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October 10, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-10

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TheMlichigan Dail
AINN ARBOR, 'isIICH!(nA , THURSDAY, l~)(.'I 11 M.lii1907N. ~

Vot.. XVIII.

No. I s.

Forward Pass Used For Big
Gains-Loell Looks Good at
Full-Backs Star.
[!sing le ifortward ass jndtiirittsiy
and twith excellntteffect this varsity
Mill fminusi5itsca ta i, ttwtiteti ver the
srtuts yesterdasforatotaid at twetit
goodi frontti lthe. sttar t an mrtsnap and
gintgrtws ish'ownthain itantprvius
cntest tiis teait
,'htrseve, ieer catme witit a
milei of sortttg ttd mtae tirst dw
but tie r intttg ttti'game. Tterfirst
tackle attlti ta otitart tttttttarterbsak
by stttttcliver yelti''it' otite rt tf
i:Tte tia';thes rub qurti
givng he arsty o mchsroubatt plt
geaildti hafit lstilt its a tr san 'm
sit isa ii t i uedfh u bsi tii a ti al
gain; lit( till is 5two tatt it id it
fitt prodeitttlitudesiseda stts'titOn: sl
o th sitwsa oit , ii' c I s filalist s - i
Fsrom Ii l n ~wnifroimit tit
the allover Th pla- wsitditsared
iltsal fiitd it bsl isis brlstisug h a
Sometiean ilaendruisisire iipislttidioft
by the, ak sli alt fi thei arsity
baks paitsiimtig ollloedlk
tatrealtfgllbfack.i ewtutu g httsuit
rvil h a n isot ines baltck i nt'
puntitifritwntyandtu irt ystil rtut ic-
(atl al s ithowed (clas s taing atiii it
yard gai ouiom sitas its
Ilo sit as tillugh i ie hdliuce
iI, endipoih atl i titn. ist r itat isl sic l
''elaras un stil iovi ia itt i I) ts t he~ li
usess f ut l ci dateis i w ii iiltcomtil
ite aa u igtelsthl na ise
Fash i tn Ie t tiiousti a stfiin sri
ttesih apitt Sivia i d thIpal ussis
susetkin tf'iivi t s timh l ltin isna lit
fashiontwlicsts' os thast aitdecisitoniIasi
to0whor il l ic e p s inis sallfi
i p sil. lit feull7 ofalighissnd lii
sralt ofititrfe sitnce sani I ling hissii
lanro.ugh.tis sis stilihs thvel ih itils'
Illsuingt acvii phits heii ist hardtotti
psiaat ti Do tl''tutuls oiish aled au iwellst
letsal, ittrRtigiiittistookirade'sit
te skst'icko adrntie hal tackfito te
t0-ad se oglswetaroutdigfit
3adsratndslg theivas ittwatheldsifitar
hue ws te tt ad h aislssi s lis hal
wnths tei 3-yrdih esiii hea 'fa t uhale
bal oer . 'iihiu'hiild iedit gioaiile
pThesisas ityicored fgini iiasted site
lhadbea se for 2viseseetht isgt lii

eninitg willsht'escrer 23 tos 0.
The vasrsityscoetretd lust iance its the
seconsd talf. Alftee asi exchange o
punsothse secttbs lust thsetalisis thei
40-yar inlue listit ittumbledl forwtardlpais
'Grip," sho hail gosne in fair Chsatndler

seas issnIisletogoail ftromt pitaetatesr
Sullivitsish irisadvacdthelisapsshesroid 1i5
yairdls itt aquatertatcusrIniihatet
\X'astttitiislit twen ltioe rmthis 3o-1ard
lnteasisted iy staistevilsyiyntrfer
ester its Siuly." tar tisi the'varty
wakened iaid te sirubhiwors sica
ieto maest dwi Thiim
enideil isitishithe ll lilnite scrusiits0a
sarinestsis thetiasirty'siassession.l
\Varit. Rses.



lle .. .. .. . R.F.I d 'ts ii i s'iters'
I I (.. . . . . .. . thly-Treait
tbs.......... L.tG.iFaga
skits-cn .. C.iti .. KeRlly-Breennatn
isslerar ft iii Rsi G. I I.D ik -ii s oiils
inscild. ..t R. Is I .. ... ss iii o

lil ii'd

NastuundStill. is iii (3 i shass
tonilii\leriestiss .IB.l Pedlerson
dists--lteisiaititli) (Galsili Ref-
alternsatsly.lHeadil itntsmsant-h~es silti
Tim tiefi halses -211tints.
"15(5W'V'TO1BfVX' fltt\\ 'T'ICIKEThS"
Nies plansifor theisiontdust iifliii
saeiftic ketis tsIsitPe "'titme slere
d issiedit thy lis t ititofite thltic
tilsti iiif Cotro it l lst night. lds'a'ii
tiono sthe li gulf teaimt'and I 'rr'itteiitt
for Satrdai'iseiictiinwr loct
It isittunilli taitheiii dt1atilsoil
las saslit 5tickit silteiwilliiheilesened
thsitf aass if its t stilldertitavoid
mistke; lfnagr B isillhuishli
purchi ars.
CpanI' st's oithegofitmt s e
ilititit'st st Iiit t ipyvzi a tu tulsts in
takeii ii i place saforetibigigridin batlei
gaturecogitfioinlti ithegotlftplays t
it etttmeiittingiti.iiAct its upontthesmt
ter t itstlveilacXktof tsfo imion.i
Theannal penmeeif itheissth-
lut hll Sistsirdisy lThutos iwill Ix.
tail h 5prsetusk itifaltad ttelit
tilln isf trakisit aisit batlt itl itsnager,
tlplc. hits is tely itsoppotuntsityt
aheeniremebsih stii ftheasc
finhv oattisndia mettig.ilsI 'its
elibeto votie.

Elections Free From Canvassing
Many Close Races in Several
Eliectionts to thte Studenst. Coiits'l ini
all ieatmntsi weress catr iedsbli
a strisingintest.hDispite tseaciosc-
ness of thei sots thate as inotiata tss-
tng Ibis'aeiteslrior thiriiftrienssa"is
tse noianessenre ntit liis eideeabout
tiii pols. FTsejudgein ithis litrr'
dhepa'rtmsent iveri' mstchistroediylil es-
tilts frthe youitlenitwtment auoncern-
ingt, e sitseintity iii respactive quliicael-
tiotns if itth noineesandutihaitIgre'at
diffsiulvty s 1oaretaintnetal underii ths
liie Vote iniithits literarsleat mn tut
oat lsghttest 2 vtes swutes'sit. Of
the threthenutitelec'tellXXVt'W. :erritt
leh isiths 33 1vits(est cre I'ver:iand
tiltdIfowsian fllowedssshclotsely.
In ltesginee srinig lepar tmeti98lmtes
voted. J.FhR.sbioks dtit (II.PIa lwiss
seats elected.
J. I' SasmplehaIssreitiredlfromitit d
undis thpar1tmen11t iintir teguthlrelais
The 'totsrelectedlNI.\'V.'sut 1111ant(
W. J. 'sMorgan isth2" 'iti2 Vothes re
spictivei ly. iT hiiclsensiis of ti lt
ioisshotsni litthisfalistha t thssthrle
listtilln eacthireeivedh23i sotes.
WXilliam t its1 dtley is thusrelpreseatu
tits tiIsen foththeupaacytt artens
Tht stilas iiisthlstsd: netilbuerus
use f aultiyshutsnaexcusedlhis catslfor
this vlesio111
One raitte itas the maintglsthsat its
stalled Pratt iinstadulofi I'at sh nfruit

OvriltstItu ellsitlirallthisflist call COLLEGE POLITItrayfrcnddtstoflShe a
5 ais tniltlhs(, I Iclubii cauilsd bits
us lt tiit li vs osithe 1906-7 lub 1tiltsit IsStill Candidate For Baseball
litutitii'l toriltiurc
Mrt Gleahisitu thelehasI sI is made a Manager-Says ''Tying Up"
perona cavs an thus seciitutreaniiy System Don't Elect Students'
promissingmeuMnyuuu whiiou liwetsrearssut Choice.
yesterdahuterelitshme whoti usuihiveits'kenias
parts in id sigh sulus glee"1us' lt s sit' it Lloyds T..I Crest', its this' fuollowsingst)-
liii en the1tr i calit , suuuiinstisuu, tdenies a us tmuli'ofs his hay-
huh uuuuuuuuussuu ofsit i suiuteis swill ieii ug ttitihrawnsfromstcanduuidsay fuse lia ,se
itasitu i sututui tl Is ta t thur moit sutll hmanaiger.I lie atista s, a hut eii stits'
prom11iing matir i ia ls bhutsfondi r t-titus ,ass allegeud iestems of in iter-frater-
heasal wiii sill hisconductehutsi ces uauweesk. nis vte l ginug
Thei Banjouit d still i tutuhin chit is forll "Eitohutui hss lisit ras hi uuus
111115111 in Hav ing atya' etera ssy the uor uswtus crtlt
liii lit listsstill itn lstshIli as iltsi t hatus Is d i t hdanmycniac otsl usp lees1y obgi e h lntltute1tsoustip vsity aealet erasut ae.ta o hsya.I utiiestosi'liii
V cr:-n tip o agn wB s ite, thiens atil nSsupru fths'Isirsit s phti
XXdes'eiun tuh is s its us joy City lets t h ertu h eus ret portt w s i rcv'ulttetid
huti tutu titl (aces tu dsi M anit oi i nIts cIills.u thro iug h im pli yto surt m ait ac i
plce nd ci s tilb e s ul sl 1 cod ig electisn. it shs rucisl
it pstible's I ithet ush ringthe I Ci ihis t t s i irss betlisfthisa stitptury i
)h's (4 aslt suess'suuiti is theli's rhtriss steI dof s t l et ico IhtittuividIestsiot
to m n sAte lt rgrt su t ern i itt us it i tsiesltsud t iltlacllthe gcho ice of the s lts n
wilbe m de shi h stri ly belimito t itited gay snthe ofist o h "as cai n
ism cv a bi lti 1te iti i t h f us i sit Itery uon uistwe lawarIetttathunr th
C1111) iititi in e tut -ett Iii 1 i tiO~ present tmnhte uhte ld In''i s nlia r lt
have lilsul si gli I ns lit stat iioauthe amto ltng iathe vari us o gai ai oIs rostide a
lr rcti swillbh is sitsditoits epsayu a large share of thu rnuati s vs fiithue ulit
lucnbreo telbf or t aoCkhas leicusassociatioofattirptetsotal lunefen-
hlspts int)ts .alive it tht a nias ts.s vIer'y'utanh ol
-Itihs even hiadt thislha istexp irience its
Itdtllt hll/h ('I''Ill ouI suie llshege pohltas knsit t ai t oo ulswell
'ltd Xl ('I'S OIf lf (1N IC I I I thusevil vo this tynup' s~asystem.lXXWhen.
aco t ionutluis t r u us ull ills'hinth stme-
hirfltsI leasthde 'sushi s wil1 l litlt suie isle peates agot hits ispled ultlieves
te pa; )f te Ccce Irmtuhuirue ofu melus ts usschool todayt a "ills 'as ttu
Isa' utusssil utntuss'tusrustu ls andsrea' the scenu s a h s 5sti lle ''ht o bsee ln tign isutess s ls us


' tl
' c

SI A'dhl I) 'iStE51 1(5
'he its t ro undsusofithurfunit class va'r-
sity he11tiSturnatmenit wao s iplauyitd ff
pesuedafu pil trnooni sith tlu'huh uit wit
results :QOwens, ft-6,1 Hammsondl.1-7-
as Iset 6-/, datisiedeso-0;Whites (a
5, IDonaanii4-2;Shaffvisthi swuls sies
Jothns byuisutdefastlt;Broaduhiuurstus66
Webter, 4-2.h sile, 6-(6, Iaber ,i-o
h.)iahassuuuwontifruits asihutsus Ip uds'
Iasit; rc.76 C a, 6-u1u;iAndersonu
susan eIarist y Ipefasult; Frenciha, P-6,
Bsaxter, 2-3' HI attmutud,f-h, Missive,3-
45, (iss,496,Weatry, f6-7-4.
Otphposttionothur'oi3laIsw tiekethietad-
eel isp C. A.hDeilt thas sarisen.a C. A.
Mfatschsal s acadidate for thur lass
ptresidencsunv nninssg indeendesntly. Prior
tbt tisvdataehDae itt oas thseoslsyeats-
didite Ifor tht sesnior tpresidhncsy.
Nomias tosns wthltuemade sext Fri-

if tuseh ofa the hliii thu itteatedhthe(huetusarsduhurftsrsat this -f P.im.,ii
iii lii hit Ii~ii~touss tatsIss akt no lonertt ca didt
othed nS mi nee1s iC I itXthe election ofi sitoil i~a~ a 1 1 .T helisis till li bshuca us Ih awll e sse ssusd usoitrade vt esui
deprtm nt. Ten votd 'ot o ialln:t ion nd h aul u i ii u'uii sbe"'et s il sillfor tuusshsss tutuiheu lts
Idegslir useausa ssis tatstt psta il i S t tl ii tutinutss'' Is'or'IdInistsytIlithsg1 furtst hestutsniill lit shsusittutt nt,
-- -thi-Ipsitseisaintutse'tshctil uti.gassocihuationis ktoitthaigha
lutist Is il hntilastius usul s ihuttitui S tsiu hed in i tSara i h ugs us thisAng Cl eal s n d te h ud t e l c ie h n I t u t
s glat thu cticsu wts ily uns es er day'Xli 2. alat sunsiersily ets ii iiii s eitgIts-hssu e
sitns (I s lutrospero1115sitsnd 11amb itsthlisi ii li i ime brsis ite ilrl e(lX t'5 hl1IINh IPNlS
Ce a th at i s t h e ctu ht he t -ill t itt r is stil , su hi uls ust ii.iii stit i ii I si ii
3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m y hue eobtaatinedusupI st asy frm me brs het I ii iilvs it hs 'tiligsi'issi
us I isist hembers ti stt us ululeut to liii'
tis to 'tl s' isuesatrinshuss o'u untio sushient is I lts en, u'555 tt u'e st wi c h u huasi lut iue
ill iii itItill5 ta lutist sssiesehiprin'tslutIlls(pice
its been unabt5le thucr ti: bti thi sit arieeintasttsh teveuning.sus i Nisnussys luteuw uu11ses
otil~ ~~ hi'ttsoss ssasv t i tush I I5i s it 5e t, nd o oheis i tliitra tiveIfetu Ires sw ll ba s h u ditiut th eI
owiv g touat thislsisal mesbetrsiipI it In I u Idolar'si lt a lusi:ioi touthettI tl alo llnteis hi uusus utsu ut
still ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl hibtesa su 'o latt ueuuua not un erici i lt fi ve cnt ,, It tI heits ts any' na l itey boar Xvhaies e
pal its planushu s I taw vr , areit i tu If She pans sum t ueC'tu sar sir 05
antha he uoital aimsaiotu his tss'tntt sua i rge sti I huts sh " i v sussg rss tl es il hebetisssi a
hisl 1bemad fullmo te ero et si sucit s ts111 hisplaciliumsocsashditlesso
hrsiepspeaanrtisiitanesussn stusesi tis yea utu listehuntsysa tlterarydatt.f ~ 1mstrIdgIll'
tushn sush sclubt ismths'ers' nsithruss prhusthistIoflithetillehus sushi,_wasap-
istttsosasus suulets il Xlii i m ited ucapacity l as h1, t iVell point e ruisahot sgrasica' usd ikesr. usT
f ns. 1 lutistloft illikelylthasone if tI
Thlay satmfuertnsnaip, l earso tresst-e w 'hisusaud aahitv iing clu'ousis-teewle cmosfrsu tsestf
IeattyrsswillX bessssssut 'lest tic ithe
fiveastutenowfuty ll ,luste suasnuaeu sushiof. suiolbrooitsiShearketaandi a fusisuos
ash ~ ~ ~ ~ er o m~ n < its th ate y e t as K ,I l m e s ac k ig si w hsosu ar s su us n , sold y sa sulru s is a y w o w r nta ' I s u le t, u et ohe ' 5 'at -rn i le
andsta tru c thig of thse. e w utImes bes, iss sivengshud thull ansfalt hrosu gh al ssae, h Nputtu hiuhRIug 5fssuissstl
ito litsemstl u n deratss irliis i hue P ewa y, -possibgly "RoV CassplBiasses"kwills
Nrag unt t theisShool oifuIic.munior enineersease us1ckatoms
iseIstruihis ' heaued hbySnutwo w lasknownssh footbalthtn, I
ag o ais si s g a iis f r a iub r uf yas been th e s yu siree 1 thusbe my"uvesl u su ge fuer Kelleyan _______ _ Te_ ticket_ i
d i e sion thits ilu ttersa s ius n a C t hil e madeitt i f tso rtii sutcvesr ' n ovtonens sat;-isgg
sit4 p us otayItsIsoululsir su a t ' playitusesotapwillunitFsa'ch stongsnon us
ehrasa sft nrrssa htuus - 'jsesaident, AnJasgelesss ilPressn
ticketrnisgthewsyonis thlrad(Itl5ee n 's ftitii 555'55555tctsitum fr e s sd y h aas o hnianshui
suppnadnins ts halotwvill e tpeasensbt a ittetp lstsgr am, supruited, of scousheat-o hi ous, Put ta iseh o
ofThe senisus s wl etinRo em wilhebensoalow'dthisesearaas i ato ORAIMFO OH S

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