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October 06, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-06

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TheNichigan Daily
V \ ARBOR.1[CHIGA\ SUNDAY, OCTOBE7R 6. 1907. No. 12.


Michigan Wins First (Game by Low Score of 9 to O-
Visitors Put Up Stubborn Defense-=Fumbling
by the Varsity Prevents Larger Score.

Hed oits orels iaeainaath'lust half
of thea son's fi rt gamal, CaptainflMa
amffia Afaglif-less arair came ack
in thconcdaaalhalf lng celough asor
twce-nc ol a goal frmn placmentll
a1n11fl1'oherC a toua1chown. Cala'Meana
w ie 1was 1un abl a to 1111 c atalc.he 1111
and(1C(. (alit awilnlrla ly ait a ce f) to .
Frequentaalfamn and 1111heacfailr aol
thec forard a ss111 p laya to aarksatia-
f ac ril csi tt v aiy aserallchanacs
tosoe illt irst hIaaf Srighfyla t -a
haall lwa alwaya'aa oraeal methlodlaofIllaill-
hot) a as soo1n11 a the. all fascril
fy'ar a 1 ~l, a 111mb 111or1ala 1o ptte
f i ha l ap s Maih% ct lfcl aya-
all lthe a r-chtill to11111
\1 n alal the 1 llaof a hala ic hgn
claaenleaaa a ggedl a althoughilia no moare I
wola ia ia 'lalver alof lah ' m
sacaaled "woeful ala f mlalla aaaaith he
alllco e nd a iaa lem'11to 11115an
taelcaaces foilr 1111 aaa ab le, a he l a
th aa l.'ascoe 'lt e a sta latle 't
M hligan. aa la lll
Ta eIartiulal;ars lifath a lalillr a
I~el c uz ad ll' "l il I hala e
feveal in iva uall 1briliant last er
Shleas ies I ~etMraalas
rearkba'Ca ac h all st1 tat heIa all i le11
besacu terintaa word. In a inc ftil
Caseaaa ldaaea ral daa 1111ireted 11plays aais
alM aachig 1 1 anslrShlz111w1asalw
fian alth aaa'laaway, n a a rlt thaeala isoa
f id to alalin thlraa ired telaara
once urngaa treaaaameaa Ioellaand
lalal l l aaaaanated a al anaad
fallackIllnd11it ia till whicIdi
slightya'a betterlat fala ck han did hi
pareaecessorlaa f thlila iaarast a 'aahalf, 1ut thall
gim' la e na all aaa 11111thealac
poitulion 0 faao fmlaaaaoaimall 111 I-
ing 'leitrogh aand 111a m aakin ilacaaaal auli
th 'apogal li ethatla l l'ala k a a
he aned toa L owal]ll oIa plaana iaaaa a t l
' glavealaoaaee whiac arkeadllahis111111lalfao
thefaac.ml'wahir afelim11.asulcffaaata
iaal aa aa last' r. H s l aaaasmah i ac Ilafworta
wera ea fai ralaa ihlc faoir t aelac
scaores 1l a'gr faafaabhd b 'h .aal lr.Iac ilt ~l
gaacmarch ldwn teaailda'fcaa aacaaaaaaa avlain
thelIlafeg inutes of p (c laaaaaa, L al l was
giave the halaaial . 'aoaaouto 'fleve r the
ap aa lays land elomfa afild toaall ilaca ea
isait 1pfrliomaa C aran aitia' a t Ilthell
° levoealadftam casaamachhaviertaanlcaa
theadanae fiareh i veni ouraal uldlfla
d ca r Theal10Ivrarsi a litaal f a
heavira th Ianc thaff erfa. aa hela' viasitor-
gweuie d ess'friav lad aable 0111heir artaafk

tanl[hat ci g 111ala' 11 isc eaia v
I ~cancl lag ola 'aiela tossaafril' h aa inaaa
Wyma raoa f athlia Cliaoa.'and caase to
defcnd taeawes'aagatlfaaing' thac aariy
theadaag ofa"aa I light labraz ci'ac
was la tat 11111 rom11 t1hela orthaa est.aCa sefaal
to tc ja i ne. 1111'a Ia iaa ataa''lld iclali
and 1 u n% ee t aa'rdforac usta n-Mlla
tial a d, amth h a was arriedl'aalatoa
Ia 1111])foe h1 11, lal Soped
aaaaalllaa last h uc l al ate p d
a ' Cal the b tt ac atie bougt aiinfo
aaacinaa i maaaa'a.asc l ulsotc d
tilae iaall t a se.lt' (c aaae1punteIad1to miad
hed anad Maiahiiaaaaa'aa d a lse ilball 1111
Rhc illsa' til lltallal thraaouga fartlICC
aYarala ala R i aaaaaaaa offh t i aleIafaar
ahee ht faaaalaad aaaathea 1011Yadalin.a
of'aia I Cai l rh lbe h a 'ila'a lgallinel~
andth alla y l'aea laaoppoaaa niaa 111111 score
1nte inta af Iha Ipasdas ala
avaardaa aalaitniaa
Case hdIh aon aa' af thec aaaaaa
brit itaelpeadath liaaaaa orin a eex
alng f t . 111 ny1 a vi( w s get
kifckeda ui gleaa"'. aMichaianaiccad ff to
ICs an hha ll as aaaalaa alatoalae
allal lidline.111C1ase11imaame lliaa lilapu 1111
:Miler.Wac ud allRumhv a rr llaia
:a Icdg~l .Ato ghiata sm w a
ifflt a g a, hc att lit Ias Iuca es
ful, G aham ootieala ala. qarl
het lilathe laoat laf r th iaa la t--adaaa ta
al thattiml ookedaaa to I belaahelac nly--a
sfall taxtheigafe'
_\ pacnly cuou aIll llatIir firsta'
all ra'al sa0I aaaa'iaai h oaan.
St.aatiaaa'oIllMichaia','a4oa-ard''linea tlia
i aly arid th al traaaigti laan1
tla he', illel' tie laak hiafag ra-
(lC oantall ed' on 'al e To. .
ilig~ta ll II'o ''aiaaCase, ao
Al.Aa.lCaI aaa;a F liaaMuaea, (. 2
Al'aaa'rel 11111C '1 t; l ali hirha, 4.
raalla 9 ~'leral, o.
P aa en yllva i laa'q a faa, at
SwI)arthmoaa re.la 9;1 aatla, a.
Lafayatte, aakaaaraaaa, o.

Michigan Students Will Write
Words and Lyrics-A Strong
Cast and Good Stage Assured.
"a' llfeicigan Uionaaahaas adefiielay
deaidaedl 0t1111aut ona Coamic topera eaarly
faa Januaaayorltehain aFabraryaa.'" Thisa
alatetaccawaaaa givean 111uta lt lat y
k Waahle W. Slarritl. lrar'lvice-praes-
daeanthaf thea.'flfhiafyaaUn'aiaan.
-A gaaadl lperal warttenl ha'.llahgaaa
aaen land lenirly la lin aacolor ad ia-
hade aaisaasredl. Noabon who aafam-11
lilar lvarhthea'aersonnelI af the astudenlt
tle ahaadouta thathetare'is aaathaenat
maateaav aailableha'foaraastr1o1n1g cast.''
co tmplaitd llh' ataaginagalof a aaomifc
aletaraa wshifclhaalho al a itictlya(lieu-
fgan p tradtionfaa. Praominaenaitaunder-
gradaaateandra thersiha ve laa'fromaithef 1toa
anaaunderatuag is 11111111115feasaible, haut
hifgly daesirabhle. Several eaternotani-
vetiaesll~, among wy shichl ale Cornaell,
'PrancetonandautCo'lumbiha, lavce produleed
wth mitaaarkaedhsucess c omliceas waa nith
aill-Chericas nts.
'ThecCompIIlti111111thae'naear futuire aif
taa' Malajeatficteater oat \fayardtrealett
atatd aafIlae NewrWhitaaey'theater fia
J.'anuiarya ke a vr i'ailabilea'tha t rhof satal-
ing anstagea'raranagemaenatswaihlnfl
antip reatly l toike Ilt'heresenthationl
of thea'opearaa all athe aaore asuccesafulh.
A skachlafair thie book, aogethierweiht
asongsandaa lhaul fair thetehcalrlasea, haus
larchsubitftedh lipana uandergradatet.
Thihas tbaeec oasilderedl by 'Prof. Fread
N. Scaatt aad\Williamaal1-Ioa'and awhaomn
the Unionfata dIaaaskedathaljiadge of hi, as
ai aneceet hbeginaainag.tFor the c0om-
plethaaioof alaesaworkahtrhe Ist uyo tahd
dhiaguea.awritera,1111tha'campusaa ara' to
ae ecured, As saoo'.sthae hoaokha
campaeted, proabahlhy aomae tiane hefatra
TIhtankasgivinfag, aartaheetionaof the ansal
anhdtile aafsgatateat if hasill hbegfan.
Thic lmanagemaentl ha at Ipreseant amak-
tag arranlgemaenltasttorgaizethanploa
duactfaon. Theacoa ittalees will 101111 hr
.announced.'' 4 lTaosea'n hatraagae lhave ba-
guna negoatiaaaons fair paroa'arinag a eaaaa-

At thae first baaainesasameetinag oathean RE flT]AIRP PAIQ
Wan'laa elagaueael yesterdlay at 1 IIU 1UJI'IJ I
a. at. at Barbouar gyamaaasiuam, ft wan an-
nounlicedl 1111at a hstray of lthr leagau Wlde
wuilalsaonlappar, rand111hoe office ofrat tories of Rush Injuries
hastoan awaasclaarelatedl fa orader to keep Circulate'Widely, But Are Un-
aI racatrdlif thae'futuare eveanta of the' ar- founded.
g'aliatiaha. 'hea iavole coanceraoiangits
pastlahi ch l aal aappeaar soaae tiae oan1, Ruaamo'rs.ho thae effect Ithatlreal carnagn
ia th waaaork tat Mrs. Jaorana. Mrs. Mark- aras thae haorribale featuare of Frfiay
letand aaaal .aCachiat.ntfghts raushawere widlely'eirculaatead
:amothear featu rea'fta met aa'iang waslitharoaaghot A nn i Arbor yestertday. ha-
tile aelctionaaf lla~~a mmbr haoreplresntall . i'egailfaaalast ighlt showedaIthat thaase
the lea.guc alll t'he iehigaaaState Feder- raaaaors niece largely' fouaaaaedl oanair.
aat of Itomeanais Chlba convei'on Ill The fuel Ihatl aambualaes ware ralled tao
Flitt. CI. alaadah17,aatdlMias Olive assist at fear exhausted stetaaaas taothaear
Ihak.tl aaaae1c ihaa.i'asld ramas, anaia thaut saveral anaor fractures
ealadlegaaie.awtraesaustaianed, glare cian to a host of
--aaaeoaihrameadrepolrts, whichihare siace
CANN ARNBtRl f1(51.,lF CLUBlOPENS Ioeeaa wiredltharoaaghouat lie coaantry an
SEA\SON 11Y lPlfl NA'l'lNI; TOIED0O furthaer examlesnoalthlearexcessns of ista-
- - - adeant life at thae Unairrsity at Mfehigan.
TheAcnCiAtrbotr Golf 'adhOtaiaag chatb Soama'wouldf havae it that a colored
'icfcatctrheacOtitawal Paarka club of To-ia"stu~deaat lay' ietadin aa adownaatowan unader-
lda vestray amtrniniag lay Ia score of aakiaag estahlishaaenat, 01 a reitalt of an-
1.1 to on11the local course. -Proif. juries receivead Friaday ight. Others
Tlrueb'hloodaa pt Cllainaif thae (AanArbior caiamaed paositime kanwledg'e that aafresha-
teaaadid lath alay15, a asle wishaead toItry' aan a d aa fallenaafromaa It raea'andth had
on1t attamaanofthale' newear lplay'ers as saacuedaaaaeiaathIIloanolallliehospital.
poi~le.Oltherighat aaeanewere playged Varioaas otlier hales mwre ciarreant, hrokera
oni eacha asada. It hais heclib's itentiaon legs aaadi ribasfigaurinag largely ian all of
ha lIaly atleiastl hilnaaaen adarig tie re- thena. Bail, rorst of all, thlese stories
naiahaiag gamesa aof thle saeasaoan'asscedlae. were iaa soame quarter. takenlasa facts
'Ta he lib insaamade 111paltfameambersaotathei aad somearahstdeantcorresonadaents wired
faculty, atudtasandaa taownasme~nra, fourtaraheaaitaotheir respective papera.
facuil~ lty enand1111tlhrae'ue nt,,a pal ayinag luvestigaar reealdthat, althaouagh
oiaat t eama'aaayeasterduaa lay. 'heindoividualah aafren atudentass safferead light ianjuriesa,
scoresa werc as folloawasa inone 'werelijuareid seriousaly aaadfan ah-
l ''eehr. .AnnArabahor. most 1every cane a gaaadthnightnsrestwaas
Rihmotnd-2tl . Barrow-t.a.l111thaat was aneede.'u A phone and 1111a
(hetcaaa-uo.Eses-3. few ainaitaes' taae aerraeal toaelicit 1he
Lloyd- o. Nichards-3. folloionag ianforaion :aa
1L5o111o. JIoeelraa-2. "Beatd coloread studenat" proverdltao hae
Hutinagatn-Ia. Thainaai-2. a yaataagamaan from aaafti India. lIews
A]errill-2. Clarksoin-a-o. walkiagtghle sreets yesterday infaalaal
dHlalaiy-i. Lloyd-a. possession of his facultifes aand ras
Maaaaaeaah-7. Sandehr-2. mildly rinterestedail ihaarinae tat lis w



'The fiarimal openinlg of ltar oew cliab-
Ihswiall 111taakaeplacee aetat Saturday, onl
th casoothe lat'ca',h gaaiarwill aa
coambhinead teamalafraamatlhea'Winadsor ath
Walkervilla'clbs. a ta t 111tiaaaneaaw
macahiery iwill hae' altallead to supplhay
lie elulhousaaa' e:ithihatler 111111lighats.
Calptaian'Tratebalo11111say5sth ar hepros-
hel'. fiar aastronal- astudentl glftrail
wrere iner hbrightherIthaniltharp'are 11115
a lr. CAmaonag thosae w11h onae shaowan

ShN ION CL (55115 iI[ANI uti hi tealstofar Ira' Staaann,'aia,iwhlo
NO.111 N.CTIO)NS FORf COU'NCIL hila fromit (raaad Rfapidsand aais thlea

Naaminaaatiaansa flar Stauaentl Caoanacil
memaber s'.hIae biena mluade faa all dapait-
ment. Elactioans mill lie helad aedntes-
lain. TIhc ila ill eleet Itaree mlemb~ers;
theaiw tawo:. 111 enraginieers, halo; aentsa,
111th haand laoaaeaoa, onae, and1 ltha
eics. one-erihiapsatoheal, seelth leic
athear taeanber, R. I'. Gfregorr. has not
TIheacompit ee l i ta oiationsiiss
I, ts a\-N. Wat'.Merritt, If. O. Bisbee,
IlaC lillia I laahoaas Clancy-, A. WV.
Saheran P 1al P. haMagoaffint, II[. W.
Capel Ilii and 11F1. G. Stevenasona.
LnigersI; A. XW. Leete, Xhat. BIald-
in, J. N.Baaooks.. Andrewr Lenaderiank,
I. J.IfBusha If J.IfRed, George B.
tWheerlrC.I1.IDaish, J. P. Colenman,
ania (aiorgr (uenerieger.
aw:T G.Staaaley, 1(1. V. Eaaan-1
man,1 J.CfG.Dake, Fraaak A. Lewis, W.
J. Moargat, H. C.laoffiana, 'W. L. Tooze,
11n1 C'. A. .laraha.
Aeaies a J. C Lotadeia, J. ID. MoKin-
11o1. G. MI. Be'lIlumeuri, Clareiice Snotw,,
Joahaaa T. Samlpe, WV. E. Cilinls, B. W.
Barrow c L' '.. . Quillana, anldhJ.If. IHeit-
I laitlaroll a X. N. Watkinas, H. S.
W~ilsto, andi C. IH. Madl.
Scums: C. Wa. Froth,N. C. Simmons,
h. II. hailler, B. II Masselink, W. J. A.
Wagiaer, If. I). Keenan, J. A5. Ciaonrery,
alla RuassaellEvans.
Phaurnoes : W. F. Gidley, N. I. Tay-
lor, aiad H. N. Bonry.

holertflte Mlichalgan tatarechaamionoa-
s11i1 ;falrrowm, 'o fil;IEates. 'o8l, aud
Ni~hcahs,'oqe hBrerelton, wihio wasa111
lhe a m aalast haelariis' no tityet ]hack faa
foarim. tGoodwainand111 Xathes are 111s1
promilsig aeialt.
Fr'om aaow ion .the hlab imill play
mtacesevery' Saturdcaay amiorninag unill
Noa. ti, fve tatare Ibrsides ltar annala
lht alaait ia einag schedledllth isifall.
TIhea tailuriamaentaiull hae Iplayed Noi'. 2
and1 wihalllpoaly 11baeaahiaic ai atcha.
'Ihta' tfallowainag' iithe seasaoa's sceduile
(Oct. mI2-XI'alkereihleand aaa Waindsor
clubas at AnmArboril~.
Ocet. aq--IDetroiitclaibiat IDetroit.
Oct. a2a-hale.raescl5hub afiTt oleudo at
Noas. 2--AnCualaatournnamaent.
Nor. 9--(;rasse Poilnt elauboat Cnn
Nole.jO-B-etroit elubataa Ann Arbaor.
Thearepcsident's 01111 af liarInverness
Gaolf cluaba(Cincainatai), a large htaophy
costinig $aoo, was recently woo hy IByrsa
C. Trauehbloaod, 'u9ar, boil litProf. Tlrue-
loaod.Il~e albao wonatheacueap offered
for th luar bhhchamionfaship. IB. C. T'cr-
baalod layed'nuh thlarAim Arhor team
for threreyears andIholdsuthscla ubni re-
ordl of thirty-three strokes for nilne
holes, allahsevenuty fuor eighteen.
The largest numbeor of extra BILIESn
was 11111 Sataurday norninag in the his-
tory of ltar paper, the accoauntis of the
rauslheing respo~inible.

D~ead? h Welnl I guess not," siffed
t1Ic. Bierterle, liar townatownundimietaker,
ini answemrc10 a gentlle qhaer' over thae
phaone.. "lHensiwalking abaoutitioday'. You
aon't call that dead,udo you h" andu the
rceier uwas hunugtup ieithu a deideld
"Yes, this is the hospital. Peoiple ini-
juared in thle rush? Well, iwr Itad two
hirer oaereaught, hut thery'left todhay.
All Ithey uneediras a gaoaaai aght's
rest,"uad cc'luenumber' ambi mas ex-
Tlhae btory that a yuounug 11101 had hiell
in ihie lfooaaoathaic hoaspitlal causedl coll-
sidtecahle lsurprise ini tin astitaution.
Twmeo younaag atenihaaaldred'b in dhurinug
thureenianlgho hiave light cubsobanduagedh,
but thlaeft shotaliy after, alit even
derigninag ho retanover nightl.
Bishaeartenaed anth uhfscourcaged, thu.'e
aorier called 111ip D. Barhling, mwtua,it
haul been asaid, wtas atttendin1g a1ynoag
1111ai ho winas alibiexpecctedl faaive
twselve hurs.
"No.I1.ihave Iheardalof notadeathia or
seriuts injuries," said edliraoetor. "As
tar as I knuow flue refports are a.'ataeely
The fient fresh it ticer has maule'is
Salperana~ce in the ffeltd. Jon I-oriner,
reailer of the lit blrigouae inthan runh,
Prensidenit, Joe IHocater;f vice-piresident,
Beiilo Whitney;f treasaurer, Phail Dickin-
non;asecetary, Fred Lawton; footbiall
manager, H. Mai. Gilbert;f lbasketball
maager, Flarold Wentwortl fh;baseball
mnager, L. H. Ifihle a irack manager,
Sol hBluamaosen.
FFaaMFR 1Dec01RaSITSNExaW ouFi"cg.
George Barnes, 'o0, former editor oat
Ton ICHIGaAN DAnF,Y and now in the
newspaper buniness at Howell, called at
<Tog lhDAILYr office last nigial.

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