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May 08, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-08

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The Michigan Da ily


ANN A\R l,(i.)R IiCH'IGOAN.\Vi hN1.;S)AY, MAX 8, 1907.

No. 1 57.

Whipple Pitches Good Came-
Plays Elrrorless Ball-Score 2
to 0.
Whiipplle te vrit ta rstuthpawc
placedi aoter shtout t hisrei
yesterday when, laiedi btperet slp
tart, the champinship \Wooste'an
was beatetn 2 to 0 on its holme gounds,
lth teatms made ie safe hitt. \With
thehep of the samte ttnttiet' ofl 111511
C'oach ,wl''stmen wtee alle1to sore
twice. 'lh' ie hingls tallied by the
Woo~st etten aailed tethling.
The it wer; well sateredlandthis
fact couptIled withithe asenceatferrrs
ont te ptallf BMiciiga's iles, was
resplonsiblei for tile row- of ite gose
eggs crcdited to thtite m tatl eam.
Ilt varsity gals to O herlintodalay for
te returnlgatte twithithtil'Contgregationll
The1'seller by innt~igs
21341;167891 t. 11,1"
Wooster ... 1101111111111-o 15
1liicligal.. o 1 t o10110--2; oI
The teams w111ill et till 1p11edIcNtre1
atl lter ie ld. 'll1Tis Itea r. 11hichas t
scedulile f ne'ry fort es-one of1i
te heaviest f 1any college ofnive1111r
,ily-last ol es11t.
Te Notre1 D1a111Scholasci11Isptit 11111
itc. Ill te last issue t spteaks as 1o1-
to correcltlll rt l I west ern11 ipr eeils-
15111 lltealmtilWe iintoo uc plas
ure in cituing t1 e et f NIctave lotur
iev in tthatldvh1111toil syn, ht
'1ll lilt i l t' couse11of1 Imirta kesii
11111.te1111wtitthitreenly d efeatei 'Am-
ilc-st, wlliigivec'thI vrtesit till' iarest
game ne at tt il b mdet
ig llhe.\itlfetullre1. I 11111 i
CO'iNCI i 1171' PRi' a 'OR
'Trep i s i ll it rfp s ailiy th a ist tle
ato fels' halllcan e stiecuried iimetht
tteflaiithelmtingalitof tStdetlt

year. iAt theg'meeting e ldrIyesterdafly
look 111111e mite111.1 see ali t t c1111
C. Waler; illre Itr, tZI. Sadersn;I
il til' dI 1Deah11liasapi nted togs 1111rtll
vise the1 osi tution 111. IItl I~rt 11
F1;11' A~'S'llr ll 1SOPHS 1
l'ilt' freshIll aBB til d 1111ith I theljtil rl
lt ill' d 'l'lltenillal ll~lli 111111 framel I
to IIins ''ll guioris11maid1111.1 11111u 1s
ticll gltl c 111111 c in tlhe fitth wi til
ithe tiltid11h1e Icore i te fif'tlt
in1t11tlead..1ller B' tnil illte i
in15ri11 11 llinJlli i .11111 .liilllli I 71
Io lly._T elir t ear men got'.n
Ilre in Illseighlthi :tInaprntyhd
thellal7 Ill tttIlttl .Bther h l fte.
once1 1 illnguthe1 ac.,11 it i
In wowlk.th the1baseitfull,
'117n isju111311111 we t g
plae1h1tinerrr n ~iril-Stenc
tieing1.7tile Irsme-ain117nBe e ninth
lilc 17'oun tl 'dr'ne1. Rlge 1 1.1111
c llCl t iet ilpo aly h lyd I
1111117ti nett' Ilweek 111. l 11111I
']hh t I g '1l ''rders: l 111 111
Mooedytll 11,;Hn iI l es t ttl~tlil
ii; Pu nll, ,3b:_ e rr11illhI Cf 111rI lse,
til'lit rl I Itt Il ils1p.ld I 1

Orchestra Concert Will Open the
Seriesi- Kramer and Withers-
poon the Soloists.
iay' Festivlt lis ibroulghlt IleCIvo VWed-
fatigule laf ceI~trts folll 'intg s11 closely
as itt folrmlIe May l'vstills. Tt'e con-
r tiier l1111111cho r l 'sif'rerB. Tstak
chel penstetsliy or11 111cesta andy llthe
1111oo i l IttIes itva ii il'ien e eor

WBither spoonallof 1ldiand took forward
of a relsonantlevel. wltl-colltroltldhbari-
1011e 1111ce, le iloe of tte 111011at-
ta tive ingers ill tis l'ountry7. lie ap-
pear Il' ns11111ysatlnlta7bllelifestivals and
1w it till bes t ocihesitas and11echoral so-
citc; eidsagroupltmof sonlgs, lie
sllngs NB Il III 5Abied" and *"Feller
/ltill I fr111111lfe Waikuere." 1Here
is ma work I 1wh icdemands111l'vesatility, a
For ins \Bagn~erilnte'rpretatioltns M'.
BBlerpo 1111 asIIIl t won11 g'rmeat pralise'.
lteawhlelofIthli ei n ''tllgs prolgram
i; s Isfolls
1111111111e, mmml ltIatsl'r"....... tfugier'
s1) NIdiga l . . .. . .. . . lorifila
1111 \"tir 1du llalillll-MBaar'". . 'P'imlas
Mr. ithert oon
hi.n teBilnoon ollf a aEamm"... fI.'illaamy
Ilmlertol No.t2,I) mm ~ e.fea
AdaioIltma 1non ICl trlI I (ail.
ber ... ... ... .... ... ... Plagner
M r. ' it din' sic 111.



lThe May Festivaaiedtiontl f tafhe 1In-
B 11111ccis tom appteartis lmorenng. Thei
nubr is1ne'arly as geld as 11hat issuled
at "J"1 1Oil time11, 111111d is 1 modledi alg
tile lestditmg articte, ity Prof. A. A.
t~life- hl eok o hiellalltlTeodore1dticsit ~lhI 1hassof time mmtthimdebated
11T'homIs,111hlsteIllatlt removed tione1 of'ltuesttion minitille alle nf mmmtsic. I littie-
.'Bmttt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fec o1 11 iIh ilItthttll 1 f 11tf Iltsiaositionmlamid of time em)ilcy
so ificlt 11p stihorl t fMr.Thllt aslh t l tl ttlll me~~li rtetm
crete fet I ii111111 hitslsilstantt, Ni.connted iIs formeftmlly ttatetd, yet done
Stck, 11h111h1s1minltmtItandatti even wi 1 111i t tgod thurortht savet~s ltearti-
11v1111 Ithe itials aitrmutaio1n1111wilh im' efrm't Iwtinemg aataek tam theceritics
vent1 fotuttderit Nit Stock, tttmoghma Mtel 17.N Mmrminamanaaarticip tam 'Old
7'Itttat''rIllnIsltschomtlarIlyItind tii la dmaBidsti beitnmm scit theti Iatlinmg'atm
seur lthis tirmto trsimptof Itts memcta tatacm 111at timat, "our etailge tamh ere
gaiingIlltilt' Idlrkses ttpresetan in- I arcemreally ttt-eds, fortrmchicamiy tsmtak-
'kil r h rirtttatvat~i. a onedising is e minding, til'h e t tin'cII-Itt inci les11bothsext's."
ltllll1111lietttftm rtt i;t argumenmt 111111 lia
iTtetoithes~ttr 11has111r1 ito n111ght'sslaemtth11almt "manialways wais a ct-eld,
of iIts 1 ttt lit 111 TheT Isahautsernt Adianad FI Itcat mtte apptes of thet
Overtturletnhls lltthelrgralm. I it'mtstet' rtec of kntowledt~ge togete?" I lmtiatg
a-odr of1 i t the it111 modensa who1cilamas Sexplded thismtough, Nr. ':Moore
th tthebein~l~s w111111 hintth le t Iif0 scurreIs tosmith grttttlid thlllit'rest
in thet'ptl'ttttoIt''Ait fte'rnoon ohlf atmvilfresh~tI iman h i"utingt horttlor
tFaun." l ei ng m' wiith 1111its riamae, tIeittinmte tmtndtiit'"sIeif-appotetald itti-
1To1 HitatoIllSteel,"wictisitde-
scrtibediam inte stliteIs "ant'xtract
{! frot t hetie ahry oft a youcmng awot ma at-
Otf te iet hu morous 111storie s thetmmagta-
. ' i t Is pite d t its 71ear.
S"The ithil's Marit r,"a story "by
litearB edi'rmnthsasomittlIttittmet mmhlv
it comes 1meat' IIto 1It'llag a itt f tf rute
t~ttt'tt.a tnRAUlt. B"rttt,"by Barimara '(Ic \MAky, --s a
leer ay FIt ialstory. IPersifliage
te tpoint of bteinlg'ittexplicable. (',aota fromt~ a ILaymtanthettcfettial frtom anr
hiw ano 111ther modterthou it~tghtless eadi-! auditor'slpintiotf V'vi1, is a iterestintg
cal, conltributtes tt suite, "Rutses d' essay.
Amourtl," a wo rk rlel-esenhfiamg is mnt s 'Tvwnpages of able edtoal Imsitriettf
iProf. - Stantley ihafs.entertainintgly anti of thae fet.iteal and ctis, of °time mrtists,
skillfully tirsarlitedtihiese aworks I im e- are IotherItea turs. Two alltrtoon~s lay
tail, J .1Slutsstr anitte cot-tducasion milet'
I1'rantis own at nks Mr. Stotk trings I1tinSihwinag imat muttcih deptends upton
t vittlitn soloitttoaf the evening, Leta theypinlt tof v itw,, several verses, andt
.])oldlKsrame.NMr. reamer is tte con-la aon cationsttamaaoum"'lie Knocker"
ceteiIstetof tlt crcietra--avirltosta conplete ite nmbtier.
Of cxcellcett gtfts. lie plays the Brutcht ____________
DI mnoatr Iaccrto. 'Ii,, cotncertom teas
tte stamplt tf all Brutch's wo~rk -"clear I mRtF. ttat'. p lctmitttvty.
toua ihvoiitnis conditon isiinevery way satisfac-
r,.he other soloist is I leehyrt Wither- torylhis tteaperatumre aatLlialse bthu
spoon. Festital audiences know NMr. betingmaramal.

Prsent Methods Are Criticized
-Petition Will Be. Circulated
Mare aomaiationst folr'MicigiallUniot
officrs wil probabmliy e mate sots. It
is stud thtat atmp'itionaa btaringlie aname
culatedttodittay, aitdif tt' rettuirdinmm-
hter Ill signers it secuedminew taales
aill hr atddetd to te list madate by tie
notamimating tcotmtte:
Ast tieagitatinaiteingtcarried oa
largely bty tie junirm awite cmt las, it is
likely ithat the tir tm inees will e
membaaers tof that class. A prommiment
senir law sy'mpatier witha lie move-
nment coatriutethtie folttwing comm-
"I wisthmthinstggestatdeficienacy iinte
presetraiametatd tf nominainig lie am-
Iidtts itor oilimmthe BMichigana Uniona.
At piresnt 0atttmitin coattmttee of
ice or six maeimiaers seietthe candi-
dates. Tuhis selectioni neesarily te'
itendts molare inrorshil peronmal aequain-'
tance. 'Te resulnt is tamtimhe candidates
arm' liablte toc e representative of tie
"utallr cemnters of studeitnt lift. It wotuld
se'rim that tie prnnpermetodll of selint-t
tg lie ofbfiers otf tie Uiontawttuldtilbe
a fre't'and moptm'aetmptaign, wtti a livly
ecmntast for time alier. A asieiprinittle
tf tie Union, fcour'se. ithtimeimiaa-
tiona of poliltics frtotm its affairs; Itttart)
Int stlecionms based-I .tm oltitis millet
ikly to aris froma small com iite,
mhatlet nm the chotice of tie whole voting'
bodaty f tie Uniomm? BWoutld it tnot et
ter serven the interetst tf tie Unintatit
tt lat two111meni ettomiataelfor its
ptresitdmey, who wonldtcoenmtto11bae
caeatiiies ? These quaesitionms are im-l
portanttibeause mnext year wit tie
otpeninhg tf ihe clubhouse, will antse a
lerimleal stage itt the Union's life. We
mmusttthave, ecapable men at its head. Ta
repleat,.wouldmt ti the judgmnaimt of tie
whlie lattdy of Unionm membmers be more
satisfatottry thtanthetiltsmlectosa of a tatal
iTere lams bten clam msudertad-
i1g as toI(liltelectioni ofvic-preidetst
for tie ),li ciganim faoma ach mem-
ber will itt 'allawedt to vae for bit one,
te vie-'piresidentamfrtatm is detparrmnmt.
F l img is 1tmetprstll ist mofaona-
I'etiditt---fltritirt BB lark, 'o, 'tia1.
Recrein ag secretary--James W. Nie'
('atttlest, '8
Bice-tpresidents: Eitrary.WardnlS.
flowvmtanm, ;Wale W. Mrrit,ai,
fit laeerimg--Alitert R. C'handle r, 'in-
Geot~rge 11. Knutona, 'o8e. Law--Steipheni
BB. IDiowiney, '081;i Arthutr F. Friedmtantt,
'clii. Medical---Mtrk Marshall, Nilfam
IBEary N. Patriek, '17, 'arn. Dm'nta,
ii mnamepatitieanmmmlPharmic -Jamaes A.
C tminie ry, 'aid ;'ilterot G. Yeainaaais, ' )i.
Ptreidet hl'a'tattemierfronttmte city'
irevetd ny de iitactio"I n einmg takmen
at yesterdbay'; tteeig tf te Coamedy
cltu. IHoweve, a secret sessionm wa
heldi ttiehidcoed dooniatr, butthemit m-
liers would give otothatinimg of mwhat
was done except to say thatcaly ama
informal discuissioan was held. It is ru-
mored that tie proposed change manmte
clubi's organizationa i not being receivedi
favorably by a majority of the nmemabers.
Judcge Cayberg, of Ilelema, Mot., i'
givimng a tedintlo lecture in tielaw
dleparmnt this week. Judge Cayerg
ati a macmbler of the supreme court of

Mot~taana ad is am auathority of national
reptation on thme suBject of mining and
iirrigatioan laws. These lctuires are
onipenm to junior anmd seiitr law stuenmt.,

SViY f1 tf+ V/"Y YI fY tuft tT . (f

(Ctnitli metttitrs tindnt d mmerclassmnsmt 'ie bit tinag teth rs
lwhotihavse been appotttinted it to hae chtargea 071lNidts-''e ch, 2;Sily
of tile eremns : iiGrdgotel if, NB instin ef ; McKinney;
Pmtshttal-C'. A. Schnreer, '071111; C. IN'i. irtdct. s t .c ftStmae
MNterrtlwc. ol S. 1B'. Cuntsmain, 'oge; G. BW od,'h.
NBp'. Grastatikal, '09n1. Nictgietlitlhtinttttr, If Sctit tic
Rttckstuttt-A. 1. IPearce-, 'o3il11.I4" lb ; aatitn igAbell ys (tml a
Frost, 'cage ;fB. Rickel. 'V)),7A. W. t Satith ttintem mSukey. 11Sheaf~ulian
Rtelay race-F. Dinty, '0711 B. Iisr T hIle scoette yInnitalgs:
'oil; B.If. Leoinanrd, 'oe~l ; amembeintr frtom
denmtal departnament tinthincpointed.f'tt34cc6i
'iTug-of-ar--BB. S. Eea'is, 'n7e If. 07 Neicdts.. 000 00 t---2 4 6
Hil, '07; B. BWiley, 'to; J.'BMillercr ~oe. ltt' 0
itases tilt ails 0 fB aly 3, off Wood-
Senior reeionico enmmitteawill mnet. nStruckacot-11Biy 13alY 77,' (od 5a
mhisi afternootat amp: i n. lmin oom C;,4'-s - er:.Hnapirc-'Ira
Unriv'ersity hail. Impart'ani. Pounmd. tdolitht

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