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October 16, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-10-16

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VOL.. VI. No. 15..


HIATRV7ARD N(ITPNOVEBER9. a/put at quarter back for a lime as
O N EGIA a s u b s titu ie fo r B a il . kl' i id n i lef
GUT RGAME AT BOSTON PROBABLY oille good tackles" as dlid also Ple~
?N Is enough for one person to 1 !______
X11 lyo at one time. One ' Ta Will Allow a Harvard-Prince- Friday Afternoon at 4 O'Clock the
!I gia snotenuh how- ton Came-The Strong Adeihert Fall Athletic Field Meet Occurs.
si ever, to supiply 3,000 Stu- 11 College Team Plays Hero Satur-
! deiits. Thiats why we hv 9 day Instead of Case School. 1'ntity afternloonlit 4 o'clock the" in-
15I constantly in stock several !!nllllltieldin eet iwill lake Idilc-e
dozens of guitars of various 11Ift it s owpratticill5 sitleil lliai outr'i li e aililetic fielil. A good list iot
i inakes and prices. 111igamewith harvard u-ill be playdci ti lciais isilllie proiled.:iiidltlb
Hll 111fBostoii Noviemibeirt), inisteadlif N ovemr- -ve(nts still lie 5run1tff efficient lyan
! BETTER LOOK( AT OUR liii' -2. This ciiaiige it iadeitleIiilii i- slfiiti utdelay.lFuirthernmorie,soome
{ U. OF M. GUITAR., icilr's requict, as shii'wishes to liave' goodispotcatilbli' piomiisedin it he vori-
111 It's good as its name. 14"i mii2fr igacsil cis-Ol siis
III IN ton, iiiisthlollhere is no possitiility ot Entcit's ini all evso lie, tonit-it
STHE ANARBOR ORGAN GO.,111 a inith Yale. ithliAssistanit Captain Stmart iatliii
"H~ ~ ~~ MAN~111 etotiatiiins were liegunlbetwcin t'si t'psiloii house o-. 1'1ib)Iitiiigec
____ __ SI ititHarvlaidadiit nceltonslaist weteik.ittBoulndat thii'AlphaOielta liibouise
____________________________________ Haiar-r'lalske'd for a giitmeNovembtibi's eheliii'ei 'illsitiowhichiintl-ii's naiytibe
ST'UD EN TS 0! but ieton h; ad agaewith Cot'-mode ale: 10101yards dishi,2211yrd
hel se, fr tatdat~an fond i.inr dah. 40yaids rule,850 yardscliii.
fE YU WAT posiile ttlo agi' thiis, itthe Ho'hu' u, imile wialk, 101)yiirilsliur-
iil iii ii' ilgndiitIto NMaisogir dlie .2211yacds hitrdlies, hole vttlt, cin
Ifai(]yesteirday. askiing it Michigar iti dimhigh-lui im, runiniigibiiad juoigi,
i-.ga n oiiltlnot i-oileto B-toniNosenilii'i'J hotliiipiut iaiiiiiii'nr liirowt. Ii ease
isteai of Nov-eituer 2. Mana~ge=_llitirie eniries acenout re'eitved in any
in ..hBiidtrespoidiin'i th le olhrravtiiiu, on'e'cciii, Ita eetiwill bei'dredt
u-uulisctiiig10 'lto lar rngehipSCsIlii(iliiefronititie hiirogrami.
'B okonilfi-cH-aurardtheflt ~tier dale.Ini 'li' numberc ittnew'miiiiiiwho lois-
B ooks i~epily liii'arvari't'tiit iiiligir thiaiikieitappueared foi'prcitcet'is vr nor
C ALL AT THtE hini fur liii fatvtu and statedut ilat hei laig. ,atIShe stock lhcy liav- dome
STUDE TS!_ OOKS ORE ard dbsired to accept tis change 0inl interesting contests Friday. vr
Law and Medical Kooks, Greek thiirec1still be a coinferencue butts-ecut First Ya Law Foiis
Latin. Mathoniatical and all Col- Hai't~rvard iii Princeton ltoOTousto Tii e fcirst. yeiar lostuetstiiiolit-ing
leogo Text Botoks at reduced rates ieiidecwsthler they still ploy eatch eatt of the itsissippi riser, exci'lii
to stutdents. Drawing Jnstrutnents other Novemiber 2.,itiose iii Michigtain.tsill hiolid a me-
tii ,uior' Siippiio s. liii'Obierlini iameli'hail feeii countdui ,,itnitNewtbeurrys- Iall today t, ii1
WE SELL THE BEST AND onfrNvme0,toh otdenieo'lc.Temtngweuersn,
CHEAPEST FOUNTAIN PEN ly schieduledl.Ift possible, a gitutic -ill will try 1o select acandidtae tiir class
MADE., lie airaitgedslvit Oberlin here No'miu- )rtsident. Thic latss timemibiesitiat
lie 2.priesentt is about 2510, of wt-hichi 80Otarc

Senator Hill, Hon. J. W. Foster.
Hon. Henry Watterson. Max
O'Rell, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt
and Archbishop Ireland on the
'Te forty-secondittptoosii'ittts of ft'e
S. IL. A. is iiov out anttil' lillosciug
is thie comipiliete list of atiraul iiiiis:
h+iiday, l)ct. 25, Seri. D. 13. tHil,
Saituirday, Notv. i16,LeclansT''. lose-
WXedluesilay, Dec. hi, Ilot,.liioiii W.
S~Tlusay, Dcc. 14, Rev. ili 'ittDeitrt
Trsdayi~, Fib, 14, tHot. Ifenry W it-
1Friday, Aturil 2,lMax t)'fhill.
Friduay, Aturil 21, ttoti 'T'heodotre
F'riday~s, Xfluy i, Archbishop iultitd
Archbishop Irelatnd is a titi- ttutibiir
otaitned too bite to retce i tfuoltiot
bioguitpliially iiin t'eliriospiictus titti
wt- Ire pleasedt to adduthis timiitoli t
lisi for sit gt itnttattiactiont siill tic
ldighly oirt-uiaic d iitttiss-ailsi' to
addlitionual chat-ge still tic tattle
Coiutrse tickets, elceeilictitre's, (',2. tid
wsiti rtesetrsetisemts -$2.5i), to>itndeeid
lost-,is compalrtetdstiiththe liital pail
sepate'utly, sihichistottlid lii'six dollatrs.

& O The gamte set for totlay stith Olivet fl-tillMichiig-at, 48 from the stest ttan ed I ~tsriIui t8f.lt
STATE STREET. bincitigeatlled. the next gamey stillbett'hle rest fromttheiieat out".tittte itf iich- 'fi'oicritttettttf'te'tr
here Satuuritts sithi te Adelbset. ot- igilti, It.still be seen froitithis that Associat~tioireluirilistthis uiuurt' 'i
- T~~qJJ,~ - le t fin of ('levelattd. Ailtert, is oai inter to switi the tulsi stoutludhose' E. (1. Iti-ker, tresitdent, It.ft. Longi
t J er'y'Strouig teatm, haintg stoutft'hi ttoll ft'eetiire tote of Ithosiestittes, vict' presideut; ft.IU. fHot, corrsotnd
lfO state chiampionshilp of Ohio last yeat' sthtle if ichiganitshioutlduniift'etithlini,, secetary; ". X'. Swath, recutudis
THE LEADING TAILOR tndlhavingplyedorelagamte of th Iet htey miay succ'eed ini electingii secretary:
A~ PRTy..esterday's Practice. "' ,, twt'r.e' tossible,_ thrte tors, II.t'rttsier,.it, H. Eu
The latest and most Fashionamle Yesferday's practice wstgod;aoh Adelphi Saturday. m2uuhus, HI.If. WhhittnIt. ID. Waton
Foreign Fabrics for Men's Wear. though ntiubite as sha~rp att tithes os . WIi. Simionids, .Z. E. tBrostnc.
The Largest Stocke in the City. it has hi-ci otniseteral formier days. 'the Adielpthi isill. Ibis steels. hold its Ft,,mtGoigSovv
NO. 2E. WSHINTON T. NAR MIN.rooper wsbalick t fuardl atutulhhtpetl reg-ulari'meethig ini tottin'it 8 p. iiiFn.,Goig lwy
NO 2 E WASHINGTON ST.,DEAR MAINrih(progrmo , rm Is is arfuloiss: ihuisic-; At the otetiNl
good gitue considerin rti islong "triltp etIt'"lsh-dT ttel'it'l(ttf lt th1O1ofotl t itu
~~~~~~~~antdtortsof ttriig.'Ihieteamiu stuk (e~t. e 1 d .a h iue gr ftelri.
W' AoftoitessiiOgotidsuicState~s shiotiul recognsize ht Iitii taestiPhit' X uuIn-., G as u
of___oth__teams___wa___good,__a__dsome______futnityesteurdaty afte'rntoont. -Siss Alini
gooti lblocking andthauckling wst-hs evel- sigtlsisblitru s"AfX.ISoulhe tias chiosentichairmtan ~~t
OhedIiesrussucudulm - i't'oxiseg.,A. D. St'ri'c utu ti;ve dobtulif Miss , AEWHSIU e.TescusSceddalsoigyi Soule wt?i
Afte getn poM[ sioATofYth baI soilugnerlds'' ol ldb . i aset-p titultfi
uftet ,paperton paroiamenuory ofwtic'Ott.abe to nicehut the hposition itaslit'
~e fats tmeet your needs in the flue five-yardflie tlirotgithe 'Xar tly's i 'otlahih'l)ls,F vtry bsl)'oil other LUtiversitywsorks
way of text-books, supplies, etc.. no itgnoiatueof *theruetue uulatinig So a fuire Osbotrisi; parliiietary'pracutice. at prese'nt.intl'stouiltd itut'e ile'So
matter what your class or depart-cietTehuiiuntttuo All iiit'uibet'twholitendt'ilt c frttot uemult ieuiu to this.fi
went, at eithuer of our stores, and we c'th. hlieam lied''l)ashollw-stdeoteheret're ttstit t''it' I
have the right kind at the right Senter- - -t... 'l'5i iitiiO c 5tt o 'ofnis otl'srftsilil'.Fruit'
price. Bring around a list of your 1Villa- -1 tatiksofce oti'ItMessrs.Sadile, g.1. .i....dt, tt s ill jprobausbly bete tlet'edu
wants; a trial purchase is the best 1-olter . 1 .. g........ iuhsont icuitick or Riubens. iiss Sotult'las beent is Detroit four
andicator as to where you should
trade all the year. Densby- - --.....c... ombutchter Will Speak of Turkish Outrages, two days tr'yinigt arretg'or thindis-
WXe buy, sell and exchange second- Heusninsger-.....g........lalser htutshtuffit'egymitiiiumipfroper'ty theuro',
band hooks in large quantities, and fuout-------....t....-ohnsson Dr. N. Sallumeii, the lecore of the titSastutsnsucce'ssfuul.
can offer you special bargains in SGrettilesf....r ..... aie ylanSinii cdm n d-Susrpin r oigi lwy
Ibhis line. W~e are sole agents for .c t~hie ~sui ui'sil X'ih'iyoi tu- Ssuciuhn u'ttuitgli-huiy
thie celebrated Waterman fouintain Buai-... ... ......Daffy cuitittutulslush, tiill give ti fulhlacco'uttiantdilit is step'ytdoubtfuil wheni'i wiorks sill
pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll Fererct-...1, ih......Vernon of the recent 'I'urlsisli ottrages O int'ebe lteu'titiiiet'ti oilni tihuiig. Platis
also find the best IUiversity Station- H-olmes-.....r.hi..Drumhielle rust its the t't'usftefhai atieri-I, h ast' been'u. presetttihit'laduie's,lbut
try, Note Books, Drafting -Supplies,
Sietretc., at tspecial rates at ' t-itoomntgstouo ..f. b........ ct'ont it)'. Oct. 1i.litt s It. il. ist 4atia- tiothtitig tdefiite hits lbee'n thut'icu u'zs
"enter wsbiack ts iendtiand hlyedtine fiT-ui'orkety anti sill uappear tdresstduh ye't.
a S ogod giime. ('lre had a hamte Oshotl- ini custumie. Di'. SalliiittesllOhe'ye
W A H t S tics, auti Denbty wsptustits at center'u. -tittiess of solme oftShitse outra'ges suit i. 1If.Athieutots,15 L , isst-itCuts-
It Towusi OcssDouts. h-Ic18playedt a htardi game ant brokest' slbfanishtedifromti'i'ley oil accounit grint, Sullivan, MihonuantiDwp'er,
tise 20fy Saookitore, Oeeowite foirihisase it-ouhthe lnhu ae tly i't-lsctt of She fposithitonLe takes. IIfaunsotsuiBlock, lDetroit, iMicht. S

l f
C yy


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