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March 16, 1897 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-16

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P blishedi Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, at
0 ret(, , Titans building, 79 S. Main St. be-
aean Liberty and Wiiaim Sts.
J. F. TnOMAS, 97.
05. ii. HAns, '95*
E. L. GnISMER, '98 L. F. S. Sassons, '9S.
F. Mi. Looans, '9Sb. H. B. Satur~ina, '98 L.
H. H. C OaWIN, '99. BUTLERu LAMB, '00.
C. Ai. GaREEN, 9S. Athletic Editsr.
W5. W. lHughes, '55. 5. . Suith, 'It.
F. A. Fuciks, 'S8OR. i. A. tCamipbeli, '00
W. P. Morrili, 'IS. G.. D. Hudautt, '0.
A. D1. Smsitb, 'S7. C. Lull, jr., S99IAl.

Princeton'n New Library.
iPriiieitin's elegaiinosyew library is
fast neasring completioin, andi it is tile
inteti'1ion ts iav'e tie whole blidiing
isad osrsuse bsy lie open'iiig of tse
nrst college year.
Tilebutisditigwhi'iesicompletd will
represent an ouitlay of abosut $600,000
sinsd Prinicetons will thieishasveso library
ogis'.sllesiniithlis csintry iby liaie; iis-
lee s it ise the Bostoni Public Library,
ansi the Conigressionail Library sit
Wsinigton. The biuilsinsg, which will
issiludse stack.,-works, deiivery ansi seii-
isary roomss, is to lie ini thle shape of
a.seiislis'recitangle, 'ltis7llb feel, ille
sisdes beinig sabout 401) feet tsrout'is, with
a.sneck 5x5s fe'st, iscannec) tiensew
isemilsiiig swsthi ille 'hancelorCalrseen
Liiirary . Tihes'tstal1 dimesionis, thsen,,

T~ Sudnt' ecur- 9seOaia___ors

Oratorical Contest_____
Ex-President Harrison
Lucius Perry Hills_____
John Kendrick Bangs-

-March 2a
-April 2

SIt (31iL^1'ADMISSION .60
Ex'cept Or atoiical Conteat, 25c.
$100 $0,1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00


A Tremendous Slash! !!!

The subscriptsioaiprice octhse Daily is *2,50 tr "5 feel. ® Thse U. nfIV
for the college ys'ar, tillsh a s'eglar deliverya , ''25x1
before sooeracs das. Noicsi, reessis' a-dyfothre
tionts, saed ohesrrssttser intecded for pubsiiea- 1liesticiak wil ss'eifirs' stories5 0yllo
lisa Rust Lceishasdlrdiin uatsise Daily office be- oa mn eron
fie r.is.s., or n saiisetotbcesitor isefore : sii . sc s'sx3ls' cis ls
p. m.,ssflthsedasysreiousto tbsttoss shbicb$1endssescis sad
theyvsre exprcte~d so oiUrssr. livsery ii slsi 311111d ll iolteSahis'level.
Ssses iptiosssa sy Ibeireftsat Thse Dily $1.00 0 H
Office, Osyer's sir Sissiles ss i sssssla , or b fs'.slisrs'ositalk lsisbsairy 'iii u' b eh t
withisins's liian Isor'publsrilsrrs wl o --
fers as.favsor iby reisorlisucis prsss ssy sot tisx 55IM 11s~ ' isilills, sigliis's ill 1i issisisci,
soice sssssfailu'reosc ssriers tosdlsiver prsse. sls si issi' ihsss'siss s i
'or51' iissrgi': isiisil'' ois)colle ist ol '.' ''isisis' iil is ls si '1
isis ixlliislx11115''s' si us Isll~iS', 'hi '_ 55 (~'is sie(i's,-Is floe,51 look:5 it~ss, pici( 51
tiss's'xss n i s'ics sss' fle fcul tyis' II?((is' sli .s' 11 i i i ol cs))l1 s
'115f factosi n '5 1 x'.'501i511,1 )u1 S .0 bi sls s5'ssisares'.s ' s/xs'ss s
1 issllort slssi south( i vi eelcon 's'sthe
sorry's'o snis'lint siss'cso,5ta5't kssMore
liniilcsiis''c' oneistisexofsshilsi-iss' to i11c
iisis ss I 5'1' t ril so s'uld et s s'i '(( i s'lis '11 ilii slsi't
H ss ini d m tloilub -v es--as'ste'-hi
s's's's'isissis0'1l''tli-'s''i isy 11. l's''s'sss'Ciltd' /si ;;
olld . l sono ior 1o iof ilt' d(51~1 ) 'I' ii 5 (' in vii isiiil',isli i' (Is'
receptiss .''iir'. iveis~ lily 1 s'(''iisiii' isiiis Oss
issii itssliisi'lii,5ifis'5 ilssi5f'i' ,clv5 '5il sii' - . ' i)
cilen . T he ' ss ls's ssl ic.'ssiss V 'S ill iiii'''5'''51s iix 5 a
1 j i11u1 sisisie o. ' l it' s'sr' I:iso t4'sF ,
(,ssrii'llssIissis' 1 1-,I)i,',i ity 5 1 viI> 1uonz ~ll\0 ft y - ~
for.ded1.1 St' ititAY
areani h 555 ii istr b u- t 1 ( i l'1'flt 1(:1~i ti ht \e sil (o 1f°)ti

N7. Bellyat; ysour onsm0eve'y
soh the college yetr(r boughs
slixeetlior ONE DOLLAR.
aIso ss tos
1. HA-NS, Buisiness Mansiger.


$1.00 $1.00 $1.00

carr1iesd outi iy sll ( li1 silliTIME T51A. 1
- 5 i-es's's('ligix so itrs'x', Ypilantsii, at
Rook OReviews. 7:00, 5:20, 9:10,11and 11:0111 '. 151., an51155t: -
12:11), 2:211, 1:10, a:00l,(1:3(0, 7:,), 19:51
Mesili 5"s iia. s s'isi'issl(is i ll os l is s.Thess117 IEN-Il~t BICYCLESesmbsody 1orcc neiw ansi ge j o spcoixs}
i's) sshssg-y asd shehis' hiisry oi' il e lss es55 court51 h0ou)selatAnis Arbor at ii i sss'si.rseion thansssanvs otber ievcess ios eforiee sspisulic.Never teifirehass.'
oso~hiy, ini Inis'olume byls' ls>' .iis'sic 7:10, 9:01,1:2'0 sisis11:10)a. Iii., aniii ~'5 i's'mousit iSOS:5ss ndsess1o 5 forI sr i e ssav. Ose sexe nd, <50 sifo i sn s'n, :ilt
Haini, ML A., asssslissss'f thelx''"c 'so's 1:201, 3:0i0, :i0, 2:11), 7:10, 5:30,h9:00tlOiw. 5vsrioso ptiosofferesd, ix ssschithatse mstexctissg 5psre.:iaser cisnboentc:s
lnd ill'e Iiis'h'sll '' '""hois.' ltsiiass sit slush11:110p.Ill. ss:iis'i.
ths' Will.-"ets'is.'i'iisSUiiED1Yllslis AIENSRETIIDME.n',Itl
:5salaai. '5ii51s teitis'1 sltin,(La" t13NSRE.Ii AAO ~aesxYpsilanti at 0:20sansd 70:41) ;
a. Ill., Sald 12:10, 1:11 50 :10,usise rnnrn4:r30a, u n.5:50,l 5 en
5.iilc'ofil'issis'sil'aiil 7:10, S:30uandl 1:10 p l i. A PO SITON a.a. a.
sxlusl l)lllssspxluy ishsslcallg 51111- Letves Ann5Abrs'at 10:00 anid 11:20 'Canlb0 s'reds'i'Ixl'h bEsxsslMs iuisy &5Cox. thtill bsiiiis ood re510tuis'to1
xso1ss icslu os i t51 ions 5u55x e '155,555 sigillI 5. i., ahill12:10, 2:3t0), .x 5: , 41: 30 , l, 5sses" s ls ies s5 'sruison. W i sish 1.bepis5eiais' ut,,s a
osut Shillputl i cosp51icos t55c15. . 7: 0, 9:10andsi1(:20p.i n. ALL ABOUT THE BABY
rs'guirlis (Sue0soll rssssrled stshs'siiossu, liu' -lie ItabisS N. Tosokssi, 11 1) . of Clulesugs Ihesheal tusluege jst issed, is tile
husisl st1s515lxi su 1551 t1i5 I- issbo", frleiStaueit. OCaialoueuausd circulares send on appliclatioss.
teredl isso,so s toissexiit theis' sitteesul Babylosn Ioaluiis T 11 PnBEr. SEALREPRESENITATIVES a a { e a a a a
K Al gades of had d softsCoa.'we sussuit's fowseial "ehsresensuivies in the('ahlugr For suhiposiition
.viesss, botlhfaormerly', slnshatlpresentll GassusrIGCsaI ansCol; e5 expserienceud oisi mesouldiwoisssste us at onuce , sttingpass.uexperienaea
entsrtsiies ils eh. 1N1inisi ni Xl5 M. STAEBLER, RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.,
Telephosne No. . (Inedose East of Ameri- e~ QO 'awoa 'a 'a - -L<
molisd, exteirsali ierceition, 'besasty'iandicasn liuse, of 1 nr siss
frewill are thus' chit -sbjecs 'tls srdsss sj,
trerated. Amnericans BaoE Co.: yeiv BiccleRe airng! 'V ze3d
York, ('incinsnati sandI ('hicago. his all bruancbes nesatly and prsa ptly dune. StreeNi+Yso.F
Psices reasonable. Susndriesn-,it crls<bttm Il issatuas
Attentio is caliesd to slur advertise- prices,
smet of A. Cautlois, svii doer all m, J. WYenger,
kinds of bicycle eix~snueliig. 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. 're~ro-ae a-mma <crswm~~m~e-o

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