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May 29, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-29

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The Michigran aily

No. 1;

Engineer-i Are Shut Out, S toO0-
Gfilbert Twirls Good (Game
Last Semi-Final Game Today.

firatlrCI, cure; Wcrc 1,l:
11:Iif ()f the f4mrth, wi
pct hll, Flitcrllft lccl t
itlrlcr clt+ ice. ltki
_lI rrrur rIt -lltirt S.lx
.ICI: e c rc ;Ill cm trccl
into tllt° lici 1 htit waI

it het hx 1jTEACHERS MUST M .(,A IA S t '' I)
r iialdthe "ia tlll t he yii - Il-- w ill I-i-i- lat-cd ithl
:I.Illot oliedBrowvn Ranks Scholarship Above th Ir \etnnltal c-)i-l--i-. .Mar tinan
tnlt c~~~nt at lir~~~~t. itt-lic -m wi ll ti.d , h a t r


.1.. .11.... -,,,1 I rcuugv} i<a.a" rlvaa av - %,massaa

The ii -i catr tim lii c
of II lll l il it tt
A ti tli 11( 111( i i
ictc lIIIc ii ,tI I c

cel lit tc li ('
{ cSIi- fS t
i l i tCIM II, t<

law .tiriiiii lii l cii 1- ci t it I
nex tmat atil t ird th it c- i t-
\ I t e -li t il in t e h l ; nc
lha il gll-t t) h t)n irs-- ti-ioitt.
The awslwg~n teir t~rtl i t-i-
ti inin - a g ec le ic -t )I
ltiti ht ti , it -1 si gl han (i l-
tl~ t t l ll aggerit - I i ngl
1lato ~ tl' (in t) cimditil it-l-
itith k.ri ;i n iithi in in Init h t rh
XXI\h wll t i-it)1nthe aws Li)t liii
himslftit f th tIe
t liii - il-win d a IWO :ii lii i n
tici initi)ld tric

'M ie Ito intd hr t )Iti ali t rrr bIthei tion in High Schools Discussed
I')tlc ftsiln li In tit, ifh 1 tlf ru _ ralto thk i pi i ll thict if tlt )fcci ic
I II II ftr tSI,)rI, )rt1, 1 il a ttrttil' ~ttt~l-ia t ilitilat i oifti-the-XIctiu-r
). c t lt ~ r tccl y thtitc U itttaticmm isitter
I'il ii i td a I" c m in "ln ) dcttttt lug afici Itrwn, actuTap-i
HUM l ,ML 11 tlt rs innng lk'«;t panhal tvc tc thtttiftro in-tic rei teflt-I
t~t* ii; w~li. I~ t Ilk 1)rIced in tlkc it e. de t ofpedaggy.t
Dart t~~f tiltt il litf- luiiuioit it-ettrttThttten cicfw y as g) a if
,ga ))d. Atb~l fit'frsln tn shove tt(Itte itt-it ittpi edagt gyt toti ti leif y -t
iii I ii wk o patceIct o reaato lt- tei in o
!)u 1i up))l « ~lcdnut -i)I lIt ilt Itah trslinuighifcholsfusttna
It{>t]I piittit-:t~iltyd ta ut-It-ent uttthugrfirIt u air
;]: I]lXr f m ,nv i, I li lt )c ircd i iethII XIa t o lyIttt ofri thettse

} 1'
i' .
z .
t .


tll -i :Ll u-d i--I t i i tlit ia t-iunu
I, %v i(I <" ic w uI t I -ittC V
iii ii , w clt i f I -11 s to
1a \ II<t ri i f lit' il l xiti

-it -itsi-i-it lito t r i ences.i- i--I l-t
tiidec1nt itt-i -iit reit t ha at c iiI -
-I try taoo t ti titit titI t i iti
rc<>nre 5 a in -a isit titt it -i t
pat if-a gcineraltsystem.,,
P f lirai nlat- id much sttt- tt-i els-- upott

Ilictt- t-ii iiiuii-itniitadit -I -
ilIt t ii the-(Ift-it "- - at at
ert iii it- ni tiia 'I t c I n t tfi;ca i
gli\ c ti-ittic ad u Wn ca-ig
Xnil i-ia~n tithIX I- Xay e t
.del - in t u it I -l ctutu -II, iii 11111t
iatet-i-Itt - - - te ~ticitt-i
XXl tneit i-c llI(itu it i lii it - Ityit
lesJu-t~clag llp- - -~ n 1l i ,
; ~ t il.liii It"- iIh:1 - -if-th
ai1 clin-t-tic-nd i -l.:,o t a ityii N
-i'th tll citt i g f If . Ir u d tl
-'it 'lit i llXItii i f , r ttiti-
ti-iti-I~ la esaI tiiit it--i-i ii-i- itiofi
ut-tutu glilft i-il - i-tilc bat w' ii
itt Itt-ing- IIiIi ti-ta hetititt i i:" v l
it-;p i o ft - te I lIii.ilrt ilt Ioi i tl- I
,'fnial ,o iey ll .:c Ia d to a
;e tit the-i meria t ) fPttu o
-- ti- it iatit-it - alt-th iri-i l
-- -- itt-eld i - V i-c to-- ..."kN,
ln iv iiicrc ein thlthoi ital I - I -f
t-t-i - -titill. moml i t rtm of w ich-
lace- tema itti It i i-i ti-ittlo
"S it i illi tIt rit it iti t tlacitia I -
tStdis il itt it- it i - itt-i itttt Iti -
Th Irti--"t i-tat st orli aii no
- i-i itii of thli 1 'it ol I lr I-in
ii-fae el at k he t-Iim -me itt'
tii year itwill hlititi iii on - youit -
it-ithos it t-ti-iIi- tofl w- It i tot
th 's ar i nit ai -itt itt ion tti oit - -itt-
iu tetti it who all- adapthimselftt
any condition wh ilt-i-i-i o irtit-tt-ti ii
wilihei c-it itt tcXin -iu -it, (ferl
manirta lXtitr ilt-av i fitt it J.XXiii--i
I ieti Srhe i a I thiii iii .a lly - ro
(iter tutu iii ht-iit-cn Xi itt il- ept;-c -
thilay nst ttic l Fe l liii 'twi-tc
Jtiuiit itit R l-- h n l Ii rtc XX i ittrca I


farrels, Coe, Rowe, and French
Expected to Take Frsts-Fast
Dopes Pennsylvania to Win.
a-itt iitiiniitilti antilt-i'lit-ti-
t ill, itmIa- t ha d i-it -iwhitl-i-t
urngh witmitt ictiigttholtiitt rf
It, rac, c~ m i i iipt-if AXeicatI-tt
ti n k" X illr i g' --i---n d ll
iitittt illilititil m tt, atich~Iia
la Xani1 i caclctti itittit "me- -i
ti-itt-i 1 Iiti t I t - it Ii -itt-I
.rtititig i to tl wi ll - clit ls
tilt--i clattigti c t llt l tulmd
it-t-lig i-it tt c trl tit t-iit i- - --th i
ie runs, ti iiitttt-i lit-tutu ie i
I iti l ,or ialitt i i-i oi nt i
itheit-mil" titili pri-,,rh"itt -t-
I titrci' lii - I po lu-ihan t t th rtilt i-i-t-
i-i itet-cot-i-it it ,lis- t I i u il
I -i-tpin i s ;dlll ti- tl n t oIt ak li r'it--
p it- toiti-itat-i i-it t li-I mtutu l t
the ttita t ril-i--__ _ -i I - it i ll :Al
J11111), H ei an l iit i I t % -i c- I-
dep-nded ir I ,' I illitat- 1II
tii- uwi Xdd pnt i i. -Itu-inc
l tite I , gitMt i tt -le c ,I - -
tarititiu;tt i-his " t , l w I hc-- i nterI -i
I tleiiu tat v a- - t i-i-li Iri 4 i
ferv "dark lore t.utW itht ll ln
It iii - ex t ', i-IttiXui thet - mi ,
(li ie ar, ,a uru t i~r Itt Iat-i
itt- i nt flu t , i ll tt ityiarc thu-itt
i-it ti-w lnt-iliw --iicht-it ii - I ih , i
ld t ;i ln n c ah ,lt km
il, tfa t i iutfee t } ' i-ti- .it ill I IIt - thu
Xet ritutt iti anciich-ail, it o c
will Ic ighitt i tiil Ii, - I- ittil
fe l i , Itu . f Xui -t iuu- t t i
ii-ittuioti-iainctn ill ct intt lt Ii--i
\ ic-itacim i uuatu'rct ,i'iturc uttll Ilut-
will,. lifdt -i 1cIn ttu al oe wil
3 ; utd-a, -t Xttr, thtfc-i ti-i- it vy
ver -t-- c itit i-fli- Itt i; c- u ,
I" i f ot a it good -litrccirin clo t-uI
filth) ofSctrhu~c wl h h
list', i mostdali t St, t r i lltu ill' i-i ii i--
pu-c.frIt utalilte ittinl hvr itt- fe
af nci ,utt-It utut X lit:; iu -iiiteitt-it.rilt-
itis, ig. lth lk- h t ird four.
ii tc, andtt fir t t-i-It it- ill itheihitil i

- iii tuutr-t utt u- itispicked Xfirts-iimid.
l i i--t u cea lft-k-ut fi i i ithe 1%if
( Cntiued oIntPageT.

)(IIMA -l 1

i c--i-i t-iitl- i- t icr - -i - -t--_
i-it-ei ri-;t(iIttfit with 1I. I lit- XIl II i-I-tS I~r itXXI(tttt
(Ic);tttt("it. N()(mItt uti /15 18 O IS li- -X N]X

11'a 5cri< I'. lt htlt"1.
v" Caah ml
that ht. 1" ;till 111 -11()(
lthc it lz he lmd the
I?1111" did -Owl k%
c 7t:;i c f.'r qtly trcc .
alc ticinht rc tl r-,
>cIf w IIIIc tv II hi
i I t c nhiI7c l t r c I I
c(T' faiIciI trI rai5c

ittiic tui-I-17its ii I-
-ii c tic-i-i-i- i ali
I-rki n ti-i n- t


Xilll It a a tc u t-ii- mI hi-i
tilliuta y a - u law, f-il ii---- gli lit-
Xi * Iv11)1 -ici I ii ' 1 110 fit- -

Iltie- I lu-tutuis seling I". I?.Calak-insa
for big daa lfes fo r the los fhishaut t ndi
cade (Ynut hakehiahticture f a"Le-
ight tpow t-u-etrtan -it-i-ttas hit-itedit he
-I tblt-ithItih's htnto iituu-piece. -is
terdauv'Thomaits -ittoru- tut tfter the ut--
fr I - fuuuutrim uwith t the ikwd rtt-i t-tut
exroiartyi-littuti explion mi utilst thtvti beecn
ut-i tio utun Itw utow ider ihe- httut rt-i-icit
iii tiutc-st i ti tht het had ntutifu- en
htittitof mtixi tuu-e it-i gilt-u it.t
Sf~litittittXCLUB-tIIS NOtT
'TlI 1th"II llXIVI I iITY 81.1-iXI-
Theti Socfilg l-tt ubuu nill thtutdtit-ilaIti
-t ite-ofte tearcthis after inntu (',

icy a-i-i(t h-i-tat -i e
tcti-i -itrc w : t,
ccut-u-i- thui -tt-lulu-id.tou
-tt-ift (11'17 tll t-

7<)111c tit~ a5
lild Iptl ti-i
- ti~uril-i Stt
cTi thi - -aFlln

I c tnt e h-ittuetu-llthet ifittuts it-tenil - - -idc - u-t 1i tt
121 .i Iool- th I st -i 1u1utu--i 2t-ithu-i e-i t i-it-it et
theur [-it 1t111 -il-i t h u t-i ciin iiin t ti -aunti ~ - - t-t
tututhe pha i cslta tr tedIthet i l-i u-o- ui-ilihi-awIt- - - tni-i a
hitinguu Iilly focr ttu-i andga- tth tt uu-iat- for --I( ittittil i h ti-p ttnnthe ar f
tilt twhicthitgathern w it inui crrrc-iin uiut l- I -iif -u-it-it-t -ublicatiiuuu-
torrns. it-i oIi-ta inuugs i-i-cut btytatutnoiWVXX VXX XI cvnnuc

I it-icut-itt ccIuunt t N 41 M '1It ivtill. f I I._____
XVagrauunty iniXitAnun to," is u-tutu ut-il -WSOit-ittutuuituih au( T iuAT Wti tiui
itt-hsiexpn ded conul t-uusidele-nuh t imehh- i It ic utut uu l so h lihut I u c Ititus hI-i
mautkinug it iittu-:tigaii-n andu promisesttat t iev XXing uat uu-i-inu I ake. -it-itt
til finteresing n-e unrtiltattett u uce fe l-ightily bhi-tutu t ofii
TIuc- Chuictagot Commontius schlash ip 111lu-it yerin ru-n t itfty- six tutu ber t-ii crc-
fundtt atl h ows atnx lange - cltttttt it u i-ittn anaturat-ithA itptutul t -itok the- unty
itt-intr t-wittl hu-etmadteI thus aternotututi- toinuitfr thu-tt l ake.ht Cattucey It-i- Itt-
orgniize pantot a uke t iittt u m de an utiuti I t tatuntt-it-iui ls
The u-u-uiug ixill ttunchl iniTapptnti ereidtlt vered byt rotI hit Iu-f. I tx-it-it tatd
hull letauire nrtotm it 5 tocloct-k, tiii ht -i fte cas

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