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October 11, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-11

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The M'ichigan- Dail y


"WABASH MAY consider ation that ot wee i e pr URGES BUCK-SAW T
ecedini theipositon, an oversight
itc md is critiismn of their wok
Elckersall Warns Yost to Look sendingI or!! t teceetter at tat isar prof. Roth Addresses Forestry a
Out for Hoosiers--Opposes Our titlime.Th svarsity at! te bllonth Students on Practical Side ofa
Forward Pass. scubn ivte-yas!line ttttl loeiiliad!bhent Work in Department.it
-- given teIs allon a edtrect ie smasit
"'lichi' st hss sotte goodsimaterial, "1I'lht tt IYosit wtll tll him fot Forty msen atteide the fist teetng t
anti I thitnk thatYoctstwill teelop a tsing tiat tlay. It was the same fatt! of the Fsorestry cubhlas. Wedtesdya
great troll tstt oie it itso meats as imistake that Chitcago madie in tire evening in West h-al. 'Tis atteiteanteeb
strong as le elieven of tgo5. Tiere gamieswi tliPettisyvaniai in 1899 tryntg is tie largest reorded ithie rief his
are Io Ilestoissio 'Toml Hammndtois, to ipenetrte te centeisf tieliiie weit tory of teubihlihexects tisenrtllil
l,oitgians o01 aeliies from wsntoto nt tesopoiets oltlin-wlenany-ieirly a htiidreii foresters (lring ties
piek. Whitie 1fitmst aclilit that I alitonesioiuitikitisthtlstiat is the plilcesoiege yer.
raiier scepiciiai as iii tiieiiailiity tii do iwisre the tefense f tie defediers Prif. F. Roth spoke, before the ieet
it lhop te ol vtaerinues xwiilifro o utl nsil ie cenlteei. Scrss-0buliikioff icg.sf the gowsth if the ideiamntfiiii
Peniisyviaiiovtteiiiiei6"tic!ke loks best to mesen ith at foiestiy ni! if tie cliii in te ii r
'hts was iWvater EI etisali tet to ituation. Sulliivan is fiii[ f ife, iiit vsesit. ie i: We oss ae r
Willie H-istoo te greaest fiotbaliply- if anything isltoopepery.' le keeps tirityeight siidesiin iite foiestary d1e-
r the swest ias eeri troduited impresser!his iien excited.sinisited tf steatying iii iiieii i chiiiis te largest ssemityin
siit h a eswfte iciigaii sqailtheir.lf yoiiigumin stutyig le seineefs
ini them ir teeshoursiworikiiit last iigh. I kersal left last sigh, anid!before ftrestry ii thei-ni-iw sord.
rckersall ws i AnAror i he is- etuingi' t ieChicao will iake the "Altlouigh ie imight ispoiin ts thei
eret of a Ch icagoineinspiaper for swhici roiisosf thexiwesenisaii!siutentwety-litseicgrsisates sit oiii depri tieit
le is wriitinig 5speciiartile oiifiot- colicges ediingn tilltisittiurisifithf tilea11110 inciig ecellet work is the
blli!aiii!lie iatientlyivachisditie vi-a st idiriigiw-hiclie iiil wiitneiss the LUniteiSties seviee still I iwish tits
sity gosthriiuighithieiiliiorma tiiinss tie!1 iigeastrnigamsin orderiiiithat i le isaisanswner the tquesiionI ai tssentsaskei:
sle ing aniiintertespetaitiioIof le he tillaliidtil itllsanii-iitioriaiie isIs is ipraticali shool?' Soietiies
icrimiagi-iiiiiwithte-seondlear. cmpisoni of sitstrniiand easernifiot-I ti h iikle siiouli haie isiiss-sunle-r-
I ikes ll hadicosidue rablelitoiisasotill l!fori le ppieiliisitrepresensilstigbcksawi'ath aiploin aiilitsve our stci
le eicii 5hitiintti iootballite 'Middleilsniiilsoxiithat hli e a ble- toiiobltiiii deitsisalittle of siltat simce otsiers
Wesiiwithieseileftiencteito Michie- sieie-sas toshe rl-tieuertsoftathik isIreqiriinilof theiii ut oun
igans cae sPiribibily most ial tithiieees f t- diffeiet shols sntork here is sholiw iondionly~t
sthe\Wolverieifollowsiers atte piteseit Tle ratcewicsits nmtuaredl 1ytriotgiexpeiieiceewill yotti secrie the
ltitelis his opinionsiitf theVsW-abashsthe1lst seiiiins ge ibefore ie gamse siillhtpratcal sidiitofforesry. \Vtdoitisi
vsam.ishe \iclitgai Agriculstral cllege, as eclaimttuin utoisepert iwoc! choipers,
"I hve sst etuiiiiedifiont Wabasi. s tidsapy itt!nciiesiteliii irithet lmiibei1jutges r eli niable ts take
sidcie-"whreIwcet thelHoiosieis lukiewa-m piisegivenelsteitisby tsselhrgeof sa liiimbei caimpis We ae e-
ixosrki.ITke ifrnutscieCoacit (ax Oil foiiiei \-ai ohstar ohlls ach liYostsel isiins foresers Deveop a its-isfor
Iasshelist Iiestlfasest aiiiimlst ag- aiiih C-pt aiinl-goffisiee isellipleased he soodsliseii foritielle!of a life
gressivetea5min in te nest tih xillsar-wi liteswotout -iosssig the forests ogtotibtecoiie the
itt! Mihnis goilncgto isaiet amigity iTeshsift in, ue lsitspse eisistsisRise le guardiaii ot this tiisiier lst! and
ihart!rots ts ot iieshef es Wbsitewort-ilfoiirte godsi (f te iseim,"sadulvstr college thinsing wil le nosrth
t Idianapolsnt Sat sur!dittaltight Caputini iigofii adt housdisist iestliwihilt.
Ialy ii th sin suitowdsurprisei tossee the sasit scire fifty-i- -
wiile returies!te ivicor.its aatins thin Farmers stmorrtow."PRIi 1K!ORIC WRITING ON
Noweire-r-hsias e foriward!pass bets Thislieup-its -cnot e beets deiitlix F11111if) N IN Li RARY
perfecitdito suhds egre a at e tmiedrut hit iis cenrtainthlt it h
iasit. (allin beingsan ioid Catlisle It- oihhil ile at hilsslplte al e5 kLitain usRcheist pacig solue rat-i
dianciphayer, isiespectialyaaptablet 50 allHarry 0Htitusdsitu! it enhi dcii!exhibutits fore the student boy-Every
ut ewstsyl e f pla yntllie hisdnitltles!andtl Nleritet riigt ishiaftioththe ghss caevss iithe e55stll
the snsi- gamte itot his fioowers untl ________________ of the library econtain sistme tw feature.
Iitink.utheeis ltle ndoubtsithatisthisy-E'v( I rLPc T BOARD 01 'liTsh sisthsthleuspri ase has it ex-
tre teitsarestleufet5 eponsieits oh esshibit ofnisciet Persitvitant iithin
footbilal o nsf stesalim iiintecoutr. COfNIR tN [K1 i Ph-i515)1A'Y oweriis a setieseaofireistortcNMexiasi
Tsey- sixamsiiedeI etticolege te 'Ntl ieeec iltipls tiiinfictue wrtitigs The late especilly
ethersavhb-a si otf ,5 to o nuthis t mme ofl h vcnyi oeis worth seisg Is was pesnitedh ts
sesie te fistthsialties inweout tsiss o 1 i ssie i stie Unitsersity liraryIy Ithe Duec sh
crigsen!its unt ucutussits Butt rit!of AhleicieCountolessiwe-ti by lure is i utr i i ikiiPrs
wiged bytetr ct im, yaot resiaionissofitNed t Nsisonise f thin liueti usniiserhicaniivsiehutiiIarsis
hwnt outds prma.i tordtodohostitestcipiolitcal fghts evser sittOrs!is iehsnaeterpouinsths
this sunerthe scsi'rules a teamust -nsisstilesus ssttl! ownexpnse
hatt 'smtintg'Once tutore1 Iiwis to -fTh -utumti- sttt t!iyue Ile wri tns repsistillonr a is ndhts
sayitoicsi lgani ILook oui tur aiN t or anits oi natedtbiethe liii 5captai s tth enell and iofarhelsntitmuaer iofidersin h'es
ash' ' tuftsifferent leghs of isrihmetai re pas-
ckersalhe hnt -tie his 01p11nillnsof te si av ihrw.-A ut, d tgeier sits!filed sntusiit fter
j saterital 'Yosi hiss t llorkiwih, isiIii yboothh inei usiniu isthus ttattne of a fat so sto ismates
stci1-thony rillaiig c ettsimtTei epc ote tl f lyadi-doswl eoee t i'lts ndtetytolevs.Btisdsario
diliituithy His sisosti sit Is i tutu ose cliiien ilstics!er.eyed iwith utinahlesie paste uonst
pressedewitstilsheStiltasun!pass as ex-wihtepcue r xctd h
iiussnsed i-by Y-sttn-s frnk tusitadmuit eusotusinadeep blarkiis ktheuspesr-
thatihie tdid niseisvunit iwxould sicened. VtORKs IS NOWN -ST RTEDI) ti15 various clons
"Thisis the on-isis!laceiicr 51heuntrytl O(N ~Nito Il IGhAeNINSIA N Nit.IKotuhsis lning exhsbihts f post-
wh-Iere theirftrwardlhass is tauigtitt saardms ot hiatis of the worila
wauy," he-saulit-tIitnLch!sislae a loug nein thu arn gemetil1tof lt uSakseariani elhit sit!dstie of rtre
ight hhss fist absuutfoils ads eAt subtisn sit!eitsrut!min- t ioif thu--insooks
Waasandsts! erlu Ischotolsiwhire I ave isiteaStres of thin i98 ,I ciigantni
isited the isets tretught us get te siltn r id euipola t meinitg (f scusuunsstti-Es-sINTIetO STiRD-AYsi-
ia!! away fast -aintishot sitiiotta lnete stsaff ssscitesednuiors hiris e- 'FTe toispetiie examiiatont for te
s they xxoslu a isaseball. IHocivrrn1- Irduay afternoont Phans forthuis yearsPihiis schsolarship itsGreek ni Laini
notiicethat here Yost his cii iat!dibook siren discussed suithue fitt as-xwil!be IsheltntsSaturtayOt up.All
NWasiiand msaig thisspasses loig an isgusttrts sierr s-ents t we ias se- applicationts fun amitissionis t exatnts--
high" ctem!by thur mantagmntsit to st the tiosmisst he nice ts the dean of thur
"Do you thintk NYnsi's cietishh!is eter aiteoulition ttwosss w ekssearlier literary- deptentnisolothbefore COc. 1i
thanthe!thi-nt he w- askd hntato atyat.Further partuicuiars regneli giility
"Frankly I d thu Aml -Nfast shift 'lTh nihists foritliss yenunse: 0scar o theexaminoiaioisand tie groundssco-
hackfirhsh is gigusto nshiasuntoo isuchsL Botsematagig etito; James N. errs! tmay he otaind from any memis-
timeto gelt ituo hun paytundrithis tMcCnliess busiess tmantager; asso- er of the Grek or Latitepartmnts,
systetiaid I thtisn hsnciVhictgan goes ciate ediorsMlayWhitrEPule Reed, or by referni to spasge t3 of tie las
up agaitst a srotug nelnvtslike Vansder A.S.NLyto, A PIalJ T. hen, caedar sit the Universiy i o-tp7.1
hilt or Peisnsylvani 1iae play wil e G. AKeleylin Ise rrs Ih JWaic- 'lisre shlarshipssre navaiabe
easilysoolv-dsansuitms use isadeimipia-iebolA J Opliger I.ANWoln, I.
ticable "W(oemnaisAbertEans N, ,P,(o- Y. wi.'. c a.sigs AtircR a cprs-Tsis.

It seas easy to see thsut 1Eckersall wai huts, C. W. Pratt. The Y. NV. C.A. helda parlor recep-
particularly itnterrstedl in the candidates Beside these, J. Fresh Wou ffsrth will tioni for Uniiversity girls at Newberry
for thse positionsits which lie woin his have charge of the art sectiois, anti Phil P'al! yesterday afternoon.Thse girls
great repuation. He spoke of Was- Arnmstronig, the photographsy section. were given an opportunitiy ho mieet M~lis
ud and Sullivan its complimntsary It is asked bsy the editors that seniors Landins, the stale seceteary. Refresh-
terms, bnt apparenstly failed ho take into present suiggestiosutb earing ott the book. ments were served.

Flehissonry-ofuthe Womtia's egugie.
eicli is tienug usritten b y thur rusutyilies
Sforts tf Mrs. CarhatMSrs. Makley-
Is! IInaum Justdhitthy upossiblyhe- coils-
lted!tlis-sarit ir\ussilaratin ihossis
it thine ea!f lie wosrk is ussucces-ded
us gettingtu eter a-l!liem saierial
smecsus-ryuts theuystri ftpiand hopes
us getthissmutteinelentllfits ncllected
ndlush minmmhapsti .iT helsttusle hts
insl a dulifsulst onills pr51ctitaly thurt
isis witite5nuecords oith ie torgniatonI
uuresrthersisnuunt! repotsosf te
eretr iessamiiitieasiur es uttDr.Ii
Moushei.MrIll 1mm y 'ths 'Makley
tsh Miis htlle uSery itaue benualta-
thu sumtits andmi hamv!eliit edsmilraste-
rialyto tilt thissacatuulactes ith ie
Thsewsuortnt-as hesut abutmifouruyears
amo I hutpeiodtutu!esut i lagis pisssu
tartmileusmlits!ke t h amu dean miiits
aswmns Ibiuiting, and,! isssistsance
sum rasinsumtheiposi tutunlitf(Uiinusity
wo itn, re desrushd.The oficrs an
slaisticsuf ueanityeuamuwillbi hueitled
inm this accosu 'tis Camuhst densribes
sheut r t atsauskestih sums!dsheher i
smith apparinsitthis foruutmo ahooktC sr
papltis silhl udtid eits
Crouss coutryiiwmxlks forlthe girls tue
hiw happenil-hms u-elt'dmli'Thirr
atfernos in lthus uses!.are isert-d for
the frshsisemi situgrouumps tof forty of
themusilete Barburu gymnia suiumou tt 4
pi i. ior in hur'uls tramp.i iSumfarthlie
seet use the5in wls huscbernsconuisnuedht
the tlt! must!ness'boulevrsnd tusthe
bts muputueri ut te isaliers sonw
marke ilium imhtyulforSune1innertts, miatig
shuntsmilsuuanithorn-,sso tie walsks willi
soontitextndiouer gsuter territory. 'The
s-rits r equirsmed oncse a xxeels of the
freshuumen. mbutis muptiottna u l iwih dheuipe-
cls il.I lowevert smiesfthur fresh-
mnhavmsxpssed ai ussilt to lput i
smorethmnmthsissesquisses! tmwhiuu lete
uppruhss pils hutseshotwntinsislads of
isserestsiandhalimiteenc otsritgpgretter
itmues til iumehurhutgmstis
'tOuD!-RN NO~I-tN111N DR!AMS -
Six sudents hite-nuolled hi tie ew
coursse nsu smdernmNtorwegitan nowi s of--
fered int heUnCivtersti.
"Thi use is i-usnuprimarihsy."Dhi
Homllantussl esIIss "tor thomse whous hae
becotmeit so iitrstsses! umin Norgianli-
draturthatii i ts thesis u 1mostiuys it i
tushrgial Mnty mlfite greutest
Eiuropean iiiriensS s h nprodcdl their
sinus in iiNorwnegian. Tsetranusltionu
ilito mglishis1oftllsmmvemi ioium bsen,.
fo sitane slien butclhleresh'Besdes
thertarla usatmuss Ntorwegians ii
lthisunymxthi Sinaitie s the silliy
ufth ltIgmugeofuimporutancmue ftrucornu-
lnrisl pi turpuotses:
Oilth Ilndicmuueis D.HosIlladere's spe-
niaty hy lanuaeisno eathru!,tt
is o imusstanue to Itudetis iniithe saise
maunirs AngloSaxo mni.lDm.tHolttde
wsionriginalliy a JohsisHopmikissmat.
bFnrlie listfe w yeamumusseterits has
heen stu dyiting iniEuropi

'Michigenda" to Have Sixty in
Cast-Will Be Given Early in
Plans fSrtunlie Miig'til Unio osera
are oss weluder way ''be- podc-
tiosn will e unider the udrecion of Roy
F. Welchs 'opinstrucor in the School
if MNutsic, ts!dIHeuert AS.Kenyon, of
thse Preinchsdepartmnen. MrWlchuaset
already' written several excellent sogsg
tutu the ook is lso nearntg- compsletion,.
It is estimsatedl that the cast will nsutmer
at ruast sxy foitytrfiy' of whoum
till comprit seIte rchorus 'lTepiece is
tim hecalled "Minligena"tr "ThurLaitd
mif Aladiun'us s.Iamtp" 15t is 10 huenriey
mual ini potchrace ninml cident, and
the scenses mllbelidu on te camspus,
us Sleepmy H ollow iandiimnuitie"Land itt
'Te' stage usiganzationuis ntnSyt lie-
fectesd, ut thIe cmanaugemnts is seetingp
mueni for hiss swork as fast as possible
AN susosnias the ook s completesdithe
ryosuts will eptum Mmii twill le triedl
outl i parts Itrevosusy assignedl Shim.
Fle cut s to be carefally selected
Arrangemenrtus are already hiing tuase
to seure one of Attn Arbor's uneslue-
terns for the production, which is o he
givcentrly- its Jauary i rs lunatiet ihFeb-
Mr Weldshtvill be glad to receive
alum consider any catchy songs or airs
amd these swill beused if oppotnity-
suffers Al! cnturhbuinss shsould sbe
senS to Roy D Welch, Son Monroe
street, as soon as possible
uS goosdlpercentamge sinSthursniliumtit
class tunued omt to their annua eetiotmt
sit officers hhelyesterdaey afternoon inm
CUiversity-Hall As there wes o con-
petiioin, a uniaimious vote ints cast for
he Hobar ticket Before reliquihI-
hump is office, R Ci Bise, last yars
presidenmt, gave aurpid review of tie
work acconmpished duriig his term of
office, comniuended the lass for their
support, antI swelcomed te new officials
1o their positions G.I-S Hobart, the
new president, and those offer-elect
n-Io wireepresent, repid. 'Thurneci
officers are as follows:
President-George HItobar.
Vice-presideut-May Ltiker
Secreary-Leonsa M.1 Beler.
Trasrer-Frank lHt Davis
Bhasebalul manager-S RNWilliamus.
Track imaniager-Cassis G. Seldet.
Gifts' bskeball lmanager-Marart
Hlistoria-Martha Dowesy-
Prophetess-Elsa LI-aller
Poetess-Edith N. Meds
eminber Oratorical oemnu-Clal -
A Everest
Orator-Albert D Prce.
'Toastmaster-Francis G Kane.
'Fhe Adelphi society will giie thec Sl-
osing program Saturday night:
Q__ Tog-ciety.

-- - Progress at 'lht Hague-Fuller.
-ins ' smiNis ts mum 5 mu S- OAY.ial Bumrtn-Johntson Cotset-Marquanrdt.
'lie N-Nitcheus mlf1Endorsmseemu hthue PlaeofitSthu Carton s inte Itess-
sissy stirriig thue plitical. piuotsbindheWhseeler,-
Iaw- ueprmeunt, sut all theny sate c- Story-Agnhew.
coussiiishitmus ho ratsr a littlc smoke Achievensent of the Lusitania-Whsite.
suit maseke a few fatefuil prudidtions. iebate : Resolved, 'that iincigrmtoii
VWith time usuuumu ioussconmug itsis after- to this coutry shonld he fnrther re-
soon, cutmpatratilhy feci mensuems to stricted. Affirmative, Sweeney, B-utter-
hue fildwilhlssiticaleaspsirationis.Immfeld;Inegahive, Nelson, Rick.
the senior chesssthere tire twin tickets,
onue headed! by tirWi tmlnd te other ii.iM. A.WInL clAY HIGH SCHOOL.
y Marsht.Cinly'ouse junuior, J. Woods. Michigans Military AcadenmyantS An
ins mtered lime fidld for presidenstial Arbsor High school football teams will
housors.'lbhe freshmen as yet seeni play ini Ann Arbor ona Saturday, Get. an,
tranuil andt!htre seems to hue little at a2:3o p. in, on the fair gromuds. A
camspaigning its the first-year clsi goodl nine is expected.

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