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October 03, 1907 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1907-10-03

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The Michigan Daily_



Nio. 9.


The Varsity Counts Six Times in
A~Sweltering Game - Magoffin
Stars and Is Injured.t
In the second gamet of lie seatson, the
varsity yesterday rolledi up thlirtytwo r
pints ott the serubls int twvo ille'ity-
ninate halves, whilie the serubh er
ahie to make firt loll itu~t once-evs
ceptilig a few occasion~s whien penlaties
agaittst tihe varsity gave tile reserses
first diowns-anid niever camie close toic
scoriing. Tile gamle swas itarketi tiy fre-
quent and effective utse of tile forwardi
lass, whieh was resiosibihe, either di-
reetly or indtirectly, for tile matjoirity osf
tile seoring iiiiie bly the ivarsits. Tie-le
score it tile eiii of tile liest hait 11as
i16 to 0, ands ill tile la11tter io an1 eq1111
amn~it Inns registered.
No9 less thau tsev ci po111is scioredi lill-
ing the gam~e steve racetaile to lhe goodi
right tole ofI 'tcty " grlaam, for tiree
years the illlnlcuibn if th igh:g r
positioni. The lug Chlicagoll booitedi 1111
goails froal plaeen t ill till coutrse Ill
the struggle, 1111 if three attemplits, an11
lfter eacht if tile fiiur toulchdowns his5 II
hootiing 110s accureate and1 fiiir milire
pinltis wsere mladie ill this Iciy. lihe final1
sciurte If thte f~aiit wa~s made~ 1by his151111
w1111 recosveild Case's liti'ill of a ior
swardl pass 1111 tile reseve' twenty-isyard1
liiie 11111 tralversedl tile remalliingl dis-
tancee lvi the gollin huniiiiolestedi.
Desplite tile fact that atlim 1es tie ll ayu
tf tile Ivarsity was r1 aggeti 11111 imarredi
biy lack cif thorciugh knoiwsleidgsi oif till
signtals, tile gamlte shlowedi grelat impoe-
mint osvir till swork conic list Satulrdaly.
an11 the cuiatch lwll plieased. Most vio-
ticiible'tamoing It' featrs iif tlii var-
sity's ata~ck 55a1 thei insrvemnt'i ill
tie executionl iif the foursward lass, iich
shiowes't bi lettir ailsantlage 1111111 atan
ten' ssrinkle pinissile. Not: liss than11
twentty timles didi tie vairsity essay toi
get out1 of a hole, Or imkethiri first
diowns, by the list' if thte fiirwsarid tills,
temspts gi wronlg. Oite if thiiese 1wa1
wshein oil thte fiest idiswi iloeli heavedi

lis season. Xilie lie las silt yet alto-
uthuer mtastereti the lert Hsfitting lte I E ''t S N
li ssnstet 010th t111 a r B THsoN
tilolesahditthtoorsof lie 1111 in tile seerils' center IS NOW ASSURED~I
ts wth sc eoiyta twsst oitat lie fatileid to makelte mrequiiredi
distanlce. lie is 1101 yet it Lonigmanl, but1 Enrollment Is Three Hundred
its Yolst salys, "We ihave list twu if tile Ahead of Last Year's at This
tMles if lie 11)01teatimillci thtis yealr,
tand see tossitichise 111i1k of thteits Time by Sec. Wade's Table.
etiant expect a left guardti lie Schulite,
<tackle like' C'urtis, Ill ediiikue Gar- Seceeitary Jalles IT. Wadie hals givent
I ngan,'tratioiitoii tct. T, 1907.Every depart-
The1wosi unlfctunat le inlcidentls of thte ilnent showiss alt incerease' sithilte ex-
teais ainutie Capain li\lagilfiit swhichT htie fiollowing 1is1a compalratiivs'itte-
ctainrase 111 w li111th tse Satulrtday. After ofitud111ents5at the close of ibusintesst
plaing'ahrillianllt gamelcu ltting loose Ot. 1,11107:
s wills ptatically illoassisitne initthe 1i906i 1907
flirmllflbIokingslI \i tn waiIfot rcei LiitrrI )eI Ipartlitelt ... 11111ot 1617
lie sietiiiiihal f.litcewas crryinlg thte ietdicatl Departmentl I.... ,. 336 349
hall nd1nit 11 11'illaIswithl his 245- Ltitleparvtmtiet.......f6S3 ~707
rtesiilt wa s a sevelhy II clil'tigroinl P11armacy D I epalrtmsenlt.. 114 8,5
ioriii istes am11S aruay, if tis 1111's 411119 42110
not1 lit utlopitheiii iiiitu ' 111inot le at If tli ,ii' illit ul berlil' regisiters lifter
io ll gert subtitute ft' 11tile scrubis. Jtist il il h ect'a lolellt s iiteteed toos.
ofi tiheliretervei linmtn.anhit-htue los-ncO-\ID IlI SNTD
111 --CU iiiiv 1icil''llltl1i'iil t'l I'Xi1"l,10' TO'lt) i i ,1,I StOOiN


Anlnincemieiit is miade of tile variouis
liicai stlaffs cholsein for thiis year froit
lie seniir miediceal lalss. These staffs
Gysecology':;L. XW. ii aynes. A. C.
'asitiait, J.C. Luduoin, B. 0. R. XWill-
atls, J. D. iieiigt'r, lD. E. Cord, C. Ni.)
holley, I?,. tP, Gregory, A. XV. Morse,
1.A. IDillmlan, i-i. W. NessmaittI-i. S.
Meitinle: .I. I'Karshnier D. XV.
Barrow, R. W"XGt (wen. RIsTII anhsg,
J. T.Sam11111it . BondissiJ. G. Gage,
iNark MarIshlll C.'1' 11111t lCarene
111111 XV.1E'.Coliiss
Surgry F.y IL. SlchilieXX.XW. Pas-
co, 1.C. SaefteI J.I)D.MeKininon,
C.E Xitinie XX. h. liyatit, F. M.
Itc^ni 111111 . XMilltr, G. TI ilasicelt,
C. L.XWshill ilKI.(oga, !. XV.
Dae.G lt lilleII 1 W.XV K. fRex-
(Oto-hart .ottlily :It.C.C Pliimer, tL.
A. Quilliaiii,XX.iS.Stucky.
NLVtiesiigy :XX.XA tiltchlae I, Owenl
I:. ivtzger, C. W. Xik.vi.Ii)i. Joihns-
ton1, if. F. XXafeu.
'lTh'el viiin alltht tliical Istaffs is
carretd oniniustuecial 1 lubortor101Sies i t
hospi1tail. IThese clinuical rootius, alluol
wich arell~t esplciially'euiqupe, furnist
faiii frtill'stcieiutifie silldy ifcaelie
11an irti'itelyusedubylit'aiff mieimblers1
t 111111andspice tuetluit. Besides liii
reglalr klboratourywsskievtsteraulnetis-
hers sluteachustauff lare'ltlnedito earr
iProiiision hluls uteul tmtase recentily h
tiii fe.-ens to Iiliuus' iuteuubers oith4ii
cilinicl staffs iitos'erut'fur t tertii
bordinth1e1111'itile.li~lli 5iii

Chairman of Board of Control
Denies Knowledge of Any Ac-
tion-Baird in Like Statement.
"There istill truth in the report that
stehalve iieen taken towisard ,re-enter-
lug the Conufereiice. iOt cosurse it is
psossibule that the quuestion m ay coeouptl
fur udiseussions againtisi teurbutlso
fair it hats not heeineuonsiuereu."
Judge Vietor HI.baute, chalirmlani of
the hoaed usf ecoitrol, s0 expressteul tutu-
self wenu asketd abouut thue report ems -
ntaligfron thue Northuwesternteamtoh
the effect that Michuigans is nmakitng over-
ltres to tile WXestern Conuuferetsce for cie-
audmissioin.IDirectour iaird -alsotdentied
thie rumor. 'h ritiricle referredi to reads
in tuart as fo~llws
"XWith thue calh for tile semi--anuli
seioni uiof the 'hug niue" college' tuonfer-
enuce, Nov. 29, lMichigan's rue-entranlce to
western cuullege tircesis ua ssuiredu, a21
cing thmgto 0acanvalss of thue'situatihoni
t inadte thus fall hy Di rectolr Lewis 0-.
Gillesbuy, sit Northwlestern uiversity, at
Getinsion, Ih1.
"W~ith the passinug outhue retroactive
fetuure sit tilefreshmnulenut"anid its
feffects uponum Michuigan'ls lug footbhall
1cliueu, ounly oneuposnt uremainsupo1111
svlwiih i~ihhigau fluelt'hu psh yeair luls
s baseud its det'erintion iuu lltoeep uilt of
econuufirecei'completition.ii That is theuivell
fuotball ganues a yeatr scheule deh' iciudeud
V 11100 at the gatherinig int (hicaigo 1t1o
clyears ago.
"Michigani wantend seen gaines each
yyear and11 11w thatt poinut i istohue ivotted
eanway at the netetelig. Mr. Giliushy
nitmade a persounal cans-ass sit then faculty
trepreenaiviules uuf thie ull uieges, atud
ie' fouthue desiiretfur sieven gaunts
unuanimuouts, even tol Coach A. X. Statgg.
uwhos it is udelareud pruiptisedhhe rtenir."

1 _. , ---- - _ ------ -

-Ithi mikediphilty A-hi u sasid11(the cistcli
ait ti u helse' otfi asih ut dslillpht sigllil
pratluct'whluh fisihl iii lithe gamlts.
-Teeae sv-til thlings suisieillt~
Isis to'ii heu el ulll i tated slforeSatur~dayt
hut lulltheuwsileuIt'am pretty weI hll satis-

Cetiss ch ti . ..
l hst'ss-hlhu - -
Suuhhnli ller. -
1,01r-ltuiill ttuey...
I!Ii m uihs fru'

t'. 1 T.
)II _tc.

-I., . .B r it
-... ri suinust
.... hehulnlust
-I hs' u ttuuu-Kelly
-.. G.. ( sra
-I in
(21, SitGuuifius

the banll tuo close t heii'cettee sithue
scriunmagi'lhue aulsi tilesvarsity ws pen
aluiedlfifteen yards; andihestsoteswhei
thur hallhtouedeuthucgroundtiIutbet'relbe
ing ltuchtedl by a player,. s'iuwhen th 111111
11as gisesven etstile scrubls. In i sit
every- instanice, howuseer, tile itisst'vlu-el'(
accurt n d tollhs1Ruuunety andtii'Xlo-ffiuu.
getinug tieale ton iitoisses from LotlI
uegotiated repelatedl gain5 sof terosm
twlenty ho fifty yaruds.
Indisvidualily, there swere n0 realtur-il
Irises inthue 'lpractice pgaine. Schlzofsi
couurse lens the sine of the linle 111111 ul9-
fleul Conch Tus's assertion 11h1t1tue ip
Gerinsans sould tmakie onte-hsalf of the
hackles on the play following kick-isf
bsy, getting use oppoinlg runniuerjut esvcry'
instausce. Dasvissnussas tnt ill the gamue
and Rheiulsciuilu ssenit ini at his tackle
posuious.,Casey shined huardl and11very
_evidestly' .It s till'jul1 of holding dowssn
left etad tu d, last. All threec si the caii
uidaes for quarterback sere givent a
chatter at some singe of thue gamte, anid
all{ looked good. While the least ex-
perienced of the trio, Sullivanu, is as fast
ns either of the other two, anid although
he seas not usedth until thur varsity was
hadly tired its the iecond half, hue drove
the regulars in good style. Wasmaud
atud Miller lived up to Qheir reputations
foe;,uggressiveness h'nid accurate -,seork
and whichever : secures glue finale apprise
-hatlon of 'tse couch ,Nill 'etause sse
trouble for Penn atud Vultuderhoifil' -
«Runmney 'at eight half was a.-star. lIec
svr. strong; advancing- the hail and was.
always on -he job, playitug "a'hard{ and'
hrillianl game tehruoghoti. ,oeflllofikeih
-more like - a -fullbasck than at '_tny'little:

I) (.Goals ftimisisi l-Ghamu (2 h).
Rfere-i'-i-Roweii s. 1helal iiusssu'-su li
shsuiuh. h sTieuofIhlvs-?o21 iinuts.
Mit-ICIGXN tUNiIN 11 fIfIh't1hlS
111P111NI' liii tlf ('I itt'XiIl' ifif
'' ir lst susi sp itf iith Michiiganu
Lji-ii iiiriectoseusas uhehl us in y ster hay
at a lui s-ullonhueutusdynoon.u Plans fse
tile yearl si-e-rhi-Ill andthscssed~i.
Theii' iisul .commuuuititi-s ureported'u suitthe
pr'ou''ss Of hluinaffittrsshut-lug till.
- uliier - It w-s udtuidet- o ihiltse onue
committeelioehoue ss-ork olfifurnisinug
this ciuihilsev' prov5'idiing equipmuenut tot'
tiii kitscensdintinug111111llitardhruous,
ausil puruchasing cinalltand1siltverseare for
thur dintingugreoomtu. Presidenut Clark
placedl theise larranugemnts ini the hasI~S
sit tile follhowhig conunithee: W. It
Shawus'hirmiani;iHarry CPatrick, Harry
11. 111111 7th et-evlsln,thue lther net-
ints iutanadvishury capatcity.
'lute commuuitee out mecunbershuip will
meet Friday afteetuon i to formulate
tlaus tfeor aumpaign t seciureunenmhers
antoitduecideshense to tutthue mustuser-
shuitptickets o sitatle.

Tha1 l5'sust'th uCmeythus has 1becomeus'a
cositlieg tiiizi'i ofusthue lpast, n
thaut it i hll l ot'hut-u-isvedlthis tel s'.I
IGs-sige 1I. Fuss:11111 Ahtiushtl t iXi lii.
resspetisvelythis 111d11att yeari's presi~-
dhets 01 tse chlib
Preisdenti Con is eeuttnts' eonsider-
li adte fist callingitogetherithe'remi-
11111int o I ist yesassr tihs-i'siurhuiiitolieu'
lit thit111 woliiug iiegtuunittttile ortis
aebc in siol 11111thsI will cn
stsitute ths lll uuht-shsip utihl ithetplas
are sselted sidthi et-ills sassureds.
Thltmember its sitths tuub sitisi-
hitsl isthat ths refisurissagreed iso last
ita bt hi ris illt his'iigioutsly tost
isiwesi tiu s yer.'liT'.effect ittuthecoli-
Iber ofthet Comedclh'iubliciusedihuy-thur
curl ltuelit .1111'ornie o -i' usmemers ati
th otier,"111wis' beaticsipteduuithl
Xtccuehiug tsolit-ese reformss, thuere will
isv 1110 plays lulls yat ell iles 1and1
ut huo e seveivtedhby tocommiutihtes.
Sit firt'h1evse' 'itttttiitt's isave no ts-isle
XXIL,, 191 T"Fht'hfIN V.'Xl . . A
'liiis-hardhits fundii ewt-qtua~rltrstier
prctc. suIrugl t hue indnhess sit Ciii
Smiiths, theyhatilt esit-itvtnutitile 1tusito
the . V .tC.XA.eroomss. 'ist imntage-
mentl 11111bhitsunalul'se to indush mss
hto praetcice ii, forte s University has
deicidedh notitIslet itsCrooms.
Tihe, ssifollo ing utuetns-iilcositiute the
vatrsity band lthis t-e: Ciccoss, Chtutrcht
11111 Schlecdc.; clieits, XXeiitig, Bareus,
I huhuluecie, Ctasey, Spalidiug ; cornmets.
Pa1rk.inss, Dirnuckt, hDeXitt, Nickersont,
Xever; yr tus, Xanduers, I leyetu, XMoint-
foirsd ; baritonte, XXWheeler ; trombohnses,
Vandeuirswotst, Clturk, 'Turije, Steele,
Spasling;: ututis, Carser.,hBergeer;hunss
tdrium, CPlmb;snatrte,XXWhitinsgton.
Th~e hutsve ore requuestedh htoreport for
rehteaursaul at McMillantihtal stnfight at
7:130 shatrp.

'ht- sophomoriie meist - hlh theiir tin-
nu clauss elecitinyesteutdaty mourninug mu
this' phlysviol iitallctre-"eroom.uT'hose
vevle Lre-:
I. 'esidett--C. C'.tMctClellandit.
Vicetpresidhenut;. X'T., annont~.
See-taey-MXiss Gtuei'hiller.
't'reasurere-A. V Jtennitg.
Basebll). manattuige-J. XW.lPows'es.
Foouuuiiu~itbalmnge-Ii. J. 'ttiulyni.-
hTilck 11i1i maaerI. if. iRuede.
Hono ssesysittstcutuitee-. G. Cut-
hens. . ..1luttlvi, J. F. Dosonm, IS. Id.
Gambil1,,It . GIIHstiingtonu.
.XMedical seicietyreteesehalis es -G. M.
t,aaiiii, XAT. N. Brety.
'ihlf\ NIX'NURhSEfS' l IONIf,
XXourk hstceomtincedositthe new'
jnurses'shome sehichs is to hue locteld at.
te rearteoftse ies ictilswarid of CUiver-
shty houspitl.T'listsructureis Is he
foined by t hhite jiintg ifuse Iwo large
houuuses sshich forerely sltoodl ontahie
greundiwhseure the sdental buuiling is now
bseisg erected. TheIls ud quarters at the,
hositatl httve heent so crowdeud that1 for
somte timrehatt mousy of thur uturses have
seen forced ts rosom ni towls.'Thsemen'
hoeieus toshe nioulern ini eerytdetail.
'Flits evenuing lit.7 o'clock, iii Room 24,
Utniversity hail, Prof. Trtielood will
lecture on "FTe Quitlities of a Good
tiration." 'This lecture is givena prims-
cipallyintm thin interest of prospective
honorie ortotrs tush othter stdents who
in somte future timte expect to hake up
noinet iieiiteerusratory or debuating. Al
thur entd of time lecture Prof. Truelood
will readl a list of goodu suggestive topics
for ortions. Mr. Hiollister will give a
short talk sumthesseathing amid oratorical

Scarifhh S IiiS FIRST'1Titf' O N iI ~X
O'hIt fIf("i' h)CCICENS NTCUIL -Iw

Further efforts hts ixcluide poliics
frstm l t'eselectionmoittmembtr,,tot's hut-
Suden~it Concil were' ntde ity thur
hotly at its meeinug'Tuesdlayeltning.
'Fle membsiers chosen to represettile
Cutncilimuthe cinuumg uiomnatiosiu w ere
intutedntohisnuform lime vorius classs
that mte clause intsht'conustiituionu sf
thur Cunucil prohibuiingmpotlities shuild
hue intierpureted to coser tuersotual snolihi-
tationsas wtell asItradthing not's tutu othesr
poulicaul miethouds.
Last yeatr somue troule iruose a1tlily
surnp elections over charges of piics
tugainust stume of the camuditdates. 'The ini-
strucionus this year are ucmel uore,
defiite to ohviate the former idifficuilty
anth to peenmt a misinuterpretaionm li
thur clatuse. Failure to live imp ltotimey
instrutionus will he. followed biy refiusol
is seal ammymnembeirs whots'vie' violated-
'To further remove' the seltctin of
msemnhers from the influence itt class
politics, it was decided to have thestntm-
intiotns and electionss distintndt sepa-
Prof. If. Montet of thur Universihy of
Geneva will give amn addlress ini Freuch,
on "The University of Gemieva," itt
Sarah Caswell Angell hall at 4':30 this
afterntoon. The talk is given uindelrthe
auspices of the Cercle Dransatique Fran-
cams. No admission will he charged and
all persons interested are inuvited ho at-
Tme rowing amsociation at Princeton
is planning for a series of interclass
races on Carnegie lake when ltme foot-
hall season is over.

z GIutS' otep CLoUt OKosuon.
xuSIu'usAs,.sect-tips st-t'AtLipLANDI. Prospects forit siuccessftul(Girls' Glee
The ihos1;ih l grounsds huller1st-en ex- clibtire unusutally promuisinug this yeaur.
tenudve'st ti to , iiscime all territory 'Thur first tryoiut nwas huelud yesterdlay andu
igun-ermi Observatoey' andulThirteenth Illeunty mseumtbers hitter pledgedl their see-
sires-i,souldbetweenithuetolil grunmds vices. iTe cltth is plannminug a concert
andu the XMichtigatn Centrtti rtailroasd for ends semstser antI also severtul social
rtenelts.. 'this 111s5 uutoeepossilhe hy a afftaies. 'Te practices will he hcll
'recent 'atotf the Boatrdl ot Regentls in seenklyluln Wensestday from 5ts S p. ma.
sehichi $3,250 ntis ppropeateidiiifor thur ASy apploictionsfor nmemblershisan eono
purposle...hndledt« Miss Fern F'leming.

, ...

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