The Mi"chigan Dilvy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OcTW RrR, 1907. No. 7. Vol-. XVIII. LEIR LOOKS LIKE FIND OF SEASON Escanaba Lad flay Be Fixture at .~Right Half-McLean Watchest Varsity in Good Workout. 1 J umping trotm otbscurity into the itae- light at one stroke anot imnediatety proceeding to etectrify thc spectatorst with a series of uneexpectedly tbritiant1 plays, teehr, the tact from Escanaba trho seas promoted from the ranks of the scrubis to tthe varsity because of hisI ssork in Saturdtay's game, tooks to tesr easity the find of _the season, as far as the foottiatt tranm is eotseernest. Com- ing from Escanaba, ttie toswn whieth pro- sticedt bttt Loett. the sersatite star uof tast year's team, andi tiots, a ms)t promising candidate for the' ine tost tion, Lehr tsts the utiter peinsulta town strictty its the gltare. A't trersest. judging from pa~st tireformeance s, tine three Escanatbi tarts, louok lit-e the or test het sof tthe fotbatt season, sait according to Toe t~stix form ethart, a partay ott tto befelt Emo -Letir entry, wiieh sthoulti tie coutpteit il tebetn -shoutit net a kittiiig. tUntit lsat Satnuitay tLctr hit bee considered as agoodt man for tie scritbs, hut that ssas itt. Its tthe first gatmet f the season, thoswever, ie sas strittyvon the joh friom the tap if tir gotng, soitin splendidt snork in smasthing up~ ttie tar- sity interference, besistes diniug the tug-. gent share of the attacking for te- scrubs. As a resutt hr sas tratsferres' tii the vasilysqattd, but esvi- then it was thongtht the ttie test to lie estiectei of him was a fair sutbstitiute. Thlis aspect disatptearest witlh erery minnie of serinsmage yesterday, anit sass the at- pears to tie the verrs mani Yost has beens searching for-untit recenty in vais. tE ie weighs atmnt 16s tionts-altttsugth ty. oong nmnct ighter-anst is game tos tthe eutre. On the attaek tie is asitrt- ssind, as btotth the scrntss atsi varsity havter fossil it next tos inspiossitbte ts ~st tint wtten he is cairying ttte tat. tte- sides, the is a goott punter. tut theadt and shoutlters osver aitt tthe rest f tis qtuatifieations tossera tis defensive swork. At sntasthitng thatf the is seatto ter- ferepice, andt sat once ttia season tas either the varsity or secottd teamn sit- ceeded itt tioxitsg itm. As is his wottt itt att sitiliar ases, Coach Yost is very reticentt atiuit thatidt itng tott any tpremaiturec tonutets ts the newty tttcovered stesots. Butt it is easily evitdent tthat a tig sotd is tbetittg tifted feast ttse genialt iones sthssutdrs. AntI Cat's iRtsgoffist is ntit sit scssera- tive. Ie gttsttes auibltisy. Lts night te ssas alt stmiles, ands nothitsg hecouttd thtitnk was tots goosd tos say atbost fLehr. Coaeh Yost gave the varsity tte ex- pected shake-tsp tast nigtht ands switti tte remodelted bactkfield the 'toast satisfac- tory workout of the year resultedt. De- spite a stubborn resistanee psut t ty the scrubhs, the varsity sealkedt aver, through ' ansd around thema with conssicterastle ease and psrecisio, andI in twessty mtinutes laud consted four timses, includintg three toucehdownss ands a 'goat fromu the flds. Rheinschild was in tthe scrirstuage fse thse first- timse this year ansd seems to he store, intseatt of less, valuabte fosr tis year's tay-off. H e smashed isto the ine hard ausd ds asnd tanked like tthe reincarnation .of rak Longman its forminsg interfeenc it.~lf sates in tthe baekfietd. Loet svwas snot out ftr practice last night, hbt 'athoughs the coachs is silenst on the suttject, it is likely that if Rheinschild continues to show up well at fuslback Loell switl tbe shiftetd to tackle. Losl1 is ransgy asnd aggressive, as seas showns by Iis work all last sea- -son, hut he looks hardly fast enough foe the backfield. With Loell. at right -tackle, however, a difficult problem -will yhave heens solved, as he not only has the physical abitity, hut he knows_ the game so well as t-make him an ideal mtan foe th i to whcisdsietobonof tthe mosst imptortanst assshe teats, this CROP OF FRESH-SOPII sanist , tte fights fr tte other POSTERS APPEARS ptlaces are ginsgsmerrityass. Gramits andsl anagani hoot: upfsdailyisa ttheir ____ fieece tist friensdly set-to; Embsss asis First-Yearlings Retort to Sopho- W~atkinis ire btsstttuig forsu spremoacy its sti psitsis st Gritisy Schst's nt imore Ebullition with Difficulty F5eatherstonae andi Doutgtas are constest- -Two Nights of Excitement. tug fsor righst endit; thne risalry betwseens ,\Mitllersissd \asssssd imias kectsis es-er-. Sohomosssres mandslfreshmes-n sotensed wie unyan Aledc wila-rs wekb potn upterbtltemps~t ti present tthe usurplationt of thseir cthaltensges. 'The fresth tpssters swe'nttp titace sit rigtthaittby tthe sessoctser, tast tight, iswenty-fouris ostamfter ttsc Lerit. sopthoimossres ihsdl tromulssgastedthtteir '23' 'Ttac sktinsg sdiumimy tsss betstintesdicts. Attiteramtions, rest issloodssssttype ptmce assdIttsis mafterssoons te asittlsmste exsctamiationsists-thssy're amitthtere amuss hsstst tibow ts nadmiisinsg pubtlic. this ds-theres--wahere e-serytssssy emitssee tsems tsst issdestissedtoitsticass unpleassantt asic, th tey gist there is asisotier sisey- tisises-et,tisit is, foe sit,-as the onpcur a sstsedt -itwtitittk sthampi~oos its menioiseequalmity if tactkting extnibited ti-retclsiin. 1mhe vtarsmtsits- thssfat isscausedithte r ,! f'. L' L 1 . 3 coacsh to tsresoirttsostirs esiesurees, stnd Slotti-titeck-ms tie itassst y tins lien aff-eticsss tti tt ubedtits honorisof the Pensti~r stiltibe the isessis tos assenit. After ai talfthur's is-rk wi-ththeta st-it~ sci- ig n sisgintlpracice foltloints is rdser tihit tie signsats for eivsry ly istoiesisest agasinst Cast' i-ttiss 'hatve issun i eoe Saturdaiy. I ''mro,- aiie s-s1t1tiesip sstsr b-- 1%,en thevastt suitni-isi-i-ses, 5 toichi hle sio thltic ai sstciittin seasonss tictket swittl t--isetadmittestfre.'-Thits t