TheMi'ch'igan Daily A\N ARBOR, MICHIGANiT THU RSDAY, OCTOBER I 17, 1907. No. 21. Vol-. XVIII. SCRUBS BEATEN IN WELL PLAYED GAME' Varsity Scores 26 Points on Re- serves Who Use Wabash Meth- ds-Forward Passes Feature. fit the latpt iegze oiilI(f tie sa- son the varsintylowned tillsrtbs- alias 'iaiil li itenoonce,-r--olliig up tweity-ix pointt-oil tilme- belsiveI Hoosiers. If tie wty ill whichthetl scrubs plays were hnleditl by Yotts hopes yesterdlay is anycritein, thleis real "geteminifrontsIniana"ss will1 ti ll ilto prepareiwfoeas-si sest i Saturday. Only- ocec (iltthe srbsiluse te till wetrti passilsucesssnlly: foIfiftityards aiid the sole fPsttdtownittisse hiytie -ecouni eleven.- Tie sarsitys gals lilt ws ticser its dange, asutet till I l -ii tabooited forward heave, tsdifreqeintly,1 had hemo guessitig 'Tres i hfurtl toucehdowns are tmsse sdiretlybysytss te tol tits "ipraectiabile srtisss'lier, tndth le sruibs.wtothalite ip ly used oilthemieti-vcit Iia-,tws-iecable iito eb le ps-- ut twisis-e list ltwotti itil itiwsiutsedThe'liigretiadvitge ofe i this ceaststn f te-"Masite Mind"itt s thatu iveil i ifte btaltle,,fubletere isi tie amstltin vuaruiably einiughtit sit playercts stuidtiheis-recivuig isenditoire- ctve fr a gsin.- i lInshecs- titthe oppnnsgenthetit-spere.'wiis ansitsnitittisstutu5 ibforeavsi tiy tntu lis touched it the lingtiheacsve i nealy is gottiastia pshntWills tel lt-isising le hlst11 his ts- i is thei-. li looks iarl ito et. i 1wa ssd ystr- day- for a tt tota tifttt otis Itutu est sitd ls -si it yrs gsi. Of the lwenty-sixpints iscrd iwntsy isee madsie ite tirst-Iaf isthi i Csptaini Mityifui tutud'"Ctlay" i Graham il te sidelines. Loe i s itheiicap taln'spaet-n starituret i sverii litg gais lot Hasiimmod tand 'tiiltsr layee lsine gmttat sisitenslsf thlet line, IHasiiiiii oinbttg smitsst ck-i hung stdnice rees-lg f Iosiltsfor- iwardi passe, ii uttittioin tssi h siig wiiih itas gotd. Milleils teei i idodrgig dst-i stbroket-iel teri rie-i ceiitg a sunt, astitul fsiing liiit'Ibll ater fiuble. Waismundirantteateamtstl the first half stnd Sllianiititlst of te seceondu,Miller taig iiss pict-etithe st ilhe of liii-cotes. basiisniiitas- li stesdil imiproig its gnersklpi ini ic is right itihei]n inttg puis is stl. Sllivtni hels I)is ii lbeter shape- ut is ot sit slit itthlssite LestitiAlerice tieeeotff Se setie gisi h irst itsilsf situ Loci] lay le ir-sirtpositinii ii lasy 55 sty aits silt Matgfin wa ess esisiythue stiilis secititisessioni. Te lhne, sill s sht'ie Sehlzi as the keystoie, ceraitly isissiuis guod.ti Te retl sensatios sf te cont- est nws the goalitfromti tsietditeiscredsi by te someietigerouuts "Gemasty - The lest tuchdiowns sas soret inia forward lass, bastsuito M tsAletice. from sthe tirty-yarllue aftesitetnty yard gin biy Letr adaothnsler forwasted heave inetig i-aety-fie. Rteiisclil ftailed lto gos. After sn exhatge of pntts ati it ets yard gal oil a fstke pintsby Lotel, hlait- msitndt naite the last five yaris on sit oiher forward pass without itterferece, stccesfuly siakitg off a frsantic sruts tackler. 'Rlcities' toe aginihwieti Alledie goaed fromi the fiet after some iiraigt footall hadsitisctet godi gaisi and after fifty yards had ects made on two of Eckesals ptedietesta- ions. Tie al was carried to te five- yaed line, hut a penalty fored the ikick. i-eee the scruibs got buosy stndnmade their only lerst dont, on a fotrward pass5 -a is Wahash--netiing fifteets yards. Afierebunkitng the line foe seveti they lost the hail on downs. A twenty-yard gain hy Lochl and four forwaird passes itsn faidsiesioenbeLhrtoovrorthe- tid touichdiowv.t Gee- WE'LL WIIIt' PENN," isistits tessestled tipuon to kics the goual. an repne 1Tacily otn the AS URED SIYIN haslf endiedt stthis. oit. gore siteItocd ownet e onsi sorie vatsuitMass Meeting Arouses First Real -tnsnighitifootiball anuit nsttt by Cataiti Spirit of Season- Team Sent itisgititits. I tiet" gttaied. The varsity Off with Cheers. hadsi tite morie chclsse toscsette, ais at- temptil at goaltifeisitplaceisenut frotunlii- Tiity--fi'- I thunded rosotterstredi sit twsty-1 r lyssitine. "Snilly fiumnshedithe for the first if tusc MicttigssttiUnion matss -al itandri'cosceiloolus aste t ive mi~~ ieetitigs ai Universiityihall last tight. '(teyss' toe a fsairehcite. Vise gaims C. C. Simnotf Dtiroit, still the sip-ak- tndedsi-th liihii- bsaliiin the scrutbs' teti-- er' antuhiiisiaediessoniiMchiugasirit,. stee line in tic varsilty's posseisisin. clossitign-ithsthe isds "''i llwitp.i Cotch Yrost wsi pleased wilts the re- Peinnsylvania oii Novetmbser u6th," stilts. Ilt-sidheftc srubhs are prettyitroutght cicer sifter ciheee and et slped stiff uopponntsisiow, theirlhne otweigh-- givelii the itsm eairousiing slit sen-otisfusso ig litevustsy qy-ite si margit, antiWatbash. had itig his silk list, hii chief pride atid stetiititt. cii a carefully iditted spot, hegsn.iils first phriese was one' which le liss retidered familiar throughout Atnn Aerbor--" Most thoroughly do I up- recciate." tie titld ifhits anmhition to stdeisess iianiaudience iiinlUivrsity hal Mstiay bMichtigsitimciihe uasserted, 3;fr. Trebilooidsantd Mr. Sitmotis sintg the iiutie. listad beetn his iterested listeti- es isthle st reetcorntters of iDetroit. With si flawiing tribuite t tPeesidient bisgell. hti hIis scat iwith loud cheers. Afteer'liTeVictors" stndt"Tue Yellow -'til Isth husi ti-ses- sunug, the imueitig cl(sed Il 11\ FAVOR REVIVAL' tileVESPER SERVICES the situt ilt 1151dIc was grautyitng. Aills I bbitiue. I . (isise . . . . . . I . - hII~b ..... ..... i,. 'G Set l/. . .. . . . . . by ainii s iitt (rh li-i lR.: Re l cid .. .T I111110 1 . . It I,,. byII tn -i i l -i 'tll stilt bu Ills .t , ... . . 4eI-u-l \ tlui 1 I bit l t ice- stilt I R..i 1-1 l'eAlt ic . F'btt ttu , it. . Reserves. ....Edinis .Jutsce-Sillit-seti ....Flanagan .Tea Tsi- Pruim Cal I , Benbirooek-Cullys .... l,hhgs-' .. - - 1tit 1ligtuiui -.... olii- l... ts..O we ....Pe-dersoni fIt~'ilciii ItS- bhtruist' 2, Hini uuouu sLt'. (C1oalfrom l-t i-i'thric-. bottle iro tututstihutiti -Schulze.iGrahamuu. 1-ef- -is' sinl I uuhslit's' tldidtge tutudiRowe, alteait'nlg. 1'I sil' iof ilts 2t ht-- INI,\b 'TAT V t f1 iiiRUStI1 II Itsti-it I cciii -te til -hug tiustl