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May 25, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-25

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The Michigan Daily


\N \ktRI L ICRIII-1\, SAVIN IiI AY, MAV 25, i()tt7


Corbin Speaks on "The Univer-
sity and the Stage-Criticizes
Ben Greet's Methods
the proution f hegi atet asc
pieces ofiiithe drmaiiiii makeihi emii
rathirrviicuo in i hi ate pl w il
ac tivcd thil piecei uii eiii the tii
cxtrn~cof il,- iica com ly a d t -
ini hi t ur strdy ftrnon o
but iii tm i iire ied i i ii'' Iii 1
('i iiillii is ne oft he ladn ra ai
ali lv iiine oh i Ameica i abroad
it ltv' i :t rilert i t ersi
p li ith rg rd t r l ic i'i -
tiis.I n ii fai t , , i iii citi th tii~ d
1o b %ivil ft I i ltut u''ides'tilt t itii i
pIti g er t i na'' ii 1111 it sIii l iii' 111ii 111
digr i te a trutu i urlal t
Ilc re tst tn str ic c i age i
ag is int is n i cl f lie i
notbrod eoug. i c as ot occy'
a thorofurh iiiat ioi nto th\iiii
uniutc u ntiiiia ied I th i l}. I
buii essir evelii" stiiiii di ;ti ll. Thiii
amoun of mi iiiice n ll iiar of ii
iiiudinc. ii uiiiiirii iiit o,' it clot g: n
\lieI ii riI1 i ii Ni i
..I'i ihbendo e h w N I, it l
\t i( ui I I tiruiplat r i ff reti l yI
lows wtu to utier i l m l o
iii linithe iceca eiloi s mni
Ir ignityiiand iiii fidio i
iii iii ii iii iii iii n:lriiii iiiii i l
once iiiiikrthe pat i t he xiirI n ce vuti
it in reiaidirg iiiiniiver thati lei i i

be-onefailse anficiutiuith iiiiiga
'A troutus vf goud actoir a'ztilguv,

iv tis Ii iiule c imt Oc * heptiou
m theii ct iiiiI iiiii w r. iior
not hc-l slakng, a iinis the de
sira le knd fr te ml cr iii ii.
in onn ctin i ife u i or lo i
m"W dr ilk. ithead nc is n
a old y pii a d iis iii i il iiithe
clyo ightili ii N hhe 'prop ir1Pii
£ Th ir iirei fit'h'go d rai d tiii o
cyhchar tll]ofC rn of io e yih ich i
woi d olc a coleg a"Ii h ati tis
I o te Inl ctp iiiii ofii tie l assI ics. ii
"I1c ei (i t(,l iiio tie ii tiy i yl
:c Lny r ii coili he 1 d ot'
l a valtatc nd hatis i c iuict' i''iii lisome
) l y isti W tidv Ie re

IS ALL IN VAIN 11 cl-itlac.lu)(:nil
f lidnight Prowlers Capture the I ''iiil nc l-fa hr b: c)s
Yowlers in Kalamazoo for U.it~,i'r i i
of M. Medical School. th 'l latilhc h c v will
it' IrthIi t fr lrl tl. A ttil w l
thait I t i si' I 1 all itt i Iii lit cats, lle l1 i 1 1 l whi inw h ) ali tii \t"ii
(- l l t i l i lii I arti ei ll;iiiiiS ihi d lt \i dyi ll he iiir )11 ii t il i 11111i an
,:1 o t e (Iii ti ri t! .n' tititi '' )1ii 14 l a iic l h 2)tit, (.11 11
P- in tcitiz ens all utivurit'uit aii -tivit< th 1111 >c ' hetl lt)-i II c
Mini-i pr w1r; h v i1altci te a pacii t- !;11r inal t al
ti ati iii iii i tIAmAhtr (fte 0stn ~lc1aieiti al tri-
Fc i iic lv t k iiti() thu lii 1 ()I t h )il' foi ii':1 tiy11In t
iwt h lt il 111 te ine ii - l s a l - ' : l clc . -,) .\ l
tt lt t )I ' 1 i reti t Iti 1itttihg i l ttu ititt) g lIuIv Itti tt I t )11,itttttti I " l 'Iii

S}. u ?.
Hlorner, Valley City Star, Breaks
Records in Pole Vault and Shot
Put and Qualifies in Hurdles.
,1, 1 tilt'''' I ii p m l vi i e
itv' titlt i lt \0 tl tllt
.\I- ;a i P rk iiwii it 'liil; t ,' m
with ii I''(i)Ii liiii I utu ii
it -tt itrlii' I iili ti i lt i lt l li'ii ii
1 t1,i1~ i11 it1i1 ill til t I i 1 t -ii 11 11i i t 1 1
11lIi li iti 1ti I. II tt/ , i t' 1 t" 1 1
1I I I I :111 }I t li nt, ;1!1 i l l i I Iit
Ivtr M i ' i I"II 1I I III' I ;t l ' ' l


, ,
ti' li
c i
- ,
{ -

I :I

1 rrr .

under the iri iii iteiof co i titin fo
teii liii iiii lit i v thei iBttrivitti
rt isiit ~ ~ ~ i f~rn er IN 6%%lii -th
Sit-nistt rnthu he ar n t illng cos
stok o tro arkt i ttnock ithe prop
Ltili''tin Io tut zns lin fr t
at idn hl' hoy h ar n, tillt ii ii' li
iii t liiinnut tineiii liii
hit hiffa i i i he c l ti-irk
Therei iii lii 1 -'l i o tes t frthe itti ei-
hh liiccy romthelaw' department~i

ill~ m li tit1 icii - oc W 1 1i,<
M r. 11t wil lad ) iii lii 11 rg i/


ug ilit I tlt iiiu- N
-d n tic r" j(ill (>
IIth c hu l ii i

t-i- r'
t-' i f

t c-Ii l

Ii i l l
-il \\ill

t i i ir '- it


lii iitiii Xi-

ti l ii

Iti n rl W r at ii I icltrl ln w
11-st~litIcale " i I uluiyuu)ut imed
lk gi tMan NN 6glt lSllMi that
cla ra t I lii ls)iis r(i lily tioil.
nxv ti t hi ' fi

till 1a I t i t i tl - t
liii, mc - li mi i s
hittitliic , I c tt' t ; I~~r
l i ia I W iil la i t -; it i,
liHO ti:ITIic O ;a'
c \uu tC it -A l~ci"'
Cclii r hit lii~i s t)r +,1ttiy


It V a k rll
t l c i lt ' 'I" t .
Iir~ :t i I i. ru d I

ri ;i

4Tlt d i
c' i '< I 1 1
I it-;lit 1it

,ciir 11ril1
it ti
lit-lu-5 t 11

2t1 Il--u-i r
- iucl i - 1K
i"tt Jttlit-
-1, . iii-l. ii


4 t, trclt oi, tr(:tIII rc I' ; if iM 1){3r atl c:{

1<. Nouic. Il4lh-ut i~ru
BoardioftO mrtl. hua1

1'. 1' \iutg nttiu luuttugt-i Ihutiut I u-rece id ta tilugramut i nt e;iti li~s hilt Jutuu 'mt tutu
ill .it m n cesiu--r luasituniviut from uthe -Indtianau -hool tul o udeoain ar< ctc'ii;
wt he :At-htic-ivintg tut t-e gatmei-utwoul itut l aydit- lilt lssk,~i :a, cfclr
te- Graham and #iul 1 ii reasnh glui uulwas ta it-e faui1 i i iity' miio Ac lu t tuti ttun 'h
have l tt tiilwtith- t % id ut ulh)uu% ut-e tomuutu makettuetiut iA , ae ott~ ' i to
. trip.ian uuain

Ilillc l >ta i P r , f,1 l i )
hi i l7i t si tc , s
litittit N. [ i i ir
Ai a, - l u n rt ;u
S1vti I Irlukuut I liv I it ,it-i tlr
hlrNiitl i ri ih(l, ci , 1
li-ri ,, ~.1l ; Hil-
r hak, G~cmrl, z Awt i ia i-iv

Shut-. ;

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