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May 19, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-19

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The MichiganDal


No. 1617.

Final Score Is 104 1-3 to 57 2-3-
Giarrels and French Establish
New Records.
th 'O 1 t XXIra ';111 h
11111118t 11111818I'la tca XXX\ich load" ;,11111
I\0,;1(1 oneI.
11ml I1 a1111 .}11,1C,1w it 11111al
(,t 1C Ca rel11"t 111 broke till-1111
va~ t " 1(1 111:1 1(1 % 8 1 , ill Ill,
220 -1 118' v 1'111111 hit I 3 3, X tll
'XX 11 of Ill"1 \ 1 1 it tll 111rclc 111"O ,11
b 1 c;ri1 h1 f1 11T111 2-1,
,11( l 1111 11 11111 ''I111 w rl' 1 "cr
amd 111,aH , it i)1io v(1nthir 1am
il I 1 11 I ",-II 1 '11 11111
11111 'I ,1( cw 1 i th 10 ca d
11c Ihrl" sII 111' 111 11 t11111 I II11
1111188 >lt ;11\1 1,' "I 1 , 1,
hri1l;'111'.u the r11111 im -I
111 the loo ard, 1da 1r icigi 1111 11
il till 111'llt 1 ~f\61111 1; h iJg l 1point
1111ilslira 1l 1 vc1l1111,;m B r
'Ialoll\I and Co,1 e IIih l 11 aong It
1111tape \iX 1 t\clpep ydd a ",
the ,l(\v1II 1of11h
)XXII1\c \a i11 n'id o ivll XI11111
XXX th r 11 t11- e 1 11161 11 I It,1(
th om X c ',\vlo li p inted 1,1
StXI1X'r ar'sI IXX1111rc IIIll' XXIIIh~r
IIX'Ilil'tg ot i llI' :ni f 11il T m
111 a111. IiXXXX 3 311,C e 4 lli t i
'\l irs tIs. '111 he1 trioI t1111 LXXIXIXIXII1111(

I11 X'lc I XX'X'X' 1c1apt 8til., (iliX, made11' a
111111 81111118 XXXIII and(arrelsXI. Ga1r
rels 1m1I1 w11 eight 1,31 fee nhs
Sc1u/, 1 feIetXX I3 IXince ;(i lli1e1,134 feet
to inc" ; lol XXX33 fetti nch.XX
The d XII"Ientshowd abot Xth
I XiXI IXXXXh'p1Xat X 111111 o 11n1111
8 111111 1111111111 XIX uo(1eXtXI inhs
all 111eirllwork.
Ill XXX Thompson," Xia) XXetX11 nches
INet Ian f I V IXXII XXXt 11111ow mr. 11 fX
111 X;1?III 111 I 1k1 ptIloglI "XIX 111
111 II 11111 XI I X3:III Xib XI I 1111 I
118AlXiXXiv 811111"'l tea mXX witIan
IX XXefet XIIId , t 11 hands 111of
} l0 1.X111111
] h~coc_ R I . 1.
NAliXI .. . .. ...I. . ...... .1 3
\iXXicha... .........I 3 4
Th XtamIII IXIXAXXIX:AXrbor ' XXX I'll1111
I11111 ad1 % Ilp1 . IXIXIXI, h IsI8go 11
he XXXII 1111111 1a,1lef1 tatXX 1II XXII 111
A(XXI XX 111 (I'I'X''XX1181 I' IX'1, ill
X'Il, :A'XXpi IX1XXI'.atiXIXXteam XXXfIItId
11111811 O 8e111rXXXi 1111 XX iI (in'1last11
nXXigh[,XIII' 11debate.X':AlthoughXXIaIi ntcr-XXI1 I
III 'XXmIl co 11t ew XXXth it, an
laws, the, 111111 1l11 was 11m XXXIXXXXsmall.
Ikmc" 11both teams recived11111 XXi- XX
:,L'Xic support1f1o1their11111 'iXIXXIXXXII
XatIII 1111Th11queionXXXXXXX~fIXd XXXXII
1 111e1sth t he ( Jit 1(1 state;XXs XXo XXI
ado t Xit, X lic 11of 11111dJzin XXits XIer-
,11111 ariXX .XX I'll(,X XffrgI I XII tea1m1,
,oipi~ ofi XX XXXIII 1111 ds, . X F.IX itterXXI18
and J.W, "od X' uged the adotion
theI>' 111111' 11111 111com11os1dX of IX', Il.
Culler. H. LXXX'i . K rl.yIand Wl H.XXlaII
tXXam I XXIX'Iplanned. Id X'hatIXthe Xdeba11
''XXXIX'1nr1yIRuXIII'. piX1residyentI of''XtheX
acre PIrXXIX..IrXJ. S.,Ibather, C. I)
Hot andI XXI JO'Aas
1118111.11 XXXAsk 1(11OVE' F tXHXI XXXXIXT.
118111 VauXghaniXwasXXin ai.XXXXX8yX'er-
Iaith 1a11 requestIXIXto ItheIXlegilatureX' to

Final Score 3 to 2--Freshmen
Win the Pushbal Contst and
Two Relay Races.
IX h freshmen lIX'i I rtyiX)' X' reriX vedXXIX hirXII
bosse XIf IFid yb iXX'111X111t11 o'X ofXXXthle
t ilo v XXaXviole goes toXX I lse XX XXII Il
victoryI 1f11 the X XXIXXXX'I. IIn s ie XIf
tool part11i1llXth1e1I). t'. . XeXect, 11111
XXIII 11811 XIXoutrun the sophomores
thouhot XXII Chet111 II 'lso181appearediX'I'to11 take
theI barrXisII X better1 sha1 . XX 'X I 'll(, XI 1118-
XXXI duck, th1r1o1ug 11111 i lt, XXbarrel, 11while' XXIXt
ofX theI XIophIImore, Xat X'XXXielX'XtoXXwalk
IIml 111(1 11111Xwihisastrous result;.
Il thX ied' racy theI last111' XXXI lXIX
ner 6ti IXXXI full,(11a1 h1undredXXIyardI" I:ahead
+,f hisl 111 11111 IIm XXXr ' 1pon u .
:a lon1g Ica'' hi chXIX1'IX XXII maintalined and'XXI
evnincreaXsedXII XX teir teamate'11111X.
that X mot until XXwa XXneary ovXXXid1an1
XXi II I I X oIII' XXIX XIII '8111111' age
11111, Xthe XXlast 11fre 8 hma 1X had'XcIrXXIsed 111he
le his ophomore' oppo'I' II %v;(+'])tit:l
har IXiXmiX8X i~X ll11the. 11 IXIre'ar. XXII
fit XXXIX 'XXIX 111af Xer 'ItheIlasIIXIrelay XraveI
had ' iXXrX Ililt- crowdXXXX 8 movedXIX ovIIeI Xto
the 11XXXII XX XIg'oundsIII wX ichII hadII berm
la i I out 'Xto IIXhe X , XIouth 'X'f XI'hIe1eas 'tXl)' II-
'The lXfre 11hmenXlXXwho I'seem1ed11grXIatly XXto
XXXIX' X Illth1e 1111homores' illi' X event,11181
were IXIXed in XXXr 11e8111iII' utI hei
side11 of XX XXIball, while1'. l ilt XIIIhomo' s
11118' X iXXiX XXII 1XXoIX ether XXinXXaIcom-
I f "t t o he ctI 8 ata11'itIII 11Oth1e 111
1 Xirst t ittl 1811' clled. X I I 11' XXI II
11111n 11ut 1into 1pla . XXgaIinX a ierc
XX'X'XXXIXXX'II 11)' hi ch' was f ialXX y Xin-I
(Xteruptd by Il he,11 halXlXXX' ing XX ootII'of
111hounds. X X''II II XII 1111 I
l 11', 11t'is lle 'itX urX i or' Ill umbeXrI'I 11ofk
t Xever occasion1. at 1111' wasI elie11' ,'the8X
I 11b'll 1was, lIse Xn XXII h X'nearer 1t18th'er1IXI8-
111111e X'X'IXXX')' In IX 'XXIXXXIX118mc tl
goesIX1111'('11c1 111phomor. 1Out' ofXa111o'al
of f8ivX18po 'i XXXIXtheyXIwenI thre, XXhe1Xrock
s XIaXXXIIt 3511case Ilast XXXea 1111T 111811eXsh IIn
lcrXIaIar111d8twoX'ints forI1111hei1r)1workI
tisIX moning XXX11. 11'XXXIII'11X

111t'e8Xcelbraionw iitXXIX to thXeI I 111BijouI.
Afe 11 a X XI confrence w111ith X.'he managr,
all1 were IX11XiII8Xlto 1111eIsecondIXshoXw.
All 111e actors Is'e'ed11t11 i XXXIrXIIXXXI

the1 'inu i :XIXl IndXXIXIduring their perform-IX
A111:' ; pXII XX m.X'XXit oni reXX wasII bui1l1t8(,XXII
the1.1ol iIl, hell' NCy II. XIongI'111nd
111111 I Cl'''1l,111111l~?K
\VXX1,I1I1111OV], X XCK. XXX'XXN 'll
N XII ' 4thX StIItI Cm i r
con1i1e1that XXiX ea's Ser1ies of under-
yea],' XAX8 changeXXIhowIX' erIX i sIX( rccom-XIXX IX
medd in the111e1k 1111 1 Tin II)' 11111
is 11,lilt IXheld Ito 18he XXXo X' IXX' X'XXXthe I'at-1 t
Sc1vi1 a chan1ges haveIhIenXXIX' iXXI' I
migh te dItIgie 'ill IX (c, ilhotter
IM1" to X ,howXXXX XX hIeirXXX(Xi 1 ))e1 is'
1111'the XXXIX XI IXIfor IeIhe . XX 1111
1111 t, keepXit XIII fo8 a ,lted But.
IXXXIIXIXI 111(8 i>, 1 1 i gi'XX il XXX I c laX
"In.to pace 111 rock ther on. 1,1th '
'ttm XXXIX XInowitI' I Il c 'XXII,8h11
II XXXIX XX (galX:X "IIX bXX 1111 thatIX he
mie1l~ (XXI XX III XIX of Friday111 n811 SaX ur-
Xday'haXIII' m' pletel'X sIIi'X1XIicXXllylXwhoXX
111(8111. IIhXXXI IXII X''IX airXX -cuXing,1 I
,aXX i X heII rue, gov'XI' rn'ing'X the111 ruckI
-;tuns ne1stXX% IIIat X- lXa,1to11makeX it mor181(1
;e1811. XX'o 11of11th 11stren1gth1of11theXre-
XXXeivc XII XXX a , 11 than of a1isla IIy of
11118 I 1118ther Xcitic XmInII' XXII 1h11
XXd.;lcniderableIXIX 51 1111ofrIXc-
11)(111. W e1ope1that nes XX'r LXXX'
to XIIi,,Xclss 1to play (i rt i 'ics e1o 111
L II'Xo, X1IXt,.1.,XI II
C.XE- XinI1ead: XIII onetswr
al 1 beter 111(year 1bill Xale Irok stun
ned ,,XXXI, XXI I' I IXIXX yXt1111T1111f1Xesh-
the Ic1nt,111111t ' XsXi>, XIasXX fr'ny, ti115
I . is' IIoXXXIII' XII 11 811811
1111111 iX I XXXI I I i ll: contes11 XXII t(XXI sll
XXXII 1111 . They1wer'11111111 8 XXXin X iXtXp'Ier8-
fectly1fir ma111n1r IandIXgave 1the11under-I
XX'"t XXXc XX'theXIoppoX11t1unity' t 1o 1 1111i XX'Xi
front 'the 1,1111 13.XXX''IX 11141]a
'ec~Il' 885>1 tXXXI' e1,t111 5'X' IX'81 of5 1111e
XXXXIIXX' TheX'r'ck 11tu1t, w11ile X'gInera'lly
1111ifcd XXI tX' iIXX WrminsIX' IX tiXXX'XX 1811
''hus'Xta'r' iX asi ledI to produce i1(1,11n-
I '1:1-;}'SIIXII 1- 111:,1 , 1S 8111 881111
The11Key8.to111> '81 ye'sterday 8after-
noon elcted Xoficer81 X fo1118 x tIXI yearII .X
Xident1111' - XIIXI iXX 'X 1 11111 (1 ce-pre identX

11111 1las (tigh. 1The1. ne'xt sinig II
IIc 111111 ThuIIrsdaIy re'ein'Xg, IXIX(cr 1111
1i Tappan OCak.

Engineers Assured of Represen-
tation on union Board-- Dow-
ney Also Withdraws
1he clearin1g' i. J. WXX '. I8CXIXIIIyes58
I' is, i is id11, oliatei lXIX II (11 ( IX
bIX eain I'X'X G eorge88' R. XX'(e ''Ir, 8' ile, '
only8 contestant8f1rXtXeXfice. '(Ithus1111aXXIXX-
I. 11811.11111 and1 XXXI >1:V1 XKLlly XXXIr
;til an idaes fo i s posXX iioIIXnX.
''Ill I'll' XXeXiX 111111111(111 , I X eetIIXI,
and'( theX' apparIent XIII111g X ili11 th11 Ti1 o
elecion mayI turn onXXII (XXIII1(1111' (111 ',nod
other XiX)1e111 Xi X 11111111to 1the 11best i-
1111111' of the' X i mXXIXIXX( hat ((X' l('ir-I
(181e1poli i II 1 1111111 mayIpI oveXII i mXII
'11118ableIi f 1 the1 XX i 11,1,11 XIX i) (181 as X i t1,>
IX'X'XX'118, 111,kes Xi( folo inI'Ig XXIII,
m11e11ofXtheI'ef11111 1fX:MXrX(','XXlls''.
reigna1(1 iX II11
Ik. XX'leXXr, 'I'ov , ' e Xoly XXIIidatinl X
whchtheteedf' 11111111't1111,n11111
thX l ection I'I I t leave,111118 the (IX, XissuXXI
preiden IXXII XIX V t11 V.1, C1111 , 'o7II , '(Al,
LIdXXhomLIII.Itid,' X)lI b ide
,therproa it( I XI rXI heL([Sice715
foXr which ItheyIhaveXXbX1nXnoinatIXXeX'."
XIII XXIcampul, IXXXXX 11 IX i XIII XXXII 1pell1i
ten, and once m1o1811111111trIeat1ed1 toII >((-
andX'eilX i XXIt 111s(1 he oXXI asion' of11'
o I so )1 tirt1 m nks in 11"m, 'and
'' ith1 th'' ee x cept'io, ns',I thel'' iXllX(it'X
581 SI'IRoy', "8011Dc" r1o1rgan'X', '-Si"1
Wile, CXXII'XXMconld,5111(Keley
Ir.dXXXunneXXX"M.c"1' Xz 1.11, "1.11.
1111is FIrXankI Ral, "Merry"5' errill,
Dud"XXXIKennedylI "Dutc11h" XXILubbe1r';,I
"Shorty~I DuXI IX'rme15 ,XXI iXIXIX hi l ip"'
811111ScullyXIX~S It XII' l'111118)'. III'"XXXII
Sec.XCrlton ill s. II~lX~I 'lXXIXX111 X
IXtX. Fz vs r i m c ,tu trritr;

'IlTheXInga(881111' of XXiss111Nell III"w
118811r, 'Xoo, toXC. I.ousGen 01 11

Brock, i edXI forI hr1 I tX'aX'X(1)' (88 XIIX X6 IXIin is j (XXXiX ri (8 1111 XX X X'fora state1 x hibit, 1. aC
in'18tXhe (1po lvaI. XX'eX I);ir(1s1111 n the Inernatonal C n111811f 58118.eu

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