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December 16, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-16

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Pusblished D~aily (Sundays excepted) during
the Ouiegt veer, at
O((moe: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William Ste.
J. 9'. THeOMeAS, 97.
0. II. HANS, '98.
E. L. GElaMEn, '98 L. F. S. SauOS, '98.
B. B. METnEAew, '99. H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L.
IF. M. Loomis, '98. H. H."COnwas, '99.
C. M. GuEEs, 99, Athletic Editor.
W. W. Haghex, '98. S. W. Smith, '97.
F'. A. Fucik, '99 E. Loulee Dodge, '99.
W. P. Morrill, '98. Butler Lamb, i900.
A. M1. Smith, '97. C'. Lull, jr., 99 M.
The aubscription price uf the Daily is 82.50
foe the college year, with a regular delivery
befure nouaeac day. Notices, eommunica-
tione, and other matter intended for publica-
tion must be handed in at lihe Daily offie be-
fuse 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3
in ., of the day prevoua to that on whith
thev are expected to appear.
Subacriptions may be left at The D~aily
Offiee, Meyer's or Stoifet's Newstand, or
with businessa lanager. Suberibers will eon-
fee a favor by reporting pronmptly at this
oice any faiture of carriers to deliver paper.
Til e of oiOt~ot'Prof.''lTruelood ilook-
inlg twatid lt'e formlationl o1 a1 il~at-
ing league are to i'Noicmended't. To
tile professor's e'nergy was due .110(1
Al'. lFerdl W. Peck's recenlt gift to tie
Oratorircl jeagtie. (Oratoric'al intl te-
ibttilig interestos:at ther Unie'rsit'of
Mhigan rio 11(11000100to suflfer lo.
cause of (Jill' llroillnellcl'ill 1peti
A11llpossillreffocrishave bee11nIlade'
to luhlllg about : a.111n011 betwe'et'nthe'
two factioust011.10c=D- at swords 1)111111
overCI'eOan'aiiil lyalicattei'. 111ilt'h
actioni cf thi1111Pballaiumiiio tocli-t
ties, ill detc'l'iinlg to (aletheir If.
fair otof 0(own1 1destroy9s N01:10little
'hlopet'there evte' 00s of 1111 tiiii'bli'

dents entering 'after this date tie do.
barred f roinall the 'athietics of 01cr
00ern1. Thopuerpose of these _rules is
to bar all bcit xeguiariy classoed stu-
dents fromcoifego atlietics, Iandt. to
prev-ent prsfessionlaaiol. The' 1a1ttei
'hcas hail a hcarnmfulilnflutenc'e ancd iecs
caused nillitile strift'andcill iifeelin~g.
The rtles are i-airacbly adaipted to
the corlectioll of existincg 'vils 111111it
is to b'hloped 01hat0 they will belii'0110-
ly adopited.-Mlinnesola Arto'i.
To the Michig anensian to Be
Rewarded With Prizes.
Thrcoughi tti#geuierosity of lie 1000..-
lilhers oif the fallowic'ng igtiOhcnes, ti~e
btirllighlnlioiouis. telictilidol tc (al'
tilt followiing otfers fur coiulioiis:
1. For tt'ebtistsory-Oni' yci-*:'
:subsc'ripltionc to tiiieIiR'sie'w'oil' lo's'i's',
giveni 4y Re'vio'w'of Re'v'i'ss to
P'lot cakill flomCut'olle'geo'lifo', r'cooii'
mended b~h lut 11000 ollig'atoi:'o. S~g''
i'd le'ngth,"2,0000 sorols.
?.Fo tti' eiiibest 100.110810- y'.r'
subscr'lipionlltoii lririlus MaOgainet'
giv'e'n iy ('lids. S'rilili' on,011.
Facothei'beost i'ollege"o'n500117, 0150
'v''rsity of Sielig'ac--thu e er's sub-
s0'ilitionl 00t'o'eutryil'9 101cgai ven101
by9 ('en t'ytoo. J'i'of.Staley w ii
set the priz'e50011-000msic-'.
4. For tilco'boot story oil' aiiltic:-


Russia. Enamel, Box and Ameri--
can Calf are World Beaters.

--- Thooo' regular $18.00 Suits, in the-
neweot Overplaids andl Plaids-
f Green-Brown, Brown and Fancy
j Mixtures, the clotlics of today
iaade in the fashion of the day.
Not a detail slighted except the'
./1 r / price-

Clearing Price --
NiobIe's Star CIothiog House,


(One Yy':irs subscrliptlion o10 (0110. i
-it''I 1)09' ti o '.lotii1111101 has-i' vv~"' W E S N Y
t(0 cli so-l1l fiootloall, ibasebl o r 0' id'
ied :shlort. Same10'stocry 111a19' ils ('(111- NOV.23 '-TO D E .5.
lot' for'bolth pizeos 1 1111014. N
Fi r the hei'lost humiior'ouis 100010
tue 9rear's ssibso'ripIo o ife io'.f 1.1 S HF 1.11 r S A e '1
109'lile to. I 'iille.'ge sibjio 1 pi clii1 o'
r; « .0 .. ,";- -. .. hoe"ohv $1.50 Shirtus aenow QAflrP.nqm Thc'.scfailch

atarsi'luoeli ii rgul~ life-Ooe 'ea'i"5silnboerioion tio ill to look over the pa
cloi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ledr icfsolt o''jles ~ itti.Wrinkle' 11101Alunciiis. 7is-ill
'ctiotble iris alm'a9s 11011 i etwu'iflu )'li'lll0i00ls
lililt fatlics al 1107: lii'li o th((ier Ilorices 111;1.) be adoil ttlate'r. 1-4 Off on any Hat in the Stor
pendlenitaclwati' silwoloinso 8theliija'1 111eluded.
this eto 901' bo oolste i'rsoll ii'e('ailse'ofl' e a d liii' fde t. 'in e t~
furl "outs."ike' small 00190, iihe two DEA RBORN.tn ?, ,97 ( . n
factionishlri i cbitc h o-l a nd1100foth. ,All 'outrilci n hudsaefrN-11 rie ty(cs'allp cic sholdclb' igneFR halR
The oo' 1109 o'olniue'st'andhuionoltli'psiaicej

e. Popular Brands in-
& coal

10111 iii htlly19p1a1s(arted'hlids thing''
iilid theio'u01r t111I t 011110to(1gel iii ro'-
lily ll~it ''1119'palis ju1sf <11,goodl Is
Soucr plol cul.' 1hiiile', liii' spiit 101
br'othlyl' loose, 01:10i'cfit'riiii's theoo-
goodks1wi1110if1' he 1University, 7go drift-
ing dowsnitile streccc. ' 'lie ii' ily (lats
onl11y 0110'regret inl connec'(tion. sith tic.'
osicole sopactoll. (Out' rtis 5111:1
111119'111110ouit of 0110'e oilir:' 1 un o'o".
1110e to go outf of tow-evs-illif 11:10
ab~fsnceli50sblut for a brief sl':1501.
Minnenota Adopota Rules.
At.0a lmeeing o00thI nOilserstr fNc-
11109'Dee. 5,'ihe '11100 ofliie',-ithle'tic'

by9 alf c-tI hocUs Il"ilie ,:1(jcl :cc t 101111'(hi d THE ANNUJAL ANNOUNCE~f~MENxT
by a ss' 1led oe ulo'e givnlg ucllof'1
contr'iiutor l' lpr1izeos ssill bc'i issj clii--_ -0OF'
'ci 009' 11ar o 1110ct c'ni'siit 01prof'essors 1 ~ ~ Almal
01 beanonelcllDeoi co- tiitiblcs ill 91014ilhg':ilill box011 .InII r "
Ahiill l, or 1itl('ss tolii 0r10'9- Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
Siihllli, 9Illig ,'ilililcol'.20 'S. ilih7vl- Charles .A.. Dana------------------------Jan. 21
its-' rive).. .n1111 Ariccr Ex-President Harrison---_-------------- -- --Feb. 1.
Oil1 accoun~t oaf lce hcolidhay s':co~cticilc Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Altumnii Number)__-----Feb. 12
thIe Mlichc-an n'ltr-al lo9'. sill sell- to Imperial Qure---------------March 12
stlehts lircsi'lchingllm'embersOlhipct1-Oratorical Contest- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---March 19a
h1ict0's tickets at lie usmd iredulcelioii. Lucius Perry Hls--------------April 2
'ickets goof, go 111701 Dec. 17, h1111an John Kendrick Bangs- __- -----------April 13
11, t11'11111ge 110 tto ldequestthatlilg411.GENERAL ADMiISSOO)N TICKETS$.0
5,0 t~t. i oici t011)0 ilt501RESERVED SEAT TICKETS ;2.50
dei'nts ho' lorthiclar to lprov'iude them A0-hGI9' AacINSShON .50
si'lev'x'i' t -th le prober ce'rtificate a011, EXCEPT

'coniforenco h'lsi :cat'ii'ago, Nci. 2.coni' to thie statliona rly Otlat we 111y9'Harrisnn Number $1.00
haveisuffitcienlt 11111e'to ftlllil011t111 Ora'nrical Contest 'h5
oser' lopltedow'ilcthicheexcei'oni of tickets 111001check itheir baggagelF., t1110 s TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reservoed tick~ets oosle Thursday,;Get. 8th, at Xim1er's
' one. Thio provided tict at (atheli avoiding a rulsh. dreg store, State street, and Wahr's bosh store,AMain street."
110000 ini each teain, and that all stll- 1W. 09. HAYE.S, Agant, -JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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