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May 26, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-26

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The Mkichigan Daily
. \N .R11,-ill R\llC -I~I \\,SU!NDAY. M\L \ 26 () It


t)i~. 173,

- - __ - _ - - ate. ,,, I~ll l~l1I1 L' III pl lldld fo i t l e- I-- _ _ _ _ - - -

INTERSCHlOLASTIC fis mte ' oalesfrth etot
Mills Takes Lead rom (rand 'l ori1c.t. . rnir f ng 11ptthI
Rapids, Scoring 18 Points- SulivaHonr tama-. lok'th
Detroit Central Takes Third. haf-il"il-i-i-;-. -i-i-i-g utin V.a
finalspur wit 'SottY" Smith ofiDe
-I rvn an e i ln ld r in t it t'ey rn brat- for~-t
Niorgaf theI llk i ti .1-Iti fa ai n- f as tpcrS ln 1dan-i-itnhu I
it i ra b) ;llit-itc g h. I an - '
ittit--- --f iii d t-i-i ti-- tiin. t-i-ii-i t -it'it ti i - k g n i le si t d i tt-i-g illi ' -i-i
il, w(il.C O I ih 10 1 :,;nl e rot c i toittti i-t ttitit i-it-il-i:rboi-.Tii hertit-
-i-tiit-iaittti-itwiihi8-points.itit titt-llm i d sr . Ie -ju t-i
% i nt itni-itoiih--itti-tntt-i -t-ii --e ; ec a e ch d le w v d Ii,-a nd-i ii
-ored im u iu - 1g i -t i itt; i-i-ia ii-tit-two Mus ii-iu ltliiii ha F i i - -ifo
plc , il-Iht-i -i-i-it - i-it-i°-i -il -i il witt-l adit-ii-i-i-i
Il-i-il itt-if -iC -i-l-Rai ds si c i itt- fi l iii\ t ii l -itt-i-it i i-i it)t f itt -i
b i- iil--iV.tilt nipon imig a p r fth ie Tl-iy lat ithi
-i-itt -itor Otw veip\t s , igiO e , takng ; coe i ilalof or i-
i-itio n t-i-i - t i-i i ii--i - - po-int ~ y e e t , il-thef-i--i--i ti-i-i(',-i
hit -it-i-it -it-i il-it itt-itt-it-ileiathlete -i -
~ftetr-i ett le --iingteam,.hAfirll tla t :d. Iy Ic t ll Iegav
-lti--iiai- t itich I - -ire -i-ii-i-ti -i-i t l -i-iitIt il-i -i--t- i-i - al
-itil-a- ie t-i e med thi-i ai- u-le t 11 iefa m riten uni
-iitt-sit-. il-ill-i r - V. -i-ii - it e-iti-i -i iali - -i-c te ap e er
i-i-i for It t t iin -i--- -ie ---itt ifthe lsi al -ined.i-i-i il-i W ilmani-in-the
-i-i---i-i ttiii--lg i ll- ict ti-- I -l l-i-i i tt-l h - ird r lit i-:111d-i-i -i-- t tiit -Ill iC -it-t--i
i-i-i-itt-i-i Itt-itt-i to i-i-i-i-itim m ari-i-i-i-i-i-i-iiin-iill iteit-i
l'i stN sho litt:\1nAror l8t-,3 ' t -ol u'shit l imner ui;ra d t ap-du )
iti iidton H r o . 1 e i if t: Smii-i I nd il-i-i- -i
-i-i-io-- ards iltl g iii th-ie l-hr -it (C. 1' S,) a d iit-i-i-il-i- Alb-u )-
even I.iA. -i-i -- -1 ui llth-ta t i -ititititit ii--i t et- 0i-ii i--w ---llc -iti iii
It-ciit ni 1t c s r" itt -i I) 3 & ..-pou d ht p t ti-t-itit- i

Mo-irgait ncar-i tad-t s ncastdityitill g i-it1x),i1to'Pot tii-ici-iin -t-ten-i
Watts aking ti-infir-iit-woplaces. I mc- j:,tctr.

Banquet Speakers Urge Reform
in Living Conditions--Verdict
of Co-Elducation in Own Hands.
"IMichigtlansas 1iittch<tam ae
-lit tan Itttg 'ttt-ca n ti-i a stun ght-
a-I the nti-ti--t-niiit tn-i-in ovit--it t h
NIiicliai- -i-me--. Fot htI i r-it time i
lia--ii---ist -i f-i-i--e VNU n iersiy ti-e \(i- ll
l-i'u tgther-itn a-sii t-of-goodiftt-
-at-uip. 'Tt-i-c-i- nt-it-itt-i ai-i It-i
li-i--I-i--ittprec-nt tlisheltta1--st
-igi-t --iill tt-ite t itii-t iii f -li -th mt-im
-puurtant ent ofveryfut u--colleg-
tnIo heir deairie--it-eta-ilishom

f turtMchi an-soug-h-il T'hYl-low-and-i
-Ih S-i-t-i' --i-i-il '1r-itt-i-il-i-a ht o
V.'rni - il-i-i-icaitrng- - -haoe b
l-itiIt - Ian il-i-i-h a-servig Iby tirt
alt. inei--t-y-iil-iindiuaitye- m i-i-iiit-
-i-iil-i-i-i-i i-it-il at- tl-i-it ssent iait-ia-i-
i -i f l-i-i uc-i es- fulte-ac. ft- o
I-ic greaatpi-i-l--i-aof m-iernit - ac-I-sis
s a li/atitin. Bea- -i-ifc-In-g-i--il
ofit -neryeas. te-geati-iolrI-
-ii--t ti-i-i- t t ea--ii-l--i
til t-itt-i bers- ofirift-i.tS8-lh'hit-
-ititis it-l --isIs -iin - ti-itl it-it-l- as itt
IPedalgoi-gy." by I-i-it--t--l Nc Init-tti i-f
lcr it-inra ig-i h o rid y at-
I f-i-lr lita o - i ' -a e a

Nearly Five Thousiand D~ollars in
Building Fund-Little Interes-t
Displayed in Election.
IN-i-f. Ile n t 1. Il-i-t-i--i. i -i--io
O'nons t ttxn i- ~ani-ii-i-. -i1--- i
dyI-il t--a- il-l-i 'hcc-i~wt-i--i-:C1,a-
lIhhg-.-(lnii-n ihiulig iund-i t e
-- lu-I' itr I cfi >ti. iil ot-i
hai-n,-il - T o-t-i-iitii--tii-ill-i t-ili-S
t1;o w i-it -a I-iitt- by thil1,
h-i -ilitt- i llIl-i- i-i t--iii

ru-ii-i a uuu-i- th (ti-i SI--i tt h itto- i i -i. hit) till los yit f lifte, i is 1 $4-5.--i
lilid te\sp ake i-i-i-ide l -i-ih- te c cr --, t-- iiist-that -ithe f -i-i ne i S aene t -hi-n-i-ti porta it t-inl
i t-it-itt-i "tu it-il-it itn t fib r tirdt t heuuu filue fIt - -Ifea lfta lc'cod 'rtl rcci >i 1 uuu it-1
it Chiiliicago ittlass -ifi'o8. g-i' i iilis tei-il-iic sii d it h t i t -i tit - - - - its$38 1. I bd I 1,nl- I ,$ .71
grlitt- se se-i fherip ssibiities" sai dif icultyuofil-i-iorkilies innth 1fc 11nd h isuu in i llb, -ri-,i JulyV
iii . ti -l d. ii init t--lii--- d i t t the ar -l---ii--t -il-i-a tii b s t-i e t sht-i- l i-it-i- t-it t l the - ,ii n p~
l I-i-i x o a st i tt t ntit-igS i -in acelit t het uta tVa ne ithe t htt oryut i f t uuulIchas i-i Npr ice,$1 -it-it-irxt
c r ingto i-i snc-i- tt-i 'afeihNevert sat wit hct-iin criut uuuud aluu ilu ee fi l, thisus i tt ihernti'd lc ot tt"(n
t iitt-il-i-ii-lesyo 'r- cm pelled t-i hu itmtotandiThe -clnv trs iit ualyItl- is m} i~i- n-ci--ii-ii-i Iuuu-iiyie n---i
Owiu n l -vl-ic-i-i- tt-t tin oun-i- i ld tent-iN e I -st athNa Sfteahe N ii - 'h ee ti -O ofces a ,xrtt iii
-i-ttil-t--itit-iittknow1n11 it to ailh.11 'I-i(,teV. chcI-il a i-smalV.i iut-e i I tett sghi 1'111,, t
Soia -iti-tiid Of-i ut u ioh n -iuu' I ns.Hil lteuuu ai tii-iic Ill( Vte che u it,) Sl ae -irt-try r-oilt or lwife ,,
i--iil-t-i i-n-t-ta t -i-iro t f In l artlN extinil s-il-ii-i p-if man- Int. i f utu a e i-itt-i-i-ili -in-it-i J i hvoi-t-uu-is - nil-i
-h g o tit-il-it-i rac -y its t - l-itihal it -i--i-ii-ii-i- ad i ni vi ua it-i." i - t~- hi-t zilii- Ii I- --Knu t c evn, }
cenu ry. "Af ii t-i-ti-i--i- i vit tiih-- i-," s idt-i-iit V -ii-iti hit-i.i- r-utit--i u--ii -vivo____ - _______
-thu g ti-il-ie ti-itta-its-Of peop l ii-ii-i-itt-il -i-l- ---- t---ti i tt N h-hh Ni itiII were i-i l -i ite ca tiltit ar
it-il-itti- ith tiuut-i duit Ninalin-tii S-t ti i -P1C if t-huCIttg f-n--t-i,, ii- '(Mi-i ttig iveh anfh tichN ih hi t Nil
ilnsit i-it-c, nitt ticidt-ig mcuug- - tiuuu'righttcoks frontttilttdinfs
uate tw rs m seig the best-ittay i aa h allf Tueday,-Ma.i-hi-at<l S icitaruu-uuu iuuuug B. u-i-iuuu-i-ii-
hi -eting hi e- moIti gooda outi of i lt . fou-P. c- h-itt--t sint-ii I WStu iu itth ;
h-it-it-itt-i-i lege ct-iuisei- i tt heu i-i-i-i DV .IIBroI n islaut 'lItm Ni OfI Iw ( -te r c il% [it-,)1 ' a r
pit l nut-i vot usa -siita uuin. -Fr ifns -sri y V. s(, 84,anhls al(,, N ihfftht V.h I S-iut u1 tuJt -if1,.I iii I 1,- g it-i
sh on l id, w stt e mfti-i an e na y, w r et-in-i-i-i uu y tt-it". -i-ii--l--i uit - uu u- t -t- a-i
titguto i-[If-it-il-g'( expeItt--i Ipo V. h is r tur ulfrom -i- -atyhe utuwaiSru-
1uu-n osiiiisaln hsliese a p ini -t c tnt-ti--it-isst-i-Ol- the-I scin e-'i \ - 1' I"Fk OF- I-II ,
uinksh u t. t tob m ited Vat Mtich-igan. S e tn-il-itifi- c I-u-iint - -ori -i r ar 1; )I hi iIIi - YI; I; 1
mends some Sst emh by whih m the-iirl if nuutt utheml uprof -isoruof-iied ut inin -I trdOfn trlfrtwutit er
mi-it- i v l t oi- t hi-i-i-n s n intint(, t -i-if th Unive lity ti-Cl-iiior ittIwh i -i-iI -t h hi iiiit iu-umg
colg si T here -t--iiti-- hoiiuld bet a lee~i nii nle h ld intil hisueen pp it- 1 ut-I t a ia- ef-i 8_ui- (,tIu'SKuuu-i c
S - t I fia t sid rs.ti lyu "ot u Va a-ti-n-ias utt -iit -il uiuuucomi ss-iu itner by ]at memberha -ip weni-i-i-i-i-i u-i i l
lit-i-i ic-iwi." -i-ieti-l-ii sNi-iel-t -iiwiut ho u i cntes---tt-i-r ci -it tut -il -e
M-u---u -tui ilu ud ii- -c It itu t - i t t -iiss M r a n w rh 'tso e otp r n tt-iav -i1;V i-l--it - I--i-t 1(p i -i-
" thine tis." Shcui-ina w ihati-i--il n-it-i lit-i It tN-i I i-i-it- I S -uuu n-n it Iiit-i-i7 t-it'. Ro e S ''
hhi nahn -i-iii-pfi -itas t itoft-id e ItVe. I -u I flli-i-t-t- nil tcit- tlt ii h N-i--i-t liia. larn r an ltt
los i-it fi---i-a ---iiilIilai-t-til--iidNi u -citht")Ig -Ni-i-e nier i nt gl-i-teNarsih-Ii-Ien V. u-itrhntu-i [V.'uuuuu nuu tluuuuluu 51 [1 8
-i-i-i-cectedtaftermnryoutsuFridayil-it alit-i i-isI- nilcthisilut-irtiltcI- i-ir1-ui ItCi. -.
Prsi dei-ii-n t' ungl tiose t-in--i-n-igi-Im -Iy. -he Nt-i-n-i-i hi fthe eamin- the i rV. iu-gte Ii-ited Nia ut0.
ltma I-il-i-i n i eintl--ieinhst tinguu ii n in . rrt4niJi .Nyn-iuIs N-i-ic 1.Buck A NNi I imnnuNiu.iA FI
ask ft-ni orm ni-- --the ale i-id -ip t-i a-dio noa week wth t -lip uu~,uIunt fimn em er I' lugtn S-i--i--i-cit -ici nt i (1cd 1tu h


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