The Mi"chigan Dilvy
Vol-. XVIII.
Escanaba Lad flay Be Fixture at
.~Right Half-McLean Watchest
Varsity in Good Workout. 1
J umping trotm otbscurity into the itae-
light at one stroke anot imnediatety
proceeding to etectrify thc spectatorst
with a series of uneexpectedly tbritiant1
plays, teehr, the tact from Escanaba trho
seas promoted from the ranks of the
scrubis to tthe varsity because of hisI
ssork in Saturdtay's game, tooks to tesr
easity the find of _the season, as far as
the foottiatt tranm is eotseernest. Com-
ing from Escanaba, ttie toswn whieth pro-
sticedt bttt Loett. the sersatite star uof
tast year's team, andi tiots, a ms)t
promising candidate for the' ine tost
tion, Lehr tsts the utiter peinsulta
town strictty its the gltare. A't trersest.
judging from pa~st tireformeance s, tine
three Escanatbi tarts, louok lit-e the or
test het sof tthe fotbatt season, sait
according to Toe t~stix form ethart, a
partay ott tto befelt Emo -Letir entry,
wiieh sthoulti tie coutpteit il tebetn
-shoutit net a kittiiig.
tUntit lsat Satnuitay tLctr hit bee
considered as agoodt man for tie scritbs,
hut that ssas itt. Its tthe first gatmet f
the season, thoswever, ie sas strittyvon
the joh friom the tap if tir gotng, soitin
splendidt snork in smasthing up~ ttie tar-
sity interference, besistes diniug the tug-.
gent share of the attacking for te-
scrubs. As a resutt hr sas tratsferres'
tii the vasilysqattd, but esvi- then it
was thongtht the ttie test to lie estiectei
of him was a fair sutbstitiute. Thlis
aspect disatptearest witlh erery minnie of
serinsmage yesterday, anit sass the at-
pears to tie the verrs mani Yost has beens
searching for-untit recenty in vais.
tE ie weighs atmnt 16s tionts-altttsugth
ty. oong nmnct ighter-anst is game tos
tthe eutre. On the attaek tie is asitrt-
ssind, as btotth the scrntss atsi varsity
havter fossil it next tos inspiossitbte ts ~st
tint wtten he is cairying ttte tat. tte-
sides, the is a goott punter. tut theadt
and shoutlters osver aitt tthe rest f tis
qtuatifieations tossera tis defensive swork.
At sntasthitng thatf the is seatto ter-
ferepice, andt sat once ttia season tas
either the varsity or secottd teamn sit-
ceeded itt tioxitsg itm.
As is his wottt itt att sitiliar ases,
Coach Yost is very reticentt atiuit thatidt
itng tott any tpremaiturec tonutets ts the
newty tttcovered stesots. Butt it is
easily evitdent tthat a tig sotd is tbetittg
tifted feast ttse genialt iones sthssutdrs.
AntI Cat's iRtsgoffist is ntit sit scssera-
tive. Ie gttsttes auibltisy. Lts night te
ssas alt stmiles, ands nothitsg hecouttd
thtitnk was tots goosd tos say atbost fLehr.
Coaeh Yost gave the varsity tte ex-
pected shake-tsp tast nigtht ands switti tte
remodelted bactkfield the 'toast satisfac-
tory workout of the year resultedt. De-
spite a stubborn resistanee psut t ty the
scrubhs, the varsity sealkedt aver, through
' ansd around thema with conssicterastle ease
and psrecisio, andI in twessty mtinutes
laud consted four timses, includintg three
toucehdownss ands a 'goat fromu the flds.
Rheinschild was in tthe scrirstuage fse
thse first- timse this year ansd seems to
he store, intseatt of less, valuabte fosr
tis year's tay-off. H e smashed isto the
ine hard ausd ds asnd tanked like tthe
reincarnation .of rak Longman its
forminsg interfeenc it.~lf sates in
tthe baekfietd. Loet svwas snot out ftr
practice last night, hbt 'athoughs the
coachs is silenst on the suttject, it is likely
that if Rheinschild continues to show up
well at fuslback Loell switl tbe shiftetd to
tackle. Losl1 is ransgy asnd aggressive,
as seas showns by Iis work all last sea-
-son, hut he looks hardly fast enough
foe the backfield. With Loell. at right
-tackle, however, a difficult problem -will
yhave heens solved, as he not only has the
physical abitity, hut he knows_ the game
so well as t-make him an ideal mtan foe
th i to whcisdsietobonof tthe mosst imptortanst assshe teats, this CROP OF FRESH-SOPII
sanist , tte fights fr tte other POSTERS APPEARS
ptlaces are ginsgsmerrityass. Gramits
andsl anagani hoot: upfsdailyisa ttheir ____
fieece tist friensdly set-to; Embsss asis First-Yearlings Retort to Sopho-
W~atkinis ire btsstttuig forsu spremoacy its
sti psitsis st Gritisy Schst's nt imore Ebullition with Difficulty
F5eatherstonae andi Doutgtas are constest- -Two Nights of Excitement.
tug fsor righst endit; thne risalry betwseens
,\Mitllersissd \asssssd imias kectsis es-er-. Sohomosssres mandslfreshmes-n sotensed
wie unyan Aledc wila-rs wekb potn upterbtltemps~t ti present tthe usurplationt of thseir cthaltensges. 'The fresth tpssters swe'nttp
titace sit rigtthaittby tthe sessoctser, tast tight, iswenty-fouris ostamfter ttsc
Lerit. sopthoimossres ihsdl tromulssgastedthtteir '23'
'Ttac sktinsg sdiumimy tsss betstintesdicts. Attiteramtions, rest issloodssssttype
ptmce assdIttsis mafterssoons te asittlsmste exsctamiationsists-thssy're amitthtere amuss
hsstst tibow ts nadmiisinsg pubtlic. this ds-theres--wahere e-serytssssy emitssee tsems
tsst issdestissedtoitsticass unpleassantt asic, th tey gist there is asisotier sisey-
tisises-et,tisit is, foe sit,-as the onpcur a sstsedt -itwtitittk sthampi~oos its
menioiseequalmity if tactkting extnibited ti-retclsiin.
1mhe vtarsmtsits- thssfat isscausedithte
coacsh to tsresoirttsostirs esiesurees, stnd
Slotti-titeck-ms tie itassst y tins lien
aff-eticsss tti tt ubedtits honorisof the
Pensti~r stiltibe the isessis tos assenit.
After ai talfthur's is-rk wi-ththeta
st-it~ sci- ig n sisgintlpracice
foltloints is rdser tihit tie signsats
for eivsry ly istoiesisest agasinst Cast'
i-ttiss 'hatve issun i eoe Saturdaiy.
''mro,- aiie s-s1t1tiesip sstsr b--
1%,en thevastt suitni-isi-i-ses, 5 toichi
hle sio thltic ai sstciittin seasonss
tictket swittl t--isetadmittestfre.'-Thits
t<ne is o tkethei stacsi'of theie
wstic ta ohv.bestspsat-citlast
Sass tua ustit whssitshi satstsoeicaltty
pospo td
Jastk Mcst iits iisotier- sarsity- fissttiat
indtrittkstar ,tschisd ths e rctice tast
us sutu i ticsitsnssvitu tPty-sicatl Directors
Keei-isis tztpaitr i.T het't ve'rans ws
ethtiusiatstic stair the is-sik if tthe teamu
suit tpredicts' aSt sucess~fiulseasosni. To-
getuereasitthi-i-eryonte wis itnuuessedth te
isoirkosut, hue praisedl te-tus wsorks.
"Whtile soitserof the sines ofthe 1903.
1904andost19o.5 Sitivstis.ill dtoubtlesstieI
sorety msissd,"he saidt afsertsates, ''tintI
'bunh loks god. Alreadytethe plasys
use stoinug ofhf moressusssmothy saitquickly
thasisat aisy- times'asta-sr. 'T'e sack-
ieishoossse5spec iallys gosts, sandi ashets
this suthisri-eserasssgei t itthe tineasisis
-Gt--u muss-' Schuulz ss s-tisss' will tins
to give."-
\VAtKhN(1 .\Nt) htAt,GAMEFS
'Ifs1515, tRAWt's SEit) tY \')IEN'
Croiss cosuntiry winstg for tefist
terso itiiitifyWonllhs hiscuuis-asicertaitnty.
IToity sit -4 p. tm., the is-iisecsss'gilds
st-itl test sr hrtstigyuinasiutu far tir
fu-et if -iheseerantis. 1'than frestinr' n
girslswilltutae ther aaork uif ater.thur
ws wssill covie rustlystywsassr shres' milea
ath first, sut asitt gradiusallytsreicreasedt
ts tiien o usmoe,- sccordsinig ts the endslur-
sure sof thur us-thhsrs. 'T'uesdasys anth
Thmur'sdasy-s will.tse thur regultasrslays for
tar walsks.
'hue esjecttf renthig amitthltteic
fieldt is stilt indlefintite as isi desirabile
sits' hums s yet tress fosiund. As ston
as it is- secured te gasuuse of sltughball,
a soes if smosdifiedt basebalmihishick list
urensworedstu iiiChicago asid usest
in tareppmaygrounssthehrer, withlhue started,
'Therr .is -_ustisreseutar4a.etass wiciekis
bseinig hislit thiistsys anth 'Wedntesdays at
4:30 . it. fos r t sprpoase ssf stsidyisig
Spssldsing'ssficial ibasketbsall rushes for
woen.ti'i -Resisdrs thus thteoreticmalsasdy
sf thur rules. practices are its progress
it oester trisabsls'"threseomeus ts make
a etter esscisisoustits-eseusthsese regulair
rulsies, wiihts"thery sisy- adoip, iasndthe
Ypusilanuti ruses w heta they- have heen
usasng. T'her egulamr practices fuse the
teamss housentt yet begiun.
te1AN 11iCuiIrcSu W11sit,,sI55ARTiFiR EAST.
DeasstfiHutchinsswilt leaveetomoraow
aftersnuoon fus ewm-Yosrkwasereehe awill
.oak after stome isiseass inlterests. tHe
withntstreturneus tiit.te ensslof .the
week,;missilhestrceitt heissiblesto ismeset
hsclasses this week.
i-tisns its' et's, ac0 ts sHi'usas.
Thur cass of it u, promtuithuet' r-tiy-
ts te hmaughty etics f thur sphsomoruses-s
potedssithirupititlmasittis las tnight.
Thursphssi-si-nout its fusse. 'hi rug-
sut teevrestitg slitary freshmeun w ere
escorited t this- 'umtiheg josint,'at-ters,
mafter pataktlig of a mii brstu1sessims cnssist-
tg ittsumilt tushina-rgu, tey sutrest
up ituan sonionupesri-hgcontsts. Wtitt
isasr ollig thuswistheuieeuk-is, this
humbuuledssfreshiprpade nosu-h tutiginsis
toi suppl5y terustometrs itt thur retmt-
rantht utulthis' adve-u-tsf -titusheur fresh-
Spencr.,'i, swhos lits forty-otius
miesfruitmthis-u, wsnts o'fitthis gen
ioitstae i s wh uws hauiueduthrosuguhaindowuuh
sfit room us usu itu betrty shiees-, givent m
inilk-hisoits-shampoouti, suit turnedssloose
s~isis s tini cmiii danugisg bhindt. At thur
raeis-huntitsgoing winetlst s-sithtsr
sui doubutcoerunes-stthu fr fty-osuie sies
tufr s dirs hglt.
flters treamtd sere!- : ess 'tiuutie, u'
Johstowniua-u, Pa., soa iurnes-swroa-essuise
ouit, shampooeduut ith il tuiu-tuilthuur oi.
Cl.'ttis Csutsninghaum. 'i, Pitsurgiu,
face'paitel. ineuitshampooedsui-i, coat5
iturndtinciunemtidt-il im.
.'tsin, f Ptitstsurg, uisih ttCtunig-
ltist gavue imsitati itsnsc igit iicurie
sit itersted sisecttorts. 'They setre
uthen utsn-cannued."
Btit thus etae smal miuses sitsit
morninsmgs-hstnthis nuumess fthim''ph
mustconsissrabisy-diminstise, seeai-i
b s ofa ttrests atsered tanituipssedteirui
stdiltmmatreplytuoia tir sp~hs.
hum that-g"ooudiout Enitish mannmise ih
i es itu a IfhtiarYt'z!" asdlthess
droin~ttuosa s remrkabiletexihibiionusos
moder utAmiani, wtithi thmueinss-tg,
bloodurdlsm inusg, allitierativ e headitgs.tud
Souininhg cntiet.
'Moduuesty' esnoug, mttser amusi
themselsus tos isthur SautpyusStupss," they
expli tiu hat, "Wh'en't, its thur csursesosi
huumanmevenmts, it becomuses snecessary tue
stir cisass tissue rthrowsuthin establishe
customs whirls humuse fuseso log tboud
theun d uss ts assueamasong the cases
si th stUiivesity tuatu separate uad
eqhual tsatuisn ts whorls tuerrmarkale
abilsitis andsu accompltsishmeunits estite
thirst, a trusterudeterert hse upe
cimuusses m elsss temlatousset toris their
reasonusafr sushmusasnguinamry uprisig."
.T'henr ves ascmu cgrounusdsitmisstrito-
geiuti uts edig stiulilratned 'mo" sit
thu frfseead, aitsuietrcedn truugs tspa
dripsinig sagger lbthele "sts;,the
"Brainltess, Batuty- Sopihoutmores'' sre tlds
sftit sints. Amsonug these cmplsttssh
are "Snering st tie freshanmmcsas,"
"Speaktinsgsi, anm itsi tintgo srees is
teir tpresece,'"ulawfully atemptsig
his paut murinee sitscamusprsivleges,"
S"ndeaa-orinsg to precipiatyrusshtssose
of their numbsesituste State sitMai-
muoy," "causing thems to expose teir
Sweet, Silvery Voices ithie damp ind
chilily atmsspareosithstarevesisgits opess
air conmcerts,'mitui'having so poltetds
thurwavters of ihe iBotanical Cesspool tsp
their Annsalsathisth ialthe out liie:
sitslosger .grow thernss"
Itcrusese withs the paring sta, now
'Ye Silty Simpering~ Sissies, since yost
have showvn your asinise'insbecitiy in
the aforemaenioned and divers ways, it
becomssies ousr sacred duty- to rid the fair
namae sit so ignole a stain, ad we here-
hy tpledge aurseleves to wipe you from
thin face sitthi'esarth."
Verity, the irrepressitble freshman s
witha ms sagain.
summt siaOS' assi~t"23" nssCTs SUeAY
"IPmu SIlmu ! 'ild, Freshmens!" -
Stiesh aserr the awors sehihsgreeted
thur eyesosithslurfirst-year mensMonday
morneing sumsmut than sreets of AmassAor,
fus e stu ouphomoures timd lit tip ileir
procats insuurig the nigt. The
2:40 a. i. luster trirktfrost Detroit
bruh:in amufreshmans withtamusuitcase
ofsitetrs avhicha seree aptued y the
sophomores. I is expected that the
freshmenurstil try- to get its their post-
Time casusaf iro mustdosetste rules
ini flashty-ri-em,res-staummitlacsk colors
sui mu yellow pstesuir,st mwsse tp a ppess
mu sitphomorsie hlinsmg st ames legt a
diin utiis-n fresrhatmmsii muprayrfu atti-
'Id.lTent followsesthin prolamatin:
YttSLD F't'ti tt9uN
111iTE 23 4fiTiss
iriittomulgatdfr thu Rfestraint of yur
P-ueurie hatbitssummit Juvenrie demeanoru
bsy yosuitexa'ul-t summitPre--minuety Par-
uamus t Pedecssors.
'heni the ethu s''sy-threeisits summitrues
srs snumuseatd'forfuse hutmbmle uad piouss
s-sut iio f suitfreshmes. Smmit of these
Donutispsendtanuytinig ut your time
st 'us.
Nii "itamugssih" fuse posss.
'th. T'tmlie uil prepaire yor milk
Socks a mlstties are tshe seems ot
Select your "higher brnchetss" ifuse'
Oc. 4.
Ther'im-''is swimmig ihun marie tank
Yoii umre tedein s t' mism thi-
usrt m bryoilotytgy.
'hits mtiddleof SitaSste ster is than
freshmansuu's siealkhi.
lus't'swsimg situthur . Afit.C. A. gate.
Thse cnmcusionu is terrible eoughm to
humble lt sitsnusf rut mrt isiefr' thus'sopo
tButu-turyt 5Saumghter!
Ifthtie tsnnocenuts.
Blak Fidamy, the' fosurthm say- of Octoer,
1Q07. M'teici Greensisthan semis
sit yurie anniilutin.
usnsetertsipiste effetively AmassAr-
issue tithtiruep5rcamtionsiiis, tselea
dsrcs ties' assigetohissumeualt nuum-
him-ofsuiopsuhomorems ledeirs. 'Tle wok
sit putttiigututhinpoteir iegan iat ma:30
mitsu euontinued tihutfour ococket. Little
trosuleus' esu xperirten esurms te first-
yrar muenuntuil mm burncheositsix treshimemn
frustm thurChiiiPsi miuse tproeededto
tear shut soaesinfitthur tostes. On of
luci anduitset-rem inidepedents were
esumgh. 'They were immeiatey dis-
rustes, giat luhahm of pste, ad yelos
hostrs sucek-sim theis to hide their e-
State street frustm the camapus to the
Michigan Cenmmtrlepo, wits the prim-
cipa isestreets sdiveging rots it, sow
ta tasuse asas ot spared. None
snweersut ass curcehes, tit the high
school tbuiting, the residence of Regemt
t eal the pssofflce, the new city al,
timd tie coumin ouse sid not ecape the
brush of the sdiliget sphonores. A
srge numbsaler sit procamaations even left
itsm, fuse tie ciacehes of te 2 :40 "aser"
trauu imson tar-Mihigans Central aeec
SEtO ITii Ses true, NrIuxsAs'g oNECemetna
1tPoitihcs mre ow its full swimg in the
rsernoruelierary class. Front the present
1 utloouuk thier nittltbe two tikets in the
Ffietc h ieadsedtby George H-obart and
IGeoirge Eves respectively. The fiest
mtsng of the year with he held Thues- ya .m nRo ,frtepr
tpouse sitnmiatinusg candidlates for elass
t officers.
In ils Annual Address President
Angell Advises Young Men to
Make Their Money Honestly.
"(;uard against intenmperamnce, gut-
tomy ansI alt excesses detrimnestal to
both physial amd mora welfare" 'This
was the warmning and advice given by
Presidemnt Amngel its his anumal address
to stuidemnts its Umiersity Hiatt Sunay
"I want," tesait, "to sake a few
remarkaIsa you this aternmoon isa thur
spiri of Iis associationmsasout Christiamn
maamouod.T'here is a tlstositsiussonste
part of many to feel thut thu se-ar-
flee cit Christians life detracts fros th~e
manlmiess of your character. I some-
tisses think uthere is a speck of barariy
left its yost whicha makes you umwiling
to ow tuo sats or od, thinking it
lowsers yost rots that type of ancient
mas. Your youtfult manliess causes
"lBmt does Christiamn surende lower
sne fromn this conditions of highest and
insst perfect man? lo yost not honor
atn wehouforhers amyact of unrigt-
naussuess? H-ave yost ever seen anylseck
of smnhomod intsomne isaIis uneua atte?
No, it is themanlyat hig to withsad
lie atacndsmt the cowardl who yields
his these atbject passions.
"Chritians spirit does not forbid te
acluirig of weath or power or honors
Bts ito younmut dsepise a ise? Matkc'
yourm money lawulltsiy smit honestly andu
withs the intientiomn of doing gool to yor
fellow mat. Is it Tierius ad Nero,
sue tLinceoln sashd'Washtintgonawhomnsmen
"Ambmitionm foe seholrship s as selfis,
as egotistic, as strife for weatthsands
powaer'IThere is no charm sit oratory,
550 depths of inspiration, whieh say oe
onught nothe turned to the oor andu
glory of G~od that you do sut: hoor
yourself its the nt This is the Chan-
ists spirit.
"hsanasything less unmany thanm to
surrender to the Almighty? The high-
et wsdomn is his so shape su itsnmds
smit hearts that they may e in acord
wills trite Christian spirit. One of our
attest picures is a strong ash igorous
mustsbowing to the Christ Child. That
procession of shoars, mecatsasndui
mtiisters of ages, sree they the types of
uunaniess? No, these se than higest
types asniltIis is the tytpe that we want
to inmitate Not mnarow, not bigted,
fint againsut college demsagogues, againt
dalliamne or vice, firms in everything
that's ight in the class room, in study,
or sum the alt field This is the ype
swe want hee itt this uniersity
'Thuen to the first-year students I
wisha to say a few words. This it the
critical period its a youngmms an's life,
when heelas to justify or mdify uis
early Christians eief. We are always
in a stage of transitions in religiouss
(Conintaued on Page Thee.)
Under the diretion of the new offers
elected last spring, a usiness umeetng
of the Omega Phi literary society was
held last Saturday at t p. ins in the
Aphas Nut rooms. It will e followed
hy a speeia meeting net Saturday for
tie purpose of anending the consttu-
hiots and making definite decisionsa'about
tie programs for the first half year,
which will e basest entirely upomn Amer
teams literature, The offlers of the ;or-
ganization are as follows : President,
Aleida Peters; vie-president.Ieen
Woodward; secretary, Olive Suther-
land; treasurer, Lena Sog; chairmana
of the invitation committee, Olive
l ucks; critic, Catherine Douglass; and
marshal, Katherine Post.