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January 16, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-16

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VOL. VII. No, 7 3.


JT\ ~j~~ NEW GYMNASIUM SUIT. seei '-ntiyte director.,0la(d she is ale TRACK ATHLETICS.
.. ! evcen from <ld tilitee to detect btdoni
Leadhigo" I'lai Ior >ohe ies an Account of tiuOS1etin oo nd in'orr;c't lnOO"11'll2ts Prospects for This Year's Team
whlicitIli(, douse would hosve conuceal
6Its Evolution ~ ~ n. e. '~etiliy h e ~I i5 Brightenin .
AND IMPOR ER < toriient wut~ Zlc iots rlothtiel 101ie-
' 1eR 'appl:9'tes, ife lE'1 1a\1 dl'e tt~a 110111ill11e1giac le of tti 'ltirie. le ow sa i r sal ovr
10 l k belto .11et new needt 1v lil11 iittie ocominie c o il a ioth e 001110kln e-: I
_________ _________ ____su__h a_______ _________ ____ f td i lisl 1'l t s' t i
l, slo beelthe'I ee ll 11-Il.) l a5H1i resid eni a rd I51 atl stork. h
llult. asof 11111el1s prelntdd byrtloei''d AI tay ea rl. Jtl A.L 0011 0 r and'
i ,suits 111elf. hItntsr lintis11111allltide's1m1111
Oh , ii. ai 5Cue usoomel 0 a \ll tll il'iollioll werehis i f sii'i't1f it :"st ill eli t ol rcI rl 10 hl . '1tii
fu ePsilu ,it1 011cdwh1 ollaIr'w ii11i ll ke tetroubiletoct t 11111 frthhupo0o eedi~,i D aletecll'si otl.it :1
.001111tatIoenn asdfi'itili.Nonl 11o~ypoidd\(1I)(,~ ean fur lt from a.arlte. Try
P~ A C Y 101 ti'i'siiiili'5s i I le groiji ii~ c i liii'evadeuliiiiell iihei'old's o'itri oserk
PA ME 'SIn thes. dd 011 i lll - dress 001111strootitorlls01. 0
1-6 .!ST TE S . ~ - - I ii' o ti nioli' 111c lii' oi lii' lit- __________ i n t o lthI ow 11111'll' ll iresiaai
11011 ii r-'i'il illotlui' 111101i2i1, tothehocry
fum b i he mojus sellaln l$40 IliitIt i'rglat111 Ai. Os Ii l'oi'~roi Iritoe pcuricil hlt tO iilrdlowi heint-,
so e fo l'oa tk, onio 5c11000, ! 111d, 0 liiintiaoise wit laise lii5'ii lor;rI il 'hp iikrs ll i i ' t i . 1 lit "it rd t t ke Xi" li111 i s isu
Inure' iii ed to fhi-ntth heeticvo
a Cke ntt' imeR. A Y sloNitti f1, ior.mityitea101ed-totitiie- liio hi,'ei-uesti-talte n'op ort i
hil l oe lit I <"'
01 H 11111 1110'. a I oftheii ,11i ofI'ei'-i the ilnirn 1e g tildte e sicti--ek
WA M PAS~ N SREET gui ' t LIii i. _[i(:ii' itiioi ie . Io ilS~i 010Iii
0_____________________________ e i l s e dsoonl y so-ire otiliItosi itt ile I . f ii'i' i t e itt' sg ilit rlil u
tolm and of he Salie nhterial Il~h n et lltetUni versit l on.ii, list oiiteia)j ct O' ra k
bsoeii Vc Stois ti aitd alit is tigoa it i - ili l-l 11 t 11 it hletc ill ir ,t'(if g, iuit t cit osl~-il
iIll±bilit olidathe (3-ooitytxs
3od 8 9~~St r tiloo sse' o un fititysteal duci it ' s tiit o i-.0111 iiIleag I'- o tent otrc etandit t ilts teat li~i
:asro tas s us u 'dlitto hi'i l o rk.:dofn hitiliDalyiisthlit tedof ti 'ii 1v tii r e si allofh Ils-I~llenlitoHue Ivveyk
'wlit we wil sel All $4.0 ,: atii ofiin h r fie.I -a tioshi . W t eri t. u 11 i- w iut-ti tnotoo-ovito irthii-pie
tip t the re~elt: tnge il tus..of the g ' f inntihir ill nliii'hMd inst tis
IlA hyl Ci s r J B A . ftti1.urisitI h-iito'r-i osci iy liii f ) n ti"iiest otale iliiiislh- itoeitloi
Al goeouSIise sdsit osl 'u I lt- foriu i i. b tl.? ).lot;Ifh o, W-ilisone1111N10111 h- a I rlt' 0 . LA o .;ulte ntn 111
thei Col so1tole.lbt'.lii} ltlilt i. i lii'eiitiki'i lol i' lst Ail cseuqiiills
JA ca#; ~ii h use 1' i sort i ii l' r diti' s II til i'5 i-' i . a - iisi-k1 toihelpitodot thrIus iti ~tis lii
'U OIV SY S CH OL&i slii us' itIiJilii wl itl. i ~ ts, iit s'sifi ii stig.Fil WiHNGSOiiRiT. Drel,--10 ls liiiiencs-,1dpa i t'iwllNao t.1 10 ni ir iide'ji5 I(1-0 D wil p1d om'tng
1 fo l vi i e s OyIi iiu li~ti's 111''ill l iof -hi'i i-i l 111 0 1 1 ii i 0 1 A dt L' i v e s ly R us h n h
.t not lifi
--AT -'Xv i1thti ' iiork losthe,-i a: i l 1 "1 i brilli-still ss tii lii-;ill Iillhav111t
nlet s 1 ee i nu tro'liii edl ili iuiiii-i'tts I i t w:i I ll ii lunci' lulthe t' l #s tisli te pos ect-irei' i it
W ' UL O OK P ICS . t(Is 1al 001 onbc's s tly tou R -Ii liiuihithe Ii'-f-- - - a.11111 t k ~'. I tl l se'aso 'n On t h rack.

I Vt. 1%NAN I11 1'Vil11'.0 11H. --2<,,,Vil W-lf,-1I

- - ".. ... ia. . « .il riliLtl2Ll- V L.

t i li1itiilit 1v 501 iii sol lluu i t ( ir I- . ~.- _ h oi sihi . toui
;lA Ii thisNew Holiday:Bookss, h liiinec thilili i 11 h) i~ - \N0 1' h ilitt sixi t ii - lii n'ulli suui'n tar.s-"r' a-i
Art Rooks anhd ill tue latest 'toitiuna. Suit'' tirsi irooiuivi Nus-iituto'i -. 15 --isuul utligly ilt hi 'lttloosh.iit.a
Dainty soiaollift Bouoks in Pu-use tltii' 1110 gut 11usill fr Oi rf.Co-aig Tomorrow.rii t 'ii lug If the' 10uubt t-l illy six it-i-
and tPoetry'. iine Ar't Calendars. 1111'nlii. It oliisistsouf a trill oiujtlciiad lii' hhccs ilt Ne'i-tu-rr-- I 11 ia t ini io r sos iiti-iu~zts Ose til' sihsiehih-i
10110 Roice Classics, 25e each. Ia.If 00-0~st, fistu'iltoi httis'skint-,blur- ~to liuiuuuiiisiuniuug ot111be. t:i i.fioia ui :tieriiitoui'c otl liysltiuhugy f
cent udiscount. auaart ot34:[,b rf k h os.i'lt fteslelr
Tlake hione a copy of tile '99of tile' Outiti' iirttheYi,ih. IItO s ucii 110e'SCit it-' It it. COmi tugstliiit li lliti- hi'tid c-uti h15lt
O C ha-E, uhahy 25e. a unilt Oeigiit "O~tset- Nt t'' o l 'ii ,ti'' 1,u- - s ''tilliiti hut s1a5 .a1 ii' li' tituhei ut luiiiiiulh
Every trie tovitd to iuit oorts o IllitittI' catutuhrt oiisilk s011111 so'ol.Ifit h1iu11stllsi lutll we-ill, 1 u4I lii lh.Ii" 0-isi,' ohuh itasr-i'i
totes. __________o__ thiitus it is f~usteld' it'u hieii'stuuuie. i ituuot-uu u-ll lfitt o l i io l iithesiu-
AT? ~ltet t ixx-rt littgro. I 11 sNothfittedl hauls, ostirti- t ei 11 0 ui''l)-'jcrht. i' :ili Asyiuuhigh H;flii' oo-uuu -i f, hiMus. Ehh~t (huehsuul I
W Nti ;ImDUl s-aui ili its1.folaal tt ulilt ,. hhlit ut lii . Heis freshfo fui hits i suit Idi-ilhc, i f l tiuti 1011 hts it il
05 s. Stease Opposite.Coihrt House, Ihis}outttit'oottie 'f iuutii'i 11 siili iiI ton' uuhl uthe.1 ttiiiI- tOhui hllu ihlsig lii 1iiiiti
Anin Arbom !Pa t .. !ttrn , "h's telll us tile' 5i~.iittu' 11111hie :ih1CP'Ofiin1100'Ili~ti'Itiht 11111 aii lii, Ipie,(-el )t'o i thi l.' it.

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