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June 16, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-16

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Air joAN&
11 t 4


Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
18 97

The Bicycle Parade Last Night
a. Grand Success.
Ann A-rJcor's bicycle para,-de woas
-5,c >,. At 7:15 ltue prone s:c'i. tl
fib one of nn Arlio')didgnified cpoiet-
nun andilfolloweid by il theifaculy iioi--

tihemselves realine the inumber of tbeir
fellnu-sthey too conaidilby le'niinga
li-lpiig bhand in tbe biuildiing of itcin-
(12-r patlilotc-en liere andI T;tcihmiii.
All in ill, it witzs aielli icec
slo( get-ltcedit s i n d'o fto nloe 11-hi
htive faiiifitllv ctlitv-n'toiiiris iftinut.
M'Vusic Students Graduate.

To Be Played by the Professors
T his Afternoon.
The long looked for gaitie of bate-.
bail between tie Univearsity Senate
anti the tighb Schooil Faculty13 and
Boardl of Educationii nill b iplayedi at

'ileneno~i~i li Ic ( nut iitsiholin
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. hirsin dtiiltheir laieis, formiin iifros~ t ii nl vnngo ilaicc1li tte cC tltc I. i tis x.-I cn in at
of l ic ci ity itill ai(t ri I areunil i:1 i'ctoch. TullIcing froiii iii intee-
. ~asIe hiin cow in, ii.-t the groilnaling; cliss iat 97. The t al .Iii dw t , lestthits vace ines troitotit lucre lccit
ili ~(ic c esonbc-gaii at S:t0, Itic pciesittent
The Original trtd}c4olMdsnt ' b a~ r nhn o 'tc
vfthe S-lioolIcf -Music, Prof. K lsic.'
} tti ceno lnthii tn Tilho nist ibterty, i lo. nl k iiiitco it. One ctbsts of Otiociatortwcch Aivill
Allegretti 'iitc
.iiiotiirOhl tf-ale tiO«Waslitil si t-tycccottscl i iehdfr pino lyti 1'be c\: antimu iiicc tictico('
cc illweion-ti toiccoon'tile licefoove
Chocolates 0 ci Ct0Ii iiisi l 001an ilietice olsici, Ptsf.I to 'ill tiete cc c . ; le t iicit cchsli
A ill tiltii cc-reiiiivo, tiny rnte1lurc
AT aAR ACY be ltIcitl Foclcicl11 t ' tPa c i utiltut I A thrt" \ 1 -'
-AL~h },a"reachd, thy rod thro l i]1 sl nti b ll i e thost rei' ftittee ittthiriii
A IttPAR A Y h uslsprto ftecie nltis ci t'le-t( flTheei csteteus cc]libe
i cciii ito I. fir Boalt, lect-lt oe f
4-6 S. STATE ST. I ach ini tuotoisScale. Ilene tilte liii ittof toitieti liii M. i'e-tt stii eai h
thlie tic o f~crte1, --I . e t cbt
linititlugs. 0 -oftill'ti ,eatltliii, rfint fi-l
1Too M any Shoes i eiintiiici lve l cc i-oi y 1( ) lt' ei thist iit Ie hi i
leesima-ctby-the conlioi it coatfIt
This is whiat tine Slice buyer I t liicctc ii liIiItlisct icli its fouliitlig -1'l 1 c i cdii--fi-ilte ic
says.-Jadgingftonichissocnk litoe Incioo ticiiisa ii I i ntrc- tilit iPiof. DOot-be. iithe ct il- lti tc i otiiiI
is rigiht, aiid no ' tiat iie in be- ii f (citilitict hi iii lic cloiwardii 11101 ich ii aildcci ts lie initimtel'~ it 1.t the ii'naive tis tifticti. tcs wcliibe
waiiing iiis o tli eisnisisis up01n l~c c hi ii i cweeo ilicceiibylievtliii s i i liibet ten ill 0011 0rrls0' 1(1. Prol5f. i'aitiiitthabs
seiiiing souse fihings nt ions titan c} r i a c-i 0 ', tlh iTc Oite; tcIiitt - ii' lhut c!c1ltu ,f'1 ii iiistliLdy initocillt' c-wiii his bat-
cst. Snme day there'ii be an Mu!-at 'eVl esteq.(
ento nstict businesas tiere is -1li i ieit cc uucaM i te dlii iiil-it of .tl'tr.110 tb . 'th t iie otcttcc Occ i
non fccninsiiin itey7 (. 'l .t lta d ', c15 ',ss' )'l ia t0i ii cc' liint iniilito ofc-
. Iii itit,-l
A ii 9l'iliig- iitiit ' "tl rlct 111 t -litt Ii o -- phtuutaot -1cE ti, i lh 1itti ic )tiitt' of at the Atl
13 WASHINGTON ST.. AN N ARBOR. ;t cri: dit. t'e Ciltor if his i-tics. '' c c i luitg.ftd15 I t i ttl'Ocriooi thtititilt' PIittdot if
1>i s: (lei '1tic )ccifthti-S t- ccl}} i-tereiloc-t ii' epiii'- c i~ riti ii 11o-sitn t'h 1110 ccsaic
FY 9 miii. i-ocnsaaaTitcxncascciii tic,)(-oie siloiice ntittloit t otto171cclii;l-go
M S(0" a" }fetlliat tc-iw) il. lco liiiwtiltitty ifelieu' eiiiifortthend iv
Y ott tto rnls c'toliuct ll. ci-iic'ut-c cam1 e ' il ' -r Iietticc- T heyt ilthus showii thit rueh o l e i
fi o t k ht,19 0cti, toilt1.1iiit.I. hullOfvfheir-lid ll s iiitv Ii tloi i ictl
A s C tl~~~~~~~j, Il~~itli' -"'lo i viincon f al actie p r -e }e e d'si eIt h llz o r f o l)i :


tn sibenld nur stcmimeor via-
cationn withotin a caimera,

e'ttttt U s luu m tit i tylI
5e ts ui 19 ht i eoc - of sml tboytt'tt~itr dcii. ~lin in- :!to t Strut.A. Report.I I l

at towels of Oretocloti

"10.00 ciii get a very satis- 0all-cc h)lt tosscciiitt-cn a einthl 1----
nie cio'- 01100 (snO i' t-t-- c-c ciii ii e it utu ii' iii tlt1lcccli
factory oe o-na~seotl~ 0'Is<y~SN-s i01 -Tn or ft1
0 0x ile.s czdi o '~ aty~
0 us aboul ttm. Caitlogs 0tt1wlt1icbut. histh11ce dtuu t i ii'Ac itii ' c i itcicitt
,1 is; 1loed the ffssi 'iof'tceoo ti
0 free. j0 . i tldn 1)yt9 l;- ls "A -y c1 t(( i t i tiIItt t l iii i a tih t '~ f-ic'l -
* 0 tl'e'tlictiofihectti ii toti t hek' It c 1 Total iii
CAKN' ~A 1 fFii' stti', iilil liit ltuit'tffl'ic- - - -Sit tc 1)0 5
00e"(to of iiii'chial calii citthi sCliit i ith ms - - - h i fi-c
scihsi ll 't ii:tXc t o0 ict i Is it- t1i st fi-c - i 20
I ithc ht c-itli i ts c'tiit iivceiic'titi 0 cliso> s - I.. 5
t ".,141 th .! 'l'pllfTi Zl(l 111i wetito tic i t iIts 19 115 - 1S
iviito IiAt tilitiAsstcla'tioii 3;00C;
Your tnacte eugraceil cutCopiper Wiltt' lipic-cil' cvasu it cteo'1' til Glcelit )iGen.; l rtiy...- 3IstO-
Platn, infest style anti 10En- cxeeidti the i'xitelatitoic iof ihose licintaltrI Ocititilh ..i...c.c......c.n933 8
graved Cards, best quali'ty. titili e, it iiundoubtedlycwoclet haviti tinc e iicti 'tt cisc011y- - -5 u...... i1
______l_______ainhaitnobe__.__T+Il11illiLh i1. E.ISIO\4, Presidenit.
'frth hewtening storm. That ii
Musical Festival.
For JV ebjeo~it forih h ic twscetdwa . ,_a~oaliiheic'there ceac se no douti idle St. Thomas' Couserc-itcrp- of
100; Engraved Cards froitoyour 1wthatflithlbscitizens ofNn, Arbor Mutsicvic-lit give a odramatic and ciusi-
own plate. ltuetennb-ofcienocec at festival in the Opoera Hiouse In-
p re Iir thenumbr o whels ow iiuitmrrowtv anti Thtursday evenings. The
I ii tills viciinityc, i-nt ihe isressure of Banjo, Mlaitnlhn antiGu'c'lar (lubs of
~~-w the dontand for better roads, they cwitt the Conservatory= will be the leading
WA B O auOA r doubte'dly take hoid of lie cmatier features of tIk ecoecer'ts. 2hero dcubs
ScSa Ton Opp wniTe ownies and -gratduaily repair tis plaees nest have 31 performeis. 'Tihe Ciequfaine-
Ann Arbor Matn at. ie need of it. Now tbat the wvheelnmen goe will be the opera hons ereheetra.

I .se(-oar 1.


'fil tl' l :i citt oti irti i c- ii l ii-,
I'lttO 1 009'ill ihi eilitutu i'lt.htii
ThelO ,ti c-ht ic htit e1111as fotlw'
fli' cic-tib'r,511 ileciii ;Tlony
1. .;ic1t ci iithlhiali.; os. -Tcciir.cf.
Il~ltt i 1i. ' cJhiiohi) o h and cStraus,sub-
cheliItl,".11Setuit: icSpinlgir, c;
Bll, s.; Siui Itiatic31:; Jitooos. f.;
Willis, hit;Chteti, r. f.c'Mott 'ie eec
Mintr anti Perm-, si1ihtiIs
(Coa~chti lilciis utisdSid 'lilitircI cciii

Eo litato as tiuijtu'one. Sc 0c c urts cmitt
be cc sale at 'the groun Is. Admlission
tn flue gains nilt be I.J cents.
Williami Hisiiiiesimiir, '9S L. left to-
-night for Ciieyenne, Monutana, wvhere
lie coitt be one of a eureying party
~sen2t out 'by the North2ern tIacictM. P.

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