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May 24, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-24

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The Michiga al
\\ NiI. N1I I l(\I IDA\N NI\NMAY )0


No. 1 1

Twenty-One Schools will be Rep-
resented in Michigan's Annual
Interscholastic Track Meet.
Neariivly xxwo 1111undrdahlts rpe
of NI ichixivxx. Ohio andIxinoiiiixis, w i tA P'
p l l, day anti tomorrow''xi. i heinx r
Ixir tel x.Prlimxixx xxinares xii ccxx.
th wight c xxix iill I'xi ldx todiiay.ii
commenclv'iing xt 2 :. Th'l'lxc \%il
lxc'ii Sa'xxxxx'xlxx 9 a.i I i . ''I(,xx. n s
sioxnx fc, xwhici cxxxv> Ixbot lxxv.i it
lthe lit of xiiiicompet i ing scolxsfiorxithe
number of atleteiv ntex davin
hx'xixhchoolxxi ixlexxi>xeenxx i. Thei xx
cagoi, iiw iinn flastxx 'iv meeitii -,end'i
eightien, alxixr] Iraidsxl'>hig~ hooiilx
si xiig. x lxxv xxilxix i i> cxI.
exxiv. I I ecwas the star ill the li lx'ict
lxxi x racvii ix11111 idxii>high vii xxiiixamti
thei' lxxiIntitute thx xixyear (tie(i re-
Ix lxxxivalxx inxhesilex a last ix xxx l i nt
tilly> xvfx'x C entrxxxl xihigh ixth initei-
oini' e. ent. Torreyx ofi I lx x ls xxiii
x'xxiiie'oid.g Cenxtrilvigh dfeatdxih
compet x ving o l;,xs" thatI).I 'S.eil
a'l'xsideslxviiJoiliii I.risla''i l, Gix inx h
Ile i) xxvS xi l xx cv xe l lxxiii>
yar'ixdavsh al. thvc'itxi c ixxxeet lsii}'e gi
bexvist gill e lxxxi vas xxxa i > 1ardxxiii ter.xi
entere . T ixyxaieIbroixix;>ofighuck"xxi
Winlxxvgx of i cianxxxitballcfaille.11l
Arborxigh sxi chiol. vilixi Hil lighlip
vclxxxxlc x'lxxih s>cxol.xxi lxxi r ig
xhicagoixxx(ivindx Rap is hihxxiiihool,
xIvII., 'xx lxxxixrborxihxxcxo(l C i-i
schoo ix l, xxiii C ntrlxhih e i n
situt oxfivc lx C i gl i chIiganxx xili cx
scl; Detrlitdclniveillity cihooiil; ur
t is h igh lixischoo xl icag ; i v xxv lMvchxvi
Sanduskyixxxtt l lx xxxiixx 1cvoliciak
q xxclvv clv xavtxxiht.xxiTevmsvvilv fin-
A. D. ILici'xiiJil. SheherdR.c'I

clvrk xlof ics, 11. letvcherxvc it
clerksx, J. Ex. lxxxgv'i, ID. liece, Vx
lllix liHarcy H'ill, D. Druiimii'ondx, C. A
>>I'h cxxixxig; xcrrs, Cam x. OsbiornNi

1r1.N i ll l>
hi. 1),". yJI

xxcifi attt,1)r, lCxx SL.A.OTES $1360O
ii 'xii:c 'Ie ' (al illin
n nlii> at ii x iii xxii Profits of Course Exceed Former
, ______I Years-Organ Fund, S. C. A.


JL I ~ l; v. l . LA ,-, l I 1>1
'I"( {'xiiiZF
xxii'Vcor 1 ~ll l' cl cw s
i)i p sil>' he xx1cr ii aI xxili i iii
ibic tlcxx hc wl om~ t
"M ati ls i1 e o rlxix by xwhati
.'((- dlxx t{)xl sayx butii as' x iilli s.1,1a
IN I \''ix('i. 555 iiTRACK Ni C'

I and Woman's League increased

'llx li' I iFORxxi INQllI'' £
iii N c111lM< 11 i i li i ix xxix
I xxv l "Ir lx i hii li:a1 i1 ci
xr~i1c. "11 iii \i xx 11lx ix i
xxv " rtIi li 11c\1 i call
ilsxici xil ii 11-1 111ixixit",xii
whch ma ih o ixi l fromi 111x7. l ia
rlsii "1111 w 11. 11 w l (c1r:c11 '
iii> ll x ii lxxxi i f I i siix lc-
lxxxvi c iii 1 -I ix ir 1 11 i lic 11:11I 1-
xliiit ill ]w Ix- \xxcx iil, 1i ii l liii
slii' x'tilvi' fiei 11 lx xillxxx i iili xii
tiictxxi tile coxxs.
ii lii xxiii

xxixe " K 1)(111-d (ltheii I " lllx ili>
Lectre aydatl xxi x yestexdayi 'ix'
lxx 1to deci i mt heiit lix lii1111 of il xi-
huxxxiii> xhxfuds xeminxligi
lxix'. xhith Student lbo y. iAlgreai'
lxx r f ice siwas"ciiiic is yecxxii
vi >isggi tsiii'lll heii "rol>liknv rc
xxi i '(- liihare i()f the irlxxtxitlits leivlii-
ceivi~i, $.,;;) i xviii hc liii xth uhn
fw. the purchase xxvth xxxiiixiivgcty
'tx ntemlrxfvrcxipxints>1was'the
grxxx cm-:111 inii vcrs i xxi hNallxhichxlx'
fc~- annrh xxofYeas as orsxalarglii
incleteclcss. This receied $,lto asi i
In rcent'xi yea'rscv the xva ' iiil lxas

thei wlx~h vinvxxiii 111 111cii txxictlxxi
l vxl( i x'- )l Iixiix v wi ch c
N(s c-ay ti atlxiiiImxx
the tc 1 xxii irxx in liii lxt
t4i r-il' 1 c ; c: r t;~ lirav
thex i lls r xi(1,1- i. ;h lxxx
anithlix l4aIl~ -iiiPd
iirtiiithlxxxi cat
fr 'l ic ' . 'xii 'x'I 'xxx he ha I' i
the) crl) c ' the 111w in1a1
rangy'c l'iiix i'iheat, i
lxIi.' r trlo < h tl t ~
t4 ix xc44(, ai fi' r il

xx cT iii

y l iiie
11i xix W01x tie'a 11 xIi)t >made for thl oanii fundixi for
xxi xxistu xxvixx' vum n as ithe x't'lixt'ix
('xci,471 lv
xIni yardl I n'ii'x' Assm i'xx wa fi.l fanixxxia'
1 - I Niiixi x7 ixllx ixlihg xxix
l~(tIii iixc m x.ofith xpresence i x. ' il ofth

1)i kiI(i.\i I i'NI 5?.(v 11. C (2 K1
ii l" i'i tl 1ce l. N \\ i I~llt
wa e, Ichh D. .. K .xA'ixi A thi
physics xi lrt letxi h,-i I lan'xii i'ii'i i'i
tn llxx ti a d d ilits ~'th lr
aloes havex ewer been v iii ii lixixfi tes
The iilithod i,, ise in I> iix i s,.i-
ii etlxxx 1 sil ili I'll asi it' isii' I x' ~ n';'' It
c~mstel, rielyi ~sii dryi'.xx
thri"g a x'x elxirnt ~rlaiig w
il oixix ii l Ili ii~111 11 11r', u
ix ii 1h i r lxxx ''' x I i ,wi , k p
:1-t c mixix ten 1wiii l r f~1ii dayx ati a

romnent Criticiind Story Wri-
ter Will lDiscussxox=TheUninver-
sity aind the Stage."
it il I liii xxx lxxl x h% xili11 i l',,
1111 xxi i iir l~ lt:t(: lh I i tlxix' Ii
1'( 'ixtilI h , i " 'l ' ll 1
11, 1' i ~l xxxI'i l oi , . iii' l
tI (i ( l iil i t ii l l~aii i ll Ix tltc t
'1th th iiixil 111 xhiicilxi i r lxx iir h
f iai lli Ia l~ t( t '~f t
\ r I ixxi xi xl1 tti tl iii Sri li
thxit hxiii 1( h , th ,"t i l; h l
I h ' i l xii xii 'iii iil i
iti1:11 , . i 1. li
phi irlxxx' ''xix.' Iv xii. : ixixililiil) Ii''
Il- t .lxx 1li xxIixilr1l xx I lxx xi lxxx
(xIf :1, I' iiim h ( tlm I
ix. 1 m lii, xxxIIll, xxiii''
Itx i, iix Ii tt ( i ,t 1 1 11 I l, l r -
Id adljl, 116(1 I ml1 xix
(lli ~ hxi i . . \111i Nix 1';
'ixI, (1 "t 11\11,:'cv~ iixiix
hits : IIl ( I c kl ti . I~ t i 11t xi i ti;i.'
1'111i x ii'le ii I ii , I 1r: '111 1
vixixic t ,xid lxxx1i alx i i lx i ii ix .xi t'. iY
(Itixicc ix xcx , t I icc.'hii'> (-.
I,( ' lil 1 ix' l iiixi, xxl .NXIc x'x' ixxxx'x

A i Molxxv xi 1 Ixxix ilif ll xxii' . 'xi
1!ITic r NN'yx> lf. I , .tltca~ IN

l?11(1. xAM
t iifor xthe
dxiin iilxh
1 )11 l liii.
tlxo, f i x
, 'o)
IC' .t lxx i

Nil ic Nit r' i caI S 5511 1 niak
Nhcixilast I xx v xii vii xi ixxix> xxithe xxyear
this lvi ixiinlc x ieit11 haillin a
i illillig enxi l xhn r xo h iitxxng
wil no inerfre xith tiecov lili g 'xlii
aydn efv . th i xivilixi > iy telii ugh

NOW: Se,'tol N Til
.1 i lxxxs i m- c ik
iroii t, e< u l: ix xxix
rim x Nix5 30


'xlii od, ii.,
'iii liv 'xpiii rixi lpi. the 'xiii iii' iofitix lilp thlinii ii'x i'i ll i
giell xixv ad lii('ixx loxx xx:ix xvAr NAlM'Itheill iI Nl (l hi '''i 0%

2111 - 0 x :2-1 2 .
ki) o' 11J4Iix ti Nll'
'YISC~ d A1111'1

Mci c-p iiixx, 'xxx, liix'ii
.Nixxx'.loir xxv :NNc',i.

N'tol I xxxii yi i sxix (.\ixxxixvxxi li
Airs xixxxixx s l ixili ( I hx' se' Gle
kclix' II 'xx'x' ' No -C e isxx(eenx
Mac(l cCxiii M nolnC'n,
(lxiii o tlc I~r~lls Ge,
Sl-i n sxx 'cv lxii' ixixi\ixi lxlxx('xxx

ile iii ra y ci xi xx lig ixcrinnixx xl i ft
xxxc'i~r vi Hxxib"e xiirr xviii Nix I''.,

v'x'xx'x xxx x 'xxx' xxxi' sc xx 'x'xv'x'vx > I Yl 'lIJ'I1 N% xIL1l I si ixlii'li
!!he vad -h'ne club hld hi r xx K A('l'lx''n omxli N ' I SN\ lI,,< "'w floO g ne a~ en l~
xxviii elcioxxii I fer on.T c ae lr the board
h~" ig u1cr w les- Trvyxxwits xcf xxii g lf xxIam vHIi1,ihldii I vxx'x'v xixlxxx xxx I brr IIlii'. of
li, gei' LNi ixi'x'i'i':ix i xxxv lxx i ix xix at hx li nk:: this afternoon'xxv atxii o'clockx l 'ii I aNi Apnix 11.i 11N. ( ixixixi ii. N. N
Stne b e ac :s nrS.xiiILx Nanxxin xlx xxvi lxxvii 'xv xatxxv ioxxx i x xx vv ixv Iiv dilxi
Pardue; treasurer, i K imbll I lxxviii ihl liii ihlesill'> i laed eah liay, h'iixiixi'i' iii e iigixi xxviii Ilixil l
m m r ofecnk c ltiii lviTAP 11and lix lxx'>ieighti playercv xxxii e lxv lxxcrIt.(han, K xxvI
erto lxviii101-1'0) I x''iiithe teamwihxxi Ilxiiia1>11N, TITi~ cs
Clu lx i ns xx x ivvnw'xiv -< siverx'v c xxixuiLhIxcli'riing g hx Ndfxxclub. 'i) i xrsIix' xLaw xiv'xxxxxxx vi uip- xi lixie 1 cxi''y
xxxiiv lxv'A'rm i! xx lix gdii i lii> it'll'viiiw xxixti'v xiiilxxbe ixiixix'x thisv xxiyear xiixI. v'xxxix'x i Arthur lxFriedman,
lon, d t ixxxlas' "Am l rxx lxx'i'~ xl lx x N >i x'x'lctd tx' i ll lv''iixii l lig iio xpxrtIofl iDranxk PIt 1 A
hic ? , vi'xxixxix'![!. The c'xlvii ixiinkxix, j 'xxvii' xxi'xiiic xxw , x"iii mexxi the teamxiii N , l'xxi. i ahxxxxxx and . xii hxi'xixi .i
N'L.I.._ xxxiv xxxx'xcxcxr ih tearI'xlincur-iv h x - i t byvii them lxxv ' x'yx ui s e;ll' tune' ixxlne ixt 'i tf lv ...J. T. Sm le , i1 '*
her' xs xxix lxvx:l l, xxi tt 'i I aro v. ii'v"xh it axxixixtchI xixxixc. j l xi, C'. If. Meadx, J. G. Morinc gstar.

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