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May 10, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-10

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The Michigan Daily
ANN XAdI (1R K \II., FR1 A 1Y1 0,1 (() X IX $7.


1 5().

Indiana Team Is Strong and
Speedy -Will Give Michigan
Men Hard Struggle
The vr13 XwilIt m X. met 1th
ii 111 ram ha, met n 1 defate th
,,if Xr i XXiicId i,, v11111
l Xoi g 1,6 11X 11 h ,yt a in d. 'Spd r
.,It<runi eo ~,%i ch hecn~lidcIX
the ndina ine an L~ 11 wil heIn
hind1 he1 bat.9 Tl' mi liX 1 asa
11111 I X Su liii III (iXiXXXXI XX 1;h
I~nntio the I'tcrso IIs XI K c21
"I XXXc: V'ipI II 1111 I XXp. XX
III 1111 IIit:XIXX'( 1; l th, I p.XXI
krog~t~,8;1111 XIIo \\ l o 111 r
KRpinglI \X\III'
T evoiti or toII i( IX i tyI4R frA I
practic i~aXX with te local IX'gn
team X;I Xthat Xlace S 111111-
It hasheel. am XXXIed XXXI lhe po i l
ofXteI gaeXX III he donatedII XtoXIXhXXI
ft , 11 11'1 1:1u1 IIXIX IXX 111 II X
Frehm n as XXXXtall, XXni 1 C I
pluck ca 1y'itoiXsXX X0,0XI'1111'he I rsoh
XmXrXes.XIIIIshut-1111ut IrgI iXse XXII 'ylci
fXresh11e1d1111aginstXXIIh XXXIX IXXIX and I
cIXOX 3I'. i , to XXth XIIXopIX XXIIXi XXthreeX
comleted theXl3 Xi X , Iest lldaXy. I'IXXI
XInXXX fiercIe11 onte stI XXXIX cn XXIXX 111iII
pitchrsytXXX 'to medi cX lim X out'IXXX 1e1111'o
IXs.IIXIXXIIor 111111hra Xi iIg, 1Cole:
10ie XlyI coi nXei ghtXIX st11r ikut, I
Cing routed. 3 Ie IasXIIIp 311ou XXiII
sityh innX ogv hefeh e a
12343''wopas 1s9asma 4.1its 1.

00X1NiXiiC,. 10000000X-0X2
XII _M~eiIIIX,0[IXO10:IXO40 0 1- 733
SmmXmarica 1:11asesIXon 11l11-Off C(
Icy 2, oIf AIXIIOXIXO2. HitX by pitch(

Hill. Lchr IX and IX' X'I'Xthe Ifre Xhme I r I-
XXIIa 1111d IXXitXetc mi 1111111 111f1 players
illo homeX run1s.1 IeX 1111111 XIa flesh
wondi i c1111111 whXile siig h m
inXtheXXighthI XXndX was1f1orced11 to1 rtiII .
fast allot 1 men 11went XXXIIill ie XXXI 11111-
'Xio ,il11in1 others is I workXX IXII 11 11111
or he111wasIIbaXtted all14 XvIer Ifl ld.XX
'1ccp1 for homerun bXPaXXXIIIl
Ilil Ca t., Xh;IX iX allotI amX bell
II IXX IIXI'm b t isX ;'l'olly, p.XII X
Wall. IIliXIpXCI XXXIII (ap.)
C'iIIX 1.IXl1 I3;I .i llr IIX cdy f
12, b i lle11 71 I I c o als -
XX'X114iI bieXI2X ' 111111 lIXXX 1111t XX Xii
'III -aXX i ts-11 ehr, 1111 1111 XX 11111 X-
Record, '1may heXdmolXhe'X l Sa11 tnr-IXXX
amn ieaxi~tscniusa taily a5 it hasXXisXIweek11. 8111111'HXst
pete1 against11)I. C;. SXXiX.Maiy X18.
XIIm-isXXI put111in~g XIII's11111 1111rty XIIe
fet7 1XXinches a felldays1ag.1411 t111 111
atten ion X 1111 XIiIbein1paid1111he isel
XIwiIX toXie XII tthaXX tis21111 ent111 XXis n
XXincluded 1inI castersIXsXhIdules.1 X XII
it111s" Ii 111td1t it X shot11andXXII111111111
FrenchIXjumped1123X1f1et1111I111iII 1juml
t II 111111ta ini is I pr1esXIIt fX'' il 11 1th 1ough
out11111111th1e 1 111sXIX1a111oIIn.p
XXXIX Xiei s oevuligoerXec
XIII=111111and Patterson i makigI XIIboIuXXI
221 The XXsh11119mee111 l heII XIIelXIMe
d 11-2 1 111e 111ed 'e 111a 11be XXXIe XXIII XcasteII
11111111'h1111113 rin11 out1so1e111.
IIt XI124 1111o111X1111111. I
pecteIvarity11 mat1111iaIlX I121 XXI
e- 1111111 111 21 fl1
11111nnual spiIIg1111ossI clintry IIraN
111111 111111ntoorr 113'm9rni'ngIktart111
lEntIry blanks11 dwil e lacXXin1111I
entisym10.be.inoby y11o'clock t1111
Iof officers o theI CrossI lItlXry." I

X1 illiam Osle1r, IRegiusl profIsXoI
0-me~dceillOxfordl unIiverity, is1t
XIId 111111 s11eaker 11f 111occaionl.

III e hed ..I~l 27 re n~url XXXIIIe
Chorus Parts Sung Effectively- "IllsXill 'lacl.de aXXXXlhiIt
Rider-Kelsey Creates Enthusi- fro week. I 'r\ XII III XIIhrXXXIX io~
asnm--Howland at Hils Best or.P~ii 'l lk lc111
and directing14t1111 CXXIl UII 11111h11 XXII 11111 icrxII t a; 1ei 111.11 11
work of the (ion", was (Inile11 up1 t i ll(,XXII' po 'll, rlaing'1111114 eI affI I t,, .cu ' III'
11 III of Xor.nX'IX car,.XXXIX hn' ssI toIaItXeI 1 IX i nX near 111111 and1i
XIX' 1111hee 11.c 'ulv btine' twl , l' i '; hirXX'II l an 81:113<
andI there XX IXIIXI 'Xt XXhe',I'IIIX'IXI.Ith n o h rg a an' ot 'X'I'X' I. 1 'XId,
e1111 XXX i II 1a 111111' h X ndI r-stai ng 1114 o11' 1111 I---III XI
tile 1111' I I'l' Stank) d'es IXI'ired.X 1 1''X' atXI 1,OlI tXI lIXXI 1111111 1111111111111 t
1111111most Xl ll' XefectofX heX veing in rom the XX ' thXXnhiXXII:
111111wh11111 th11 ch1o, e,(IX 1,'I' oncernedII "'I ilnlIXIX Iin1111X ~i
higcI . The NXII vor11 a,11 a whoX~lX l e was, 11 the ihtX11,1X . 11I l l_:
hvvl ey C IIXIXXIXI' lRiviIn' ''XXthXe XI
111111 Sccll 111 ho1 ors of411e XXI IXi.'' XXIIr1) r1I1sc111 XXXIIIwhen ]IllI
1 XI XIII XIing g t Xs.Coin 11111 ide111' IIXIXIII 1111 Xi/cd Xin the talXXIX taXXXI XIII g
She I, giftedXXX i th1. tit111113' I~p1'' 1 ,1'e,. \XXXI XXIII 'X111141'X,'he c lhr
IX I 11a1('Ha '11g11 l IeII rXX. a X''nd XXXXa f XXIine 111bass, 'and i the ( III, ' II ' i ll,' .
'11 lihuiIX' XII'which wereI IXXX iXX'I II V1 111 I X 111.' 11c , XXXIII11r1 411i IXIItw,, 1w1r
Xrigi,' l a d d cd d arclXXIX '1let11111111XXI oXIX 111 I I' XXXIX 11 11,{ 1 prI and 1'. 11'
a ittle shr i, 'Xbut Xfo r X mot1111 1111nc~u"
and delightful.11 X I Just XXills' theI (pilm tl II III I i
XII.' IXSangI bette 1 tXXXIIrI colle,' ctXio111113' oXIX IX 1 .111 1( , lcr l~ f 11
;t tepesn e erto f tdII Ii ta, (1ioel tXIXI I e 11111 Il1111'
Is wo dsIadIth ir'111i IXIXatcliXI iXsha
;111(1 wel11114trolle . Iles interpretatio
XIwo XIC litt (11118and at'i'.X14I' sh1 ' d Id X'''mc.Xof 111141 ll smnX rllel"hl
't II 'hopI"1141'''IIXY 'Xi iXi XiII wa tX m;IIIu'
notexatlyge thIpich
XXI 1111 C Il 1113 II 11 X p ' 1 heidXX alld mXI the XIXXI X i f X hXI lit I
11113 XIII 4sXlo 11pats. XXAtXXtheXXafternoonXIII 11.111111 XXIII 111l 'l"nI.m'X,1 1 111 XX' 1111,
111on er 1111111 t Lc kwIgl'I~ood, XIthe 1lit 111 11111111 111111111 XIII 1111l 1ilt t rut, X' XXXII
Xtlthe iano11d111 rXmentIXtiXt-11 niv1'eXXiII thatl1IX pvlX 1'1 11(b 111'' III'h
SchoolIIof1111 11111wil'IXplay theXX nbXXII it1e11d 111til Xl'the id 1111'hlo-p111' XXX
XXIIIrl. X.X1 I XII 1111 11 (I 1111111 1111 ' XX .X I'~ I1111 11
,trn co ceto in [ m ne . Mr L cl- IX'IX XIX XII. daXeII, < puII tat
I IX 111 11 XII 111 XIIXiIXXXX XX lIX 11111 XXII IIIX 1 1 lXel 11~

Long1 line of (iowned :s'eniors;
parades Cliampus President
Angell IDelivers ,Address1.

41111 !{;{111'


low -t I 11I'111
O mit Il r"i'(' 11
111111 tll 1 (1+
11'' G I'l 1111 1XX
XXI 1111'tl11 1 ] I , t
XX':1( 11;1(" . I ''I
ti r t ' ( t111 x 1 t'
H I . I'' XIX' I
'I to , i' 111.11,
t l ' ' ' 1 Xt ll1 ((1
.; tll I tr til 1

{)t 1 I'' ' Iii .{ 11 . t I'
XtIX' XXI. 11111Ill'~r
I XX I '''';lt mdI'"
t i 1t111 l Xipi)
mXidI l '''X I I II
;tXXIII Xi XI iX X'XXXiit 1
Id I Xr XX.tI' I'w
'11{ <l } 1 1 1 1 'I
IX' -t 7XXI ,
IIt ;'X i^,fI ,r E
ti" XXt~,, tIX' 'X
t I Xrli r ;,r!I i lt'' 'XX
XXIII ] X~' XXoll 11 X'4
. ; r l l :{ , i. XXl i''X

Xi~ iI(' 1h( 1.'; ' t ) ;I, i I,(+1101 teI' ,
Il((0111 t 11 ('iii 111 p 'I) I 4'll 'I I
'tr l II' XX X i'iw'
Iai (II III 1t(1) 1 II XX)t lr I Il '()X 1111(tltllt
t(( ),(0 111 (tl 1,11 'll XIX' XXXH Itch,1
, I I, i ch .11'''';I I (, 1
'1111 '(11 5"XX. 1'';tI XXXI:i
;11,) 10' I XXIX'', (A ' I' 1 i
Act11 i rinI (b t& IXiv' nv;t (11t'X1i ilt
%v r) l('N " m i XXX'I.;
XXX il" n r )li (t tI n 1y XXI
ky 1d111 ( 111crXIII 1 111(
XXlIII ( ) ) ''( ath 1. 1 11 10X
"i 1 0ir p rade "a,11 Ik
heI' l l XII' 1A 1111 III X ''t i ;1( (( )
Barlow t y XXXIII' I I'W -
for111111. i, ,
11111 'iX lrt o m '' n i)
JXX,%i'li c h wi/1111 XiII '.

) r,

theII' I II 14ca r1 lX ai m i )U t
XX.IIXA lYd'll 111111121'e1"X'l OS.
TheIIntercoll Xlliat acXI XxIIiilub pic
lIllndolIX 2111o11 May'210. Fifty' XXIthll
pictures XIaIeXIIIeXXXIrk XIf t111'MichXiglan
Xlubl. 111i1 3111r'tXIIIxhibitionlX 1i11111.
1111 Camerlaclubl, freXIof1112rge.
IlXXcinylalia, IHalrvardI2111nd ichigan
enteredlI work )itIth111ontestXt'is 111year.
PennsyXlaniallwo1n1fir111plae. 1211t'ear
W~isco~nsinXa1111DartmutaloXX 211com~pete-

2''IXXX, sphomores 1a1tc11dlaye'XXIIIc~m
W e neI a aXsX'I aXII fur'ther 11111 XlcaaIXi'l i tl~-'
wI nt XX~ XiII 'sIXIXlI-o111 waXIII IX IdII' +
1141 3 top ll P.'ill.,XinXX the'X XII 1 r1 ro wit
ofWtraI gmaim A.u it
orsxlty111111 appearedX,'aXnIX' hl irX'l'X'II
torne~y;XI). 1X. IlanliX II 11, 111t' XtrXasu1111' .
G;. 1'. IBurns I, b111114' '1 icnc

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