 Jti
food F. Slipp, C=t>-'o 1). Ticnkc-;.
.,Jllt'O ISTS In vork ])C'rtainin-gl i.o t r.j_
Df it-a Chi-Frc(leri(_' 11. sfirltoyJ.


1iam NN. 1 nImall, A,. L. AlRm,,,(,n,
i _lI. I'Ial e, .1. t rl;n7 ;It. <I+ i111, ,'.II1 1'1 i
I::11p11 I, I"ois, I.lu.ycl \I (,pard.
i I:. ,a;tcccus, I"'Ohori D. 1ia;ill, .101111 E_'.
I' i Iiri't Nottin-Im.111, Tito111as
_' n?11 1 rin:ill, L -o A. 11'i1s011, Earl
I . Itit11i11 t111. Harry _Al.
V. I). Drown, Goo- t, II. 'Sllllvll. C!las.
' Walwl ti. I't'llliolcl.
A. Klutz, «-iirr ,>>1 W. _lllllictt, Jo!Ii B.
1,)SEoli-I;t gol . Mol-ris, 1.4111111
't t111'.pboll, Ilvill.k- t';Itro;;.. IIar1} I..
('. _3 ptod. Jloi"ri," W. _Alont n"Ilwt 'y 1'.
L Itll~l ;lu. llorol(l IL John
t -1rv1.1 D1 liby, I rt i c r1 olbi 11n, I .
_ ' E. I-I 1 " 1i?1 B. I'.. cI lllrs. I
1 _oll' 11'11 I o , Rtlf i 1r i l1'1 Jr. _
I\<11) a :'+i-Il1<1-Ai rnilt C. Li (.'
.1 Jollp J. j 1111:1('. '
it I. I:11111,11?, 1' 1'111111 I.. il'E 1wCC,
Lco M. u rnor, Rii111t J. It 1 i
1;_lt-o 1). Scull . R.I."illuu<i B. .11i1t 1 x,)11,
111,1;11 Calla n, A1.1111i1" NV. \) to 1, I'rilllk
I t, i 1711ti,11'ilL'C1'.
1i; 1u,1 1 111 -t'11ariES I)ell)rill _, At,-'.
1>flt l 'I-°Ilet:1 I'i-I.1t1iI I'. B:nlr. 1:;111111 i
I tit 111 I). ,mot 1?l t>11, hu ll .I.nw. Frnlik
' 1I. t':tl1t,'lt 1 V "i,_)r C. 1'.nig,11,111, jr.,
i (Col1111mod oil bIrtl
1""borT I'c'<1<'OCIi, 11'1 hol't Iifl 113oili.
11et°I1c rt Al. llipp i1" c Vesper Service Prcgra 1: i. j'
1'17.1 1 lpp,1 I',1-411 c)r ;'1 C. I) 1 1 . I
T ho follo Pl.g 1s tho p1 ,) ;x41111 ;'t : t )-
It',4'1)11 .1. Vllsor, ji'., .1()1111 1). K1.14.1t-
11,1 CS vos1)c t st r is t
j rcl , t.r 1 tt.i ll S. Foley. 'I'1101n:1 lo11r-
E -tiol-ni<111 II11). 41.1x, 11 1t>.
1(1\. .1o1111 I1. I>aricinl:. C'1a1e11c°
a ILi4-4111. 11 7:12-1,1 09.) "I'assi.c 11,"
14lt1i11, ('.lrius I; (h.r, Willii11.1 1'. 1-oc;t1.
Pr(" I11Jo, lilt r, tdti("tio11 ('11 ;x11 ;, ' 1'41rh; z
It. I.tiris. 1'rolll t'ilit.igo. -

Tor X11"I clcil ill i-totis. slwth ety
interesting Talk: on Heredity.
lr I: I .i'i .t s t i rs 5t I ci'i' li'' ili
; I ii'as'i ctitt -1v liltlait1 ilt'i li ii ils
ii ii Ic i i ' 2ttIt fidts' I Ii liiti' it
P Ii IrN01'l it lrit 't i ll it(t11 t <i
ttltt eit Issi t11t'c' :ili t' tt .iwo l 'ol
Ni h otes t f ils nor lies'emth
'ciiSt u o l Stc s ttcil'i.. Itacc1 bydi itn t.
IItl in1 11 tti lils. it' sti thei lilt I
l c titt itt il1°lo t '1 55 ill11this-tli'llitt- ...it

I)t'iT.1. 1' }:,Iltzn Avchihahl W. Umlwl
11") ri-,ou 'S. s111jfloy, {_'11:111w + If. Roy-
i:ta'M . stull ivu it ('01A TOVIS iii pit .
t i1a2?1iw;)'i, M 1 11ii111 A Al:C'nwoli. 4
Phi Do' An '1houl -ti"illiard C. Ji -ooks

I i t'll . t t it.IqtMitssitt'0 tiles' IlS'
I m tI N li ' t',tt.'iisit ii ofiii iti '' it' :


ani !Seew L- an eft 1 8i;I'. te lph a-ha stut It.. I huf heiru-ca,
hi tl attss.I'h, u'ststsyu i',i ti . trllii 'iit. hess Touname t Fals hrou h.
"itoka i s.11. t'tltll' Ic>titetillll.tuvsig'lstilt-it
aniox inge .1 t it'u Pi l I. ite s I itt 'ii'I ''tl is l'iti teriLh515'l' IA.ii' t ot t s lis' t u s't'; O cetto' tl ut
IThts IeltaltiChi t- nr>.it lti 'itta "itt-ittst ihuht, ua inthe s 'hi i'noolu ns t ead'. o'tickts 1st bus.
liiinto11 Put-atl ,. PtRoyt V hss il-i'slti.Ils.i't eeiei Ita - gi-a hasira ll tlttll to tieg tl~t cie
W11 &HR'S BODK STOREs P oIiaut'.
Ott Tws bace Tos I et Prdet t' II Itary, I sill. ins et'itiof ilt tarb h lit' tti' s-i iri t Il-oo Insst lay tst ' 7.tl'r i cki' Aitui
Leste SI IllrslivrOA Lldlo:s telca clgrM rch Ticetsto Is
AsMAoarrt s is5 HoughFltso(tReted, S nuI'tr. Ho t..nlt ad-toItifteli~ t al d ,

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