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October 02, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-02

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The Michigan Daily

Not.. XVIII.

No. 8.

Varsity Not Likely to Roll Up Big
Score Against Aggressive andr
Scrappy Scrub Eleven.
Sttudent football fans--sonmc enthtsi-t
astir and optimistic, sonie dotubtinig butr
hopefal, all perplexedt anal wonderingh
whiat is to bar the outclome saf the P-enni
game-wni nave their fit-st real cac
to witness the emabryo aaarsity , evn
in action this afternoon, tChe opening
game last Saturday swas practically' a
failure. as far as giving anov nrie line
on the team was cotnceraedl, hail witha
mnore satisfactory conditions' todays<
game shaoald furnish caanasiderrale 'alge'
fair the "bmgs" Sio gloast ov e.
If liar scruls.o biie Iaias gaoaied liet
Fred Newtona ant '"Mlli- "Wenaaaell,1
continueas taaaut aa ta e la aggessiae
scraptpy gamesa ashicha has chaaeie d t~a
ttaeir iaorb thar last feat das, the va-i
city wilt nast acc'itaatat asy s'sr sat h
as gracred tise screbocaardi othocasiaoSit
of thei t3ii las ii ret' \'irgisnia Williea swss
ye'ars sigo. Tlhrsec or fisrtiouaacdowssn
aes tos heth liit oai f St'e vasityasa
ability its tir scorinag lst', assai judsging
from the siefese disiplayedil astS atur-
dasy, thte scrubs ptay' ri-c aor s faierely
ina regultar gase.
'ihe lineupst if tat' vasssits' is amte
if some dioublt. 'Tia reesst workoutasai
have servedt only as compliate matt rs
in tia' itre ights ubeiag wae forta thes
sev'sral psiiitis. insteal iii eidisng
thesi. "Gaeisansi" Schttit assail C'aptains
miagrilfiui seem to lie tar onaly saes ail-
solately ssre saolf t uei spsitionis. Sulli-
a-ass ssitel its) lt qiiirterback tassel
ast ight, atd hile hesa auissala
as tsifle insacrate's ia paassin iald a ltl
siwtaro St possiisal, he drovea theisa
sity- withincsre'dibslespileed a -t a itaoe-
expeariene' as-ll gives Mtits-r iald \'as-
isis amrry tsastalassorithe ilace. 'ilis
fullback sillsation w ais mlicatedi smsae
lstt ight, as I sail ivs agaitn saltS far
practice andi ii diie Sth hoas ast fult-
hack witth Rintschtild.
All it ll, Sth pacice aesterday was
liar soilst stisfactory aof ise sasn.Fo
tte first tiste hisa se asn tir sciaus
suceceeded in scorisig cas the regtalis.
fGreen, a }opunk felloass h sis asppearisn
at qisarter for liar reserv-es, gettisag away-
sass a qtuasrterbistliassk r u srgstisstisag
foart-fivas- yants fair as Isasel sasis a At
tir chase sol liarkouset:i, H. I. Yasal
list liar "nothiing dosisg' sign oni lie.
smile, ansd ''debutited"' Iis expr5aessiona ofl
diisrossragemenst sait was--riesa far thes
seasons of 1007.
H-asrry tammoindua h appeinedca So rain
osnto te coachs duising te eve-ingai as it
a footbasli discuss5ion was' senug halo
State atreet. Iltitiitii hia beens asosris
sag byhpisetlrf; ini anstitesspt to get ito
condsaitioss beforer attenmptinag t ake pasrt
is the forataions wsork or sigiiltiac
tire. Coinsequiently, he SrIas nisa hadi Sth
chassce to nastsere a signsals whaicih hasia
iseess guvess the start whoa liaise berns
weorhing regulariy with the vasiaty.
Coach Yost wants to use ht as sssn
as possible, thmough,.-stnd lie addaressd
iseslf as foiios-s
"You waste to get those signaal s dowrs
finle. We wsat to tsar yatt before long"
"I'ar got the signas'-right saw -bette
than msto(f thtosw felsaws oatS there,"
replies( Hlsamond, "antt I uon't wa-lt isa
toss an ubesre boauqiaets at mayself,
"You aresat," said the roach grintlp
anad sigs-iicasntiy.
1t is snore titans likeiy ttat sac ies-s
thasn twenty smesn wiii appear for the
varsity this afternoon, as citanges swil
lie made in order to give all liar pronis-
ing candidates au chaster to distingissh
tihemseives. On the siaowinag sade to-

day wiii depend iargeiy the ntaikeup of
the eieven which wiii face -Case saext
Sattueday isn the seasosi's caurtain-raisr
One, thing' is certains. h-arry iiami

moniit wilt not get intotli a se game.,AEF AC T
<ts h has een gantedleaeaif abseie' T L S FMA C T
to allowa hin tolasgas Sohis Itornet tatCbs-
Saot tedtar wedinsg of ita et FA OUSONC kMPUS
'Te a sittllliuteat teb A O 5O inigo oa' ate, Slath 1sl
stsart aS 4 o'click, somtethaisag lilac this. Canines Greatly Outnumber Cats
Csey, left enil Crumpitaacker, left tackle i fecin fFrtriis
i4,isila left gatr ;Sa c ulz e, relater; Gra-
harghtgarsesiIDavisoni, right tsacklae ; Sororities and Clubs.
I~o asisa.right, n ; i;P llet', qartaserback:a-

4. sgasfua, lift haal f; it ssasep ass' else
right half Raeinsashildale ld, full-
I'CI\ f)C'l. o ~Pifl IJSNI'ION
'li lc ctionia of tat-i amemberls lat'e
Saituet Couniscil frssathait'seicses I-
f iteaniaersity awill blie lratVerlaes
li, I.let.9. bAccording to lt'e'consti-
tuion- salof IllseICosuniil, te lect aasio sas
th ilssmeaste. Nouiniionil ayui
Sit Sitel asiorsefore1 aturd-ayi5alaa S hisli
itteek-, bSiall ninee55555tastatstlieciasortesI
tosth las-ctingsert-Iss'sisflt'e Cunaci,
11- 11. Frosst, o ail sturdaay. Tseuoi
nat is ill bisade by i' secrsta ot
f?1wl 5cass 55at'arte'S1i'iiat'iifs iwill
noaiasa nota to exsSeit-s en-si men ua. At
Slit electiona at''easmens willliteece
fro5515555.nes t SilarseSt'helit-i
sit-y dpartent- , sal lt'o toeprefssiSlt atei,
phamie an h S oa ri'deartetts.Sa
C'ssatil itheiiSlit iniiationsin theiarlit
dearmet -SslS55' Ares- iintseeineein
(arlaiaSitai, Morrainas theii lt eat
menstit S'sglhea iatar mei eatmiaet
Potisa lit- pai c ut'5senl;ui. alt
Hr isa lite-alt alsal Sasistsopt-shti
111c t;.\ N IN iNROt1,tI INI'
AT'' huhsc'ihlft.or'NI'SIC
The - 'aia rsitSchoal aol f Phusis
opcn 1sauapi'isnsl i autheSatlragt:s
enrl5led this arly isthalas' , an
lash-asgh alets fors asasal ea
sallmet iiit Ph. ayaaof liar studsets
in this )yari's a'nasllmen st acs' gaduates
sa the 'sitmusasital isiuinrudn
oai tta ir its i listgasasc-ihool.
W11l,1,, 01'1N T'I'S-i DAY1 N
The nnua fai atenis ut i'uiuus'it
sill opentomolisrowaa. hPriecsalc itohas
gasvena forsesass' Is assillis ilas ourai isait.
1ie liuistial il be adessil at tie curts
ors awis W. aG. Hag, phoneia'1al. 'ihes
l-ifIS'l'iTs'tiIN rI GftRhS
iScsrtay b asi i b aassnuceitasi
assyrnsass- iring-a -lt'efull registr'ations
asgresin llsdeatme'nait s of lt'e 'i-i
vesitoi eiistse ii aulttaisatue asi
aici~tuattion - a ht'sce ai i~esil
hll-a sladay t 2 as'lock.
PEEBL-Sala'cosun s custausa.
Sr.Al't-sil R. ettales, assitantithaeia
iedial- aeptmens ata sisltft tSlUnii-
verstytacctept a poasiionasasassciate
itaitaeitie-t that Unsieresity (f.Coo-
hao. It shiwrathwita r. Jauaes
lRse Arnei ll hrfesstar satmsicainie, als
as Pic-higanilgra-ataateIDr. Pebles'swsil1
letuetatBouileIr,.Clo., ath odut
cliicuas i Stthecutyhopitial l alliar
Si. ) asptho ispaita a I Dever.
St ii, 'srxsh'r 1,15 as' nuenT's.
Lacrk f quoraut ineesitated post-
osaiesat satfsmeeting of IDritcter er-
Ieisa calesdfuse yesterday afternoosn,
Pretsident Noodasruflfaill casl heStaratr-
toig far tefirst f next: sw-ek. lais
laie areadyp arrinsamae for taing the
Vereinsay Dtui'lsiPirilSassailSaginaws
this yp-, ran eaud Raiids masyhe insl-
ed is thu r tip. Theanyam-has-anSial pat

Iiii Is-fauass lags",athiseic ais, assail isis
co la-' number oatfaamasots, Ias sal
talsen t itshasalf Miirhigana's fratrn'i
is sassorites and Iclbs.hA mtaot, it
'sashudhase sultestaoa, i-a lat aial
hic tuuit fisnstt sa--ebspy salits'
N alira lla t a attsand asaluelsh-
lcas.-N oa' ais ussasswlassi titus's'ce t ha t '
TIask hi-a ias
Hwtstheia aas havatnotualasbeelnauthai
huyrersntats 's f atthatssasorritis
stasi, fari ii -aialas a d i iia ras Il u lo g
Ialass',c" lat ala, uauoarI"Doc"
gisto has tig toolass yinaiagsits rtasi
kitie' salIis liltehaisil-alappe
o th:las td fa. 'at" si
;peicb tiia'i''' thiat us thSlt
gehuis-thasysa saareaalgoias- at ass
PMostftSIm arisliie ascii lure aicee
Slandt'eimemory ofp aheStat'stia stii
tasi. Thu-ethamionsin sthis eset i
tat' Phi BIt-asP i stll t-a'ss's-, "''d i g.''
wh-Sichiais titena tes al,an hs
lie-u siills lt'e laral cait' sin ' its
anus-sahmet itear-as ag. 'Tea-sa
sst approsacsahaso Ihis is tt-sreordi of ts'
IDela IKappila isiloit mascoet, "Ab,"-
asush has-a ass t Sa t'ecaptaaer house
elvn ers A olph," l th1bisaalitbushi
Sassrits oaltSlitetas belnguigu"tos Ted
Reeds'5, Doh it, hal-ias e tatsofficial
mascosttolatouIsai rs.
Deltta UpslosaveIsaacds tlhiats mas't.
PDue' lnit-nsaato re Prk lo
5Aisaass Push.,forsi as sn ass
corm- toonidershimt a suisia a liuliii
Ssist f thus Iattrrivst al- are
"Chlis,"tshSltbullosg oasshSluri lpha iti
hist ifaisattrlit,asswhich assbelutitnsthis
hosetw yar;"Phasagli" nowars id-i
ings withithi sti i's sasos' , this
aychain las;" oasheSianNiPsi sis, ahiih
lias usnat thefatersitu's-ailsfussv'a's'vara
IDk, thS e Su Sgmaa['t~hi St. hiraisin
senyasat hiss'oush-a:sal'Jserry','
alas IPhi as mm.a De lsti bullougbeog
sugto loyduaps Istth a07 I tra s catin.ii
Theas-ne as's' as lags" aisuhpigraua'ee
plainlyp sassteie avisassefr n
stne"as II" satoltSThtSa IDell,
C'Iis. bussass u's-assseta'tSlashJgs Nas.
las-ae down sasassaf asils ltreeamstasas
tall a-lashseabesata known us assSlataits
frenasans. Andasa tI'a s itug ssist
'lt-usn,Sas, digifietdl inathat jsi of a
doule ameas, coessAt llieitsiaJud.'
Amo aisnias'SIhrena,.Ie' tlhi ars
NN'~lsithe ges 1st-itlhe stll hat thuts-
eat satthat' KataAalphaTIhtSas I I ue
'lodsg5to Piss PMabellNMasni'08
amaangthlisatais, "Nige,"the sliohtd
sat thus ChlasPOmtagas f course gets it
aslase ito int. Niggr is scasic
usaaattetp hisso rsor'sit cdimhim.si
Though alatits s sas aobituaryeps'olumnts
mention as ss hd h aduase aof thanrst
whsleal'msassot sof this Pi Betasthis
Jake." Jat"udidlf Spypidaiafeer
iftyp ta-ars asacrdnig oPMie, this
I lsdoorkeeper.a I asslnsg istane reaem
heian n d'sia rful easogpMikPulselerer
tucooietit"Juketis the apaty real 'iuie
assist dalilscoerel amonsg lar f-list
masco dits
Amsaongltar dgs Sler is "Ml Caitan,
tir grephundsand uuexress traia catert
of Sle uratSignassNis, adsi"Pak," te
iRnglishapoile, maasot f lt''rigous
cliub. "Maid" is seaths usa chasiag
'The PhiCis tave a coach log, tlb
namuse ofnhitasoual aluseSaeetiag
of the NW. C. '. .:a "Hi gha," Rigt
t-wutg this liac what's the matrewill.
"Pickes"? Tay say he's liar fifty

Ps ron vrey.eelnsto the Zeta TT~DQPDlJ I
Besidles these there sre othesol,
acrens'rstc a "Prega," o sotof the ATHLE I A V S
Kseystonie lish; "SGreg" of te Acacas;L TC CA V S
assai "Chris" stor tha i Apha Dierts.
Th'lenuthie's "Tell," outer named ast rakadBsealM n
b'Williama.noss' thurmaotdot f ther AphauVriyTakan aealMn
Sigmaas. agers- Are to be Chosen at
"'Cell's sitr mascasot," sad one of the Election October 12.
hembssaun. "As-along ass le keeps ptting
uSuph rugeisaesadlua'Swantanysp'oler. 'Conssiderableicinterest is bsng mni-
I I'll Isa fair. Youtsrt he will" fesedcini the election of vars-ity track
Wherae'uponaahe gail stp aumedrhwlistinig at sbasebal maagrsashint takes place
"busyOldPlullae iWNebindaaiasForts is Sauraday, Oct. r>.
Isi ass St-t I osae to Us."'Siecial isterestusnlt'e.aerfar teack
'Ilaintisue sdogs. then'cais, aail ose manuage is ceatdl as-ansegtiatios withh
Sio--ta's thur list. lFromau shich it eaternt athletic circea smust againa hr
sill 'asn tat aancsaies sre fess'ad opeediad M'icigaan'asestige isa eat-
fain luetwus-nssinthits-aasot bississalaer. erasfildsismiaitained. If thur projectdl
- - trillofsasMihigan itrack teamisto fLon-
CINts''iShN IORpu 1.1' dos, Enianad, souldsi become'a cer-
'h'h(Ki'l'NOIN IF hDi.Ptaintyp'it soulda necsstarte as' a braerus
rishdof ation sfusethis'smaage.
'Iln siomrll sas l i aie ssao uite Te cansdiastossbas'voted upoa at
cmlats tike th'ae ispbtnt-srge itothus elections, twossseassessinaig'sassiniatdl
hart. Is-e-as'ehEses is ausa a candssiate far earls office, are:
tfai pres iatt has yp a titus an-5 51 Duadey iR. Kennedy, 'i8, Zesa Psi, isa
pouce tse n u' a tesof adiduats fuserae--fuserte basealasl umaagrhip. IHIs
hisos e aSist sthasaNoassilataionasisisill be'issharrisn arsembereof thur Athleta-i asso
maailshussayu, u.1.as., has BoonasC.i ciatouns basebalshcommittee ad was last
Th olotaIt a si s the IHoartikaet:a aeas's intelasss basaeall sanaagr.
PI-aCsah. st. slings- It. IHoarst; sie- Lloydpsi'T. Cassu, 'cu8, Sigmua Nu, is
pshalt; ashqNI1u.I saltehrn; aseretary, l-iaaaeuy'a oppohnentu. 1Iehias servedl
seonauMNI llsri'tres-shete. Prank H. spn liahe uasalrucommitte twoayears
Dais;baseusalsltmansuager, S. Rasymonsduandaa was itrcass mnaage duinig the
Nb ils ia-a s:tacskmansager. Cassius G." sasn sat so. Lat apraelie entsered
St 1a us girs haskaetba'iaall manhagrePla-thateract tsr ar siy basealluanuuager
lre'tureit-natsketbalulmaniager, Allasni st wthdrewo infat-useof Sitinrisbu-
Mh.f~hl~ Gidigs ahsoranh, 'larasDiow- ouethlieaelectiona took place.
sat-rp: he' tes E-,litsa I. Iailer;aspot Irryhill, PieiigaauaaaSthix, auth
n-n..EdhiuiV. ' IMeiads; membeairra tri- Owlvis a andiate fuse tracn sanagr.
east Ibisaerd.(Chares i. Ii decal 551atarlHe ws'spresidetlof asSp-ar's Stdenta
Abiset 1. Pharae;'r atlsttiiste,FanisCoucisel salhis saes's-alas trasurer sat
tG. Kaise. - teAthletic asociaion. Se wa-a vice-
_ pre uasdtnt of teichiganssiaon lst
1ShiN IOIuNGIniNIihS PI.ACi ps e isaldswas also chasirmaunf liar clas-
'I'NN'fO I 'K Ii'lS I N I iI $ IIt , tucap al gwns ommitee.
I-- Cl araetEldridge is this'serod adi-uai
s'e ampagns hastha nsiorlienaugnee- 'I afus te Istrack psiion.
ing diauopend pyesterday, whetnsthat All umaembherasatfthan Atihetica saua-
ass'' ig ikets uses'etplassal in lte luaunstll be ent itedh has suts' at tlisa'lu-
luauassapresin (S.JI assistvie-lres-a- _______
idn I.iH.S5'uiiluaaaiatrasure'r, M. SNIS - PUATR-1, ''I -
1aR i la s-eretay. JStR.uBrooks; bsase-WS - 1DCTR OTL
stal s sa'-e I b-h I-shaun : OeFnk UNIVEiRSI'TY IOF CCNiiVs
ass. cr 11.u''-e I f. S w rc b skebasll - -
Inails U N. 11. Pttersan. Prof , XIi Pls, ean ofIe ithe-
I-ass presdentaL i iFristu-at;si'- taghtal facultp' of theUn'aivrsit of (Gess
presadetG. If. Knutil.aiso;scretary, B. ea will gie ass atdress in French, is
R..luh raueI,.It.Johnason; SarahaCaswl AnghlIHall.'T'usayas
trckml an'aaage, C. -J- Schnk:rssaiseaullu aftrnasuast 4:0. 'lhsa'suijet of this
maaeE- P. iForeasste ;5fotaltia alsstillhe "'Fle Unerity ofGIn-
matager. 11.I Ai. Ptiarka;laskeallss an-ui eva." Ns admalissionuswsll1 ht'ehargesd.
N gr .C.Wllihamsa. T'Ilas ad uiversity sat Johnss('alvi
hass manyap hisorialamesmis stoas
s~u-u'sual inuterst saldPeti. PNlontets air
1 5555 5555 xi SHiDULE.' siA ssau's lisAvlasusr. sriptionarsi to be hrviidl assain-i
ITis C asrlisle Indilasaecausaldepart- teresting.liecaue las teUCities
sael fausostthanir ussa sass arranging a Sats as as deegae t has Iteurnatainaaa
lardsc shed use, onse Slash sht onlysin s- Religious Council just ard in Bo-stn
a -ove truss "pponets h, ut meansasthur T'his atdess cnsstiuestoesn~aasiti
war and sultan sfagadeal ntlof travel- snahbee of the Cerl riamaiusan-esi
ing-(Thseseare tswevergaume-sisn Cas-cais' poganafor s9o7-8. Fllowssii
is'slist, inludinhg HIarard, Ttrice- this tsumer, somsertisse isa Deemsbier2
ton Psua ennsylv'ania, Minnsesota assailCi- sauer simuiarsto hat glvenls tushp-a
saigo,'.a'd a-hsoncailud'ing a trip finaistwill he atemped. Ii adionsssltre
,t PostonitoasMIinnapo'aulis. O(PuselIarndaians will lbe a least htwo msoerletures ans
s wll1depndnsalyespa est of the reatie a Frencsplay. eiAssoiae narshill
cgridlirnastrenagthosatthaneeast ath the tickets withlhe sold thi ear sa-hlia
t. est. l'ennsylvhansia hap naeting PMich- sorerlast,
gaussfaunaisles tiecather est. A memehr of the Freana facily salc
----------- - - ast ight:a "W e feel that it is a matte
s, aVIGINI0A 5s'UarNa'S To 1slaRtsBISHOP. fuse congatlaion that there is satr
h-t. Rtev. sitthr Foley Wilmsingonsaa lage and gowisg nusmbser of pep
cIagramalorhaunchoplaat of Lonadon, will as- it andau asat the campus who cass atess-
-ldnes tiarstauentas of the 'Uiersity of a lectuse in Fencsh with pofi."
sVirginaasuianhul ayetuo attensdithe Episu'-
copsal cnvenadhtionsa tsSehtrdiusRicndsalNE.W RATENi'LAW 1LOWERS
thismntaht. Thanbisishop las-apresentedl'TRAYELNG EXPENSE.'
thSu Amearicnupeople, through res-
sleuthRoouset, than original chareref The reentyenaceal two-cent fane
+r thodase Islandta, whlich he foundss in Iis law which went into effect last Saurs
eEiscaotpal paacse. sisy smateially lowers the cost of tae
n - -s especially on the Asn Arbor rairoad
SsAtas'r,c ONsra oavxonuCAMPUatS. Low fares already existed on the maui

'Tle navy sdepaartmsenstisa's annaonced hune of thse Mbichigan Ceniral. Os- th+
has inconnecinlas with plans for sentding AnsnsArbsor line rates have heen lowere<
g lit" battleshaipa squadrons ho Sass Fran- a tid, reduscing the fare to You'dc
dt isco, that three batalions of marisnes front $1.36 to $r.os ; to Whitmore Lake
Is will hue sentshdowan ho Palo Alto ho give froms 34 cents to 23 cents; 1o Lakelaus
- a street rist srill.- frosts50 cent-a to 33 crusts.



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