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September 29, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-09-29

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__he Mich iga n Dail
VOL,. XVIII. ANN ARMOR, M IIGif(AN, SUyNDAY, S P I'-l BII R 29, rcoi No. 6.


Nose roke Has
Varsity Scores Twice on Scrappy
Reserve Bunch -Allerdice hs s
itVhen it t ias touind t era ta
there irasno chace foitati aitoitiof - -
htosiitiies J. Pin bg it- rch-c 1-vyit wsdc edb Dict r a -
to tostponet the regutilar gattichedulediti
to open the. acton titnt salt-.ttntecl
scriitttiige etween the vati-itttyad rit\V VTIra2.-\ 'o,7ST\ ARREDWV\ IX N SASI NS IP
serre. cottist ing- of two tifeitaina a ___
hatlves. Tis iaifta ctlleiansi hot t ic t cC aiii iet itnd:t -i tacketM M R ALB I D N
riskedt tecortnscqutecs itt ttrrible leift ta--letbuScsttlefMEMORIAL;BUILDING
ducking tier go-entattottotuttitty f iWait t iltce t r Grahamtitirihtcti a-trd; R
seeitig te chdl-aetiitiiutitt ittititKitt-aiontrightiitackle, Fethettrstonte, IS AWRK ~fTTOF Al
chariged. q iurartrtbck; t i--itliii Caiti.), itft itaitf; --
-Ferry Fciiied as lf cit deep i i tut u ti-is Rat ititt gh- ttaiti Alleiriice, Building is to be Monumental in
ly the riot whtichthadOlatcit fit iore t ii ittilittti iiiStructure-Work of Construc-
tarsita-scceededic n iisoring ttc tiitwelv-let tf -----l u a iet ati rd:titt1 t ( j tion Begins at Once.
pay ti-is -rgg d t t iitts aio eu eniti - Itiltt e d Cuaig~n ,g l ii :i begiiatiii. iiThe stittif.$10,-ti 75
opportnities to iii i t. itpitie -gattic lr, G en, lf al; Ie 1- ih
weie ouelot edt btt uth e t wholte, cot-a ha been subs t Ilii tii t c r iii iibe Thei ldtingt i it
tw e risltietti ii ii rlciti a,-c ifii ii t nt itfiuitlbiicikg
idering tcthe iether- c ond i itint he i t1 _____ __________in, iii ii itO iico t i ti -ict and it-i xtett i thatIci
slippterytbalNi and thtiNaittthat teinfrnttochowi-raam Tu ch tthe",ace wiillsohre ptiit d in, eouAl
have beeniii at worit I t a et he iackiResrves. Tina of lta iii iptedges ilre imade itii iet upo ticit- it
tert s a tisttithtose tt toii. it t tit itefieNtnd iithettit i lf iepoetafti hatitheyitia- i go ir
tol. Aert heii iiig c rticsehadt i ckedit offittoritt ii i th iiiii he iiiac tathiri it iKoc-
thisbal osstt iit cc iigria tall ot he Iiiiii ii ii i i i tti iuS1OL F O - l~o fA n ro ae tie it rac
ted patofrealit ritoii. rataid n lyct utii t- ic~~ itrtuo ii ls ,aIo the i i i co stu ti it
Siiii t he bust ltinfaic t vuars itc-tiwa-i-ird fttl i il i ittti i s ht ieiandomtbui lding ontutu eaiat pus.
aft eern1 i i iit inatou cttwnibititi n t (itbetivtilable ii thi iso te t nitit of titti I .Stone, iititboa
ycoreit he r t forticci t of i planit ti--ii i s i-i-i tr- titttt if su ed aI.stiti a iii itepstandtitti tutu it i ll tut akt
An tait eOat untstutu ltoisc ti ei 1 c1 ii-titttimat ittand tutuWil ith iSf tutued t icta ty n ilt sn peaac. A depcoo
seha-s tiirltt t-iris e asity i to-a ut-o -il-adc t ranceii vet ti ule il thc nterti oi
;amta ini cttuc aittc iicu cf.uituture. iiI uu-Htirsuiu-t ut t-uuii ltl irt
ise og tefcrtic-st asit andu 11t a sitts atiliuit n one, tilloishpit. tct ip lt acad iito tist itt -uit-stacih
nttilt iteits inaitiut tu ittply ihadt(iepen itdiponiyit liii iitoil ne f to hemi ftsc T i, ith miinorc uiui-
itipsditg tfrCaitatin M-tot a s ablet te gti t e.tlt 1l ii-i iine.s t ices ia tict alc-ideo ei to aic -
to e oghet a a t o itauii i i i t ii i ct a i15tl ithit yr r aadi stics te- i foriitifet s in ith s anu- dit
tocth d i . at h aitt i e dtu gtoi l iiuutuu ic i tt-exis tu cu i itnintut he ii ll ip tutu te u n drc d ttu
with raltut t irthyc iii u cp uittioernsu itcrt-icIadetuuatu i andl t tiIlu i iat iiifr t It is l itiltre.
tecregitn it oil ithe cd uacf, tut.tk iltii cl rsc Stun i tier. to i el cedii tutu them m ial tublt. iiThit
tit-ssor in tstfiute ig tef sIens*citetiiituttty iiveapayigaos c rut artuiu fute cil, -whih fos -itt i-tr
ase a ret of t scius reent a so at-oct. ta-crcir an n ]it iltis tu--utu itis ta sicut to its.
utinnedjus thineforie ictime cia itctled, utc_____hen a e i oilcm ite s ot Ir et fi-u itu g hlct is w titt-e secriad
afe h adlyii adtiuefefr arur i t thudorclss p sci t Iehst eidiitFtm n fa roof Skyitci t ats diiifrotmc
good work. ~ ~ ~ t ton rpee a iot -icktu a i ol-iite ic tii i i uuuitu i Ictia ft
e htnrd ineat-taoesla ptluagutu ii tutut oduetItuttilts aAttcilconytutuilttuonsialii lit
fy iard kfor thdownui ra mtus gin l n .Ftosrut i i-tuures ttciidetR l h at-itteo;t-c- -\ s ond ii foorcciill eitit lu a et
bote gioniio-s al t tahnd giime nw ittcwlsed utvicepeidenti lt indaiii .c isis ii li ntSitatil ht-alutleirifrot
raietva-soitatan h i uai aniia aitata ucrt, i ti tuu iffet easu eusctito I'll(C iwo 'front roomacc i lIiit(iigiven itcp
tses byiant orthin Atnthty s iti. Dt ewey:cs track m~suauageriiirci niut i tuu- itsin uciati offices ofcha ur-
V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Rce : hlnuncti al Tm ttutt ss i cus--el rc-uamiuuuuuctnr i te y-i it--up-uui1uui1ii-ci tctrii

:. .s ._. _
. ;
; ° _
,,. ;
. ,
.. . s;,

ttu-s tatillibe moutm encutal haitpranti-
cal itftiis tttutin tenin to ittoavenllthn
tiltll- iii tust tuay owini telibtiary
it at a l tic iteciMemorit attid-
in l'cb iin i laut it-st-tste topeit
for he sca f sudens, acuty and
alumni ab~ol tufe.Tu hie Buanutof
Is.- t ii ulal tics lieurietutlcasre ani
iii 111 111 l~a ie 'elti iiuti a-itinbe a
tilttlil l ; itoil i- to ucimemoruate ttht
ii t lit iii iiofithe stiiutsiofthe Unii-
eriyo lcipalnlti-utust-ri-i-iniithin
,ii-iiand avyiof theUiitdSutnts ini
the- u-id--u5 ii i iii ii111 i lii n u t unutry
ti-s it--ti ii ee, a1iutls uio omme -
orat theacllcvcems f cutprfessour
(1 sh dservilu. ort\at11tutu t a ttii atiddis-
tic ioin tutudepatmtutu ofi Ithe world'us
tutu ii.


hi,(t I 1115 u-t-llLii -
i-'[I ii-ut iN I\ lRli-ilW V. >KS
Thei iticit itUnio clubhuouusn wilt
it tutueayfr ccutancyt Theue i-
uuuuuu7";it titheiDoitt tas tlmt ibgaen
completed y ther-aitu - tntigtaua
:ill the oithercirpentry work iiinitied.
itV tlt-it 1'.Situat, tcre Cty tuf the
L'it sait: "1iextuct:the thtouse io he
fiseithinlutwo orii iithreec,-seeks.Thae
bei occuipied) 1 itt uuut-u -s the-Uionu office,
titu tis is only iit hupr-ic- as this will
be. theii u- sil -i redn iadwiigroomu. htu
I fru Icdo itedb tte 117 eniginecer
I I I tic [ tilt tdCteerKut hinr
HOW in- c toit, a-utchasiing-ct furle
tit"Ocur ~ 1 a y utlowituiisthaboutnte
andiasiothut iin ian1appecit--itteryet.
r We ti t ltwr:poedi hspr(o h utit nti-te rofis stated,
beauee rtutu wouildtbhrruinedtutif
c it should i raliii Iutt it scoutas the
tlt tillomesiioftutuso itings willh he
a ruhed loneias ickly asi. t tosible.
r -XAtoge-cther ut-ti.,isluroressiung as
uslni i kya a xetd at-nwewith
aii ioi]ar: tiltad atWtutunthe nit
tuu1ittwo rc-rutwees.
e Riny wea iititer secemsttutbltiiidamt-
sc1 pnithesptiritsiof tic frcshmuanauanut
r uppeclatts-utis fit a gooudly numbieh
0 appearediiyesterdiap aftnoonuat tiat
luIfist ticrnilofluihe Womana'ssLeaguen
The uiis uuualdninug it thIanBarbotur gymi-
I1uusuuuuua-ittue fourmtof entertaiunment
nlThe affiri u-ssmanaugedI hy Mitt Bit-
HIucks and ti tiss Htenariet nitti Carr, ant
was uh firslit of the league's wenktt

Building to be Erected on South-
west Corner of Campus-lany
Fellowships Awarded.
ThinBonardl of Regenutis t its Friday
aftenn rltasession tawardedlsomeacof tae
feloh-ips of iiiUniveust. sly Tan
1-utu Classical Felloawshipi tf $t5t0,ahict
has teentgenerouityiptrovidecdhtilt ti
TuihedrceIt.IBuhl, of Deitrot fotithec
y-n-r 1907-8,is adivaidcd.Alt-utL.FEIasu
APlI. (Ner sa),trecivet $5o;Ray
IC- CeendautAB. (lowa), s guten
$150 of thin l2nacwhtih was lft uux
uentited hy thinwihdrawat ofitaec iv
ingstoanote of last yearaihit.ers L
'. L~arsen, AM. (Olivert),ttecomeus tec
holder of the Neacberry Classical Fel-
loschip nf $300 for the comaing- pear
ike Peter White Classical Feloh-ipt
wt-ttu altincomten tf $0,owacsitautarde
toi Aert R. Critndenfor tiehpresnt:
Year hi. F;. Godint-was apointediauius--
-sistint initerrioluogy awihoutlsalary
andtholldir ofth Roackfeller felow-
s ii theickeuftller hInstituteacfiac
Mediica I-escarita
Thin Rgents aprvetat heli'cofeinug
ill thin degree of Bahlounr of haw-ts upnt
tlae followu-ing- sudentaus whit liven com.
plutnnutheticrequireutdl wout. inthin i-stat-ti-
iurtmuau-:au II C Paulsont J. K Re-
tier, J. J WeadcokI'F. .SoeterB
H. Hinmtant P.hi.1aylr, J . Cn-
ntl A.XE, Bullockt. CII.ehmuananmstd
IfNI. t- Kuchiu iphulomtas nieregrant
alsoto itsix graduteis ofith alicoatccitsti
andUnh uivecisipy housiitltnurs' scoos
s folows:-Misses SI. hirrenlT.
M. Rlandtu AL XIittEarleCCE . BiaHs-
lou, Violet Wiber andhit-. L. Sueeni-
Kocnhi brothlers ut-rcmawardedshthinconu-
ract fortheu tnwMeiacHatsibl, at-hihi
isii tu e cresitedout hatsoutwaest criner
of the c-auoil u a htid f $o7,03 for
its ciliastuciitin.Donaadsoi anduMueper
arnchitects of t.h at-ew td-ntah builintug
ut-nrn miatlwed $,2569 ciantmuiThue
folaoimnig apphropritons wreu umae:
'hue sum o f $t2t forufits cases fr that
uineramlog-y laouatoini anu additiona
aumunutf $0 or furetin th ie ett-
m ay-roomsin uuthec libraryiplmtdig; $00
far furnituuurc ini the tuis houte;t $umo
for alfib-iciequimuent andu typewriter far
Detnmohn O. RIiI~ed. DtnmuRIedtis to
lau-nthucfulttue oh a stenograheir,
malamue s-tinny-uti le $500ter year sit
secnind tutuo atitthi attic-utto theadmOi-
tntintg ade t Wteralnaagytai-
siuu, so aimatto gtve.mtore officie romi
f tim Diretor F'itpatrirck
Otisa CJohnison, troessor mfqupisli-
tate auayisa, was naade fult prfessr
ini the- cheiancial labourory Tie slry
of C J. Tilden, assistatui profettsr of
lcit-i entginriung a-mtinreated froit
t$uh6oo to $1,800. J. R. Griffih uwastp-
aoitadalassisutatrofeatsor itanititcu-
ginerng at um salary of $ufoo Gordon-
Shouer rnceivedh thin aphaointment of i-
>srutor it than law departimenutut $1,200
C AX uatiwat tannen nuraor of the
boialcollethiona at a siary of $200
Thue vacany cautdy then reignatout
InI G. . Punhaitinstatruntor tan drawiug
rwas flledly thin appointuatntiof it-VC
e'Titnomtbter, whose anlary will tan $900
Suanluey Zowski tta adne instructomr in
-menchaniclen uginenug at a tslary of
-$ua,2oCutH. -Hauffmanaaa istructor un
ehbotany at $uooo,uamdFR.IE-Hotre iu-
I strutor iu minraogy at $o00 Thental
Y any of X. FHunt, intutuor il int u-
(Cnined on Page Twa.)

i i

University President Angeli's To-Day
Hall Annual Address 4 p. M.


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