V1 VI.ANN ARBOR, M[CICxAN, FRIAY, SFPTEIl IlLR2 27. 1907. No. 4.
TYY~n1ETTT1e I Iifullibak. Coach Po-it anutmee
WASMUND STARS IN -latnight that he au ht give the twoWIL E A E IT
StiamAs115othtler shot scrimmnage tda
FIRTbSRIhIMAE ut inafootalltog"t - ito coarse NORTHWESTERN
______rI iltg ast oHaeSrnetTa
Varsity Scores Four Touchdowns Dretoieived a itletter e- ast oHveSrnetTa
in Fifteen Minutes-Glraham terdayfom ioiDlartnmouth asking for a in Its History-Subject Given
Has Live Opponent. football games at ninn Aror No. 23. Out for Tenth Annual Series.
-I however, ittnam eh as Miihigan's sett
lDtivintg the aisits ittfortthit as aeas tol l 'otes ittwi)te Penigate one " esolveed, that a tll cororaiols e-
tihe wont of Norross tant other tars )cnt"e ier, it tiwttstotghttthat tc gaged i ittrtate ecoimieree tiottl e
\Vasiuttitlfeatiteect he iftei-inu -esherte ta gametwithi Datoto tli ett rqtutiret to take ott a federal ecarter
ight. , It te firt titttsc ia e-itt the titix andithtie ianittritti ' req-et e i hele, graitedthttat stth e giltitin
dowtns twlille their totnitgoa i nei wast ittly' \W -iitell excapttti tf tte trof. Tuteblooltttlast igt anoutnncet
onily ran thi.teiamttwith preisin and e tssistantl fo ttbali coactit d iiitll] its itea's heattes ithtit'Cetilett bitatiig
cii freiiuent t rtistocf aipltse fttrtmte k-OP (lFFERS PRINE TO ) aittyer, NI iciigali itill coottie test
tlttitttt iid ttre ttiltHi eltt111 T PfI C -ikICP'T SOL CTORS Itte s etth e blatitgopptitestidtes f
neyd o Feet':Fit-uldt t w s- It its's tettts'he sqttin.Oneitettmi till ted Citi
itial clash. AN$20 o ld ati ach, ittit a Plin gs yttlat CiagttsoitJtti. 7, twhile te
The fortrtdpa55s liistplay ttasti ttmtemienlitnt istielei sti cte, will le oteiwill cnstil c- it h is'eNrtihttest
otti port in the tattatk f lttthe tars ty it by ts' U. ttf1\.C-lotterati e ernteacmt twhihcoets' t Atn Arbotr
ittheriraggetidin exetutin.the1wlck tof igtheils'tatrg"-sttttittltst'tfAthlticttasts1- rTe it le tpatetaitl deats, ft'tit
s t hsit cait ntxlesl y ihe ttr ibtled isg i ti t i ket ts. tt's hetr ' are tititrestrit-iwhiii Nitnrtx he two t eagi t em st 21
telictletO ' Graham nultooeryirteit li ar r lilitaio In ,\ IcIl itwi ll areS(Ithg's' ,iii ll utake lce at f olTclews:
sest o e exeitt c it'y iemsrkblit g re b hitedtosn irvs th cntstan lsh'Nt v s ebs tesoityttthNrOf. ell
oftteaitwt rkittg thi - atite ilplay incetawartttheiis e.111 Furs ths li heItti ht- sP~ei v,.1" itt tit soheni t-iteov. zhsutre-u
floed liW a itfactotigittl ettiit Its' is-ine rm ak I'm]t]giiwititig stttit ti tush 11orthse till Itith eldr Nttsi r
caltitssaiclerildtact orhs tt- hls isxlIii i-listitfigeeyatdse-lttttilti oe oft- ltttsry e a s t'no r i
bty Refteteie Yosit. forti oinr , dfstle 5tiiu it tttisits fit-yeillrtal-s"Thtell auar i is ite a nulieriiofi tenstt
via- ltidtig thge is tildelot e- tracis tiT enis i tornits ests wns-i il ehtldti s toitiehisittin e-tfwortit.er
fronttie sutl i llsfac t it'luhtilngied fo t t x-illyear 1iait ry ielbgnig s h idS otk t ryut \lst yei' ritanicesw tt
licestiful eerttcu tttuu Iition of the pityillits twek irt- a ngls-tfor ts -ttl t ipr es ti e ihnorsdeaters rdt
Netto eesa tionlgarkt.ore i e ttwhs-chiseItred' 1111o u g or tetvit lytxtorNtpltttes.te- ee t hstt st rgoti odil
Fby tagnti t qulic e titil fgat uisri' sof t-a tttscn-cas's-io l tesl r t enSi's' t ial atit e ittieinsi hi CetUiea rseait'
thesfretit cigi as h qer ncytitst i wth i 1th les ari'schedu111 le iTheitout esitfoilt uridteatin-t g ters.
wichtt'r.Schtulz gotillerntile ittiitoitt g ill (heii lscttop tti'tc i r ier otll S e ig iofl i hi gan'sI(ttncesoo
iut atie i tsitlteth e rean ittiitth t ie l Pirt: nd's-tilondhitigpriestwich lt-i e it orPrf- T ublo si C i
aend t-asegnnnotftw atieristigh itto i n e ibtitione-it hiiec' si Phnxt i P1 Cis ay ti'onTTandPTeTalw y
stita fieetivaglsri eas-littiesetisetwee ush sdwek t~l etsw rdtiaes-harier coNnI es1t FitRTrtem
thela ia a gsPosets fra inl tastitgnextst; iNieotittthw Fle-sltrneisealtitstttogtandte siy i-
a nagane Eaft starrtti i t tal tt pinfac cosietixeltntS situwtntmo e hnt it theCfeh tral1 ltiasut
it-htfresh engtnteryteighis tsfltttwas i 1ora l iseAN iiin p 1111(c1il ud( ngf ltgtnCicao."isess~ il tott te
st-lil dtott ane itte han cestssit ttt k at eriS nvasi'n heni' Co' eld iIN i E I-''sl s-dpob oordbti erts-irceityeIechtiyearctan
Hsowevrt h tilyts serit-ettt ginnitgsotl btriteitwletkepac a- Fry Oerytes5 it imol f l t- lt ees
frakitige istlws dishov er it t t h ill' tut-l y 11Te 'n itt-sini l e i vn t oiihtt t 1- itett'ite'it iltts tls'
huhl the ,v sepunttsag reissust; and Ctttuih e tis ittiu ish l'iuuu lis itthutieiiteam.j iFRESH - I uutit hit-S' - tutuI'I"iTis iT t iesi
Rwasiiicorting y u l aeu''ss d tutg-i ti thuub s'eveNous'ii ret nw i n uuse asiitt serry; t i uutetiC ttu-itt eeiSFRthS'TciTEDto
tuti c ouldtu ou ndu' in Ito uton itttitn. 'n iteld ttandt' ,isew iigges ttw i tl raint htl ieuiufu'u uh thitst ittht'cts
theositl us uu tte'guiu ie str N'uii' and"i theiiih pair itofet-ault-usuenhi lit he f ti he i-s tfeshmant't c lttts sett
surf-hi d hevoetfu tihtuuueu s - enft t it I Hu uIs-AN iHANDBtutOtug OhTs-it or-t g anhu hu'iz. s-u titugdy aternoon sii l te
rwitunes arhiltneplace dii i e r ity.tat ll st tNO tlltutulti' us-ciuTuHAN tiuli eeas tttCal ldi' hit hiuhbytDeaniHlici ns.t
Asotu esld Gput ttutstiite' self-contitfetststaeid fakineeguusti ultiusAt' tf hu- ut-t hi-uutsf tihe ttuss eretie sii-u
JackOBi a en t shisp T er sn hayu u il ite 1te tihitgatill atile ookuiusbtud socie t.h eer, andut it ait heemeoiestuuit
fakntc heir csht. A bo-ur t te m i'dI-itsannu a fullb ithe U iversit ui sutusa stilptpoltel t heutu eting tlt is' ifteure-
of hu t e isimage ssictiss'lutttoc l- oithuu hshio uaduus tul ill tudfer ut b Io' n. ieslt'u siltiatu ther thiuiths h tib
Rhellsclde ears iI Flanatganti ndttu basak illiu"Nttiita i bliu'e hsagititerWay ie litucuttitug mbrg of hesu cluats sitsee-
srtited athte tob iuelow wmhi.jl.e ey i ucapeartueu i ggutu antuis tus stes'thfortheplaitformanush rApoed thasiheias ser
te uhde ietug hu e rcoa cillhgitisea, uuuetuuonsuu slsu a nd i ituct cierythig ls ut uts-cf 't-cht-w cut ommi i tereiwsu ent u
ofhi, t hat utott r a ttOreugusutut llyhis'eietntumadhe htiel Is thou emsuc beuinug'th. - tt u he 1cca utasuingterirul s i le to heas
teu d sui h c se i ill th l t ineut t u-listy. al-thetc ecrd' bthc iuotel Cuulsruulth ups .ht iWasnsomte
As tre sult lute sowd moe-dinsateriprved mp of. uuuuf ofet ilnatemptisrued ut ituvethe est-
Fort-thnie s dsplayenduaga n ytittled or suoin-tel-u tecu sds ociege t ys' theytwreti tinct oatayth tdoororauthae
Ctinethigs a hmartear h enlur wast h us esiuca hfticuisttOfeutl reaetingu husalls lysucinthaifti teyutwereifothomoretis-
uttic onsisuth itplrc r..whih le tast ow lute duehusrillioshefaltheh dFiffty'eetis-dtug g t nom hi lssi so
[lthre wetCadry, hft Flanhl ar caout heft rtategaihttillont aftewiversiy.hai CiF.esdiyofniatotnpandt pre-a
S rtakl; hus et guardl shtjb,evecci- Prieutookatglo antinhe peaus o hr ci ssp isatars h.cu ahtieh stiistantre,
Icrt ethtanyonrightntserhaCruto ltscer. arituietsould kunuit ciotnteirg tiers commteusey wihttepof r e lotaph efl
brigt, btbackle -a lstte anrighut e n willhv rs herrsityis.tlurumi as itfocrmedtchemi thostit was instrutr
Vtamnid, tquarte hak IMafliithlefTtihefitieifthennuliggrecetitoni l ntshif idftacy ii heCeriftye faut-.
hahmihc qRuarteyrigtk;huagfitui; lauthtofb th ftehige ilevyenr..tiltpamayi h Uiestyo a
Ohiuitr shrts fr thur girls is thur
specilue fsttionhatisstie twit thur til-
ma 's Atihetic tsstocationthiis fall, ath
thes tutuotpects oilantt uhetic fiel auth
soesuit-citvteitiesis crst coutry
walkinsig ito tule tie lsterof Ipart of
the ime liheuichtwtuldthuostherwise hesetu
ill indooir t'exercise tie bigiteth ian
thus littlv ben bheusfire. :DeaintJor-
ittuthasjotieidthi s usociationtu andth
tltn oif sctangitg theus'iuionuuinior-
lier' tadmit membt leus f Cllegite
'tiuti andfaculhtty oetitutfr si fee
Il l illscetnts lhas biecnuro tsed. Sutmie
hiacult i cutrsenwlus)ptyd iockey at
iesiserntsolleiget havit''altreadty sown
lie iitrest -ntiNishPerrntthuee
thy tucalitruuuiiiuuctor, a ior thilesiof
coscutry ttatukitg ssetllis tenis,
hocky an log bal.The. flembtetrs of
this associaitili sltone lking foti'itsit
aFitee t rettnr op tatwt
thilantropictwr itilog thus lue of
tassisting thus-fleshmanuut gils lustsnoss
lust-ntiint rsrss frlitetiautek Lider
thie dirion 11 o f thus' utomati's legue
1e usin1c iiWednuesdasySeit. 8IS tutu-
ris-i- ill girls Iavetme thuitnus helpeu
thie uliutut Itcitl hiwItcuttus to fidu
ro stiltvisedthitsittcuittieriuntgtheir
work ii and'il steeed thsmito ctss tuosa.
Nisse thus e hacks Ilciiiisteti atd
hloet c Carui' uety lutist-huatdcasrgeuf tis'
litheIantutuoItihus'sice it iegaut at
the,- eatght'etoin nivtkttenity Hisllbhecti
tithutOmileatso1115'girl 10 hotltis
position11of emporiuatuy guatrinttsangel
toi tile wunderers fromtt bornte. Net
Stut uui iat'ther'es-uwil be atu thrty st.lBar-
bour gyms-titsu foreall ecullege woent
tilld especiallyt thee' girls, fromi 4 10 6
p. il. Tis fti1sth i-vsut sf thurleagui will
his irect'edh byMills- tlls's-Blcksanitd
is ls- i uruts Csarr.
Phiysicali examinatuuionus sat IBabouur
g's-tsitutu begtanu sesteruday. Blis
Besruta Stewttnisitnouwuatitg director
it tile gymnium 11. Mist Perrint, iho
hut s tudiiied anta ugtst te Bostot
NiormaliiSchoolout f PhyiclTih raininig
and who11111hats talo hut-ctntutuistructotr
t Smtlhlus takhent hits'posiution sf piy-
sit-il intuchtr. Mis s udeisHatshorn,
ito liis froituthi sameticscoo11l iiBotonti
is acting as BNiiss ierin'sItsistanhit, tandt
is takinig special 1chasuge fliiie prptusset
ou onr spoit s. Nirs .k.. Georuge is
agin i mm n intlg teaching.
hkh-;hhN'I's 'MtAY'DECIDE1k
ihe l uhesiutintf a site for the
Mhemoutrial Ibuiliniug till it is epeteu,
lie tittlssettile 5a1 hits mteetig ilf thur
Roa([f legsehts tdaisy. 'fle seectiout
fo hiltpurpouuse fthe Tappat haslcor-
nen f this-cuttmpusttte sututustime go,
Itill, it is si, be cotnfirmued, aindlsefitite
shels tkesuto1111rsellging ut the build-
lute ciontract. if these predictious ac-
ttull coe to pahlstie ourer of mouct
hits-n feelinug andh iciy antipty wil
he fiureere(triedup u~.
flu e nlcOrial cunmittuiee, cutumtosesh
uf prminuuentuu utmui eldIfcuty men,
utill uprbabihlyuparicihuate it thur essioun
ofl tile Iegents. flhey will at any rte
lit i tilne-it eicting oher thurfiah
descisiinofItie goterninig lily.
B. C. Nisuri, whou assisted Traier
Fitzatatick last ear, will oach the
track squu ta i Nore Dame next pnig.
Dan J. Kelly, Great Coast Ath-
lete, Comes to Michigan to En-
ter Law Department.
Danui J. Kelly, of Eugneu, Ore holder
of thurwtrsl's recuordl it the uoo-yard
dasshtn sout muue lroadh jutmpter reached
Annu Arbour last ight adh will erlli
-touday ithe l epusiaritents f thur
Ultversity. Kelly's arrival comtuulet
thur biggest list of frethmnatthuetic stars
sitter thur fall that gare MichigatLung-
maTttt fom ti aniotid atid inumueroius
other lights. UntilsihIis arrivasl last ight
it was 1101 deinitey knowntttthether
Kelly woutl choouse Michigtan or sumte
easternittiutiot. le lissbunutin
Pittisurg recentltyaltutught he ash
wriltten utofrindus iintuit Arbior that
he preferreud Mihiganu to thinotiter cii-
leget utnider conisidherationt.
Kelly iss a recuordlof:ott 3-5 for thur
cenuury sash, which, sice thur exposure
of Dtuffy's profssionualismu, enititls Kelly
to tite wuord's recurd. 3Moreoer le
has'shuttlounger sint itt teler te
thansu :22 and hluss a record of 23 feet
itces uetatthu roadrisumpitt- IHis adui-
tionto utthiNlihigattu rackstlu-sitadss
fiftern surepo~its it the EkasternuIluter
cullegiae i159og s f couurse lie till
lie inligible this yrs ttuittg t tie suie-
yeasselnigiliity rule
hut urder thast all studencits trho have
haul expserieutce at golf ay ae aut op-
potinuuity to make thur Autn Arbor tui,
wthlicht is cosedus osf stutuenuts adu fac-
ully mtc, tryouts will be hlrd touystd
htomorruiw. T' scheutult follouws:
Sept 27, 28-M'edal tplay 'for tam
placst Membuer nmust trut i cards
certifiedhIl tou hopponets for eighltenu
holies atsilasis forul acitg tenu. "Tnt
players tush twot alternatses chosuenu. sll
will tat-u-a chaises-t try fur thur issuit
Lips teotheudutilofeau h instchnieithithsller
Oct. 2 kttuurtitg--ach- wills the
Otttaatsark cubi, of Toledo, 930.
ONt 2 (mtornitg) -Malch witt
Walstkerville-Windusorof Canaahsu :out.
kOctt-t Msilwsithtthis Detruoi clubi
siat Detruit.
(Jct. 26 (umonig)-Mastcht wit thur
Invsernest cubtifofulleo 130.
Nov. a (afterinoiont)--Annualtichits
touurunament. ight toIqusuaify formatct
sply, 1:30 p . is
Nun. 9 (mtoriunig-It ittprobablhe that
shun Grosse Point cub,uf. Dtrsoit, till
lay st Annu Arhor
Nov,16(m utorninig) -Match wihi le-
truil clibi 9:30 a mi
h tis t 1(1inprobsaihe thasuthur' tll1
le interciollegiste ututches wills theinou
State unuiersity auth Pennsyvanuia. Su-
thdeitssre urgeud ttry out fr thuder-
sty golf team.u
'Ekhe class of 191 till e formtaly
,introducedt to Univuersty life on Sui-
iny afternon, whent Pretient Atgl
sill deliver hit annual aduress to the
Ientering class
NThe auniewill he furnissh y the
YMCA. quartet and y Henrty Chureh,
orgauist Dr French, of thersby
leninchurch, will liner charge f the
HOURS: 1:30 to 2:30 P. M.
.. t 7:00 to 8:00 P. M.
Ore h aiy T d y Per Year, - - $2.50
Delivery Starts,"Immediately. NO Back Numbers Furnished Cash with Order, $2.00
1 #