The Mlichigan Daily
Vol. XvIII.
Coach Puts Football Aspirants
Through Drill on Formations-
Return of Veterans Brightens
"1e ecat eat Pennsylvania."
Filledl 5withtthe cofidence orno
(fetermintatio, Ctoactt Yost ant is Ind 0((
of hutsies hae atretty begun the long
grindl of work which has for its cltn-
aton the all-imtportant hFent game ott
Ferrys;Field, Noemtber in.Although
the tots are bten through ut tree
ays of coditioning practice, te work
hsbnofsuch a stisfatory nature
as to justify tte ehiitiot ot the
"smttle ttat (won'ttcoerof,'as sWeltas
th tmake certain tltt tte slogtnt wit
wtochfthttt'iten b egn teir tsk is no
idle oast,bttta twell fotttdelpreic-
C'taett (ost thas asstmedl (tilt atti
ttte--for titttAlttottgttis smtile fhas
not fosaket im-ittas smne Chicago
twriters of ligetd sriasmtthtve it lst
a-te is tietitg te sitttatitnwitit
sertttttsess qtite foteig to the Yotst
tarle ittseva sols. At 111111 le is
ethutsiastic, attdlhis etthtsiastttis on-
nttrltetrick is Iis attsweto l
quetinsteringiott te Pent gme.
of teathintg footall last Friday witha
ttttcht less dismsal ottltttk ctttfrtnting
himtanttiwSis te ase last year. More
ttt ti1ty itet asweredtheIltirist cll
for candidtates, antdltf tis stuat, eery
lneos httdlepteiece itt ctlege foot-
hlttl. Cntsquently it sill be Iptssilte
tis vyer t omttiteIt'elettn'ttar wttt'k
whlich usttally ctn ss te first two
teeks tf prcice. M\oreoer, te men
tll reottedslitt fairly god cotdititn,
attl with ote we of te kitd of work
Coach Yst is givingte tiei, tesu-
sity' stttttuleitt fairly got sape tt
s Mad lt'egtuellittg of a prelitmitary
gamte. ' 11
Sigital patewasvs inatgtratet yes-
tertday aftertoo, when for Inre tutt
twot htturs to squats of te nmore
likely lookitgasirns were cascd
frtitusoteetttt tf FerFielt itote
other. 'Te ftrttatittts were sintle,
(tlttoteoe ttattua half tdttenttplys eitg
atttttetd;nverthieless, te forwrd
Iass tlayed arotmitettpIart ithIet
work, swltithLel, Fetherstone attt
Wtsiuntii plttictedinithttt'attemtss.
Bfegitnig tda te "twicedily"
systmofttpratctics' will le abandoned,
andthett'work itetut rtttet'wtill e cot-
fitedto itaftertnot sill ttith occasional
rtle quizzes it l, eenitg. Nit -scrim-
nagig will be attemted uttil Sattr-
dayt, rwtt't the .Vrsity is satetfr att
engagementis ilt te Reseves. Ott that
occasis every mnatott the Varsity
squad will be gieit a ctattce ts per-
fortt, itt otrter tattantccurtetle lt
mayble tttbtaitet ttnte ailis of te
i spirnts for tle eleent.-
lOttetf te ost imptrtait cttses for
reticing ot the Iart of those who wish
to see Mticigatt wipe ut last year's
t7 to o dtuingattmitisteret ottFrank-
itt Fieltd is the rttrtn to eligiility f
ShlutetntlReishild., Altogh last
year's eleven was depried of the ser-
vices of many star veterans of the year
before, the biggest blow to Michigtn's
prospecls was te loss of the "Dteh
Brigade," tll three tembtletrs of whtch-
thile itt cllege-wvere dsbarredl for
vriolts reasonts. Twthittrtls of that
toble itray is toice tinte trailaddetatd
tsa esult Micignsscentter qine
il setve stsme'tin oler than te
ttmar lichltatst years lute prutvet. '
S ttulte is f courtse pettiatiently it-
egile lecautsetf tatvitg tlayctd foot-
ItaIf thts'stipitlatedlfotrtters-sot, s
aconittteporaryextrssssdit since t492.
IIoltivsr, Schttlz, that whomtthere( is
no greater ceiter inth~e wosrld. atcotrt-
tttg tttttsless aitthttlority thatn H. U.
Yost Iitmtelf, attttRhleinschild, ite f
the bttlwtrks ofthelt'greatit1t05 eleve,
tie igint t'igible ati n toa le cttuttedl
lion t otht leit'shartte itt walping
Penntsylvaiat,as well as Vandterbilt mnd-
Ohio Stats,to soter fortmidatblle rivals.a
As is s'tsilv imaginsed after glattsing
atI tt'brief stattemtesttutdes'b1wCottch
Yoist, thtetdevelopmttett of t stitttble
furterbtack ts the ealitpritbetm whichi
ms-lie solsedl hefotes'M\ichiganiuctt
hoeto regainltelauttlr stwhicht were
onceit'htrs. .lior ithat-resptonsible itsi-
ttn, 'Y'ost htts twot cadidtelss who lotik
tsttd, taintif itltt slto v's te ecessry
judgmttett, te guy tl'etenis practically
cettain iito at's' a iqurtebaktwhtittill
ftrtishlt fit adiuitionuto ttheslist mist
mitae tilt f "Botss'' \\eeks, N'orcrosss.
Jaitis antid farlowt. \\'astttsidi, Ihalf
bactk ott Latfayets'eto etrs go, attd
Joys huillr, ersttvle trecslittars rethe
iswo euteinttg sed ill(ptt' istiotttitd
bohitttshiw- thet tualitit's lush goi Is
mtae a 'sutcessftil (fuatriItelak. Xas
mttndtandtiilVileir are fast, stfty andil
abovie tlt, aggressive;' the' fiotier t5is j a I S IIERRILL ANGELA who tith ientes tpitihis thirt-evtt
stir itt dsfs'tse. Contcer'ning Miller's itJ teiltti tetiiest f\fii t I .tg t irwaseveothi
defensie tability mere wtill le leartnetl i spesdn h Uiest fMihgn i Agelwsbr
tite tttet tts lces aidttsott ~te'Siltuatse,I. I, Jtnutary 7, 182. Inl IS Its gradataedi l tt Brt anrn iser-
gtteitySof tuth'hisrteb sdack ou tt it'.Ftioin153 tillr1160hlietili thitelhati i ifimodertt lnguagtges tndil itert-
gr viy f hequrtebak itatonth tluet thisslmtt itilr, twhen bbelcsatis edito thlehPrviece jurtntl.
retrntng studlents irho swatched the It 1862 lie war iideli-presitdenth sf the 'University f Vermottnt Sincee1871
satsal runiniig thsrotightforttiits 'yes'hrI asitces, this e t execustite if thhi C its i t o'"7ihigitt.)he, 'gil
tirday were httttdetl tiseere jlt Nois
litntger wtts the teamitrunn~tig alotg at lwis senl t188ii is (tsited stits mititeitChiat. Later iewstaptpttoiteid
an ncrtinpac, utdepie, heealy tiiniste lito 'lurke. lt In So, oteverse re iisi toit devsoltses'his ettire time
as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t tiertnliebitdsuttteery Iihis iutiisat M(ichigant.
Isttge of te seasoni, plays twere beittg _____
exectitetditt the stame mtachsiss-lilacosui
gav ahndilsnaphpy tray' that itsseatssitt FACULTVYUCHANGESQ CAMPUSUN E G S
gatee to ic higau's trains Ite antei~j jii'iii i N E G E
'Vissi's tuselne."°I S P R O N L B G I P O E E T
Ctptain 7dttgof'fsi is at haeft hald, wilh
fumeugth sshonofCrtupaceu T E S N E BG I P O E E T
fihin o tehno factig' as his --- - -
ehisefitig oittle lmotst vef ,wi rv Reed Succeeds Hudson in Deans University Hall Is Renovated-
thisefftteihfueiuts suieplyr
the gaite has ever bosted,. mnd Aler- Chair-McMurrich Leaves the Work of Construction Begins
ice, who starreudott the "fresh" engiu- Iledics-Other Shifts. on New Dent Building..
ees' ee ie ryu tfulak it blteinsehilul andiDaisons ou thte Noiceluute chatges tuhuvetaenipsate' Duiringthle three'monithis f svacttionh
hotspital list tettutorarily, thselitte wsitsns testriouis depturtutue'u tiltftculties Hamtitoisn Reee, spfherinte'ndtent of
intup tf as follows:s Fetatherstone eft dauring the istst sumttuuer. Seeatl strontg btuiuigs liss ieenunuusuatlly btusy. T(he
ent Joyce, left ackle; Patrick, left mnu whotse departre titi stuents vii's results o i s lbors ctnutehue ecn at
gutartd;sScisulzsuit te; Grsaham, right illh rigiethitie'permantiently ssvers'dItnsary eesry pil tt the catusfui.
guardt; Crtinpstcker, ighth tackle, andtul tihe conntetint witti the lisersity. Esiecitutfeyinoticeatblefar es the chanlges itt
Casey, ight endu. Ftanagan, the hbig Ott this' tther hutndtfmanytuewen t o f Luiesity INtll. A ntuw' cntcrete flioor
guturdfthocitwas axtected hto ake a tprmlise hatue ectenfded. hats repatcedithe ruigh bisris whict
place ou t tie tetutm, is haitg contsidle- 'Thenost striking catntge- of uhf is sltvef foti manuytsyers. Two n iew sttir-
tile dfiffictltv in gettinito1contioiusi the'sutccessiots of Preofessor Richatud csts iner tie nutietlith ie stuth doos
atnd uttil he succeeds it remutoing aboutud tusont is tdetnsof tie litersary depalirt- dotulse tetutmitber f exits frosuthle
thirtypthstieo f suethlus hueeffe swillh nt hby J 0.Reesdpofessor uof fify- ititnohaltl.i.nothier sfegusarshhas hbeets
hut' tuelesh 'eethhise'Ifedt's''cLA7 'Prifesso °' liH'iui ii i ieaftet siaddedin ttthe hatl itself. The old ptstee
- ,dtesoe hinmsef exclusively to his wrsk ceiingunder tie bltonsuy hats ento rts
titStitNILNwuitr, suN(,'TOsatane, i Eropan history. ot a'i ti tseettite fulli. Tis ades
'Tere will be ats infoettl sing at M- hProfessor 7uhcktrrich, (lue f the best- bott sretgt tutudbetuty, tutu is siid to
'illantut fal tiomttly at 7:15tonIstight, kamownimteit of the tieeicat deptrtusacit, matke tle hllperfetly stfe.
tutu all freshttmen ae cisdialy iied' is aueetl ta positionuitt tefacuthytof hTatppantt althiafis tacitfreshly aulted
to atutleitd.Mil. Root has kitdly con- Toronstosuiresity.- fitsetuccessor is tuttd the laortotries ithft bitsetent
scutlei to give a shot prtgramit eih his Drt. Streete. The withdeawal of Pro- htve beuentemoeed.
ntewrsix huudredluftltue cabitel t httttu fesr Sage fetues a gapith ie law te- Ittte ues engiheerig luidintg se-
grtafph. ' strtlsetfi. For the timeseluitg his work ertl of the targe rootms hatve bsenct
has hseent udiitdedl aututg seertalof the tip intotrsmaltitrecitationutrttuns to pro-
time Y.Ou.C.A. requlests all;-stideuths other professors. Evttms Hbotouk, who rue fr a ltrger tnutmber of citsses.
to register at McMillanatJalltday or htas eetn tmdeatssistait prfessor, will Backa of the sitops a stire-house for
at the eriest tossibuleoppotuntity cotndhuci his first wtriant "Domsestic Re- nmoud fofrmtsstits beets erecetd, giitg
lations." Professor Firbanks, of the addiiona space i he old building. tn
A sire 'sigis of 'fterdatty-a reef in Greek deparmntt, has esignedh to ac- Iis ctruer tf tiedcumpus is sects ne
onle's trousers for eery hour speit in cept theedirecorship of the Mbtusemn of of thenmos tisoticeabe imtpoemens
A(C rbr oniue ae nutPage Two) (Cntined ou Page Three)
Big Student Clubhouse Is Rap-
idly Nearing Completion-
Plans Detailed.
'hue Michigant U'nin's est'qutuers
til Stile sreeltillhhe ready fitruoccu-
paitcy its three weeks. 'T'he rbuuidig
tutu deortsiing, which htts hue'stigig
lul sintce Augutst, is tnor netrig ,cornt
petittmtattd .\ichigatt tuentill sotinhe
sharuitug te priiegs of asi motal
andt usd1-equitpedul cubhofuuse.
Michigant sttueits will reembteusr thast
abotuut six mn~ths ago the hUnionstpur
cae]thes' ole Coouley itroperty fin'
'1iuon. (lieIaffof tatutut htasinowi
tenacitdu. hDtuing tie'summeruu'u'se'se'at
thotustutu olulrs ueru' raisedh fy st'ilt
Ont Autgust t I r aw-s srtelit1111
N's. P. Jttaesis contrateodr. 'fle out
initug roomitiandthhenuuwiru- tmae-
i111o tuttelarge eroohm, t sereas te
lining roomtu. From tito 100 untuay he
settedllice-ittnetitte. 'teasiswill he
-erve cut iaitcatrte a1tallhlusesof liii
lty. It is platnetuo iisee reguasr di-
ies tiltSatuedtys attdlSudatys. ''hiee
till be a stal grill rooum just off froutt
thse tusain diting hat.
NI. J. Knuth, whsot sas itt charg of
he ctteritugudepartmettat Saus Seuet
pakin Chicago this suttmme, lus tenu
secuiredftoiactelas nmanagee of the clut-
houiuse. lie witlh Iave entie chatuge ef
the building, as twelis of ele cffs
"'I shtallI devote my eutire attention to
he new citbhouse and am gitg to see
thtat the memers of the Mihigatn Union
tare tse est there is o he otined."
he said yesterday, "'There is not a place
in town," he addetd," were a really
good mueatl cant he obtained at a reason-
able fprice. Thle steaks they serve ii
most Atut Arbor cfes nit foadig
htouses are little more thus scraps
Nothingtill be served its the cf ar
grill roont which snot firstclass il
every respect. Furthermore, the prices
trill be jult1auslow as they can possibly
he mate. "he Union will be able to
take care of all the class attu society
banqtuftets in ifs own builditg. W(e will
also euer to any functionu of that sort
whierever feld."
'Te kichett ao been etulargedl ts
neturly tnice is former sie. Att ice
tox, siniltr to thoese used itt large
hotes, thas beet isitsaleud.
'The Itarge frontutroont dowsttirs ill
he used fofr lounuging efuarters. 'Te
norteast corner romt wilt be usedl fit
gamses of tll sorts. Upstairs theretill
lie a room large etough to ldhutwotit
tables fuse biliards attul uuiefi vsto.
'The norteast eorier roesitiufstis till
he tsed for reading aned writitg pui
poses. There will be cepies of fhelueatml-
est periodicals amnd desks suppliedh withi
statiomuery. Whts- necessary, liiise quit-
leswillhe usedf for a privat'dititg
room. At the hetad of the stirs there
will he a directors' and comsmmitee
room, fturtished with a table atler
Muemtbership tickets fr te Micigtn
Cttiott till be on sae in a week or ten
dfays. They will be sold fue $.5oand
with enttile the hoederto alt privileges
of thue htuse atnd tennis cotmrts for onte
year. The atter are tneary conmpleteh
anud are situateud just back of the house.
'(here will be io extra charges of aly
sort except, of corse, foe meas or bliii
liards. The aim of the directors wsa
Continued on Page Fur.)
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