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October 13, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-13

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The Michigan Daily



No. iS.

Varsity, on Rampage, Rolls Up
46 Points-Yost Is Pleased by
Team's Work.
Although the Farmrsec lookel fuly a
strtong as te Ctsc teamt which hlta
week go hedtetitrtity to inetu pont
they tereuttteryuntileicto copcuwith
the (leterttttmined otor itofiMichianyes
terdiayiand t \tiewlt ie itwledoff o
wtitth thescontdgue o1 te stetstn li
tie oe-dehic core of 4ili to o.Tie
vsitor tw e r pedoft tirttft ciftor
wtletctotwuicstete cittctrtttateiatt
tycouidtsolve.inticienitllte var- ci
formiiiver ttierentk i the Cie gaine.
antd iciinrenin"ttilthrie biggetiscoeca
M-ichitganteami hasli- Iosteicceti tie
f tie li lis te great temto eiwoirk
ta leci tacular.
W\ithi iieiraggedilap y iandIhiil< of
gaeeiitedii the vars i tyetreithroughiii
gndtauncd thtiharmerstipracticalti-it
twu iasthey wrield foirit downsit icilt i
tiee i tei ent ii i trfotmiuirtetntl
bothntof toecicsionti wert icticire
sutsoi lt i es hu ciflicd on thli li-i
gainI uit ii Iic udefense, ikccpintg
iihlithe iproviecmnt enuiytt-i
tacuthoeduno idtcrilrtin.iianc tie
necesarcy teai ardsin threei downs
lriiiiblyiimunt ipurtat inii the ciiange
le i-turito iite gomitof Cap1 iii IIa
goffiti. tutuapparedifci iii irsime
tisi seaontiliiii regulri am.itoef
hltf. Apiiintiyii ispiedciyhelii
criritle iif the plukytcapti, tin ctitret
Mlichignii backild moveitit, ci oieiiiiani
spiit 1i-tbe i tiystieb.Atn
trclcu-anil iiiat telis le try eof the
tetidr ofi u thi le eoun Tue,
score of fhft iipoint had been iipeictd
but .tie ptrphec wasi basiethiiie sup-i
weaker I thaiteyrellyitere. Cittit-
tinctiyte tire ingit ofrthe tin Vic
i the totu sat isifactrv.
Co-opting iii- iiitheibacis i cicci
placy wast"Gcrmaiiy-i Schtiliiwhoittk
advat-agero the i-li-i oporituit-o
tact wek;--oif shiowi FryIFic-fristit-
thact le i tegea-testc etericnitihoc tti
tettci ino tle drietutuoret an tex-
caggeiriti \iationAied icstimalilt liy tht
f tplay itus e -iiit-he-Fa uteirsciiithe dc-
fenivuee t emciniro n t piilowed
th iroughihelieurcat frequent itervtlt-
iiitciiinor tdticriticjuttw fit-
quntilyi tiil li cesarto ircount tin
nuiririi-itf plasiexcutedl duig ith-
gamne--earnguiopentgapoig iletiin ii
cuanscifthle vt-ititgsemotiiblage iii
maicking it iosstile for tie scring fa-i
rsre to innrICaptin Mogoffini I irli it
Allerdicecardsin i iaace f ihec lie
& of tscri ioage.On ore ccaitntAlie
dice itw tut sh itrit oe of tie perree
tiaderip tin "G.(.-an . Groam
otily to tid whecni le care to te tire
face ct the ciid of tie itune that thi-
fid waocsinrgulrly free fcri the eemy
Consiequtentlyvle hastieedforiardun
tll bin acomnplrierdthe turincf uc
inig tie rinefrrtypotrcit crd aitouch.ci
dcne. iekeoascogt ihowever,iak
toithoc fact ii thatowig to the fore witl
tehichr lie wait tutocci Ie ad onic diffi
culy i regaining hi ecjirliii i, tire
Ielad ecpedite cutcetcf tie tel
paoty caitaultwich ail givnerihn iii
initial bimpeit. Scuilz ti-it trly ait.u

ed in hitlinre-sptoilirig carusemntsiiby C
Grahamn and Wu. Rheirotelild-some tioc
Early inthe wgarrec Michigan aliatrilie

te tie of tie forrard paslthtoghri
tire play hadtribeen gig off with tiet
smioothniets nd effect i tie three at1
termpitstwhichirecrmatte I ioweeverit
teat soontrlea-riedituatuuigtitn i lite
iccre,teecarityueri woutldlhoe Ott
c-cyp-irune ii inning tire-Faitriert citric
iwitlhie smalliencurla1veye c ctoble
scotre to their cicdtard the ftiort
ias ntdtrickiplaiiwithtuthe eceptiron
of the ftequentlyiutipiliecdfatie kick-
ti-rc lutiintoPoitt's iet proce, wientree
thtepyuilleihatiredi ither octeestutudti
mianrds. lire iniial iforwivrdiipss f the
tfternoicon'st entertatinmetitnettedfiftieit
pcards, Millergettiigtie ball nilaii ieve
cfrtI iiriti I nnd.iligaliusecof te armti
here ccisi tire nrin-ytftenrdsti t ln
rktittulCaii nte rinihtttelak wthilanorther
forwardipast, c I iftinti one to Mao
giuffoti,,iwho ircnrerediithe effortof tic
ccrsiii Agieulituitsuvin blipri
iin h ild foitchdown.
it-citthirlntilof a forwitrinnIatyisthat
Wltler I kerst iicnticled-arctI ntl Icic
coughtrto nooIrttiir i ittutuccriiithg
tis itottn turiin toii i ia te ii
itiStmeiiofte intuitprointbeilg hi-rie
this fill- I Didi ierothimsief radmitr
li-ie athe-itelist--quariitriack ii
ritir worl tintrcithatihe ntier sciwtdtuptl
whnutbittitorirI bile tirked.it Ii le adiited
[that ie-lint.ti-le-itthe Maroo nsi tere
incuher ownittent-yard trie with tiletntyt
cIi itt necec iii for it r itfistdoninittie
2 tiio ocame cagcr-int\ichriao ppedtutr
bacrk tin kick indthlien toolliiieinal o
aong ec urt n, icriiciedr it n-iitutir
-r-ugment inrunnitit ingtetem-useithiein
ihetejugmient f rne heeldi-ter-ti of
rtioderni tites. In tthis nae eec
stisthetine tuin on atitiltedtoniiii t
Vat-wholiiiasiiforgotttetinrtfiitey tuturi
sIfotblthaniii thiis younpgttit-sell-alleed cr-i
ticver treatiterd f knowing-aiifent
ethings abourriti foottbl ioneiiiof wichiwnai
t thatitost'sintaf the fotrardnpassti
n i ctti ti n -i
c tncierui tip iyetrd'sgm bouh
in hal- tiener-cforgotueun ie to lint
r cuneninruc ofi1i. U.hmtef Abidtcig
tntheConfrceu iles. ritecacreinas
hinale to tll f hiirunonn of tint
ritae-hut ire tured voitlumes, lie rd
e ettconfideni tlt l it tha the togt tht
SAl.A. C wasas srg at Cise-net an
tuintcrventbut tie retya ttmet of
tlulyiiihourIre togtote nnui
- icrmadie tiltihu mt]i trin iinthlat- tuic
runrtrut-iame lip-teruennytieprtin
frotmunhistualcut t euturotf rmnliing liii
imnr th iroughsnalstotaftc tie- gmen
k-inteaoil srntding- there to tie ipgym in
r cntitelIc ittir e ciiuiut f tie grnt
- Al. A. C. inuttiemto ntilHattmonttd
e kin-ienutfnf-tirein-ui- cutoIMIreinnrit
-fotundnittieWlvroicnelite aitotnictint
e ndt ter e fiiiccd t Inti nCatitii geffir
cuaftecrcshoctingruthronuugh teli ne- in
Aleieeh nd omlt e ltuhI uu ebrait aerthusrei
elIcurto tie gtrie iby--gting- 30 yrdsi
- caround ei-n. iltniiiri lictiny I! elt
- Allerdiree and AII rofinrnntrritwetntdwn
e thneeistntce fhnt tie uviitor'go-ritint(
e run futeyprculThfie Aggre eld b ut nnui
e finn tnetpla. fin n tie buncletienue
dcharleyhuttrnd ciiptin tuncit ove forrtlint
-fict tuhownr nnutftie gunte Ode
Tattemnpit to tck goal wnent wide
- It icaitnaunnot tint surie stodry fr tin-
-secondnultonucdeon Nagotfinni I el int
s 'llenrdieecr i u rit pgkhnidonwn tin
tfilii hutsteady goinsnthIrugh tie lie
- anti aroundel.niTie famer'defenst
itacIbattered to inn ecet andtimtriunot-
~ tagai theirminernee forced ton lkernt
:1 tine 'eMichigoan'c inerfeece cshoae-
-excellent tintlitannelfreothecsideine
r- tie Yostcsmie shone trgtly Tint
:thuird toutcwn iwaitiae rin us t re
hpinys.1Locl tonknie bll frim tte 'lA
i- C. ourarfumblntne naoctie center nil tin
;e fietl ndsccamtpierdl -te-uy-foc-a30yin(

i- gcain before Icheenas toppnedl. Attack!
ieagairnst ine litre then placedctire oval liehidhegaposfranhrcut
).Graami's tecagariniveuntauits.
30rori afier the next ktich-onffI-ituit
d (Continrued on, Page Two.)

Union Directors Expect Many Old
Grads Back-Announcementof
Committees Next Week.
trniteadet of steling tie dacte f tie
'eichigari Uniniut ucc rfr tie fene--
pat f Decembhe, cutsinat dne ccci er,
it hasi bcen jpracticcalp- decidedtotseirve
tie turntulinertnNo. po tie night
poecednirg the Peipnslaia gmtre
entral eaonsitforc tie earlier ntric
Tine gridunron ciiiractionn tintlciruntiol
gradsc to 'ni'n uriorfnromallinarc f
tine coutry.n AsCcthe hin nnet is at"loe
inasci for tn ilttiltgrasfaucnlyp nti
studentsrusitit esentialiitint it bIn em
whenitie graest niuheriof tealumrnit
are IereeFinntiermintitca mrnoe eetie
mass itmueetingitian t hoentuiaistitof
te hioutco uniuld nitte- riined.
inanly- o lettr inaitbeen itecentvrut hu
Chre tun ao iordradgturateietr liof tie-
Atheicassciatn-ior-n ascinug tt utouic
huuunredisctsinceeer cr1 fun tir e In
i-tunic- tinat nmann-imembersccofitine Pits
burgitMahiigarn Aliuni urn ctin comneurn-
un--t'ennuiAtbnrinfr tihug gmne
line ihiigan Cninud intectrscttiill
Snrnoncuue tie nappoontmnent f i thein cri-
titte- ext ineckt Fromtalrgie litt
f eigible inentthut-inlliits t inecrly
titmpleite. uP e aeaic eb ettuucihpIcret
fCltanrIctruesidetheo f tie ne iontattnwien-
- us iino ha neeni exprtettsio whin wie
I usayithat uric fouth ntui almidinnr itor
inn tie "et etcr-
- he hanquuet wit innevetint clurtec-
i mntgeiiriit whrlie thin Barbouriiiside
s il bite tn opeirdn it tie rtetttit
roomnnntie scritic lastiact.uc-n s-Itlie
gymru accomtmodar tntu nip g900 tien u-
turnonutireket soldi wil rerunainttheccanue.
I it ex-ptetihit iJ. C Knuth, titcai-cci
ofi tinetemnporaryUInionnnr eirniuhrcwin-l
-nu the coherngrut
e Johtnn Maxep Zanuric84, at beetnrspokenn
tf fntuio hip itytas rnaicandit forctin
t- toattersphcaici ilthicturr.Zae
iti is untl knennattunep- rn Chicago, ant
fhis wcidte nruthatirntas itoasnrtmter .
t ice-itsoaskedi tin preitt hrar,-utin
Whein ntho ec runoftient d uerilt-
(Naru- grunt-warcpo-cstatthu-n-ncou
i ets ac u tow ruen lastnightiterut u-c
rsrrnuliie eoiinoeg -amuog the- studuentsi
ci otliing lthefotbll rietunrilns. T-fact
n hit c Iiufinrn'sme e-r ieae- htohl
vtire Saioto a deadlonit t thistaicge
run thur ccacoin nitecnieredniten henvi-
s unl ni virynnuifr nie C ununornnncnuciat
theire asonr it tutustatitIngrncompaca-
urnenip The comn suin entimuent f Nichei-
ruign nilisurre edNiocthstemn
I "1thirn]i there i little doubuit tinat mhai
cVatnnerbintlayuhep cii naproelierto eechi
IatInc theytewtuldlunit ialopedtte est-
[ here are two iteaconsuwtya tr'eihctiganu
it-wishec Vandnerbnit itodun wellun utheir
econtestsc with tie aggregtion reresient-
ingthe eacternnschonrolt.Inn tiefist
unplace 'ehiehgaun feitexcetedingly frendp
dtwiaintltie Dixie-rintiutonI-ncrgei- ii
t curse tbecoaue flie crnnecionuo nilicr
di 'lekngrntwihitVanderbnil. IThuntfeel-
s ing hai een grety strengheneni ti
etine athleincreatonsu between MN-h niganr
rothndVanderhbilrwhichninate exstenfun
i wo yeart.IhinurtInn aftecyeterdacys
Ire ewitlie Naiyp Vanerhitt pretig
ur ineeatilwill he consinderablyv greatr
stin rubefoce annulifcMichgani conwien
frto tintComoore t Noshilrle trn
i, f tint effect of lat yers tefet itithec

hndsrh of Pennsiy will Inc effaced, irre-
- sineclii-e ciithii season'scclaim iiktnt

Ca+A A eN-i 0 I fft FRS IWtR
lie (runtA-bit goin til erun defeate
tein n d r -ir lk n il id inruin ectiunncit
lipy It tl scoe ofulip-o iertw
ofi tine itithers t ccuec in scrirng.
Giih cun mmhthei hist playinecc, t-tin
inai runetrn-upt rn tie recent- Ccndirn
cliai n onun tri n i i imttc h utIs nuno Stcnont
theIrle M urnhigianniunurnhuta coeof
GruffthllocStatnulcu2; Stua r fhEste
Baro 3:Rieuttciict i-;hiicitn-
ton 0, Jocelyun 3; (uteri oI ucarbouc o
funner o homasnuco itcBurn. icMy 3
thutorul teing ofctct-utiltew tine
matil ibuchutwahtutuvedit-triplutyucu
hiltan ilti- tit - t iuto iut e t-fiv Iwo-e
III'tiltcluc t iitt u pe in i nnr fe
whichtre cciidci- ing.ei uhutui
i~ lti iii ei icurt n ijtitist
situatd on tittic uhduc;11l0th itneighth
o-f aumitlic ntl ofiSouthitli leni cii
Oni then fis laetm e ~ thurn int
I hg,,tcl -mm ct i i ininguit roomrr siur-
ro m, a diii I,,t fa eutie thin
greatrmu-cu i itccciii tutu tmcAueri
welltiuitit emte eep I t~ r thn utu
le tic mi oo tturninshitscthu hlighs.
htlocalc ututtiso tcl hknown tito glf
plaer tutu cosiderelthe est ii
easci iii itt crct iT--oiilng nevnen
tit fit oik t ii cut Natestinate een
gintern ticc-t-iofthe nitne h et cure- of
whih i: ath "esnin' o acutnt
ofi itit, rter -huhke iformai tin. -A hih
kol formsc ,it itittiui moutat uin nti
atfutr-fooit tntiat iltpdecendsitoii
a hr uar tlI -like mplti niot tint ufit e u
ltoctetlitechp 1cT hi lt icraidiffi
tilt utie t playen d tutu muh util t hetn
iit t l thcutrei"tie-pyHit-Ilow,"nc
"Weit wardcIiiloii t"Buker Btlhu, nti
"Watutulooi- are till ut- tittunamet
appl iied ito sme o lie goals.
I\ 1ec11t u litinf ceuelb ad is
stiudents toumeint ent inn forn thinctlittge-
yeamc fccm nutobetuu rt t- July-Ititptn
paytmult iofiiitheu$10ifeeTt histiesrtc
forc iert btufittheliitiactmtonfee f $10
wch Ens t heii t id ncurI membiierhripirfu
tine' entire yeaun-ncStudtil-ttmnembuerttue
uhnied ml l li t e hui rlimitleige.
Thei clubnil nnl senditc i mmitic Decrit
ie-tti crcutopIat tin ihe eitchGolf
t Iniadtt li iont repairig -t ruhtunit
nitin te libhit1eintl-eclaIki-ruchaelmucuf
tile masut-srueetngt-i-c iPch iganUn ionut
it preparring- thiceih ute cutlige eeent
Intlwieent newntilspring I Ttaeticlie
mitt t tanqet tlceitrai "Mih-I
getcndaouctd he thidcountIy air
t Justiatmpretttmtie lre crc f tie
lucitwell thine utt n tutnir nthrn tutudnoot
uics.A he uobjectouns of wethulec
tru thelietxpenseeof ecrtascan he urgedl
against the latter atinacinntuetunutyp
t for inwil nt unit rip hethitetsp rig featue.
r [hunithe ie tcondtufai outibhe giteninn
tie neCimontn cttrittoe inacing occur
tc-inuiterthe- uter auspcnest"Atitnly
octcuistetery thiiumiiyear"idccurlteitc
fCitric it trntulip it I n i c almays a moe-
no iaker tilltthe mistcpopunlmu ninnhtet
ciUdnu t faymiiclar Imufetumine f uint
verit- life
t A genralrcharmn, capabtile of acu-
eucoplishing utie crutsnuitie-ifthe
ifictis biing cncnsie-ed byhue lreOnion
tinetorsiii antilhutisunie nm e ieau-

- nmnuurceulnetue-lWeeki.
L ceonrte ccu j.t;c NrtuIN STD T.
Thntficstcsociaicnneetiug if ithc Catuh-
-oliec Sttdnniutc'chumbersuntilattRight
urn tine clhl uul. Aittut eonet hundrnredl andn
fifty cstudecit nts-etehprescent.

_ _ __ _ _ _

Contest Polls Large Vote--Treas-
urer's and Financial Secre-
tary's Reports Show Deficit.
Diudrlep- iR. Kennredly waeln ectendho tine
narsihty boceball urnaru- sh-rtipt- mlyetter-
chap-csmeetinugnof tire Atheti c scicatin
ib- cm eede majrouurity. Humpy -bulblnwos
urinnmouslcyceectedi tonsity hirockc ran-
tiger. Inn tieneieghbonrr hoodunofsitlini
red ivotescwireestinthelrueottend-
mulct briing accoutedcrifor ini tile great
incrie of tinherembership ofcitineasson
ciartin. The reprts if.ireauretr Hill
andi Fnnciael Snecrnelump him nnirnuru
ctuun cmrtem ic i nt ov runt,0x0 asebrall
amid track nrreits sufferedmam r teriahip
fcrom tire irnceenrt meacthrer. Pcractically
cull limetbasellgametriuenmttrptedtinnier
unfavrablettcondiiounsuntiloemtof the
motolattractive rnubrs otn thtiesche-
nitric such asthlie Noitreute nn game,
uteri- aboluotelyp rrventled.Into hese
ecacs ec ercietionsustainedl cmfinan-
cah buttbracing gurcmccmrnuecounsoideerablhe
anmountshumtit-enuttier cutea h-Tuack cc-
eipts ilum suffe-redifromrntn-hescarcity- ef
Counfercence reticuertion n fuootballin
tutu natrure ofrefuccedi prices mmiandabbret-
viatedisceules ant rensiunnibulefur tire
tuck of oldi-timnur aucgritunein ltecdit
Tetruck rceipntsnmillhueuconstidier-
mimic icncesedcmhInn-mre-trurutnsucomerun
inrim tin sercmnntircollegiatemmcci
'eliigarn slunce is estmatned. htm ie hue-
tween $firoountil$hbonr
Sec retluprbn runrornul crert neat ai
h-euincrt if theintauuncianl tecretcary of
the U niv-ec-ric- fiii igar thiletic at-
tsociatiotn, tihowingm itr ntnt if reccipts
andi e xpiteurres turre-J-un.up19,1)07:
Amouun t nchndni ti. IO 19,17.$10,54575
Fnctrcu ......-.-.$ 392.75
Basebe- - - -956.7
Irnterschliastic- -....357.50
Geniercal- - -....3942.90
h.omoc ct htnk ..-.. uo.io00u.00 hf1,67.14
ImPirnuciernnse rry-
fieldi- - -$0700o00
Ftball .... ,t...- -1830.32
lasieball ... .... ... 174.6.1;;
iTrack- - --.......2562.45
Ternnis ....- - - .. 44.31
Geerl ..........3746.83
Office- - --.......271.00 $20,217.9
uAmut. in banke Oct. 12, 1907,.. -$ 1,i34.91
bilt inpyate-
Amo mimicbank for lons....t-5,000,00
Bills callowtedubutchcstrot
rictr-nn- - - -aoonu


Anonnt urn uankh

DPci ciit(Oct. 12, 1907.....$5,o5.o
Anumrbrer of ctndrnidanteisinnrit-nionrcur-
gnrneermng clasi officers were urnmited
in yesterdayts flrnt- Folihniug istire
ctonmplete bitt of natmeso:
For preidentII.b1.m Frost,0.K,
Toddn; vice-pnreiidentG.I-I. Knutnuic,
SStanbumgh; sicetary, J.R. Brooksh, B.
R. elarsltureaisurer, Xb. R. Lout, I,.H.
Jonson;hfoothall omanagen, I3.A.Parks-
Frend 3.londne;Ibaisebllnmanager, C. 1.
Forreitel, RC. AI-aikini ;ntaiketbalnl maou
ager, T. C.IWilliamusi I. Patterion ;
track moanager, I,. Chandler, C. J.
iBowmtan, Wonrden.

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