Published Daity (Sunday excepted) acing
the College year, at
OFFIE:eTim ebuildingN.A1ain st., opposite
post ofihce.
Attendance Small - Playing Fair-
Alexander and Herrick Earn-Cal-
kins and Coiburn Win by Default
-Gale, Sherman and Candee Win.
Closing Out Grand Opera House..
We hove left a fair stock ofE FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ILB
all sorts of
which cani he closedl out as Dieection etfIJ. I.Bucley presting his
EDITORS. folows neew and sccesslpiay,-
J. ). CKois, Ie. rinin A Edise. The iloiisti fill tenneis tiiullney be- i MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C Villon, the Vagabond..
C.1, e Aa1, e L Assistantill yesterda~y. 1're liiit s ill 110tGODRLEhALES 00P.R O O
5. F. itosros, 9, itlletic Editor. %f Ii0Xs2 and seon GOODs RULE TABETS 10 P 3FR10 eMte ceiyese t-
Associat oi GOODeutd sfol : 60 WRITING TABLET! 8 - 'lc pC m. cofw ts ' .eeedy Doat 1,it
A Ahioaiat. Editors'l. Fit lis leiirrleiills CRANE LINEN TABLET! - - 15C forloe ithfor pairioet and 73e lee dress
c. A. lion ,iton S I.C B sill 6-4, 7-5. Caiulkiser etutitedill if a-Cln > iet,'[ > BEST CRANE LINEH TABLET, - 350
.H. Faroll, gs. If. 13i Yi. Camslo o050sf Keiiti. Slerriek defited ,e-'WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB, Lowney's Chocolates..
Kateerinitoed,' tO. li. llarroiio 'tI L. beiry 7-2e, -)7T6-1. t'oibteti woni fromi
Nois10tis ,i11:1.)Ve hoaygs bsler defat Thils stoeck Will list he replaced. HotLLunches.
tiusisoshouldhle esddresosed toi U. 1B. Haisibio i- i (liss 1150 elefeitedi MusesI (oreqic o otcoc.____
All husiiiess ouiiiected isithi the Iril Suli- f- ir 6-3, 6 .i. Beninett dleralltid to Argus Printing House. I I UTT TTYLE'S, 48 S. State St.
scriptioii lint of this paper is in charge oi 11. ( iidri-. Shermanti defeated W~erks, 1d1 { JA
C. Meyer, 46 E. Williaim st. All other business Gi ri ti-
nmatters Sri- uiinie the immediate directiin
of the bsinetss iriiiligtr. The osisither Svas too rolid 1o fuiri-e
__ ..g.Fod iliiss aiii ilmilt of tiii ces-
Thre p ru-i of thi- Dlily will remin ii s here- optils Shiosoil ii aic ief loll-lire. In the
noti~l~tauli te fct hatpliaion5t5ist cless, bo-s i-r, I liii iis otil yt-a-
. still h e esstiusiei setil Commseiiemieiit. llry gaeoni- oii ee mii lost, brilliatll eox- -
All embsiers of the Dail,)' boari irs- are tri ia. The mren were, closely,
reiei-sl-t IsIo1leele il rity lainly ill li iability toi illt-Oliisii
log promiptlly it 7:310. hils opponient. In thei sri-sl claiss,
Sl_ ihe-ioi lul . i mde tie lie-st showingl
Thelre is a fit i-oriiy- in- tiii- tltier- if liii day le numibti- of spi-italoes
oily of Mlfhsgi l tha adiiis; hoth waos smlu~ 011 o ing liiihe giratr inther=TA.-t imeocrh bn Dti' ie--
olll illise-s if She nfiitplliesill. fT-e foil-
k les iirncoollit imuist he- lied c-ifif to-
C~ue ow hrlhr unWegae lily anthe O p-layeirs aie reqiuestll-d to
Youei itotl for beiter li-i- 111 to-lc btil 00 li-olthe orees-s tt( 1io as sooii sf1er
Illerl te thalt stile andO tune"O-wforois
faiseho1 on illi u-ull, i ii 0l-- AIlltt ow s. s oily. xhaii sv ili-liloll,
I oiiotloo ft Piatl lll So. xaoe, A hseedy ient on it
Iniew s-oeif tei-reieii I eeve-htipssenis i-i-t v5, Bluth. -hesilili SmOsit, Cruth-s
coOnss.1Moocy, Mahier os. foyleir, tiii- IK EATING.
litiiroitSall thloso i fstlo 1 hion 05 'ha uSll tliitltitorli vs Bisl . A strong misc oeo at
moistiodf eus. may Ite oppotune~ill: lris 1thuas fio thle- liessiiie
TLhce anid iiit 111 thoeu Swill pr~- izes kindly ilsiisii biy- Wirightl, Kay- A ligiht miia on a
igaii 1t- thats llt-o ill iiili-o-.lli-'latie- &Co., tioelco & ;onl, lloeslasy BIrli., K A I
anid T. B. hIayle & Co.. of Di-trot.
Silhilil tl Sluol li 0iiilill-losustl fle t~tils fr liohle.1101 iii se-A heavy roan on as
reputiionll 511 jlily ensitile heo." i1tO cites. are iiot Si-i cosed. A11 E.l
teami's dlesirietg tit iater soill 1510000s giveHE TI G
PT-e Dildy rerints tey the feell te-ir 15a11liesi suoe of till mtocotiros of That tight maen iii the right
list if auria--on hi the ' i-Studient 8Ole- liii tensio itil e. 0E. B. (laesllsise porice.
etere As-soitions coreise for lise ya. S.- W. -luglito, asnd 1. 11. Hill.
Blut lilieotinent-i~i5is~nc siir-siy tbi- THE l tFIIT 1, OtCt-~S
proiraiim of eli- couirse spetiker fur ii- Will furlnis 180010 foo r-e-epiiois.r
so-If. 't-e S. T. A. hae ini pr-iu ldteg lite uiiOoirlisseso
aosl~ ll indiei. Satisfaonuss gse ntii- ede.
yearsCs heeil fuew mee ot ally time of-"ry
Csili ons of lddles b-. P. Atis
m~oe ltolliseli- hlsth iost secilretd mg.s Iso - 365 DAY A AI' Ir I I [L
for thsis yeasr; slid it e-ooieshy- isls Shie b'u- Av0 serl oe-- or Rloss - DY I1H
nsever hail ai oe tismc seecs an a-'- Seey., set Sr-bosh of Muhssic.
f of imps~osing dnssers ais is hiles -Y mstciA-Ns WANTED.
liii irosliec file 1S9th-t, ' msitid iso Two 'chos plaiyers watedt fur tse
of hhse~~~ heooelte ois l hcOOS University O~rciestra. APioly" to J. T.
for lheir sni-- a0050v gret credit Nreehani, director, at Scooel of Mit-
ths dhice se t sefehcfortso i rti ~lfy X
jectiv - -to, belie hircseloO anth tros- Ass elegantsrl ie 0f rooms,5 aso it
sidd w5ill, So- doubit 5101, coeet single rone, both steaic heiated, at 1.2
Monroe SC. Chance fer "tutoe to give.
-t sios coirresiondinsgly ireseod lpat- private lesions for rosen. Lady pee-
ronesge. g ferred.
Fhne U. of -\T Stationery at Schol-ffwy
I4lcMllan Gymnashum DOen. lee's Bookstore, 1t E. Washiington St.
W. Hi Hlsehisig seod hiss Alitc G. 2
tors for the yeir set Midttihitiil Hall nished front soils rooms, fnrnace boil
gynsiume. Bolts sire iii else medicali and bath, Also table board for a tino-
ds-ertmenet, ands osill devoete but part ited numnber. SOTIH N CT.
of thseir lilie to Mc~illan. Thst gyen. For thes biggest t360 pages) 23e note f a ---- ~ SUHNTN
nasinen owill lie used as hail yt-ar by book go ho Schaller's Bookestore, 1O Fi.
lice High School stndens anod wvadd Washington St. 21
tsehers, hot it is open to all on pay- Kappa Alpha Theta has entered the
imost of the retiular fee University of Illinois, starling owilh
The Political Equality clb os-lIt fonrteen charter members.
cmcct at 2tewberr-3 Bail; Thursday at At Pennsyhvania the doss of thne
3 p. m. I . Athletic Association are $3 per year.