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October 17, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-17

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TheMi'ch'igan Daily

No. 21.

Vol-. XVIII.

Varsity Scores 26 Points on Re-
serves Who Use Wabash Meth-
ds-Forward Passes Feature.
fit the latpt iegze oiilI(f tie sa-
son the varsintylowned tillsrtbs-
alias 'iaiil li itenoonce,-r--olliig up
tweity-ix pointt-oil tilme- belsiveI
Hoosiers. If tie wty ill whichthetl
scrubs plays were hnleditl by Yotts
hopes yesterdlay is anycritein, thleis
real "geteminifrontsIniana"ss will1
ti ll ilto prepareiwfoeas-si sest i
Only- ocec (iltthe srbsiluse te till
wetrti passilsucesssnlly: foIfiftityards
aiid the sole fPsttdtownittisse hiytie
-ecouni eleven.- Tie sarsitys gals lilt
ws ticser its dange, asutet till I l -ii
tabooited forward heave, tsdifreqeintly,1
had hemo guessitig 'Tres i hfurtl
toucehdowns are tmsse sdiretlybysytss
te tol tits "ipraectiabile srtisss'lier,
tndth le sruibs.wtothalite ip ly used
oilthemieti-vcit Iia-,tws-iecable iito eb
le ps-- ut twisis-e list ltwotti itil
itiwsiutsedThe'liigretiadvitge ofe i
this ceaststn f te-"Masite Mind"itt s
thatu iveil i ifte btaltle,,fubletere isi
tie amstltin vuaruiably einiughtit sit
playercts stuidtiheis-recivuig isenditoire-
ctve fr a gsin.- i lInshecs- titthe
ansitsnitittisstutu5 ibforeavsi tiy
tntu lis touched it the lingtiheacsve i
nealy is gottiastia pshntWills tel
lt-isising le hlst11 his ts- i is thei-. li
looks iarl ito et. i 1wa ssd ystr-
day- for a tt tota tifttt otis Itutu est
sitd ls -si it yrs gsi.
Of the lwenty-sixpints iscrd
iwntsy isee madsie ite tirst-Iaf isthi i
Csptaini Mityifui tutud'"Ctlay" i Graham
il te sidelines. Loe i s itheiicap
taln'spaet-n starituret i sverii litg
gais lot Hasiimmod tand 'tiiltsr
layee lsine gmttat sisitenslsf thlet
line, IHasiiiiii oinbttg smitsst ck-i
hung stdnice rees-lg f Iosiltsfor-
iwardi passe, ii uttittioin tssi h siig
wiiih itas gotd. Milleils teei i
idodrgig dst-i stbroket-iel teri rie-i
ceiitg a sunt, astitul fsiing liiit'Ibll
ater fiuble. Waismundirantteateamtstl
the first half stnd Sllianiititlst of te
seceondu,Miller taig iiss pict-etithe st
ilhe of liii-cotes. basiisniiitas- li
stesdil imiproig its gnersklpi ini
ic is right itihei]n inttg puis is
stl. Sllivtni hels I)is ii lbeter
shape- ut is ot sit slit itthlssite
LestitiAlerice tieeeotff Se setie
gisi h irst itsilsf situ Loci] lay
le ir-sirtpositinii ii lasy 55 sty aits
silt Matgfin wa ess esisiythue stiilis
secititisessioni. Te lhne, sill s sht'ie
Sehlzi as the keystoie, ceraitly isissiuis
guod.ti Te retl sensatios sf te cont-
est nws the goalitfromti tsietditeiscredsi
by te someietigerouuts "Gemasty -
The lest tuchdiowns sas soret inia
forward lass, bastsuito M tsAletice.
from sthe tirty-yarllue aftesitetnty
yard gin biy Letr adaothnsler forwasted
heave inetig i-aety-fie. Rteiisclil
ftailed lto gos.
After sn exhatge of pntts ati it ets
yard gal oil a fstke pintsby Lotel, hlait-
msitndt naite the last five yaris on sit
oiher forward pass without itterferece,
stccesfuly siakitg off a frsantic sruts
tackler. 'Rlcities' toe aginihwieti
Alledie goaed fromi the fiet after
some iiraigt footall hadsitisctet godi
gaisi and after fifty yards had ects
made on two of Eckesals ptedietesta-
ions. Tie al was carried to te five-

yaed line, hut a penalty fored the ikick.
i-eee the scruibs got buosy stndnmade
their only lerst dont, on a fotrward pass5
-a is Wahash--netiing fifteets yards.
Afierebunkitng the line foe seveti they
lost the hail on downs. A twenty-yard
gain hy Lochl and four forwaird passes

itsn faidsiesioenbeLhrtoovrorthe- tid touichdiowv.t Gee- WE'LL WIIIt' PENN,"
isistits tessestled tipuon to kics the goual.
an repne 1Tacily otn the AS URED SIYIN
haslf endiedt stthis. oit.
gore siteItocd ownet e onsi sorie vatsuitMass Meeting Arouses First Real
-tnsnighitifootiball anuit nsttt by Cataiti Spirit of Season- Team Sent
itisgititits. I tiet" gttaied. The varsity Off with Cheers.
hadsi tite morie chclsse toscsette, ais at-
temptil at goaltifeisitplaceisenut frotunlii- Tiity--fi'- I thunded rosotterstredi sit
twsty-1 r lyssitine. "Snilly fiumnshedithe for the first if tusc MicttigssttiUnion matss
-al itandri'cosceiloolus aste t ive mi~~ ieetitigs ai Universiityihall last tight.
'(teyss' toe a fsairehcite. Vise gaims C. C. Simnotf Dtiroit, still the sip-ak-
tndedsi-th liihii- bsaliiin the scrutbs' teti-- er' antuhiiisiaediessoniiMchiugasirit,.
stee line in tic varsilty's posseisisin. clossitign-ithsthe isds "''i llwitp.i
Cotch Yrost wsi pleased wilts the re- Peinnsylvania oii Novetmbser u6th,"
stilts. Ilt-sidheftc srubhs are prettyitroutght cicer sifter ciheee and et slped
stiff uopponntsisiow, theirlhne otweigh-- givelii the itsm eairousiing slit sen-otisfusso
ig litevustsy qy-ite si margit, antiWatbash.

had itig his silk list, hii chief pride atid
stetiititt. cii a carefully iditted spot,
hegsn.iils first phriese was one' which
le liss retidered familiar throughout
Atnn Aerbor--" Most thoroughly do I up-
recciate." tie titld ifhits anmhition to
stdeisess iianiaudience iiinlUivrsity hal
Mstiay bMichtigsitimciihe uasserted, 3;fr.
Trebilooidsantd Mr. Sitmotis sintg the
iiutie. listad beetn his iterested listeti-
es isthle st reetcorntters of iDetroit.
With si flawiing tribuite t tPeesidient
bisgell. hti hIis scat iwith loud cheers.
Afteer'liTeVictors" stndt"Tue Yellow
-'til Isth husi ti-ses- sunug, the imueitig

Il 11\


the situt ilt 1151dIc was grautyitng.

Aills I bbitiue. I .
(isise . . . . . . I . -
hII~b ..... ..... i,. 'G
Set l/. . .. . . . . .
by ainii s iitt (rh li-i lR.:
Re l cid .. .T
I111110 1 . . It I,,.
byII tn -i i l -i 'tll stilt
bu Ills .t , ... . .
4eI-u-l \ tlui 1 I
bit l t ice- stilt I R..i 1-1
l'eAlt ic . F'btt ttu , it. .

.Tea Tsi- Pruim Cal I
, Benbirooek-Cullys
.... l,hhgs-'
.. - - 1tit 1ligtuiui
-.... olii-
l... ts..O we

fIt~'ilciii ItS- bhtruist' 2, Hini uuouu
sLt'. (C1oalfrom l-t i-i'thric-. bottle
iro tututstihutiti -Schulze.iGrahamuu. 1-ef-
-is' sinl I uuhslit's' tldidtge tutudiRowe,
alteait'nlg. 1'I sil' iof ilts 2t ht--
INI,\b 'TAT V t f1 iiiRUStI1
II Itsti-it I cciii -te til -hug tiustl<It
si;h h ell ylstndsluhiistiouc il appoinited .
com itte o 11 H.Feotish. D,0Bal
will adW.W lerittto inv estigatec
tec usustis ts fitthes'fu's'iu-suupt tush.
The us' susilit's' is expected lto tuaie
11111 lund tis tottthus'Ciounucil, fursot
siu a e (l f tush mauy- ut ee
This' stilitse1sits itofthetCtuuceliwsirt
lull tdafe t( fiutoituse ffic siters
tie- lit sistit AV. J.'tHosteasutsrecosrdingi
'The .Ctounci o uls tIio f lie fis-
tuturis1',u.tlt mtt W rd- -mll
b yrs 11's I11. leusi \I.iD. Batssldw1inJ.
I " -. . or oh M.bV. F muemanu
W.' J. ii ii ii
MhedlicE I . . Gedgorey J. F. Sanmile.
fhssdeigr'eet-of ilt tushnitadiploia
fresisthlil tepartmet uoufisis' uere coil-
ferredu sit ~ihi-ey Contger. '071. Poel
Huron.is by St-cr utie'yy suie yesterdtay.
Is ls-M'tieCitugses twes-fis'lrst tiris-
dasy, a- whsitl-hueha td gonthitrosughs the
futeuuuslitissof graduatuionuu witithis ucuass
ini Jutu' hue could iohthbecome:i-au hona
idts sluutiis ofthue Uiver-csity till of
aeIlieluss etteredl the lass tiiceof
'titli uiut& Wbslker sit tort H-uroun.
hList kenuitit tic weti-utto Lanusing saud
tday expects to Ptaudmsited to the
SM iciuigsuuusupiremucodiutrottissmotioni.
KASA CsN 5 LU iii ihTS ;P 5,RTS tFItiuiiS.
Tise KEsss chub met ast McMillan
-Hiatt last evetnitug stndelectedi the fol-
Ioi-hg offictes for the ensuing year:
Preidenut, C. t. Kinig; vice-president, J.
bX. tLsphsuusu;hsecrecary, C. Eanuen ;
treausurere, i-.*I. 1lais ; chsaiermainof
tiltissues comitltee, J. J. Sirauhbe;sit-
vialu commsuitee, :Isaac Ruin.i
S. L. A. tickthellers will please settle
witstreasutere Friday, besseetn 4 anti 6
p. m.i Iobhtr, Treats.

Eiuihtutiassuuwsus rampant.uuLonug li--
lire 7 oclock the osse tlortse lsillici
wtu nudergrauatuuues ishoticitesri-iteacti
memberlui'of his'footbahluli tamtasi si
pitiures'usas displauyedhousthu e-ietnl.
At 7 sip the galey' usas co-aduelwiths
coeitish te-eicitirootes accompansuuy
tg younuug' isotuuen sshoms the muetotuthe
loiersfloor clainmedlhasiel fromu Ypjsi
Whetsshissmtetmbues f this footblsli
squadstl led in they iterrciv-eiswit
the greaestesi nthiusiasm. Bhefrec te
cheeing hatt tis- tisil. O. iis-'e
calles'orwurd andttuits aushot itrodii si ute
uoyse uche anniounucd tuatu ralli'ssee
to b hue eldi 1stfoee aes - o~hh f tu'
iHuarry-Coe lcut hitsyls suitchitecr'
fits dalchumans 0ththeittuad. rui.Tfruit
blohoditheii ichterf thelcmtv
yell, showeethe fresihmuenulteighthtest
to eroot,sant ledlthe ylls bhy' ussof
examutpe. Tfle sonhgs werce sintgsuaccomu
stnied iy'thus'utmusc f thitsorganh.
C CSiutontstthesiueake f teenii--
ilt-wsisthenusintroduucd. Issashort snds
spirited addres he raied Micheiiganu
spiri.Ini ue days of the iinitibit
teams, lie said whets Michigan iwas di--
satisficel with a sore of less tanu fity
pointsscritics treuicth la.iswleuthis
sumtip samse, thricwuldi ihutn tilhclts
siasni at Mbichigan. L-e retorted by
showssitg thi s uport which thus teams
have 1ud every- year,an stud thtithe
camest tushisaruse sirlit utt le it-
spired. te cntrateuuthe situmastss
nieetitngsishere the objets i to utgan
finaucia support lute the tesu, with the
preseusi conudiionwhleecfoouttbatllsui-
ports itself ands all tther formissf it-
Ms. Simnus is a graduate of the it-
erary eeprment ifin t8, auth of liii
aw departmnt ii goo bWhie a st-
ffdent here le hepet with two deates,
atid won the chamipionship of te Noeth-
ern Oratorical League foe Michigan
Two yetars tfter gaduatiti he was
elected to he state legisature. Despite
his msany' duties, Me. Simotns luas never
misisedans important gaule sice uisun--
The appausec for Me. Simons haul not
yet died down, whien a call wet up for
iRailroad Jack, who had the frott row
He mountsed the platform, anti=ater


'I'll(,proposd iresiali tf espee se--
vicesas suggested tits the eiturih col-
i.11 f 'lii' i~uu - a Iew ay-i ago,
has aruitscd utmuchiscutssisontubout he
tamputls Someitare entthusistsite ovee the
Ida.Ohuts iareiidoutful.
les-sisoiti bugs-li s iifavoruu'of tie
tush andillteudh itt hs ssuppot if the
stetth lemtslvIsisre aiususto hasve
thit usesuly- eeillsrevivted.
Scretari y ta teliii , 5 i thatthi Uni-
vesit i hadiaped)t hut lsck iof
regularutweukly gullhlu-ilgs iof thistsu-
dentus. Smallercoleeutsus utut gritly
frot tirtchapei lshx5515cis-suhic fis--
tter aspirulitt utiity Mr.i Wa00 is ut-
setinu, lonevers's htoiwhethesr there
is aidemandsforuthfuemuucutfrottuthisstutenuts
at bi i'iigsuut
Mr.ie hfsitisiuswhoilushadhasrge fthe
luscuorteliesitsrserinles listsge-
rs-t offereildsutIis se-utiless it csescthe
pltn i is dopted.t
If til tsuduents thecmtseves arte desr-
oslofitreneinlsg tie cutomtu the li-
%vsIs bY. 3f.(C 0 A. ilichuewiling to
dosth work tsslincidentasl usohutparing ue
tush i nd rranugintg te mutings-
Ohut hess oter handsusthi stionustues
s tohiowltheliauitt akhrshe with the
studs t l strises'"Whaust dhityuu'thitk
ofl teils--uof esper services ? is a
quin fre-uentthityheits-uit. LNe-
ilt sfsus liioluss jutsaceptedsit al-
poitmntuha s tI , siuetinut erreter at
Toliutsfusfe lilt1'.5gillernmenuut, say
lit consieed, prhapgs. s voing otis
sle'f theusesss'whensshe' sill
Thus- ilt-siIsuitl ighth We hash them
whlen I usais itfreishman. -Nobtutoy cvei
went suitut hun-tsheiy' had 'em ujust the
letRh XiAbSOt IA CUi
0Alusly f sudetuss fisomutJcsonu
cuntiu y'mtslast uightl at XMc~illaut]s
antdt organies usch ubitleknow sss
th' -Jacksontus(ustu ltub."'
Thts'Jacsoneu cli silt huts moseed
It's thus varios ilstte elubs ii the Ui-
versity sandi wilIbe1inluuuiy' asong sociut
itus.s bll thus studetuh-s from Jcksonu
cotutylussetsligible t uumebuersipsnu
slice theecis uslarge regsraiousfeus
thats souitsty a s rong cli s expected.
Thtfolwig offices tieecelected:
N. Li Leslttre sideint;W0. Nash, vice- I
Dr :.C.CCase, recentutvyappoittedh
iprofessors of hisoricl geology atd pl-
aeontlougy ini the Utniversity, with give
anu ilustratsed lecture ii the mussumlc-
lire- r~omibfore the class its orgauic
_evouloutott Thiursdauy eening at 7:30,
sit 'The Platoltiisogish Evidences of
Evolultion Visitors are welcome
isOatN W',leFteluhAivsTwiiguRY HALL
Tfle YV W. CA will receive it New-
berry Halt fromis 4 his 6 this afternoon
MissTheresa Wilison, oe. of the na-
tional:secretresc, will addes the Sun--
tday mnetig it 4- p. ni, and aso the
5 o'clock meetitg Tuesdy afternooms'
All tUnivesit wonen tre urged to

WWulHl1ve Three Colege Plaza -
zlnes-Wenley Criticizes -An
dividual Training in Colleges."
Prof. Weney's criticism of Clarence
F. IBidseye's recent ook, "Individual
Training in or Colleges,' forms te
nuain feature of the.Alumnus foeiOcto-
her, Under the heeding, "A Candsid
Friend," Prof'Wenhy proceeds to pick
out und discuss the salient pints of the
hook's criticism )f modern college met-
ods: The "paramount problem" of the
hook, accrding to it critic, is "h-hlow
to put in place of the outgrown and
discarded individual training of the col-
lege past, a present and future individua
training" that will prepare ci to be
sovers of new questions. Again, "It is
criminal," Mr iridseye say, "that we
have spent so much on intercolegite
athletics and in polluting our college
atmosphere anti have not devoted a tithe
of tie money and time to improving
conditionus which eath -. to men
ial and moral deterioration"
The new formative" anti"solvent
influences, according to the auihors, have
been the teutoiation of the sts course,
the miultipicttion o new subjects, the
development of the profeionaum schools,
the pressure oufsnsaboundumtitg comee-
cialism, amd tie failure t povde fou
academic distinsctionias theucemiiifor
which the literary faculty exists In
answering some of (Mte Bieusey's state-
msents Prof. WVenuley' sys, "T'he literary
faculty has one and otnly oe escae
for its existence Its office is to turn
out scholars in the broadest sense of
this word - . . The base nes to
wnhicht it is put today cotnpie to ren-dee
this product rarer amd rarer'
"The evil in our college educatont at
the. momenut," says Prof. Wenley, "lows
from its subservience to meiocrity anti
to things of temporary value-
edhucation mut set about eing mii-
tnt, first for is own great sake, std
thsens through this for pacticah ife"
Amother feature of the Alumnus is ao
editorial advocating a nwv magazine to
lake lie place of the deuncst Inlande.
Not content withm one, the Aumnus
wishes to establish a weekly or semi-
wekly pipuar pubicaion, a mntutily
or quarterly literary magazine, and ,a
hsumuorouus paper ike the od Winkile.
hut ordereto suppori these udsetakigs
the Alumnus says "Let there be a gen-
erail hoard in control of studett joural-
imn, as there is its control of athletics,
and er the profits of all branches e
pooled o that sue development will e
An article ons the "Geographical Dis-
tribution of American Universities' fur-
nishies a comparison of attendance sta-
tistics of eastern universities wihi those
of Michigan, which is favorable to our
Univcrsity. Oter articles out 'The In--
creased Appropriation,' The Menorial
Buildimg," "The New Clib House," to
gether with an eulogy of the ate Will-
oughbiy Dayton Miller, and a competeptofheJn Rgns'mti,
niake up tie rest of the magazine
Vise regular Thursday night discus--
shun meeting at MMilan Hall wih e
led by Merritt, from 6 :45 to 7:30 this
eveningTie meetings are made as in-
fornsal s possible and questions of the
day, especially in their earing upon re--
ligious matters, are discussed All men
are invited.
Tie cabinet held its meeting Tuesubay
evening, with tie usual supper and so-

cial good time,
Tme Bible study classes are lining up
nicely. An unexpectedly large number
have shown an interest,

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