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May 14, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-14

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T 6he Michligan Daily
4isZDANN \I RR, MI C \I V 1111 \N I I SI) \\ \I \\ 14 1 907 .


LAST PRELIMIN ARY 'Di MRI) FIIL i~~~i lete or until I ,m il> tyYEAR BOOI( GOES
fiE IE L Y I ll,-oly game i vlihthe varsiit FItyG GA ES it 11ialI who1 111111 rmain wl1;v he1R10
Freshmen Defeat '08 Laws and 4: 5 (i ely ield.1111 ith111the1\iliallll Upprclassmen Selected to Offi- 111111r 1 cla~ 1tit'IIplace11the11 MiohganesnatwillbeaSld i
cll -c nine. ppe Michiganensian will he Sold i
ciatea at Freh-SnphofCont sest1teams pAll Department u ildin3.
Ph r is B satmeo s 11 1 1 II, l' l>11 nll Ilhe11ruck is IiItill Ill l inl I
Harrison's Pitching a Feature. illt teIcasttis year. Ha'ralrd(hadto 'I -Regular Push Ball Secured. I he I Iyer-eI s r h hasIll ot 111 t ll 1,000 Copies Shipped.
111111hittingiti ittt rors.1 11d11 frit untl nt r 111ipllte tWiiliams1 teare1111 a,11c15cr11 '- ivthe ~eventsill hite ri n 11 111f 11irs-lallthes cr iedato havt hlSide 111 tnt lildIii 111111 1111are1110w oflt iih
batill I ii th rsh lrsiht tItie t ki ililorder. 1111 i'h efereesl ttlort ofialsl hearng the block 11 ' p la i til I' oah av ngII b1111niit i ppttedI I tifrtom it
1,3 Ithus 01,c11111 the 011111111ti 11111 in D to t~it k rrnel r asecl11ttl i'tl i a11 ha111 Wedn1eI day Iti7titii lolclt ly kit -contIst aeit) lhlilt fli ttti. 'ttblock \I"cut '11 1"he iiok, iit -,,dgi i rI,,'' ;ut
iatt 'llietsy's game. ''hcl itioI itsedtcarstotitti themitothlt ,gattitittieitoSwto1111e0notutpresent silh iilae , i h m tt 8p h ok tnt arcittll s tvk it in ; 'Th re111(1(K
ihrS ti rler- .tilt wIre ' ia'toc ek n thett nearb cit tiesitw italsotisend' , t heil tttt C I is imo taltn tt -iand IitrI- , ert he campert ilt I i lineti lt ck hound in it Iit g;l, oi t I t'1h
the1 af1 . ]'le u 0,31alo ,it thed1 tit sitlttlltV.s t wil eg~s iven hires I'hIow all- i-1t ofi alet-it reei t iThiti 1 11 th Itt featheiitt itt i i iI iloktt h
flat lied g enic] itetiteen ii 1 lcsttt Cli tA. ailcias C. oll ek i I' llsu' uu- , t bntil 111 hiuat uut ,It Slht' c irehiu iti I llc hl- tra e ;"sa , N i II o, cC t
Ih htte't'tiitres:io8 irs fu-DlI uk.S111C iuuuli-is s'tA hlyD O' tuu-s--hes wtltliigRis00fer u iC CJue, Iodtm t pathi rocktt onii hat-illt-,o ioliiei yno ; ~~e I'1 i
0lr(1. ,- 1- S C-It ,, tuuson,'tIf:l crsitug la.' ti-ite's it.ii,''Oh'' ostn iils mCstut um yi Rt y Sut'it at:,i'vi R -i---'Ch-an_ - te ipu .t n,, I' -itiiff landutuIll us ll,' it is n t
u-ues, k t iih u hcf: 'Ta -or, 1i leu,, formstl --yuthlwe andles t t e hu t hr obe,- s '- Cry til , At hu- on s, Ha ryurshn hiuc at in fult iy.w ich h, h e ttc Ill a c n t o
c:, R oger i ,, C nn e' iuiti' tl, Iths v I if tton st thltic lty(. uu'u-ui, ug t B w a , W li m M l n y e r e \ 1 t t e r c i, I; i p~c d o t a k o k~rn l a tc
Eror w rc plntfu o b th sies oignaed fr m he fat ha te ea N chls, Blull r ISteii ii I'a aouhtil .h. tttrm h n hetnt-li ilh'he lothl i, tutu, i, il eg ll
ilts 'itutI iltt tir hal ofthsevettoordrheinth sentrip._____lo0ci:C.Iir.i( 00alls,etit ut enilu st'IionfInC'' liii'liovii i, for ~tat lo ti t lte ittc;telt I r
tile 15511cic1d11'. en ar un A te hhettst citin pr'tutuol,,t nt:iefrehuhu M goIi ; nist 'i ttgh utut e 1s re p ined it
-a,, ilt o heeghh iniglstttii hallt stand.' ittuxtt- ti'tt itt si-eu t h ippl. Fr ncityJuWltC th ii terlii 'i Ji sitii ti h itscar tutuf Iltutu'Ic;,it C kt
gstaredl utk th u n, andlil 'ututh - tilt lhe tmitu toil Is lu le exhut- e of iuu'l hm'Ii an Pire, Ilry'stik. IlI INN lii 1 1,,11 ()1,1ttt l ii'i, i \('-tit l i it IIIII '-tutu-i, cike rc
lilt tuteuobeu.''l'te wasstoi,11,1-1ttttas lu%\A wliRhc11child, Neekeiliii'l lily'N luNls tutu'Itu ' h,(ittA teeftilt'heIhaftone a itt;ir t iv I
'e( tilt hi Ituik 0 ss ;3s:it ss1fc)Ii te lon tty e ralttli h siptiott' frousIk a00--ni u-kI r'u-i'ssuiIsus Ctig thonty'hi itttitilolls iutoxitI""'ashItsvtehi I 11
'1 liii..oo ] 1 13 t31 h tie nt C-ssut lartge, ,oItihe 'I'uiscriii SchenkIl arryusu Fltes-tcltther, he ser T-ft.hu h e1 hgs aClstandu irtis uutu sie ltatve 'I u d adui[1 hr oo ;
C 'k-a, it till huh tiVoigs ltttiuht Lioylisttwertpasediaou -dthefr t'- :\l- ,h-i ,'id is-it iii agergttatu ryi thug iir it 5uttit hs t tternon 1111115 ii 0111' Xliii li NI O
00 i, ill rhltuk, eito li\ 1'as et ut tic ilte skluedutandtll,se gniiied1, thirCC F111 htev t stug-lstRob utestuWat ihlidan classi The clii lan tt 'tach iintiatet ufro t hut s ilte rsh d il
i~gs, :if R00 rs" I:osCotg oll el Ihve lipa id shirthe others thle hiphrom ised lRelay'race: Regut e. ereu' Antiuu u her hush il, afer hut S illt stich te t;c cig i n inst Ctu t ie i's Ithe t, a aJit %I
StrIck ont uit\uiltrii'bii tsrrli; is-illo huey.stt n;i f utdliii' Plass ,.' Tatu' lett s -i1.ll.ri-itt ill 'ari t l t o ts hte't'Ittist' iii lii' 111 Ii! fn toi wortwets hutiv in', <;dI
by Rogers, 3:hi it It 111ii Iliii. I 1o his It ih een Syuggti edlis hi lttnti (ile-s' . Wst i l $ J. S.I urishue C.ui u nd, inititio 'tutu C I h ig' h t ,:ft-i-I h i I 0rmltSd00r hnitg o ]], d it' '
ply-ittitti i t o Sleuth ti l tubaest idV d , th lthes grlM" itnw itho 15'V' i Harr-ey t -Sie; officials, ili am Cur- sutuutiokuthi n iflet'- u-t it-he u-itt th,, lox) tiucop i ts, uit h tcrc di I~ e f
titt) , y o.G S ciic i- h,- itci tiilel rl-ba t 'h e tukulpaittrh l l itc, A.ii:5Car e g,ulSher ii t~idan D wneysors fil iii l:tdt anTtt l'rt't'heistssi's b'it't I I, resii g _l
I IIieCturneitith agdeelis ghvitli 151a11 lether,'If-Nulls5inis.tGeorgeOsbotn, Fuu'Igcuinug'msnhwittuIlehtaykentinii,,iSbIundeand Iegelutouisethig"tilttIout-lu
'I'll( defe t it li u of tt 'sVi hs I-ultg1117 hh' 'I, iltih- ~iiiuhuu thed hi,,-wasduefrat i ty teenug, and ii iveittslt'I tu'I ,Jlt tt i ius s i i t
to f s goo pitcing o I~arison Of yar SO that very n~mhc of he thugN.itt-iRoi 1.dinehuiltiiioyttthit(:o oait
cani w l s 00 ht , 00 ,kt~ es h e ar it oe . A. iltsHasl. 11.utCtsroslttuktee (Ipaut-si ia-i'll Ifalhs'tenu's-u-it uwilt hee-lClas
hit Is te l, l lt'I'llylt ii I I O ilJIV i il 'I h to f s 1 tthets si a , \e's y' ui s (- l h s rh et'- s s C tt it tmihu -t , i 'h oatt t si td i
ihly th ee me w oitilt t 00 111ih T he til 1itstlt iinow i t iluy telt tt'lve iibes I s, thigese,Ws-k .l ciks , C.C.tu-It1,'-hhtiSit 1 111111 1155111 eet il th f'co e i to it ilht ie o k
'rd sn l,s . eth1iicVi'sw itl beiregulatifn but th is l-t i,, .r, ashtt Rsmae ulltn eh', (. F i chotlasytir nxts ro o, fromi , to -(uu oycl oc,y uuI Itto e i prc i.,c ct (i-el ith tin
u t 'lsix tutnhinS t Iit tiu iiosntereul hlttealse uiiug lllfu11,he h ituiw-llllih ally iu ili h s iuh tits I 'h tl t hu , I eu
gV11 i ~lhy le 1vi i veu in th I)robesto h Mathills NleiretesChiuuric uehu h. ar okai , Flvdsta e, Iad-i oa11,iuratut I s . tutuIll" t

1Docuk, SignorteShespiipsrdi andil aldroniaon hitn([thNiss IBeliteaN Mc~kay.'Aonitig Thus- 11ba1l iil l illse . .kept1 r1 hesair ,-t i+ f I)he J cuutuu15I ii''t titli
Thie mititg is helasturhisshatIe s--thepr1ormershisesides Miss Coiiiandiofih, tiie, makiig tt~Ci'ltttecme~ oer ~ C ~kS s Ali ihtt'5I'I'MT ueC-sI'~t-ill u- ilauti 'tu't'u'uuug guntl'
ite ewllihl this semlesee. ItwasOMis Jaecobi, artOMissee Ii lii0White, u'njoyalelr tt thatue witneussig i10 S.Rdtgr, 'fChisag, iCli°eeI man
uecided, howessver, t hoiludsvrral met- O*ail else IiBakr Wallker, Sw'itiontthurt, irs ofI aisi-es of letures tutietcohp'"-
tug uuthig he uuiuseesession. The'- Iltriteck fulhr (thut IDolney Olartit, ltC u'CtCI hC l' le right lawesteytsuray fernoiiiniltitoiitM0110MVFNh 10101' I Ni hu 11, 11RE10H-
electiniioftofficers wusupostponuiiedDr I~ertlik andtu rae.All snior~s girls 'Ile rick useu siill b he iuusaietie tu;us ofiiihe Lass' builig 'ele-tue' '
Fretundhhiasbaen rauesidentoftifhemsociey, are crdially insied ho colle Nouticket useud in ls year's cet.IThe rck was oeto a iisll classes 'f thit lehtri_'"NiIONII N b.I VIRtVI' ' 1 A 'irT
duriig thue past year is ineessary fue admuuittnee, is to belhl by lbs scond-uyar ulasmeat.CDAY 1A'r :10 I, m.

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