THE MICHiI 'iAN DAILY. favor of thc services. Who can beteFoe ntemte n e he tin
t idC m a yb re o ime, if no oteer than (Iuztc an Zratna
G . H uWidu C al lyu nag Idir-Pssti.Stocr Mosvu . once each week at ie in the afternoon? D 0 u I
Business Manager-C . \ViNS'ceAD ___________
ct'oMIiCHtGAN CAMtPIONHIPS. 'THE DITRIC vcsncn Why pay ull prices?
The Largest Stock ea ..AF.R Tehe 'he state of Michigan holds more "The District eader" a msical GTTEDSON
infheCiythetics ....... illam F. Gradolph atltic championships, existent and comedy, will e the attraction at the
otSprting.....Clarence E. Eldridge prospecive, than ay other state in the Ypsilanti opera honoe tonight Miss We attaiw 20 1e'cn dsou
Exhng...... VJh ambholtd Uniotn. TomnmyBurns, he of the teri- Ethl Doveywshose clever sork in "The on Drafting Supplies.
veh~ aSye Mscane . Ham ....ohn.Wec y 0per cent discont on Drafting
LA S 0 NMcn' . Rn oyh fe llo, b igh the pugilistic chant' and of Nod" won for her much favor- ntrnments.
Exliiontyesi hi''mnsEltr tnieVn\ori enlltoetri.Ysedysr-alcomn'wltaetelaigrl 10prcndicutn iv
EIi'ORiAitveal l cults in baseal gie the Detroit team inteso.chia en upid oty extBooke.
S J\W. McCanless Elmer C. Adanms ith eutua alosbeyondc a doubt. with an eat part in this latest piece
('oilymstJon .Wuz Goerge H.CaHor oinisiptoDert eis tedanr- al oi wl aetelednWoe 1 ercentalaenn tocofivr
W O O LII E N S1 ~ li ' ie Rlir t lue heoe Johnny Carl stec anti has been giveit several songs that W ogtalresoko
NIV 1 i ~ JIHTFrITOReanS piun all-aroiud athlete sit this yutntg fit her chilish personality. Second-hand
Hiram S oy Gog .Hbr lianct, tntte's ging to proe it at the The play is of the light variety, well Law Books
FfrGnlninsWa Chauncesy Bocher B. G. R\Wiliams cotests ini siLonn Englandc, next swriten atd cottaining pet of catchy and will Fell at underries..
netoteccu ,s summer.O tew flegling, "tDanny" musical nutmtbers and pretty show girls.1
I1. C. Reit Lee A Whie elect, carries the sworldls anteur title The book and lyrics are by Joseph E;. WiigPprb h on
Everything required for Suits, Raymondi Visscher M1\. B. MeluIgh for the sash,atdoon waysard chileen, oward, from whtose pen came 'Ike Wrtin P 25c 35coun
Overcoats, Fancy Vetings, and A. IM ainline Robert Mountisier Ralph Rose and Wuesle Co, alternately Umpire" "The and of. Nod" "he _________25c_____35 ____
Trouserings, and of high class bolsd the wordts stit-pt recort from Time, the Place, and the Girl," and "The w h ' p ca
fabrics andspca styles. BSNS STAFF sa t day. Michigtnlhs other chain- Isle of Bong Bong."
Juon1F.Wre Cart I. Asdamtionsips, existent and prospective. The pot of "The District Leader" is Fountain Pen, $1.00.
Full Dress Suits a Address: MICnut1sv N iAntv. Press Bldtg., whlichs we cannot recollect jst tnow ott the meloramatic order, te serious- Every one is guaranteed.
Specialty aytard Street. Bit we do ae in mid the ftotal ess of whirls is ligtened by the iutrt-
M nagersttours:. 1-2 . in.. 7-8 chtampionshtip. tPennusy tlooks s good ductiout of comesy adstcatchy itutsi. Sat t at'statiryesuthaunates
sailyxcept Sutndasy. Both phonsuuas any~ teamtiinthis east. If we est
j~~o ~thems tecisiey, fet wilt dispute that . .. A. 'Cucsgr.TSccnBEGuNS 'TOuA.
a-tntther chtsmtpionshtipt has beent brougtttS. 1. A. tickets will be given ost to Bo k S
Imu eett thic great commsonwseatth. stutett sellers every day except Saur- Bo k S ores
311 South Sate Street dahsy itt S L. A. office, Utniversiy Hall, Seonditintl taks boughtt ad stld
sent~ceul sns THuc nOTPtno? 4dt6, beginnigtoday. Each auv sser
Till.RSD)AY, tIC~TI ttt 3, tt907 'hit varsity foostal team cannost be must It-ve rcommuenduastisons tf sstme re-___________________________
- extpectd t sddaothuster chamtpinshpsposttibile person-u.Hobarsut, treasu
~~ [~~ ~~ vrol. lu'vutsvn'~. tothetuslontg ltestreay credited to the ________________
Sonu yeas agt Prsf. usutle tateItiosf Michig anunltuess the student sArMOUioucnATL~crIC iURIVili.
ch l. Lewe-llynt ReutwickytshIleir wsotrk usttepuluc uos s sasre. 'T'he asece of Tent of the twelve men of the varsity C . D ~ N l
S ogau, 1sesutglu usgeuueeisegeuttututs rotinug its yesterdasy's gamue sas a gilar- basseball team last spritg were declared
rcof studtentts itoUl"tuiversiy tsutha t'-uguectN1suyll ussreasotugwas by the athletic counil of Dartmouth
z .You'li anatftfuenoonsiufor asuitsfosrmasl tut sical ct aths suuy trceIu iunieligile ever again to represent te
netu wichlstru caled "recier seesiie. (Occasitnuallsters'was u riptue f laugh- cutllege tutuay athletic team, becaue of Law
Fountain ''t'ssris s'r ttm it'tuelut o audecotrotus outurust utfihand-ittlsing rsfessiomssmtbaseball dring the
an yull ufuutu uuesliteseupperel Lceuutuu. t us set'sutre of thear sunme. Te tdecision cripples the M'ed1ical
j adyul fe sttr ie ahweadbe wise and later, suty ousutrintwso sweeks. 1loe city yell itt-tter: let ictear once more trck tem as well as the baseal and
satifie if man reson-pricipllytheexpnsethus yptustd bak ausd rolling song of fsotbal teams. D n a
satiisdit usuesstu-euiiutt h sei tu othe idevsedtfan. 'Fle rootes mnees ________________
on getting a of htuating the th.-te sevices wr rci wlsvre laer.
discostinsussd.The retsuurnsf Mr'ste Its iuumeumllu hs'msr. Ceetrated MVartin guitars adaisuassuoo-
oick fromsi lis Euoteantstudti esrecal tul tuts liiisumtShebutere & Snu, ut S. M~ain.
fl s mime tleeusrmee sunstinterest these vesperl si t .s sik h u-ttsu
nr.,. I e l 's-t-p.. . -. ervies heit fore tie majrity of t ishe eumettresentes fosrone unigt's - ___________ New and Secodhand
sissteis.Oue eee-teecut sefet lodgng s gtting to he safsi sampe Foe Luabar Supplies, hayt vhere Largest Stock in Michigan
F'O ensf Aun Aerbssesprices. ysu rfesr.o anyaaDu
tUivesitv life is tie act'sof cnutacyorpfessd.Goya's ru
smong the students sat large. The ctape Jstit uaboutst iefsr t -ocoliySe'_1-12_
suptlies the commounsmseeing lace mumclubso beign ivestigating someting?
suioleges astitissuplies ua srt of -met-_ ________
tu i r lae whicihchumb life sue fsrtrit' ANtS TOURNAMUENT Text=Books
ifs'dosts ffo d. ftuses.tipurptose is ssnc- STARS THIlS AFTERNOON
whtrish igher andstsuppeals to te Studsent Dictionaries
AT int his best maoodss. 'T'his soret sf muedt- ll istats in m she falli tennis toumema-
mu lacthe u mnimiersity ever his. Anuts ilmmmiruspmrt Iis safteson at the The ( e rl Disatit iqe Trat- Q iz'o pe
uittns. tr similsue trgsuiziemay ttststil- FeyedI'curssts tt arrags'fr teyU Z or peid
Sh e a o ivscofotable social quarters butt nsummtcess Cuti uvifs its friends anttalinlI
S1I~~11411 & Co. gteing is efectesd whiere miis5 wods Thuseo sinersof te tournamet wil be
suisnis, sesardymns bsin smmg, andslthuse ttet i stle tay Captain lHoa fsr the petsons interested i Iso rE IeTB'lt
stuen ca lok utandse te. or- slvr cp ffredb im.o he inerARTHELL
stmiui astst utauhsemicetmssis 1ssuofestiy ttltmt aew numr ttsage to the first numnber ott
Student Bookstores pansgf all tose wmotoauuke tutu Iis ema of thitsvarssiytenis ctampuusiusliu. Tel Z61. 326 S. Sate St.
upnssollege. It is sumsoporteunity ott Otsertpriess hasve eems uoastet hutits 1rtgritm for 19078,-.1 tlee-
________________________________________it s' siiseu Thlis "openm door" thiss'vs'sITui-& C(m usCinig, tHiustn Bros., _______________________
SPALDING'S eeservis suppied. I was tie one Sheehan, sit ~e, Bsuufued. auth Lynso. ttte i 'ttFnch, on ""Tie l'iter -___________________
-' OFFICIAL FOOTBALL GUDEitmusmiten tie Utiversitysacs ausisiet- hissdrawinmugs forsue tmanuhesmare: sits'o GEvi' y rf E TART IGHT!
Cotanlnt the New Rlues ity weoumes its sonms andu saughtes. Csss singes : Omems-Hauunsmu; ,hf( -eaGy rf. .SAR E
W ish plae epanaory'Thsi s vsus notmut seasmthus tumlt endstWhitsie-Nsutseeterse-tDonoan; Johnsm-BMontt:.el The hplace s trali Au imuu'sussmmc ol
pitrs ie ylay tim te seiessetrses. Thuee ws msusi snuShartusmfess Broadheturstst-Wester mut'simmyyuirst-las
balawel nelu iu' e nee ulshedactohehearst andssomeutingo he gaines Faule-Leiutr Ayers-Camipbel; Weary- (JsEWELRgelYItllTuiRtE
- i'ti i ifotiittuo murason, fesomsthus words sf stomaerespectesd miai. isass, Dick'intsons-Rathbhun; CarkPie; ~E. T R
ceies fuornnecat,shednues, captains, ec-tie :3 thsaeron o
mmcml. piceso ovtee,OW ptayes. Priel o. Dites smut imipossibale difficlht stsndsinm Leonarde-Aderso; Miler-Stymsons. ' it ~ htsufetuoi oEerytig i
A. 15, SPALDINO A BROS uewsyonysf e-estabtlisinig utese se- Secondstclass singes.Manu-Waisso; ,1115i) s' i hr. Cltlee Pins, Fo's, Jeery, Et
New Yrk. Cthicago, St. Laus, Satn Pu"anciscousmmsso vilhecare.We orgnated thema al.
Shiunuutatlm, BDeieruffItuao. Syrseam. Pitts- vices?'T'wo excellent organists are to Andersni-Wihit; Leaens -Vi <aace;i
bug, P'hladephia.Botoincita nn(ieati Bati ehue&sssanmththe organusis shamefully tLawsstots-Nsancurede;u. Symsos-Mustar; 'tiMp ANI t
ecpy of tie Sading Fallitamd iWintersorusts stedmlyingutsilent eets in ansuweemcccl'stamunuuWeVbster; Weary-Pilides; tDM Sain St.
Cataogue, cntauiing pictures ad petes om ut.Suetsnieti amyi lfrTono;FoesWlmn
sit the new seasnable uthetiuc roouds su iiln esises s vrnyis'mtieItoupom oer-iesta
It's ou nly f. Short Step 'Ube 'Un~ive st y F37b t nt '9 ecuea so ito
C~he PI m e cboot of MHusic ____________
Peier Lecture Course of the VWest
SOS' AND Emil J. Hirsch, DID., LL.D.
M a~erials of SINGING Dr. Brander Matthews Leland T. Powers
Yult IOIN Hon. John Barrett Opie Read
Gov. J. Frank Hanly (nd) Oratorical Conte
ORGAN John Graham Brooks Open Nunber
a re Sol DRAMATIC ART See "Prospectus" for dates and explanation of Opet Null er
PULItC SCHOOL METHODS S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall.
Infct veyhigfr h S~dea.PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING Treasurer's Hours, 4o 6 daily, Saturday excepted.
Svsppfles of all kinds.
U.ofM C - pptreickets for £ntire oure, 0 0 s z-
V. Of M" C -op tore Call at the office, Maynard Seure your Season Tickets from student canvasses
Sh. tore with the Bue Front Street, for full information or at S. L A. Office.
121 Washington!. RAN-DALL, T*rlE PHO TOGR 4P IWR