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October 16, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-16

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The Michigang Dail

No. 2o.


TO BE SOLVED TODAY trartohhedti vligat
Reserves Coached on Hoosiers' otcacorc rl rtne ia
directiotn ot Mr. Samuelic Pierson Luck~
Tricks( - Arrangements Made wsodt hail of the violin depatmtient of
For 0. S. U. and Penn Games. the School of Music. Mlr. Lockwood
utrges all thosec who cait possibly comns
Oing' to the great derrali for seats, ot to dto so, for players of alt orchestra
iDirector Baird has deiedc to reserve instrumtst arce eede.
seats for titeOiio State gatme, althtntgh It is prhoposiedc to hold several call-
liar regtlar price-fifty cnts-trill se- certs ciuring the year. Beisides these'
care aniy scat. Aireadty tiany applicat- conctert', itheiiweeklicrehesarsals will rtie
tiotis for tickets tate heen recea ie at taroraicit.

the Athleti assciatiountotiterandal-
thotugih the asociationtsill gatosnotinig
it s' ru t , t ti ssitIts55ttthgt
thati taitiietitt tittai m res'oeietr
lir tic friensan td atrots of the At-
rtc asoia tiicit Cnsquetttatistitosate
cii resereid sats till eits ext Taes
ay to riinagit S8atr'clci, heta ablaock
of ototicktelets till lieptaledt oit sale
I r.XWigrt dsuestr f atletics at
Ohici Statr ititterit, lar s w ritn ta
hir. iairad taat taere is atitusual enitu-
s~tia tmiamg the 'ttudentsrofithitstuck
eve inistitution i, scla htarestimtetatt t
tsast i,505aiooters watill accomanytiirlie
Ifratiti i ag'grc'tsoi ci. A large n-
laer of ,,eaits i in arhesuttliltachsrts, abit
th ene f h ielara, wit1lesae
fr tie aisiting oaligrit, ithilthta
Mihitganieits wil lie, ainavsatithe tc
Wi'thi te.atte fatecciithe ar sit
and1 reeres hisaltearnoe ttrral
trearatioc forthtargatae withaalXshii
itatIianapoli s will cnctoasn tnd
A sliortscrinun e ma ie hl o
morirows Iutllit aderthat thells' aci tIa
ie itt tat'btet ipossibleco ndititonforhi'ta
gatrn, ttcchacittes woitletakenaof atvtc-
list. iDouaglas i aleadty outsf teame
w thails ilalc, tcanYotastatcc
it ii tetsildrat Sil ct'ca
Diirecr Ba Iird ics to rtttttiasirr
tic fait tat onla-Atlelti asaociatio
tttcittta'rticeti.,s'-til le Ithtnorelt
tidadus gamite.
Inasmuchtaci s te arsit wi reset
the r s'it c lieupitodlasy as atherocrateics
wilt farete it'ltte GitstaSaturiay'ac
thearbsert ilou leendatlmolast etirely
ot WabshatimeitoandabtXattshslformais-
tionis face their attack, tahy's cnttet
tilht itar heialsnatuiare ota treproucttin~t
niiaditatier---of ts licligsiiWaha
gatit ar'st latsit sfarastyl f la
ir cacticrate i. The .critis la'se teat
caetrfullsycdrilledt otsiltllf tie fakie palso
usdiltara ttrdaitaasr h Xi itagaiast
Putrdueand uitasll f tem waisill b ii'ratig
oniitle 'egulars irsfteron
D irco a r has airjutat rct ittieilo
fitmatatuatitet'siripa tic Chicago,solicit
icitas trait negistitcatwti taerail
'oaditi manitiaes i rgrdtoiisec'ial
rains ffor alas'Ptacitgameta'. Iisa-
nouinced laitnight tat arrngeiaaents
artbtent cmipiletedi atheretiy excrioans
naltibeirunatato :AnttAbrifrnttiall
tarts of Micig'nia,trit ciasirCiciago
that famotra elslcier, Rairoad Jack,
lar hbeen lrvasi lestuotiiofagist' a ubtlic
iii s tnt "Co-educrationi frnit at Rail-
otga P inrttotatVica" efoetie la
WcIs ' 1,etatitg sciety it its regular
irerkyeartitg Fridayinigt. E-rs
idnit a nto f te society'aitnoiitced
at itt" i ti at liaretiurbstoe orator
sattd iti ic a full explantatiota of hi'
ier cc ii ihicvrtie sitject of campus
This aieetitgwiltareoent to alt ad
a'theVWebster sacity iiites tw lass
tstdents, esecially, to attend.
le installation of Prsient -Mallory
I,. Butrrougisandaithle otiter nearofierr
iii also e hed

Presett ittdieationas p anttarstiritrd
compelatition in ittheinatrcass seris this
fall, ihour laharesutadis participatetini
the ferst rest1lratie fte seasoat
yesterdaiy' afterinoora at SuthtaFreey
itiel. The' Sanioat'aut Jcuto'Laws
hdfull teastioatutud igage'ainii awtrts
outt,. 'iTae Soptla Etgitacer, camptioinaa
lst ayear', hadulwit'l eat a ii atiftaitti
It atditinthioi'aspetarealasp'iecialyl
bright, fiat froiastist yer's aggrgation
thesi-ahae'osritacut fiturtmtn, tre of
whom, Milleri, lFlantuagani aut lerdis',
'tea'naiyotiheiI s''at'sity)srad.tAsuual
lia rvitshtEingieets hta foriabl
arraiof material, le twet'y'-liis'tnt
whti turaldalt far rt'iiaraiy' praacie
tctotariing theas' akietittrnch ion tia
lit. Ills')' atast a auttat ofsa ikely~d
looking pr t-schoo ta r soldt
gs' g'rat srrt'agitotta.
'lhei'Soph ts li avelabaenoutcinii ifarer
aid taidts'at scsssfultshointg' 'lie
Firsh its atad lFrsh iLaws eartiet tat
beagian heatier soion.
i. . Galauprhair lies'apptaatitadi ttr
silass itaniaagr andtatle'hastscalltaet
tg ofi ianaagr s far thuitrsdaysafternoonct
to dcid upn rlesan a scedle.
It irliar istanatn ticholthe fisirt con-
trts netr t X'oaaarawa en asatrat'gaitato
itw i ltraIacaye, taoon SititaFerry'
Fild andtut tals'oiiithe Fai'Grounds.ii
'TeescthiMeiersaeserday a sfter'
aItta s'leie'taGe'orge K railta. the fresh-
maasat hiocaptedaatsltie batnr in the
rush, prs'idesnt of the claass. T'Ith ier
iirs . itakerseretcatr, . aiti XWr
de;trasurer't, 1R. (iftit basaeaalta-
ager, T aataaibaisketalli tmanagra'
A. V'aathicae:tracknsaaiagr, C. Bea-
alrse;itenistm taniaaer, J. Catatron;t
atelieal ra'pres'ntatives5'.kirrtirs, C'
S1. XMcCord.
11.1?sxsiras (.I; 1,15 5 1i ii il t s5 ''ttit
ths erithei ftr s t as cbodtautyrits
toi ise tgica.far telir ist time, howtou a
makettsreliartseac'of theuir ttaryihtieir
tsfrrs'aac'raititg. Eahimorinig ti
wee's'm saalseetionis, adraiwsafromsathat
firt-yea rht'orsict'class r en
lstawtishirought tics'.atuilig tad itrut-iit
r ditsthi sealo sf tics' varions nic'sad
catiaoguas's Thes'plaits origitatetass sit
eci seasorisoncesofiithe retric classes
lairyer tdsoim rssd Libirarias
Katch asithliits isisntitages taicia askedi
lrt Sittehen hi hiat,chief strgeoti
ini the SringfildtiautdIolytka'(Mas.)
hoisptits aisited the tmectial dep'artetsta
ryesterdal. Iulii teliarn'tinattg tic at-
tencded te aaronsaclhiics at tar lacspital.
b Witlo: hatrishasis atat gtest tf his Cass-
' smae, D'r. ReubenisPeteron,Painvard't.
COI;5 SN it;NON.
For "mental aguish"hWesey 'Wh. Co
l ass suedi Patricks JIHertmioni, of Atndover,
rfor $iopono. Fhersuit grcws'o ut f Co's
aretilash Seitttebrewhentsetasciabuout
,to leave fr the stletic gamaes in Chi
a cago. Henont is a tailor atd cains
ilhatCiii'orscalhim lir cothing.

University Favorably Described
in Current Number of Satur-f
day Evening Post.
'"liar Unive'rsity o ihiiganstiirthis
foremt.isas iwasithurfrst, coi thet
state uniatiersitis caraceristic act thurI
hWest, butt theimpiuressiota it gisr, stnd
espencilly whests aproaicihedfrntatthur i-e
terior, is tat ocanaaeasernis ititutitin."a.
WX'itt therseoras joit Corbina oenist
his cticle ociiihhigana t aMidle-i
Iascurt Unies'srity:"'tat the eurenut
numbttier of tar Satusrday Eeninitg ot
liar article hats lit'-ti awaitdcitsomccuu
antxitvetver sitter Mdr Crin'sviaitntoi
AAtt btor ast sinrag fac te lartursae
of gatheringtag teriail. Bit aithuaug
hi. rCorbtain tus t ae gindta re
mtuarialiciniga at itolcal cndaaitinis,
he ailittle tutupraise farct'h siganu
Fle i'air'rsiy's history, its raic air
telotipsecat, its Mihiiigatn LUnituscotr-
vesit bouardang hosustahd frater-
tater, its hhintigaistttauthnd iriars Will
othecr sdistittive'sraiationuias, its -c-
ills," stitchits characriti sst, ll
faltalsaliwstilthe spe iof r Cruhi's
agile pet.
"flat the urctiationatltside, saes hMr.
Corbin, "it hlistrtiv ecuruantthinverry
ostittwsasrdithis' et iat t isalccitrs'
scesctc-s' uoptptased tat theat ue uit r-
sity inch at ftehniali traing tututhis
units'andatchaut thanrlder 'bmoricanaidetal
ofi libaeacuturs'tututher oter;,tbut, its
pearticer,it lustsbhunt obligedtoticgist'mstts
of its uinstucionin stecnologe stdint
thanlhurrah arts anasapriofessios.
"hi twto'iwaysit intaraelctas-tat tar
ag a statte instthutonuit las becomett sni
broadly rereius'ntatvea' d soat l ibertala,
attac tact haiang deselorpedi ratfar it ass'
taittenelotpedlfurtie tis amutong than
assst coact cf suteuesitiss, air it
is aoncug those thsa fie greatest prm-t
ie for than future.
"'T'ie disorder is largely auettioa than
fact tat ticseunrsity' las tardomuinat
prgrssivr panty . Presidernt Angeltitas
gudedstits udestinis uith cnstuasat
wisdomcastdatacttchtirougha thu prioiusoIf
giganutic dsirs ntaeut astralexpansaionuuthat
ha l uacdl it sharer it is, ad lhir facul
tis sre said to asess ena suevuer;5hitc
than propulasis'spoertissu err shrip is
wanintug. Thur macie, sua asst .is, is
taclitlated sal huuitniug, tat it inue'
hatps inadetuat tanthur gigantti aorisitn
huad. hut amtosst ecaryepshtartmuetact
uiaesits' life three are maci factionus-
'as g raiuspof chae rtsen tatcontro, adtaa
hasly' catyounger enr sfisdswitacreative
energy , ashoafethemacsres hampeanres.
"Theai'cadmic saduaes of Ain Arbrs
rasrtil reeberatingwithtathe uoie f
.a recrut confltict. Ab group~ of thurclder
attach retune ufuentialh mesames of thur
faculy conciedu t theiea of atmtmralric
aahiall o cmmeattmorat those at Ian cicdin i
thur Civi War, togethere wihithouse athit
astrhave honoedcithur sutonatmatresatthu rst
t hurteaer. Ititas a uoleidesia; but as
it wsanof iogreat utiity it liiant puth
tstraitgy up~ons auumnui purs-sringsg. A
I atasucr camue sagtely to terats anta
movem'ncat catsthur taaof thurcnse-
grshauas tanestabluishn a Unioishicc
shoaculd deelops ta a cetter the scatered
Ssocialtiflueioi tie istitution. .faater ir-
cuars they senailsout has the gadates,
tappiniug face fotns, tie imuprssion was
.ronveydl that liar Mihigant Memorialt
ialtwsas t icude uthur Michigan bUniot.
'Thai'resose'was iuueatssclssr ads
gnruos. T'Flinthela uans face the tilt
tg tere disuged. T'e chief root was
aus asusctly al, sating eight huntudrec
-at soleuat, retangula apartmenrt, foe
,soitut, rctangutlaeuccasions. Thee

suerer atarbefcurtegalleries facepactutres
tof liar death,atdatticfor mortuary
sculpturtesa.(Ou the snails of thur tails
sweree to he plarred tablets to the depaeted.
bundl fle Mshigan Unioun? Thaere seas

orsaorie's authletaiue:' om ertrsthirkedal
upon iatowspeaopleha thanirsptonsibuility lint
th as iaate sald moralsscatthur tiadr-

tohs acue rectanugultar romcfouat ltutuis,
anta acue reainigeroom. 'Thseoewasno 0 E
itca't n io chitning roomiuno.tuteasy rooms N T
fotc tataui ath'eaiuug gcracsitaos 'Ino S URES JOIIN CORIN1
at tott frrtriggauts h rtmise i al citsraut'alas ethe'Ia'
tusrccuifthg anlleiesuagosnthedai.Ti ebFormer Michigan Man Holds
liars) cii olidatest har younugeralastionat That University Students
isaidh, Iaahoodtic nkes tauhemautitto ubil- Should Act .Masterpieces:
scringacoumtttiai athetr amtius
Speraingsof act esirti at h t'sdit~t'butl- "Does Mrt. Corbin really believe thuat
tio ofthedoritcry ystm, Af Co haty pesentinug 'The Privater Secretary,'
bin stttntt'tst:
"Inc otther words s. tossasu a fee hab-itandardBerman farce, or AX.Srrap of

grauats. Th'iarrenult i suodernusAnna
Abt-- pcalace withurtthlie amnaity sat
is'sl-ocreredallcaegs' lifeswitotpe hr-
'asirier colegspnirtitasdtaatditiontas.
"'Ii suggestiontt cft faiylife in
jorks.hManiyiofthealtodtain"at"ousue eep-
c lids'inanookand sr caieas ic a kith-
Oil s'xtiinicrode5ing" undeirraduatets
tatic a'set'y'ashahaltroomaintfrotacs. Ior
this notalic erdnaityistudens ts teretisino5
retiail'sir t ar-o lcwee t'fet
themselvaen a part oat hi tsudaet its'
'Fhit it'icaasi cacu isascishc hstate cl-
lectioca nitho iss natica thie saue roof
oboratthe atmnutaltchSomeca' fsew
tihs sca m aymetIi ' ilt's' lioststin ii'Ot
th tltic fusu is't1 a tat caractaeisticialy
that lvssthissnarrownslife cot smual ciueas,
gainingttilitalic'fromutthansprut catthis'psats's
ash outibuisting atttle tat it.'
Of ttinsfratueniishetas:'n "huvnt
otiethie houtsesstics'frateritis errt
actongoinl uenucce. Ifsi fellow is
"ivn stohasxcesnsiveconiviai''tiy thursnionr
cn esilt hipss i titus actroleae. lFratsr-
hityaa' sual risatat tousuihatt tt tils'
ne e fthis toutncrry off thonors
taut iherea againa tie staistram'mbeurs
eetawsl-rus aiuiasgiucea. Fe
ofi tasstueusfail clie'ly. I than spirit
of mnlyjolitahfl comr'iiade-t'tt
hitpsh ster 'boon scre succssfullya
cuial, 1d thistat owitawhters.''
bgauinu, "''h tics ladcig seatoreo-
cieties, than Friar;rndatul ithigaua, arc
hiaghlypictuesque.Tsc heitharis covenue
tut Sathurdaay'nights at ci uual IOactclohck.
Abt theandsof cc a hius'tails'e.arvedfult
cat inititalssuacta me lss act ormter e aat-
lie'-, .its the PopeI whot omtu andatis ure
hy' rappuiglilthticstalus ss ii at sigot
'su cls on atstheimember in stturntoa c'a
stng cor' a stars. issbi ars lavtss'theiri
ownastag,swritt in'sy aantier-in
College sa' I ts a u cittmtoaths
'cetssa, assdsis st" ucoaauauuuau y' sari.
Seea ofs sc t thitsmaddctspopuliaactfhIk'eaYoung
intrtrsat' 'cta'i cersash oca'siallaiy
pourtantatutidhity shocultdchoabhle tan tell
thes prcsira se ychloiccatmomenta usfr
saing '5i5fitd-igtt" i
Th e cant-e in issite 115ps factious's
'"lahiischigans citesalrattan'sthis satiae
libeties lau ersstr occiXXscnsin. 'h't
chaps'ois an r idolh iat laat aie,
hiut iris asrshisrs.r IPatts'sofi seeal
cculessru'siaces sacthusArhadia hcbuggy
rile acdtulhe its ctanttinaltcst. T'liarnigr
castfarigacatisheais notunknowntist . Ifa
intuit 15wspniapher'phaas, thusligt fanc-
tastic'tocisadlytrI ipdsa IGragr's
hu iatt ty'r 'isaanot prinings. hichigan
scoiran lir ccc-sa. 'hieu'eight leaig
fraternities, ocaer ksnow sa crthe t'hlla-t
dim cact wetteh avt's earowneduponatautlir.
It is said thast, at hhsaiscca, it a frsttr-
nity, ntoutaterelutst'powerefu,faits tatits
chatieract gallancty, thur femininea tifu-
eater againstri at institng enoauugha to adi-
aereathan last frersmenauta its utorsecgal-
lantutrisvals A Ati Artisteatfratreitiy
is sntunebcdowntgesae ifit betaginsto c
take notice.
"Ih l atc ylss, uwhenatthin maident
irotutroneci andsauck aesnfirtappeared
its nuber, thur maganimo'aus swomtant
studceant gearatedtat it sastauly ntualru
foe thin fellows tinvttite tueir oyiool
frincds romtahometa. Btatthur tait troed
uworthy of such muaganaaimity. 'Fuy
begans to have ttir sisters nite sehoe
(.Cotinuuued oun Page Three.)

Psar,' sandcard French farce, thamn tr
cci a uiesity will gaint a knowsledg
andac atrelish foeadramuati litrature thact
taill maksie thirin aflaue tutu thur sage
cut thur say cilia' potents or vatuale?
Dohaisarthinskthat tifianguitha life -
s tarpuIs it-throaiughathurmeum haof r
esasus bsuresqus is going tar decpen tot'
erichiitthan student's sauseenus tot life
ace hus grip oat it ?"
These poignant queustins anre ase
ly J aes O'Dtonnelliennttin a acr-
ile estiteud "Johnua Corbinut Knoksn
Presnfrom utdreRosy Dreramu," in thur
Chiciago Record-Hileal sitlstatSunauy.
'hule atiiclistssrisntduirety nail of thin
presenuu tramati stuatona at tha nL'i-
v'ersiy of Michuigan.a hore speifcally,
it is Mr. Benett',,,'sreftationofarut agt-
uussuts mtaaei inapipanu ithalby aMle Cu-
ti at sinrg, tat thur s'ffecttast uiaera-
sitye nanratnt git clnatsic cdramtat ewit-
at beng hudirouts. Mrh. Benneatt si-
frads has oat atpasiiont, statd saue
seekseariieii University ahai,thattit
is o the coleges andsut iversiienuas tat
ttn counutrtynmust ol facethu r ejuva-
tioni sattheanglot.
"Wheln is lu rtetirattkest OFmasrr-
piees," cntnueans 'ti. Benntet, "he sas
tot adramntg'that sophomaaors woulda
arise' ail spouut Thu hlMechantt act5Ven-
is'' suethat sniors wouludtatorain ta 'tar.'
hlaserpiecemenats thue best cut a worhy
kia nitut tis than glee)' rtft'drama
thatt theree suer msay kins u of wourthy
exrsrsionu of life thai isworrth osrva-
tiont hatit Thereeare liar little play tat
hi oiere-manauy of them very simspe, butt
verr)'trueaindtucpungent; thalre is Filth
santtt's 'i od Naturedatiban' andaShetri-
dart's Critic authsomtea of thur rih anada
comiasl pictues of Eizaesthantlitoe hy'
BeratumnasaandiFether anduljotsn.
These are emtinntly rspnisv to ama-
iterneposition. Atnatthurt'are litea-
tute, andu thuey can hu etuautiully pr
foredcubhy yotutg'people' suit, thocgha
alley' may noat Its'profe'ssioallaty'exertn,
arc'imueutarianta thec'loss' of ihumor.sof
charscterantalont poety. 'theCorbini
liais etintaetue, tuerhaps, thancanaty-
body seyd. 'lia list is lotg-out hae
mteelt'tuchedait it thllraee ffourtianss.
"Thetrseitee does ot athink tahit is
cat thus'first impoucrtanuc whetue auive-
sit)' taurus' r utria iys sellh or i. 'Thes
imupoetant thitg is thatteyylue aswit
llama, pore ovee themonatd get aniiti-
mtate, lovitng synpathiy with thur tble
great atan cof whihtheisy te ampart aut
at refrx. That-usit the anstinag utuof
suie's fae andtheliarnuaig ctoutsat path-
is pltformuato strat-is the esrentail
"hier. Coebita thunks it very funythat
somesnhulingcreatue at Oxford as ca
intrustedh wills the Prin of Morocco'
stupehes in 'Tie Mechant,' anti made
a botcht of thsemu. It wan, onthaltont-
trary, a ptuiful thitg that amnug tu-
sreds of toru of tate natd feeling ada
aneaing at Oxford such a vart shosul
tar-cbhensseteud to usotuhtthatiueauti-
fal musi. It was anuoutragousa thing
to permit that sacrilege. Mr. Cobint
also thitks the production of Ibsn's
The Pretenders' at the Waldof by the
men of Yale waa not without its nn-
tenmptibe aspects. William Acher, at
Englihriti, who was witng auhaii-
tatively about the drama shenusMn. Cor-
in was learning the retailersigiface
of A, B, and C, did not think so, atd
uponts hl return to Londoun wroe mot
a (Conttinued on Page Two)


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