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October 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIG-_\', SATLEdIWk.O(CTOBE"R 19, 1907. N'o. 23. WABASH EXPECTS TO HOLD VARSITY Indianapolis Rooters, However, look to See Michigan Win by a Small Score. (Secialt to 'T'te ietgaot il.) Idiainat)olis, lIn., Oct. S-Tet~ r- riveil at 2Otis aternoon. TIeimeic writatken dilretis to tielieitstot hotel ad from there to\WaslingtoniiPark for a short prctice. Alt the ptayers are feeig iwell after the hat...…

October 18, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBER 18, 1907. NO. 22. VOc. XVIII. VARSITY LEVES SUNDAYOPENING QUESTIONOFCRI VARSITY LEAVES FOR LIBRARY UNSETTLED)APOV=Fuuti F OR BIG GAME Suda oenn for he Unvrst DORMITORY SCHEME ______ Koclh placed the matter before the Board- Wabash Counted as Hard Propo- o eet hssomr o teso Faculty and Students Stats Its wreigtier affairs prevented considera- sition--Magoff in Optimistic as ion of the...…

October 17, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…TheMi'ch'igan Daily A\N ARBOR, MICHIGANiT THU RSDAY, OCTOBER I 17, 1907. No. 21. Vol-. XVIII. SCRUBS BEATEN IN WELL PLAYED GAME' Varsity Scores 26 Points on Re- serves Who Use Wabash Meth- ds-Forward Passes Feature. fit the latpt iegze oiilI(f tie sa- son the varsintylowned tillsrtbs- alias 'iaiil li itenoonce,-r--olliig up tweity-ix pointt-oil tilme- belsiveI Hoosiers. If tie wty ill whichthetl scrubs plays were hnleditl by Yotts hopes ye...…

October 16, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The Michigang Dail ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER t6, rc 7 N 0 No. 2o. VOL,. XVII!. ORCIIESTRA. TRYOUTS WABASH METHODS TAKE PLACIENGR TO BE SOLVED TODAY trartohhedti vligat Reserves Coached on Hoosiers' otcacorc rl rtne ia directiotn ot Mr. Samuelic Pierson Luck~ Tricks( - Arrangements Made wsodt hail of the violin depatmtient of For 0. S. U. and Penn Games. the School of Music. Mlr. Lockwood utrges all thosec who cait possibly co...…

October 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBBR Z 5, 197. No,. 19. Vol- NYITI SCRUBS SCORE BY WABASH METHODS Varsity Preparing Defence to Op- pose Hoosier Style of Attack- Heavy Program Outlined. lihen Saim avison-deltaiedl to wtch te lPrdueii-Wabash gcaie at ,afaetto Satiiiayturnein is re port to AatrBidYsthe ALI. . imnmed iatey pocceitit oretinasat11 soon11aterwar~dcase tile m plemes of teivarsii to se tinigs of asila nattre. An...…

October 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOI.. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, OCTOIIER t3,.to )7. No. iS. MICHIGAN SCORES OFTEN ON FARMERS Varsity, on Rampage, Rolls Up 46 Points-Yost Is Pleased by Team's Work. Although the Farmrsec lookel fuly a strtong as te Ctsc teamt which hlta week go hedtetitrtity to inetu pont they tereuttteryuntileicto copcuwith the (leterttttmined otor itofiMichianyes terdiayiand t \tiewlt ie itwledoff o wtitth thescontdgue o1 ...…

October 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…The Mich igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDANY, OCTOBER 12,11907.N. 7 Vot.. XVIII. No, IT FARMERS WILL PUTJ UP SCRAPPY GAME t Coach Yost Looks For Close Con-1 test Today-Magoffin to Fill Hils Old Position at Left Half. TIhet'varstyillis ace an almost iti-a known }proposition1thisisafenoon whenI Mtagoffius mlen upil agi st the Ntich- gait Agriltrti collg eleven. t Thle farmarts h1v o lydtao gmttes this seasontiii blotli ottwhit fair siz...…

October 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The M'ichigan- Dail y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER zii:,1907. No. t6. Voi- XVIII. "WABASH MAY consider ation that ot wee i e pr URGES BUCK-SAW T ecedini theipositon, an oversight itc md is critiismn of their wok PROVE SURPRISE" a itl °°sot emigy FOR COLLEGE MEN Elckersall Warns Yost to Look sendingI or!! t teceetter at tat isar prof. Roth Addresses Forestry a Out for Hoosiers--Opposes Our titlime.Th svarsity at! te bllonth Students ...…

October 10, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…TheMlichigan Dail AINN ARBOR, 'isIICH!(nA , THURSDAY, l~)(.'I 11 M.lii1907N. ~ Vot.. XVIII. No. I s. SCRUBS BEATEN IN SCRAPPY GAME Forward Pass Used For Big Gains-Loell Looks Good at Full-Backs Star. [!sing le ifortward ass jndtiirittsiy and twith excellntteffect this varsity Mill fminusi5itsca ta i, ttwtiteti ver the srtuts yesterdasforatotaid at twetit goodi frontti lthe. sttar t an mrtsnap and gintgrtws ish'ownthain itantprvius cntest t...…

October 09, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN\ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESD)AY, OC(TOBER 9, 1907. VOL.. XVIII. No. 14. --------- - ------ NEW LINEUP WILL FACE SCRUB TEAM Yost Will Try Rejuvenated Var- sity in Third Game of Series- No Rate to Indianapolis. Appaenttly the shIkeup of the varsity lineutp dit the team good-s the prtactice last night wa s the snappiet atd mtost satisfactor of the >aon, At its close hoth Coaca It aOcti retr Fitzpat- rick wi-ore stmileesnitch...…

October 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A-NAII3ORxM IC HIGAN ,TESDAY, OCTO)BER 8F, 1907. VOL. XVIII. No, 13. VALUABLE PLAYER COMES TO MICHIGAN Owens of Benton Harbor Enters University-The Team Begins Practice for Wabash (lame. ixnia\cd y ti" rigg(l vlhowig nmaderby thei.varxity againist .aixi'Satr- (liy Coach YoN as maippedi xxiia strenuiious priogramixnfor telxtwo weekh interveningihefre lthe gmne with N'a oah. C'xxiixcie'iit ssxig1h'spratxitev was thehrdestl...…

October 06, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…TheNichigan Daily V \ ARBOR.1[CHIGA\ SUNDAY, OCTOBE7R 6. 1907. No. 12. Vol- XVIII. CASE HOLDS VARSITY TO RAGGED VICTORY Michigan Wins First (Game by Low Score of 9 to O- Visitors Put Up Stubborn Defense-=Fumbling by the Varsity Prevents Larger Score. Hed oits orels iaeainaath'lust half of thea son's fi rt gamal, CaptainflMa amffia Afaglif-less arair came ack in thconcdaaalhalf lng celough asor twce-nc ol a goal frmn placmentll a1n11fl1'ohe...…

October 05, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…T-he Michigan1 Dai~ly trot.. XVIII. "\', ARBOR, MIICHMIGN, SATURDAY, OCTOI1RR S, 1907 No. tr. VARSITY OPPOSES' CASE IN OPENER Football Season will be Formally Ushered in With Annual Ap- pearance of Cleveland Eleven. of tie'sa'sont today- that ithith pleely as ' re cho cc 'let elieir il preareloritartd cnitet, bthopn fr sigtkitwetraker oppoitiontha utaual Crtipp)led the ailbsitetteeofive a pi~s rottelineup.ti 'iie aritye and all lhotpe of ait ...…

October 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Dily VOL. XVIII. No. 10. ANN ARB3OR, ,VICHI(IAN, FRII)AY, OCTOBERI 4, 1907. tfIP ED VARSITY Weto .ct he 01offIIU ic i a s,kilp A LLST LWILL WILL OPPOSE CASE seectd t a"1 . read n;;11c 11i' the COACH BASEBALL Four. Regulars lWill Be Missing in First Glame-Signal Practice Was Sluggish. A stiff signal practice yeseray prac tcalty endedllth varitys prepartio for the Case game. Wor nraot by tie grtelintg game with the srbls plaed ...…

October 03, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily_ VOL. XVIII. A-NN ARJIOR, 1MICfIGAN , THISDL)AY, OCTOBER 3, 1907. Nio. 9. i FORWARD PASSES' FEATURE CONTEST t The Varsity Counts Six Times in A~Sweltering Game - Magoffin Stars and Is Injured.t In the second gamet of lie seatson, the varsity yesterday rolledi up thlirtytwo r pints ott the serubls int twvo ille'ity- ninate halves, whilie the serubh er ahie to make firt loll itu~t once-evs ceptilig a few occasion~s whi...…

October 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN. ARBOR, MCICIAN, WEDNEsDAY. OCTOBE R 2, T907. N.8 Not.. XVIII. No. 8. TODAY'S GAME MAY GIVE LINE ON TEAM Varsity Not Likely to Roll Up Big Score Against Aggressive andr Scrappy Scrub Eleven. Sttudent football fans--sonmc enthtsi-t astir and optimistic, sonie dotubtinig butr hopefal, all perplexedt anal wonderingh whiat is to bar the outclome saf the P-enni game-wni nave their fit-st real cac to witness the emabryo ...…

October 01, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…The Mi"chigan Dilvy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OcTW RrR, 1907. No. 7. Vol-. XVIII. LEIR LOOKS LIKE FIND OF SEASON Escanaba Lad flay Be Fixture at .~Right Half-McLean Watchest Varsity in Good Workout. 1 J umping trotm otbscurity into the itae- light at one stroke anot imnediatety proceeding to etectrify thc spectatorst with a series of uneexpectedly tbritiant1 plays, teehr, the tact from Escanaba trho seas promoted from the ranks of the s...…

September 29, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…__he Mich iga n Dail VOL,. XVIII. ANN ARMOR, M IIGif(AN, SUyNDAY, S P I'-l BII R 29, rcoi No. 6. V RAIN MARS FIRSTlit GAME OF SEASONP Nose roke Has Varsity Scores Twice on Scrappy Reserve Bunch -Allerdice hs s itVhen it t ias touind t era ta there irasno chace foitati aitoitiof - - htosiitiies J. Pin bg it- rch-c 1-vyit wsdc edb Dict r a - to tostponet the regutilar gattichedulediti to open the. acton titnt salt-.ttntecl scriitttiige etween ...…

September 28, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…* Th MiciganDaily vl. Vok: . AN~N ARBOR, MAICHJIGAN SATURDAY. SIEPI'I\IMRR 28 , 107. No. 5. FOOTBALL SEASON WILL OPEN TODAY Varsity Meets the Reserves This Afternoon in Initial Clash of Regular Schedule. For the first time since the fatal var- sity-alumni game-fatal becas it sounded the tdethi knell of Michigan's chances, bringing as it del the injry to Joc Curtis-Michigan students will have an opportunity to see a football game on erry Field...…

September 27, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…V1 VI.ANN ARBOR, M[CICxAN, FRIAY, SFPTEIl IlLR2 27. 1907. No. 4. A$ TYY~n1ETTT1e I Iifullibak. Coach Po-it anutmee WASMUND STARS IN -latnight that he au ht give the twoWIL E A E IT StiamAs115othtler shot scrimmnage tda FIRTbSRIhIMAE ut inafootalltog"t - ito coarse NORTHWESTERN ______rI iltg ast oHaeSrnetTa Varsity Scores Four Touchdowns Dretoieived a itletter e- ast oHveSrnetTa in Fifteen Minutes-Glraham terdayfom ioiDlartnmouth asking for a...…

September 26, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…SThe ,Michigan Daily Vol,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TH{URSDAY, SEP TEMBER 26, I~p7. No. 3. HAMMOND RETURNS AND BEGINS WORK Veteran End Gives Coach Happy Surprise - Quarterback Posi- tion Causes rierry Fight. Hfarry Hammond, end on the varsity for the past three seasons, reported at Ferry Field yesterday afternoon and will immediately begin football practice. Hammond is another of the veterans who, with Newton and the others, was not expect...…

September 25, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The MichianDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1907. N.2 Vol{. XVIII. NO. 2. VETERANS JOIN FOOTBALL S9QUAD Ne tn and Sullivan Finally Put ne A perac-ofly Scrim- nmage Today. Wish tite appearance it football re- galia of"Fredl Newton, tend and tackle on the itnft eleven, tle list iof veterans uitott whomn Coach Yost wiii largly de- pentdtt regan the prestige tat was nter Mich igan's,, was practically completed yesterday. New...…

September 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1907. No. t. Vol. XvIII. VARSITY BEGINS SIGNAL PRACTICE Coach Puts Football Aspirants Through Drill on Formations- Return of Veterans Brightens Prospects. "1e ecat eat Pennsylvania." Filledl 5withtthe cofidence orno (fetermintatio, Ctoactt Yost ant is Ind 0(( of hutsies hae atretty begun the long grindl of work which has for its cltn- aton the all-imtportant hFent game ott Ferry...…

June 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Ic iCgan D aily VoL XVII. ANN 1 1it) N 151 hI ttANr.\Nt Iw:[NI+"1):11. Ni . 5,10)07. No. iSo. ATHLETES GIVEN VARSITY INSIGNIA Twenty-Two "fl's" Awarded in Baseball and Track---Baseball Captain Elected Tonight 11lii t bsbal an iht rac ing a ica ' m 5n5 ti- ti- enirtttiin sli CheterTaf t-ap ), eore A l leyii 1\limPterstm, i fn . fiddigi 55le, jon W )cs an atn \ lpicture I t ii it I iiiii taken It ies<it WillIII' heldn this fi-ming . at...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…({'rgall VoT,. XVII. TEAM WAS TREATED RIGHT IN THE EAST Michigan Men Were Better Ta- ken Care of Than the Eastern Teanms-Rowe Is New Captain. lx iie(. c ' ii i ee}Ii itro to l IId pict i oi l i lt, i Ii Iii 11111'11 g iii1 rcl11 tril I i l h ~ ~ tlI me-oi fit, 11)(111 r1 hu ll i t i h t iii ii (111 'h(iii ti lo" tI-vt 111) ilt l- cati odl l ,tl t lw i tcaL, it h ll(1 rle riealc. ()m-dr ii l oil~lil ti oc it iiby ia p p I lil ili I idilw v 111...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…he MRI)( Nichigr , I-\anY, Daily Vei)r.. \TT. No, 1-8. ILLINOIS TAKES l( I I;~.Ni2K S {;IN:NTjjjSI "\"II( 0:20Z1INt NI IN MICHJIG~IAN IS SECOND Strong Wind Helps Break Rec- ords in Dashes and Hurdles-- Chicago Is Second. III, NV(-IN 111 N. IlIIIINNIIo 17: 13: 1 i 11tr11 0 11111 I 111111lJ :N tr D nw 1. ltc rt3lec - l ti a I ui I N) r itt" 1 u frm te LV11sy t he sm -e- VII I N a elhain fte 11 ic ilIN Agi- culinral 11CIN INNeN Aiwnig he ...…

June 01, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…T r-~ T~ _. V t- r- ,c; .--, '-, .. f v °s J. u Y^ _ - r ' _ J r^ ' r f. n .. - ...5 ~' . "t j f :/, f' r .f 'I: ^ ; i~ -, . _ .-, v 7 ' r^ . y r ,- _ I f r-^ -. f = r. -- r, - _.- - - I. (^ ; _ ,. 7 ' - _ -% r- r -- f - - ~--.0 - - - -, -- -~ - - .- - --, - - - - z _ - - -.7- - ~ 0 2~0 - - -.~ - - - - - - ' ., -_ .. r y ,r v _ _ : J- - .-.. .-+ J., J. . s .." :« -- - Rl 'J ^': ... ti _ _ C C U' .... s f J f jq .v y w ~ J , tv? . ...…

May 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dail y AN N 1'\'II( II I( HiI \, I'II(I kS1)1I) \\ 3",I1\O(')j . Voi. XVII. _ _ _ M, A. C. SHUT OUT BY VARSITY, 2-0 Whipple Pitches One-Hit (Game ---Mellon Gets Three Hits--- Will Play 0. S. U. Today, Michl-an tiitt il 1l it: C. °r ia,2t i- oiii i lI-lt"1 t he fourt~t~ th ititi ctr t e L n inll tau >1ti ll-it itt lcn t icr l llt ir i'i c t cltt~ tim , MS, 11 fo r l t i 'f h- tIll \4't aclell, ~tI-t ot ill city i; tillcd with -...…

May 29, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michigran aily No. 1; LAWS 9UALIFY FOR FINALS; bITS WIN Engineer-i Are Shut Out, S toO0- Gfilbert Twirls Good (Game Last Semi-Final Game Today. firatlrCI, cure; Wcrc 1,l: 11:Iif ()f the f4mrth, wi pct hll, Flitcrllft lccl t itlrlcr clt+ ice. ltki _lI rrrur rIt -lltirt S.lx .ICI: e c rc ;Ill cm trccl into tllt° lici 1 htit waI it het hx 1jTEACHERS MUST M .(,A IA S t '' I) r iialdthe "ia tlll t he yii - Il-- w ill I-i-i- lat-cd ithl :I.I...…

May 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily N(>, 171. RAC~K MEN LE4VE iNlj I uk N 3FR(I l"(S\ICi''WKS TODAY FOR EAST Ten Athletes Will Make Trip- Captain Carrels May Enter Four Events. Ic iser I t Nat it ti MaNil Fleche, tipll ae 'nn11 ArborI atS 1:;;1 wh r ih ian till c "lllllagin"sl th 'atil'ail T 'hill 'l l I im ' tn l Itt till I 1r. lc.C c ~tc 11mc1)1111.i Frenchand hath. Cmhridtllb Ca ianCarei4ntill l tehi; itt Iit t iosa ,flvo ahchew llttsiu Nil il(, da till...…

May 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily . \N .R11,-ill R\llC -I~I \\,SU!NDAY. M\L \ 26 () It VOL. XVII. t)i~. 173, MORGAN PARK WINS ii ' e1- ' -t> WOMEN DISPLAY - - __ - _ - - ate. ,,, I~ll l~l1I1 L' III pl lldld fo i t l e- I-- _ _ _ _ - - - INTERSCHlOLASTIC fis mte ' oalesfrth etot Mills Takes Lead rom (rand 'l ori1c.t. . rnir f ng 11ptthI Rapids, Scoring 18 Points- SulivaHonr tama-. lok'th Detroit Central Takes Third. haf-il"il-i-i-;-. -i-i-i-g utin V.a ...…

May 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. \N \ktRI L ICRIII-1\, SAVIN IiI AY, MAV 25, i()tt7 CALIJING "KITTY!' ~""' STUDENTS CANNOT PLAY MASTER PIECES Corbin Speaks on "The Univer- sity and the Stage-Criticizes Ben Greet's Methods the proution f hegi atet asc pieces ofiiithe drmaiiiii makeihi emii rathirrviicuo in i hi ate pl w il ac tivcd thil piecei uii eiii the tii cxtrn~cof il,- iica com ly a d t - ini hi t ur strdy ftrnon o but iii tm i iire ied ...…

May 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga al \\ NiI. N1I I l(\I IDA\N NI\NMAY )0 VOL. XVII. No. 1 1 "PREP" ATHLETES APPEAR TODAY Twenty-One Schools will be Rep- resented in Michigan's Annual Interscholastic Track Meet. Neariivly xxwo 1111undrdahlts rpe of NI ichixivxx. Ohio andIxinoiiiixis, w i tA P' p l l, day anti tomorrow''xi. i heinx r Ixir tel x.Prlimxixx xxinares xii ccxx. th wight c xxix iill I'xi ldx todiiay.ii commenclv'iing xt 2 :. Th'l'lxc \%il lxc'ii Sa'xxx...…

May 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN \111( l. I .1011 'I IIG 6AN RL.Y. MAY ti. LOCAL SALOONS ARE EXPLOREDI Sociological Studenits I nvestigate Local Liquor Conditions-En- forcernent of Laws Necessary. That 1 ,11k. I '211Ill 7Alm .222 2222221.1c ]\ c I i f t e '122221 t I ti22cl 1 112 )I 22 1 22 lt )<ti 1 1 1 2212 c2 12212' 1N~c c t I ~' il.; 11 2222rjaI hal lcir2r211 y~ c-a af .-1() II It )211 1 > 2 22>22 2atth ct ], w a liN 7888NIP NWIGHTO 1121 'uirlieray...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…71 M Jet -+ V v y i 4' ", ^, ..i u V t j 1. : .. v U - ., 4 . t7, 'J 1: -1; 7- --- -.- A , _ : "- Ste - J. f 7( I "'t " ,_, ,"+ r .may r .1 vJ, ',+ ' if ""' . l ' f r^ ""' 'J '-. ... V , '' ! - '- _ _ . V Y , -! ., r r, J. n r ; J' r., , !^ M ," r; ., V 1 1 l~" , t. 4 u C: , n n ;, y s Y J n r r,. n J. '", y l ~' f;, y ,. W . r. v." :-n c ^. 7w n ^: a:. r~ r. K .. ^z "' ^ n" J .. . J ' u ys 7° ' 4- :i ,, _. i r " .,+ i '+" k C I .. v I i...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…_The Mlichigan Dailly, VOL. XVII. ANN bRBtOR, MICHIGA\N, TI.1SDAXV I:\Y 21 1)07. Nou. 168. ........... . ......... . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . ................ . . . ....................... - MICHIGAN DEFEATS p WILL SOON BttFORMEID ARIMOIJR INSTITUTE Anwdaai raiain ekn will soonse Itolexistence. Ihis is Martin Pitches Good Ball-Sulli- the iprophecy imade yesterdlay by mem- van Gets First Home Run of hers of the Coedylyutb, Freseen...…

May 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDal VOL. XVIIL No. 1617. MICHIGAN WINS FROM OHIO STATE Final Score Is 104 1-3 to 57 2-3- Giarrels and French Establish New Records. th 'O 1 t XXIra ';111 h 11111118t 11111818I'la tca XXX\ich load" ;,11111 I\0,;1(1 oneI. 11ml I1 a1111 .}11,1C,1w it 11111al (,t 1C Ca rel11"t 111 broke till-1111 va~ t " 1(1 111:1 1(1 % 8 1 , ill Ill, 220 -1 118' v 1'111111 hit I 3 3, X tll 'XX 11 of Ill"1 \ 1 1 it tll 111rclc 111"O ,11 b 1 c;ri1 h...…

May 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…o ) Ir I r C,, I I 77 1 I Cle Z7 i 4 I Z, 7, 77~~ _ - Z: Z, 0-4 _ r _ 1 r r_ - r ( A I C.. RJ zI _ % , '/, f: r ! ,..f i '-'' I : , ;-: _t r ; :/ !' ., M fs J Tom. 1nJ // E KJ T 1 '# r i ............... t }. , F ', : ' I i' ,F I 7- r- i5 - 7' 77 r 1 _ Y > l _ _ _ u _ ;77 71 C-4 …

May 17, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \\\N i-il iii Ii li \IH I N, Ni \ 1N VOL. XVII. WILLIAMS HELD TO 0-0 TIE BY OYITZ Varsity Pitcher Bolds Williams to 3 Hits in 13 Innings and Strikes Out 1I Men. sti, goxiig lxir xcni nniliing-; xiiixii eiter Stoe corng .r ruxi. TlI I e givixi- xxxcled t he r lxxx lxxthe thirtlxenth on at nxxiof vaklwsx aui c-xxxi Six a; xx a i xtv trdt thev inxield.Ix lhadalmos perfet con trd>xia l l x i me;,xxxx l(xxx ix ibutxx x pass to...…

May 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…VO VI.The Miichigan Daily Y~o L. XY 11. _ANN N AR I I( W'K. I N II (_ r A\N ,TI KI I. \ V. I\ N'DXA 1 .MA VARSITY MEETS WILLIAMS TODAY (lame Postponed Yesterday on Accounft of Rain-Easterners Will Play Illinois and Chicago. account ofIll)groundsXXil \heiIIIXXXV, Theeat')' r aried eseay ) Morning, n X 1no fe okn thXtowV A Xnmbr)f i)XlrnX XXalui from XX town )yesteXrayV Io see'th Xgame). TII))' lIhe \illiam iX ne X heatIn TaleX, La XarI. lar)m...…

May 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVTT. ANN ATII1k. 1CHI AN, NVf,"DNFLS)DAY, MAY 15, WILLIAMS NINE IS UNKNOWN QUANTITY S. '. Fo~tr1 t 'd:Old 07 10000V0. (-0) 1lo'. 1 O S. \V. lorry fieldI. fDTNV IOTE TO r> e d c , . " F r r i d C O - E D S ' R E S C U E Only Chance to See an Eastern -_JuiorGirsPesetFrceCom Team Play This Afternoon- I,l"VS1'1TIONS 1,1'RH Juir in reet areCon OF ' 107 t[IIcIII (:AN!; I)NS1A edy Portraying Situation at Team Is One of ...…

May 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…T 6he Michligan Daily 4isZDANN \I RR, MI C \I V 1111 \N I I SI) \\ \I \\ 14 1 907 . VOL. XVIL LAST PRELIMIN ARY 'Di MRI) FIIL i~~~i lete or until I ,m il> tyYEAR BOOI( GOES fiE IE L Y I ll,-oly game i vlihthe varsiit FItyG GA ES it 11ialI who1 111111 rmain wl1;v he1R10 kMESARE LAYE FORSPRIGGMS..h mhehont tdn Cti ON S ALE TOMORO Freshmen Defeat '08 Laws and 4: 5 (i ely ield.1111 ith111the1\iliallll Upprclassmen Selected to Offi- 111111r 1 cla...…

May 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XXII. ANN ARBt( IN. MNIHIG.\N.UNAYM\AY 12, 1007. N H) i)i I _ _ _ .___.._ _ _ - --. _ _.. } GARRELS SMASHES fee 2inhe. TAr h a ~ MAY FESTIVAL ENDS ad aathowof tla ee inc s. at DISCUS RECORD aairit a th :; <. ards:th he WITH GRAND OPERA tidfrscnbthaailintg tclear the ____ Track Events Are Run in Slow ba'tthshigt. 'Samson and Delilah Meets After tie formtal met.ia dual ct st a Time-French Shows Lp Well wa hldrit ara...…

May 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily ANN \il(i NI Ili\ sI' R)X.MAY'xii1107- Vol-. XVII. a. itx7. 62 MEN ENTER 'xxix iCoe S xto ' XVt ru-BwDlMlny A~SIITY MEETI'kixiixerx-iXlcx'<it ' tole\alt--Alxi cii Kno.xL'kn ____-lix xxxxx lc-so , laxlt I Annual Event to be Held on ioinix 1erri, 'x iker.iii ii LxxxinI Ferry Field Today-Freshman "t ixe. (xixx lxi Team VWil be Picked. S Fe cxcix rin.xxxxx xixx Sith.xxi )i ic ix IY x ixxxx'x' a x'x'rgiteredxithei it Lx ix x...…

May 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN XAdI (1R K \II., FR1 A 1Y1 0,1 (() X IX $7. VOL. XVII. 1 5(). VARSITY OPPOSES NOTRE DAME TODAY Indiana Team Is Strong and Speedy -Will Give Michigan Men Hard Struggle The vr13 XwilIt m X. met 1th ii 111 ram ha, met n 1 defate th ,,if Xr i XXiicId i,, v11111 l Xoi g 1,6 11X 11 h ,yt a in d. 'Spd r .,It<runi eo ~,%i ch hecn~lidcIX the ndina ine an L~ 11 wil heIn hind1 he1 bat.9 Tl' mi liX 1 asa 11111 I X Su liii III (i...…

May 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Milchigan Daily VALNXII \ii. i;Pi.Arll~'R D , I VOL. XV II. OBERLIN AGAIN SHUTOUT, 10-0 Martin Pitches Two-Hit Game- Is Given Errorless Support- Team Returns Today. TheraitIt'ass aqired a habit of handng ongro atofgis teggs ito its opp )ts.Obr li tet'as sht tt yes- terrta far lhe secnl tmethils san hr I teone--sidd sr oftoitto . It teas lri'tin1nd it;mermanatthlo id the tick this time. It etas atw-i g'tmetcfor te wet i-ter, andtheitsfi...…

May 08, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily VOL. X V II. ANN A\R l,(i.)R IiCH'IGOAN.\Vi hN1.;S)AY, MAX 8, 1907. No. 1 57. MICHIGAN SCORES ANOTHER SHUT-OUi1 Whipple Pitches Good Came- Plays Elrrorless Ball-Score 2 to 0. Whiipplle te vrit ta rstuthpawc placedi aoter shtout t hisrei yesterday when, laiedi btperet slp tart, the champinship \Wooste'an was beatetn 2 to 0 on its holme gounds, lth teatms made ie safe hitt. \With thehep of the samte ttnttiet' ofl 111511 ...…

May 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…Th e Michiga n Daily VOL. XV II . No. 156. MAY FESTIVAL TO t 11 tc BEGIN WEDNESDAY 7 ' Annual Event Brings Array of U-k'; Great Talent to Campus-Art-rl 1:,1I 3 v , JUNIORS WIN BOTH ]til i ltltfr lC )t IN IEROLASS GAMES: , : r ,a p( rIt cII 11 J11" tho al, 'I'lic val iti iw t c 3 ;,, a\ l' ti 11, lli ICH c':111 14, t"r tt)IIrtceIIl l ttlllli<t arti ;ti - xcellellc c urn°cl it is I11 tllc ;tlrll a cur tllcc. alld Fvi. 'tt truck ot Ii Il...…

May 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…The NMichigan.DaIl ANN NkW , I\NL t NO\ll\N MNI \N 1907- 'OL. XVII. Nat. f55. DI. A. C. BEATEN BY VARSITY, 3 TO O It-,a> Ovitz Outclasses "Bump' Jones in Box-Strikes Out Nine Men -Varsity Gets Eight Hits Off Detroit Pitcher. "Mlichia n as ali eat aeal tc n tlit>veariaThi- remarkii, h-attonall C. ta , tieditt heutu iii lit hll CLoe'aute is-r ifterk- he a- tr-itt an It la- uai 'alpn" nete ii> \m Jo g. a < d meafoIato alaof I la hts. netlin...…

May 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN AK1, R,10. NI I lOAN .SA I) 1 lY, NIAXY 1. 1907. VOL. XVII. No. 154. D. AftC WILL MAKE VARSITY HUSTLE All-Star Team Will Meet Lowe's Men Today on Ferry Field- Sullivan and Ovitz Eligible. I vX 14141111' I X Xiii X\' ii. XII Xiii>' III> IXIXYIKII LEMONSW AIDflGYM ItM 191 11108II2Q' I IUI1" MaXim loll i 1 XIX XXXrtiuitXXX.'XXXXX i rli ; tc, :tllc'(1ilc \\it l7 I -' ci cc t t"~~ l lt; m c h 1),i i1 ih L1)v. . ;it A...…

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