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December 16, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-16

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VOL. VII. No. 60.


( ) E D, NEW DEBATINGz LEAGUE lOratorical Leaguie, bult because of the USE OF GYMNASIUMN,
,. T' I J..iiii ulber of oelriiinideil bateso that flits
~ To Be FormedL jgby the Leading would ocecaosioiift'e ideat, iWldropitei. Dne h aldu rtri
Leadibngidth PladumFatr__aio The plan, ift' arrieti out, viii be ofrt ~enClee. icl~l.e "al t l fteisit-j te O hi al
AND IDTPORTER 110110. and it tois Isic et 01 lfro'.l
If the' imovemienit just iis-;tigated by I IleJno r cm d ilb 1h
- it iii 'froeblood theo tatigible foriti,'i'i'tteblooii. who fatlheredIiliii' Nni'lhi-t l it IitrPoindi siib e
Prof.STrSUITSd AkSPECIALTYl I ori iot ; tttli.ta i enitnutli' thin nasiturnoni the Frtiday lx'-
ppiiiy ad hits ollC~eieetin.ti tle stil ol i Ineeti setene1iero. 'flit' trontatitteevalp-
ii'Iiind t eaiig l l 'ii l1its llatkerorgallitalitn iill i'5t't)o)IT-ii l
1w________adeatig____________ illl viteit'i biy fit'l ass ; of 'li8 waited l
NO . E.WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. 111Y1is inyl lihlg tif the htnd yet 1111fiti' inEn. lPlOi InIa1,an N
_________________________________ it toiam on m ric-an universitiest. Handel's '"Melssiah'" Ponight. ;g idtei i' st'of, tie rN111 ins ino -.

4Rob Roy
isonaetifithe teis perfumsitattis
astreets. Withaoes it in bull,
'd iniseveeeliverysi'nei ak
ages. it's 51 centis aottnse.
Ve lore it t'-siitetefiine of 7
porlosi's nittmad e iby olinPaie
46 S. STATE ST. j

to ie'-evet bytI lleii' itltl I Ilion 't1td
«< 'ste rt n tdi'Ottit'ie i llieagt Sot
ritli~tss I 'nio'irsitr f~ll Tonii tght
ttn'ly titilstiit ttolli lthIlem 1c bds fitoie: no Iceletoe
propositon timtthtiltc ltti iti formi

1 1

h}ooe it NoltvIv-tsttrilit1,11ll ittetj
it i etCilagtat 'iltitt'tt ,ofor,' lit
r 111in i t ' .114 ttlt t'he i til EI'ti iii
tutu I111 dliiI'l iii'e iii e'sl 1 i 1i-I

t,.n ler the able direction oil Pro.".
,tr nleti Ince Uctot er, ;Znd it" t
NNTI donbtlos; be lil;) to its it. tud hitii-,
fanci u"cl. I
The mnnzuvenent booll very
i trate ill ft, choice oil soloist; trail .tI
(Yt, Client ;are «-orthy of tho Nvork. MI.S

y 11111
1101)(4- 1)1ed ';illg e 1ch 111,11 who c:(-;li: it
to r, ivv a clo'llur it) vii-d nie0in't' (lily
j posibleolefic"it' .l1as been iu c iictihati«n
f'or '(1110 last three clilN's. Alleatly $151)
j linve becn pledged.
The nine P,:-11:idium frilterllrities .111-
plied for the i1se of ille gy11l1i1siulli oil
the oveliiil- cal' - Feb. 26. indl. NVO C
j promptly refused. "I'lle f .1wulty will
probably five sclnlethin t1l ,.1y.
on bile matter of an oiit-ol'-1 ov,,-11 I1i1ll.
Favors Football.

0 ii~ . 'litis to little fistoililt'. is p hoea i iswill Itli oes i ttitl tt tuttl
Al- kitlilil lThAntiisriti- atilieatibeoesasll1t11 'ltl'virl ofi' to iii' iiil(I arls t-c
OutioftButiness knwtoiii'gititiAiborl'ttaudien iiceisitsi'iotlit lidslusi'
'Out -coic Business'ir s i I, liiindo r i.iusuitiorptputtttotf he isle inarleoin
it is onily titlapt tt il "A t to iisti lydN;d l oii.prsd n f11 'f-r
Onr entire Stock to be iw itrk. J. 'flit'1lirtoutiislsatitto tilt'
GREAT RE UCTIONl. Tlit iiii. itt itill o Ito i tc ( lii hfiromttt iiI to - I - si t'"ofttt'51 lerti. lIni' , ti t tii tha-
bet oi'al l ~1;1o n otIl-s l t aIw ' llolit i'i)5t' in its, lni' ttiniw'ith tfu 'l~lC eiee e isupprte d itl-ithe
Washingtn Bik X ashuu~to StyIwill plit'ifeItherimostott itiltto fus'
: GRE T REDU TrOid.ov'll. Oteiofthe ti-ill tait-i' lied sl ot ttrm . l est' itsaid tift
iE'Ioliday- G oods tilt it liii tilil 55t~it Of haunt, 1dititae ll- iiilltlltis oii i)ii -'sllit-t"''rstb tabgt-It-i
Wah( go l. arstngoonthis itiane.rone fitsr. 'l'l ai~, at ;h i'li t vice.i Ofis-ill L am ussont i ttl It ~l itl' leit.uea itati
I s Isiltls iiii sit i d i i itil t" filhe biutis itt lii
B blti Lot i T11t hOIT. il el' ititi l. tirga tei ll 'th e fl
Al grtisotiuoreahsItC d-t t he oltti i. d W i. o t' 'isltli'echico-s r te' i ii lii'. no t cueita i su.aiti i'f-
t.rue ooodtI(liiep-ali irtern t iI authlti thet'Inel xiiglrecod o' iI~ ic
)1"0l '3 .' 'iti'lito i-i l l li i' un)iil tttl r~l
toibedonits (i 1 ttiitw i'ith o tt's.fIitse --(as i t uti vaeswur.''dcorap
FULS OKt Ose CS. Chand(lat et1th olees-,.itcd oe lter, O'Lehary an Kinhrgle.
.Corner of1Main'a'disur'n'sts. 'elhe hosi nightislahesi-i'll
OplteLi Ostis 5001eoetr l li i ii'll stion. Prof.i'li'i'l I i-lol -1IIttrqir s and ris lit'molo et rad it
tsa tsooiis i tub sorlsra llf 30 p ils. itaded bytl'itrI
l in'rol "eI thSil 1:0 ,1 bolygto .lrut-u' -lc itbiity e eris o
-27 yloTh o alp so n Street. s o ce tnlft 1 atI h .tl~ft i t wo 1aI lii sts uirol1 etile ''flit',t utl)sl itin the'i'u' l o f il lttt
THE_________________ EST.__________ iitl Itrvo. Wi.ll 111luore 11it st Ioi :ly i It-tlii li'i i
-l #i Aleofhr an ftCl.---- hull alu ll sits «'h(,i' arutrte uiis t ui l'. StIuuh'i' II 11. I g"1110. tu i o. A-lan. ef
Coal_________________Chicsot's. biusor'ed'.11lie h it h t'sntn- ''tuuuuuu'lsuii' i-ill li' ('nitus lii n111' - hh Ct iii
Allthe Ne ' liay [lokFie ltR1.,t'i'!!i1101t11,. ttitus it hh irillibei follrowedu.lulli hg t
flowers to'.t("i(tutoitilt.( lirsh. ti-itill"fuhsuln no other,
'iArt Bon o s.i alne o l ast oTumitin- lt'u'u uut i''uii 'ustt i ii ii t'uru
and Poetry. Fine Art Calenders. It' te Irit'solo ilt exla'-e'f e 0.ta uohuu s-il'-----Iuuls tui i. jtiatt h-, istu it
bytO t1oieRCasics 21 eah. L I ire-fuiuitius if"lisll-l hot ulul go let Iititittulu'------------------tet'oldhtiiiu15
All uturo StandardavorSetsitatl25. per
-cntdscun.lutD AisiuCIgNuGllii IIheto Ot rtl lltriiii iluui iilttl- ' oci'e'luuetyis i-C thu relur-'-i
tltic',tilt'iuforu',t I'lthino - -- Ilal-ernouuuftul lies lu-tull'.thus'f-hyfTer3uuouituitebit-
'fak)sie LwBhom sx 00 ee sta copyna of te11(1thee59 (ht' tuilg Ittiin ttfsiottrlou ute - - ttuhule 'i lsted ints' aftur bstalt tu
twC E ny2c ltanetfuuhs-iuoiteys-nrisingek. ue 'is's '\isi l e1si.utiof Cldtoeug " n tu iti t ra tob~
,2 i Thomp on Stl eit. nil hO' Sl itat' if lies hu1"h u'r colleges, it his
oftores.r si ll er o uii ne lt.S t ett se lig I lilve . ]\eustut ion- ululukrn. L ti'"
iitt itoule'owats'Ow l i t flerlat il o tiut llirtyilwo d r en stitti l lsod o l 'spilfr 5sas oiu
W'U ' B O TO E ite o effett Ohi utthyear. of inor'. sttsttus and Nets'urer, Years
i Ita sets thougctsbyhenesisatttied. tuolnts 'ehtainng over arcnorthiutilteago. I'll
I lin <n abows; Town.
-)r tt h po~eCur os egeogtt ounist ofall sof heiinvitdioiuniteth.hAenuisittom'lkcd
Dains m litBos Abr.Min Prt. eI co llesthat"compse thae osetern, ouleSbsrie orl fDil.

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