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June 02, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-06-02

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he MRI)( Nichigr , I-\anY, Daily

Vei)r.. \TT.

No, 1-8.



Strong Wind Helps Break Rec-
ords in Dashes and Hurdles--
Chicago Is Second.
17: 13: 1 i 11tr11 0
11111 I 111111lJ :N tr D nw
1. ltc rt3lec - l ti a I ui I N) r itt" 1 u

frm te LV11sy t he sm -e-
VII I N a elhain fte 11 ic ilIN Agi-
culinral 11CIN INNeN
Aiwnig he othr facuty ImINNrs lwh
III I I: a nt! II IN ' l N Ia I delega I
frm 1heM ih ll Acaemy1f1 Scence
I Ii ,I I l 'Il l: IIt)I 1 1111


lc alo r <- iuI ll 111to11: till
r In IU II 111the 1r11ul11ii
NI lIl IitI w II NIll N 111 INlater 11s
11111 oi tI INI ccN I I I 1111 IC
it th t o , tlc do~est rs C)Iif I I
11111 IININ III Illnn
ill th t i cllN ig N loldN 1 n otINNININ 1111
II N c gIl IN- N I I,,Illf' III I I NNN
' o 1llcmw1of1vents iN Ca1il(1111 c

:light a fewaN hlees an 1) r111 1III'
Cllio r ta ct o) tale c INrg e o f INNe1rep - [
tra1ion fo II il il, t a . T e
will endavor to INm-c:1w at111 mN I hu
[ions INN III INIIith s .r4imeat1 1i
INNt Nit 111) al11id a e n tce e w n
61111 ri N staion NI1111 1the NI1am1 111111I I
11 giveI the NenINNINosin'N III Icom
vi111 1sl withlaN-NnIamt 111111c:INN
%VII prhahy h a vmjre.II 111INN III
President of Harvard Speaks in
Detroit on Progress in Moderin
American Colleges.
tit pN wr made by1 1 N lIIII 1 111crc;1 1 tn
III N r itINIIs h 1 al1lNa1dress1 111111 I i nII
lI ti t vcs 111 e111 1)to11tilt d III s(} th
.;;()daed INN rvIIINNI 11 e said
.,~c 'ds iri f 1111111 I has beenI
o111111 fl IIIt1111 o11 of all.g 111 I
nota~c .11:11w ", t e e ttca i'm l v
told1 of the1 I ici cauI I INNINNNI I
chat;-;exen t al tra ks;nd I i
Iol of11INth1 school work, amtN theyIhIN
1cu e in he I crI. 11u11 aniN detn
d c-' F11 1 Iir sN iN I g t esNIv N V ,.~l~
sNI1I11I1i11w cI irc a NdcgrecIIIforII111
111 Ianee, and th NWl fk (NlI i s N 111 Ic11)(11'
o l' l<ll ' 1 I I cill 1111 NINI s1 111t.111 '
whic wil aso equre INl-111f1c1 1
11t; 1 1111111 11 II IIINININ clueN ppi l iN

ititi 1
, it} 11

Pennsylvania Win: With Six Firsts---Rowe Breaks Intercollegiate
Record ini Two-Mile Run---Garrels Takes First in Both
High and Low Hurdles and Second in Shot Put.
I II.,,tNiINI I I NII/NIIINIIN been able- 1111111d INNI is edt h i n
Iuny 11 l INN . . . l 1.1111 i~u a oen te ;atr }o r PNI I y 11111 V IIIIII IN i firstNIIsI.
VInrllci~ u e hr l ay, Iwi.. . . . . ( ugh to11 willN theII meII .II NININI III 1-~1 I
t1111 11nIII . . ... . . ...... 3IN3I'NIIIIIII III 11 .
NNici 1111. .... .... . . . . N") a lain MaI lklr of YaII le frN fi rsltIin 11
Talc1 N II1 llkig11 NINNII~iII N~~I
111 111 II VII111 II llIr I ....IN NN 11 I INI g et N t III II I
thir p Nae, lutIY le bat er ot1 b
1111 t h l < r . . . . _1 . . . . . . . . . 1111 e ig hI p i n s . C o n e l i l nt1ak1
1111 NlINN I 111 NI i rst but scN re fi vel 111 n t e h l v
two 1111"I1111,111 IeII II"; (11111,hNhard(exIIrteNof NIhem I 1e 1west, 1a 1(1s.
Ic11111 11pu11111 111%au;_ 111111 hig1h1jump111 prise111theileast. EverNywhere11111ad itin
"R~ey R we asPuhedtoth re- asex rsse fortgel eaI
IN-, INNIfct:,_ 45inNI thI twoIaile VTheINeamleaves hercIi s eveI ningI ndI) N
Ill NIgh 11rdlesinI15 1111seNondIbutlday night
Ih loom] oNva, INI V111 IIIl~~lI notNI 1(1k VIIIIcauseIofITheIsIII) NllNalINI
r alight111favo 11111 VInd NITh INNre lord IIin IileI)rfn---rlI IINN III 1111 nia)
1111, h1I NI 111111 i.he N l) INHI I II NlIII scrdpaeH~) hr;Ale(rneo) ~rI I.
Nl h. o igll NweIN 1111 the I 11ly 11Ti 111 1111119 17-5.
leser 1fihil n N 111otac1 a irst.11 I I 12o NyrsN i gh l rdW e 11 (:;1-1
,\e . ", Ii gIN Iad SINo 111111o1 spare1:15 1 5
1,t1t1 e III 111 11111 111 won 1111 e11 lowII to1o51111d 1111ash Cartg I 1111 PnIn.II)
r--sIN II 1the ga 11 111111 11ut1)1hr y r sbhn . Va oi Nb IN I 111111 I ll emlI D l
I 11111e al- meicaInI colli ateIHI (ich.N), tIIhid i sele1111 (PrinceIon),
11111r b N{ 11 7N IHIIN 111 INlNN NINI IN.NIIINcarnIfourh111111-y'111111
ill foIIu11111 1f11111-Ia1d11111 nINlI f~ly kn(Y Pn .)I irI
111 1111 11111th 111111 1111an h IllINNsITow nse In IConeill)HI seIonI;H ~ re
d~rpd v;bea Row' in thetwo-ile,(Con1111 tird;ININIIIN Swarthmore)
11;11 he ontnt ihIfor th111plale, H 1:2. l atHI ,.
III 1 ,c 11111 NirNNa 1111111f145 1fHetIll(Penn.1,0tfir;I 1 2 1111111(Harvalrd)
I hilr 11f1< N 11 fN. INNe ec r Iut 1111 r h11111 1111 5 Illarthlorl N
111111 clard NIetIN78IncesIad in s;Wi te22 Cofnll 7), fourIhN44 II III
Hea11111 iN 1 inchII hettr thanI (111311)inces llen 22 f ull I 111111 11
I- St 1111dil ItI ai fyIN inI tWel smi - IN (Yall) i ed f o rpi rd 1f eet 4 inche111 .

Nk fr hi s vn h nc a sm c Jhs okn) orh t t t.M cigan' s Iei s'. I a tnc nhs


l rIll.
II I Ill
fist 4

I run I m s ( is.),V lust
I- 111111 11 I 11 1 ( Nc~ ( l Illg I)
V, n Chicgo), 11ov 11; Ma
l IN N 111111t I INN ls 111nd1
it - ~ c (11. ) firt 1=I
I 1111 its 1;3-_I I 1111 II 11111c

11N lT MI IN I((NI
Irh Ill 1 l(1 fI NiN. 11was defeate
iikI Icl JI ll Iw NN IN s er a
fc>IN wsI
IaA I rr",o ('ia.NNNINN d 3
N"t NI N 11111111 7 .I rIIII 11 HINI
NIlNN 11111 1 hicniNI 11112. 11
haseI y I (IN I N ( N). (P1
I IV 1111 IIIoI INIINdersIi.


cl 1"

Pome111; lllry (chi-

:md1 1 NININ 1 1111 ()gleJr.,Iw(A-e IlIHINNcl Iof Ith I l~lil 111111 IllNs IeIpeNNIed ININIrI
INN 1aiN ltI' N 11 Ilar lo C rolNNI11 INNl fr1111,t- NIIcin th hoIi ll N teah erll
,tin year e ll e hulldIedNvoteN,, 7N"All INN NsiINNINN NI Iin I IN 11111
Neecs a h lcin. Ben1fenderIw1111 Iarc IaIIIs o pr1ogess NhtNIhav
to wthre, ll nrae efretie Dll gealyinrese te elIndNrI~INr~l
1;OL' 'l I? , v f, 4' f?1111;I 11 1 11111 0;II III o r ,
(INII (il ,VI1111 NIiceIIlaVIIniN
1(111111 I Ne memNINNwereinitIIVIiatdadatadda NIN 1111 netat ive
JSI 1111 s M raaIIrIndrrson, Re- ionIll the toasts.
bec olf, 1 II,, org, F ace h N lffcr e residentII
III) INIIINH1 l IN lalPeck INNouise Van Voo1r-IN :.I Stevenson; NI cI -prHI iNV nt,111 . 1
'Turer Muriell Twiggs, 1/An Ill l m l( I.NI. 1 M~ gh;II cr iNN, ogt : dt hmsKtylIacny .o ibyW .Mritt;INas

-o-1rNIld 17 f1111_ IN IlININ
fr ntItl a y Neraysmeeting of
IIIH IrIN 111111 111 1111111nenx
Ils l l N INNps: fttI INNHI
Iug(Ia alld 1e117

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